We found an obvious gender difference in the prevalence of self-harm in our study, and during the earlier age, the prevalence of self-harm was higher in girls than boys while boys exceed girls in the older age. However, in total sample, the difference tended to disappear. Our findings of earlier puberty was accordance with prior studies, their results across settings, despite the variety of methods used or differences in sampling, consistently find a greater prevalence of self-harm in girls, although both female and male youths are vulnerable[2, 10, 12, 13, 22, 30, 34]. However, our result of boys were partly consistent with Patton et al.’s researches that the later pubertal stage was associated with higher rate of self-harm and boys’ pubertal stage was latter than girls’[14]. This pubertal stage difference in age increasing might result in different self-harm prevalence between boys and girls of earlier age or older age. O’Connor et al. found that the most common influence factor of self-harm was being influenced by other people, especially friends[13]. The fluctuation of self-harm prevalence in boys reflected that the boys might be influenced by girls.
A developmental gap between puberty and brain development was assumed to exist as the prefrontal cortex, the part of one’s brain regulating cognitive control[35], was undergoing a thinning and structural transformation process during puberty period[36]. This process was related to enhancing the efficiency of the communication between neurons, the stability and precision of the synapses of the prefrontal cortex and was more significant in girls[36]. Because prefrontal cortex was responsible for generating and maintaining the ability to adopt a cognitive tactics to reframe negative emotional stimuli, it could be speculated that the obvious decreasing rate of self-harm in girls might be based on this special process.
Our results demonstrated that the association between self-harm and drinking behaviors differed between genders. Drinking behaviors in girls seemed to have stronger association with self-harm than boys. Some researches on the metabolism of alcohol manifested that the ability to eliminate intracorporal ethanol was limited in female compared with male. The alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which was the enzyme catalyzing the phase I ethanol metabolism reaction, was less active in female than male[37]. Also, the low affinity of gastric -ADH of female resulted in the enhanced vulnerability of women to develop alcohol-related disease[38]. Some genotypes of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) were earlier inactivated among female, which might lead to more serious intolerance of alcohol in female than male[37]. Ness et al. conducted a converse research which was aimed to investigate the prevalence of alcohol abuse in those who had committed self-harm. Among them, more men were involved in alcohol use while alcohol abuse and self-injury were associated significantly in women. Alcohol abuse in female would increase the risk of death by subsequence suicide in female[24]. Berman et al. adopted the Self-Aggression Paradigm, a laboratory analog of non-suicidal deliberate self-harm, to prospect the acute effect of alcohol on the occurrence of self-harm. In this research, men were more readily to exert more self-harm analogical behaviors than women and the extent of self-harm was dose-dependent to the concentration of blood ethanol[17]. The long-term effect of chronic alcohol abuse and the acute effect of alcohol abuse may have separate effect on women and men, which needed further research to determine the different time phase property of the effect that drinking induced to the prevalence of self-harm.
China is a country where drinking is regarded as a kind of traditional culture. People drink when it comes to essential events from traditional festivals to commercial negotiation. For most adolescents, drinking alcohol was sometimes encouraged by their parents for its function of social communication in Chinese culture. Among those who were middle school students, the prevalence of ever using alcohol was 51.1%[33]. Gender difference was still obvious pertaining to drinking behaviors. Boys were 1.78 times more likely to be current drinkers than girls and 1.86 times more likely to have alcohol related problems[39]. Drinking has been always inhibited or at least, not encouraged for girls from cultural perspective. However, drinking is not always the way to handle negative situation among boys. They drink when they are happy, showing respect to others or just strutting their maturity. On the contrary, once women’s alcohol abuse become severe, it will be regarded as a risk for children, families or even society’s traditional moral problems[40]. A possible explanation for the difference of the association between drinking and self-harm among boys or girls is that occasional heavy drinking is almost normative in men according to the social context factors. Thus, the girls who drank are likely to be those who have difficulty in adapting to their environments and more readily to have sociopsychological problems.
Early drinking experience was popular among our subjects in our research, which was consistent with another longitudinal study focusing on the effect of early sipping or tasting. Evidence demonstrated that early sipping or tasting alcohol, even with parental permission, predicted increased frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption, and increased alcohol-related problems in late adolescence[41]. As our study presented, more serious drinking behaviors were associated with higher rate of self-harm. This phenomenon was significant in both boys and girls, with girls more significant than boys. Researches demonstrated that anxiety and depression were more prevalent in female and both were associated with alcohol use disorder[42, 43]. In our study, the association between current drinking condition and the rate of self-harm may be dose-dependent. Though we did not find studies for adolescents to prove this relationship, Strine et al. conducted a research for adults and one of their results concluded that the severity of depression would elicit more binge drinking among women but not men[44]. From another perspective, depression was more readily found in women who drank larger quantities per drinking instead of men[45]. Hawton et al. claimed in his review of self-harm in adolescents that anxiety and depression both were risk factors for self-harm[5]. Thus, more serious drinking condition was associated with more prevalent self-harm in both boys and girls while this possible dose-dependent effect was stronger in girls. And this was also the reason why those who drank because of feeling down, habit were the two groups of people committed the highest prevalence of self-harm.
Our study still had several limitations. Firstly, it was a cross-sectional study which could not determine the causal relationship between drinking and self-harm. Secondly, our study was based on self-reported questionnaire which may be influenced by recall bias and reporting bias. However, the reliability and validity of our questionnaire had been proved and all the processes were under strict control. Thirdly, our study was based on the data collected from school samples, which may not represent those adolescents who were dropped out of school. One global research on adolescents physical activity based on school-going adolescents admitted that collecting data from out-of-school adolescents was quite impossible and this was a problem which needed to be urgently addressed[46]. Fortunately, China’s enrolment rate of primary school-age children in 2013 was 99.7%. The junior high school enrolment rate was 98.3% and 91.2% for senior high school[47]. Our sample not only contained those who were from vocational schools but also extracted from Beijing, the capital and the cultural center of China. These all mean that our sample is still representative though no more than 10% of adolescents are not in our sampling frame.