Study area and period
The study was conducted in Gode district, found in Shebelle Zone. Gode district is bordered on the south by Shebelle River which separates it from Adadle,on the northwest by Imiberi, on the north by Danan, on the northeast by Korahe zone and on southeast by Kelafo. Gode town is in eastern Ethiopia (1224 km) from Addis Ababa, has latitude and longitude of 5.952655’N and 43.551579’E, respectively. Gode city encompasses 15 kebeles with a total population of 61,994 according to the 2007 census (23). Gode has 2 health centers and 1 General Hospital, Gode General Hospital, which serves 1 million people. Gode General Hospital has 456 staff and 198 Beds. The study was conducted from November 1–15/2022.
Study Design
A community-based cross-sectional study was employed.
Source Population
All women who gave birth in the last year preceding the data collection period in Gode district, Shebelle zone, Eastern Ethiopia.
Study population
Randomly selected women who gave birth in the last year preceding the data collection period in Gode district, Shebelle zone, Eastern Ethiopia.
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Women whose child is alive at the time of data collection
Exclusion Criteria
Mothers are unable to communicate due to severe illness, limiting the speaking and responding activity of the respondents at the time of data collection.
Sample Size Calculation
The sample size calculated using the single population proportion formula with the following assumptions: 5% margin of error, 95% confidence level, and considering the continuum of maternity and childcare 50% and adding 20% non-response rate, 461, was larger than other sample sizes calculated using the double population proportion formula.
Sampling Procedure
A stratified sampling technique was used. In the initial stage, Kebeles was discovered in the Gode district, which was divided into urban and rural areas. Then, a lottery method was used to choose 6 kebeles (2,5,6,7,11 &13) of the total on Gode city and 4 rural kebeles (Hadhawe,Ilan,Badila'ad, and Barsan). For selected kebeles, the determined sample size is distributed proportionally. Finally, each study participant was chosen at random. Before data collection, a list of women who gave birth in the previous year was gathered from kebeles, as well as the delivery and immunization registration book of health extension workers.
Data Collection Tool and Procedure
The questionnaire is prepared in English and translated into Somali language. The questioner incorporates socio-demographic, household-related, community, reproductive and obstetric, and institutional factors. The tool was first pretested in the Kebridhar district. Data collected by a semi-structured questionnaire through face-to-face interviews using a kobo collect toolbox. Ten midwives for data collection and four public health officers with a bachelor's degree as supervisors were involved. The data collectors and supervisors got training for one day about the objective of the study, study design, and the content of the questionnaires.
Mothers absent at the time of data collection re-checked for the other day. The entire filled questionnaire is checked after it is filled in by data collectors for completeness and consistency.
Study Variables
Dependent Variable
Maternal and child health continuum of care (completed, not completed)
Independent Variable
Socio-Demographic Characteristics: - age, marital status, mother's educational status, mother's occupation, and husband’s occupation
Reproductive and Obstetric factors: - Parity of women, age at 1st birth, planned Pregnancy, pre-pregnancy contraceptive utilization, birth preparedness, and complication readiness, preconception contraceptives utilization, the timing of ANC, knowledge on key danger signs of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, essential elements of ANC service provided, and mode of delivery
Households related factors
Wealth index, information on maternal and child health services, Decision-making autonomy
Community factors
- means of transportation to the health facility, distance from the district hospital, place of residence.
Institutional related factors
- the behavior of health professionals, satisfaction with service delivery, and availability of drug and medical equipment
Data Quality Control
The questionnaire is first prepared in English and then translated to Somali language and finally back translated to English by different individuals to check its accuracy and consistency. Before data collection, the aim of the study was told to the study participants. Intensive training has been given to data collectors and supervisors. The questionnaire was pretested outside the study area at Kebridhar district with 5% of the sample size to check the language clarity and appropriateness of the questionnaire, and corrections was taken. The data collection process was supervised daily, and each questionnaire was checked for completeness.
Operational Definition and Definition of Terms
Maternal and Child Health Continuum of Care
A woman and her child were considered having completed the continuum of care when a woman; had four or more ANC visits by skilled health personnel (medical doctors, midwives, nurses, health officers) and childbirth by SBA at health institution and PNC at least once after discharge from the health facilities within six weeks by skilled health personnel at the health facility or with in the first week by community health extension workers during their home visit, and her child completed the immunization. Otherwise, a woman-child pair is not considered or classified as completed the continuum of care if they miss any one of the above visits or attendance at any level of care (27, 28).
Fully Vaccinated Child
A child is considered fully vaccinated when a child receives one dose of BCG, three doses of pentavalent, Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV), Oral Polio Vaccines (OPV), two doses of Rotavirus, and one dose of measles vaccines (29).
Not Immunized
A child aged 12–23 months who did not receive any vaccine before this study is considered not immunized (28).
Essential Elements of ANC Service Provided
Women were classified as received full ANC services when they receive the seven selected essential antenatal care services (a thorough physical examination, blood tests for infection screening and anemia, a urine test, tetanus toxoid injections, iron and folate supplements, and HIV test). Full services were considered as not received when one of the seven selected elements of antenatal care services is not provided during ANC visit (13, 30).
Data processing and Analysis
Data collected by using kobo collect and exported to Stata 17 for analysis. Descriptive statistics was done to quantify the proportion of women who complete the continuum of care for maternal and child health services. Findings summarized in tables and graphs using frequencies and percentages.
Initially, Bivariable logistic regression analysis was performed between the dependent variable and each of the independent variables in sequence. Variables having a p-value of < 0.25 in Bivariable logistic regression selected as candidates for multivariable logistic regression analysis. Model fitness was checked by Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of test and multicollinearity between the explanatory variables checked using a variance inflation factor. Association between an outcome variable and explanatory variables are reported by using adjusted odds ratio and its 95% CI, and variables having p-values less than 0.05 in the multivariable logistic regression model is considered as statistically significant.
Ethical clearance
Ethical clearances obtained from the Ethics research review committee of Jigjiga University and further approval gained from Shebelle zone health office and the purpose or aim of the study be briefly explained for the respondents and written informed consent obtained from each respondent. During data collection the study participants informed us that the information collected would be kept anonymous and confidential. The mothers can withdrawal from the study or automatically ignore and their permission of involvement decided by mothers.
Dissemination of results
The finding of this study will be presented in Jigjiga university research symposium. It can be also being disseminated for Somali regional health office. The study findings will be disseminated to the relevant organization and stakeholders. The study could be published in scientific journals.