Strain The cellulase-producing F. chlamydosporum HML 278 strainwas used in this study. F. chlamydosporum HML 278 was originally isolated from the soil beneath the rotten wood in Mulun Forestry Center, Huanjiang County, Guangxi, China (Qin et al., 2010) and deposited in the Chinese Center for Type Culture Collection (Accession No. CCTCC AF 2020006).
Production of cellullase by solid-state fermentation and enzymatic activity test
F. chlamydosporum HML278 was maintained on PDA medium at 4 ℃ in Guangxi Colleges Universities Key Laboratary of Exploitation and Utilization of Microbial and Botanical Resources.
Production of cellullase by solid-state fermentation: The screened cellulase-producing strain grown on PDA slant was washed off with 10 mL of physiological saline to make a spore solution, and 107 spores were transferred to the solid medium for second round of screening for cellulase. To make the solid medium, 6 g bagasse, 4 g bran, and 30 ml Mandels nutrient solution (Kwon et al., 1994) were mixed in 500 ml erlenmeyer flask. The flask was flipped twice a day, and the strain was grown for 4 days at 30 °C. 200 mL of sterile ddH2O was added to the culture, and was further leached at 40 °C in a constant temperature water bath for 1 hour. The culture was filtered with four layers of gauze, and centrifuged at 6000 r/min for 10 min. The supernatant containing crude enzymes was collected and stored at 4 °C until use (Qin et al., 2010).
Detection of β-Glucosidase enzyme activity: 0.02 M citric acid-sodium citrate buffer solution (pH 4.8) was used to prepare 1% salicin (Fluka Chemical Corp, USA) solution substrate. 0.05 mL of enzyme solution with appropriate concentration was mixed with 1mL of 1% salicin solution, and the reaction was carried out at 60 °C for 30 min. 3 mL of DNS reagent was added to stop the reaction. The reaction solution was boiled for 6 min, followed by incubating at cold water bath. The absorbance was measured at 540 nm. The amount of enzyme that produces 1 μmol of glucose per minute was defined as 1 unit of enzyme activity (U) (Shoemaker and Brown, 1978).
Rapid detection of β-glucosidase enzyme activity
The plate used for rapid detection of β-glucosidase enzyme activity (Kwon et al., 1994) was made with following components: ferric chloride 0.03%, aescin 0.1%, agar 1.5%.
Detection of soluble total protein
The protein concentration was measured at 595 nm withthe Bradford method (Bradford, 1976) by using a Bradford Protein Assay Kit (Beyotime Institute of Biotechnology, China).
Purification of β-glucosidase
All purification steps were performed at 4 °C.
Active recovery of non-denaturing gel electrophoresis: The non-denaturing gel consisting of 8% separation gel and 4% stacking gel was run at 50 V constant voltage at 4 °C. After electrophoresis, the activity of β-glucosidase in the gel was detected by staining of gel with specific substrate (Kwon et al., 1994) containing 0.03% FeCl3 and 0.1% aescin. After staining for 1 min at 30 °C, the gel was immediately rinsed with distilled water to stop the reaction. The active protein band with black precipitation was cut off, and grinded in a pre-cooled mortar. The sample was leached with citric acid-citrate buffer (20 mM, pH 4.8) at 4 °C for 12 h, and centrifuged at 4000 r/min for 20 min in a 5000 Da ultrafiltration tube for concentration and desalting.
The enzyme was further purified by HiPrep 16/60 Sephacryl S-200 h\High Resolution gel filtration chromatography column, using a BioLogic DuoFlow Pathfinder 80 purifier system (pressure 73 psi). The enzyme was eluted by using elution buffer containing 0.05 mol/L PBS and 0.15 mol/L NaCl (pH 7.2) at the flow rate of 1 mL/min. The enzyme activity of the purified protein was detected referring to the enzyme activity rapid detection plate of β-glucosidase, and the protein purity was detected by using SDS-PAGE.
SDS– polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS–PAGE)
The enzyme solutions were subjected to 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the gel was stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250. The molecular weight of purified proteins was assessed by comparing the relative mobility of purified protein with low molecular weight standard protein (Laemmli, 1970).
Zymogram analysis of purified enzyme
The collected enzyme solution from HML278 was subjected to non-denaturing protein gel electrophoresis with pH 8.3 electrophoresis buffer at 4 ℃ by using 50 V constant voltage. The separation gel and stacking gel was made by 8% acrylamide and 4% acrylamide, respectively. After the electrophoresis, the acrylamide separation gel was cut and partly stained with silver, and the other part was stained with specific substrates of different cellulases.
To analyze the activity of β-glucosidase from cut gel, the gel was active stained with staining solution containing 0.1% escin (Sigma) and 0.03% ferric chloride (Sigma) for 5 minutes at 30 ℃. The protein with β-glucosidase activity will catalyze the substrate to produce a yellow-black product (Kwon et al., 1994).
Analysis on the hydrolysis activity of purified β-glucosidase
Experiments for analyzing HML0366 β-glucosidase enzyme hydrolysis activity and transglycoside-mediated synthesis of gentiobiose.
β-glucosidase hydrolysis assay: 10 mL of 1% (m/v) cellobiose dissolved in citrate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.8) was used as a substrate, and 2 mL of enzyme solution was added to react at 30 °C for 30 min.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of sugar components: The system utilized a refractive index detector and Hanbang amino column (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm, (Hanbon Sci. & Tech. Lichospher NH2, China). 40 ℃; mobile phase: acetonitrile/Water (4: 1, v/v); flow rate: 1 mL/min; injection volume: 5 μL.
TLC method for detecting sugar components (Jo et al., 2003): Silica thin-layer chromatography detection was utilized. Expanding agent: n-butanol: ethyl acetate: ammonia: water = 6: 3: 3: 1 (v/v). Developer: A: 1g aniline + 25 mL acetone, B: 1 mL dianiline + 25 mL acetone. After mixing A and B, 5 mL 85% phosphoric acid was added and mixed well. After the chromatography, the plate was blown dry and color developer was sprayed, and dried at 120 °C for 10 minutes to develop color.
Cellobiose was dissolved in 20 mM citrate buffer (pH 4.8), and enzyme solution was added at 100: 1 (v/v), and reacted at 30 °C for 3 h. The product was detected by thin-layer chromatography (Jo et al., 2003; Qin et al., 2011).
Detection and identification of proteins by tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Purified enzymes were identified by tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry: The enzyme samples were first subjected to SDS-PAGE, and the β-glucosidase band was cut out, followed by subjecting to tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The fingerprints of peptide fragments were obtained after scanning analysis by time-of-flight mass spectrometry (4800 Proteomics Analyzer, Applied Biosystems, USA), and the data was analyzed by using the Mascot software to query and identify purified enzymes on the SWISS-PROT database (Scheibner et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2007).
Enzymatic properties of purified enzyme
The effect of temperature on the enzyme activity and stability of β-glucosidase
The definition of relative enzyme activity: the highest enzyme activity under a certain condition of the experimental project was set to 100%, and the ratio of enzyme activity under other conditions to the highest enzyme activity was defined as relative enzyme activity.
To determine the optimal temperature of endoglucanase and β-glucosidase, their enzyme activity was measured under the conditions of 30 ℃-90 ℃ in 50 mM acetate buffer of.
To determine the effect of temperature on the stability of β-glucosidase, the enzyme was incubated in a water bath at temperatures between 40 ℃ and 90 ℃ with a gradient of 5 ℃. The enzymes were incubated at each temperature for 60 min, and the residual enzyme activity was then measured at 60 ℃.
The impact of pH on the enzyme activity and stability of β-glucosidase
To determine the effect of pH on enzyme activity of β-glucosidase, the following four solutions with a concentration of 50 mM were used: disodium hydrogen phosphate-citric acid buffer, pH 2.6-7.5; Tris-HCl buffer, pH7.5-pH 9.0; glycine-NaOH buffer, pH 9.0-11.0.
Under the temperature condition where the enzyme is stable, the enzyme was mixed with the buffer with a pH value ranging between 3.0 to 9.0, and the relative enzyme activities and the optimal pH value of endoglucanase and β-glucosidase were determined.
The enzyme was further stored in a solution with a pH value between 3.0-11.0. After being left at 4 °C for 24 hours, it was kept at 30 °C for 3 hours. The relative enzyme activities of endoglucanase and β-glucosidase were determined at the optimum pH and temperature.
Effect of metal ions on β-glucosidase activity
Different metal ions were added to the purified enzyme solution with a final concentration of 2 mM, and the enzyme activity was then tested. The enzyme activity was calculated according to the average value of data from three parallel experiments.
Kinetics analysis of the purified β-glucosidase
To determine the kinetic parameters of the enzymatic reaction of β-glucosidase, pNPG was used as the substrate and the reaction was performed under pH 4.8 at 30 ℃. The initial reaction rate was calculated, and the Km value and Vmax of the purified β-glucosidase was calculated by using double reciprocal plotting method (Lineweaver-Burk plot (Lineweaver and Burk, 1934).