In the present study, no sexual growth dimorphism was observed, as greater amberjack females were the same size as males in all the samplings conducted. Moreover, the sex ratio was always found to be around 1:1, in accordance with the sex differentiation pattern of the species, which is gonochoristic. In a study on wild fish in the South-Eastern Adriatic Sea, the sex ratio was also around 1:1 (Kozul et al. 2001), whereas in the Gulf of Mexico the sex-related size differences that were encountered were attributed to age, as females were found to live longer than males (Thompson et al. 1999). The observed absence of sex differences in growth means that both sexes may be equally preferable in aquaculture, whereas the balanced sex ratio demonstrates that the larval and nursery rearing in hatchery conditions did not affect the sex differentiation process, as it has been shown to do in European seabass (Koumoundouros et al. 2002; Mylonas et al. 2005; Pavlidis et al. 2000).
Growth of greater amberjack during on-growing in sea cages was found to be closely related to temperature in the present study, being high until October, stable during the winter and spring months (from November until mid-April) and high again in the summer months (from June-August), when temperature started to rise. In a study on greater amberjack caught from the wild in September and grown in sea cages in the Balearic Islands, the growth results were similar, with the growth rate decreasing in the winter months and rising again in spring. The final weight of these fish at one year of age reached around 1000–1200 g in June (Pastor et al. 2000). In another study on wild-caught greater amberjack reared under natural seawater temperatures, feed intake was also found to decrease at temperatures lower than 12°C (Skaramuca et al. 2001). In accordance to the previous studies, better performance, in terms of growth and feeding parameters, was found in tank-reared greater amberjack at 26°C, with respect to 17 and 22°C in a study conducted in Spain (Fernández-Montero et al. 2017). In the HCMR cage facilities, feeding is reduced at temperatures < 16°C, and the fish return to feeding normally at temperatures > 19°C (personal observations). Temperature effects on growth have been also shown in the congeneric fish, yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi (Abbink et al. 2012; Bowyer et al. 2014).
Sex differentiation was completed at the end of the first year of age in the present study, although undifferentiated individuals were encountered throughout the whole sex differentiation period. Macroscopical identification of the gonads was possible at 357 dph. In a study on wild-caught individuals reared in sea cages, sex differentiation was also found to be completed at the end of the first year, with simultaneous cytological and anatomical gonadal differentiation (Marino et al. 1995b). In another study on tank-reared wild-caught fish, on the contrary, sex differentiation was considered completed both histologically and macroscopically much later, at the 21st month of age, and undifferentiated gonads were found until the 17th month (Micale et al. 1998). In the latter study, anatomical differentiation preceded the cytological one (Micale et al. 1998), in accordance with the present study, where ovarian cavity formation was the first sex-specific gonadal feature.
Sex steroid hormones have been linked to the sex differentiation procedure and different studies have correlated their concentrations with sex differentiation. Testosterone, 11-KT and Δ4, but not E2 or DHP concentrations were found to be different between sexes in the coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutsch (Feist et al. 1990), whereas between T, 11-KT and E2, only T levels were linked to sex differentiation in tilapia (Rothbard et al. 1987). Testosterone and aromatase plasma levels were sexually dimorphic in grey mullet Mugil cephalus, whereas E2 and 11-KT exhibited similar values between the sexes (Chang et al. 1999). In the present study, only 11-KT exhibited different concentrations between the sexes, suggesting that it is the main male-specific hormone in this species. Nevertheless, different hormones exhibited statistically significant differences in time and can be considered related to the sex differentiation procedure. More specifically, cortisol and Ad decreased and Δ4, 11-KT, T and P4 increased in females and Δ4, 11-KT, T, P4 and DHP increased in males during the sex differentiation process.
Cortisol has been shown to play an important role in sex differentiation, as it can induce masculinization in species with temperature-dependent sex determination (Fernandino et al. 2013), such as the pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis (Hattori et al. 2009) and partial masculinization in protogynous species, such as the black seabass Centropristis striata (Miller et al. 2019). In the present study, cortisol levels decreased as sex differentiation progressed in females and remained unchanged in males. Cortisone, an active metabolite of cortisol, on the other hand, was unchanged in both sexes. The role of glucocorticoids in sex differentiation of gonochoristic species has not been elucidated yet, however the fact that the plasma cortisol concentrations fluctuate in females during the sex differentiation period suggests a role for this hormone in the process.
Progesterone is a progestin mostly associated with female sex differentiation (Van den Hurk et al. 1982). However, treatment of juvenile zebrafish Danio rerio for 40 days with natural (P4) and synthetic (norgestrel) progestins induced sex ratio shifts towards females and males, respectively (Liang et al. 2015), suggesting that progestins can play a significant role in gonadal differentiation of both sexes. Moreover, in the present study P4 and androgen levels rose simultaneously in females and males during the sex differentiation period, in full agreement with the results of another study, on the in vitro P4 metabolism in cultured testicular fragments of the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, where it was shown that in early testicular maturation, when only spermatogonia are present in the tissue, Δ4, Ad, T, and DHP are produced from P4 (Depeche and Sire 1982).
Another progestin, DHP was shown in the present study to be linked to the sex differentiation procedure of male greater amberjack. Known to be involved mainly in the female oocyte maturation stages (Nagahama and Yamashita 2008), DHP was found in the zebrafish to be linked to male sex differentiation and steroidogenesis (Chen et al. 2010). Moreover, it was found to be connected with cortisol and 11-KT production during early spermatogenesis in testicular cultures of the Japanese eel Anquilla japonica (Ozaki et al. 2006), whereas in the rainbow trout, it was detected at very early testicular maturation stages as well (Vizziano et al. 1995), suggesting a role for this hormone in male sex differentiation and early gametogenesis.
In the present study, E2 was both similar between the sexes and unchanged in time, whereas 11-KT showed different levels and rose in time in both sexes. It has been suggested that only estrogens are essential for fish female differentiation, whereas male differentiation results from down-regulation of female differentiating genes and hormones (Kobayashi et al. 2013; Li et al. 2019). However, the simultaneous androgens rise in both sexes of the present study pinpoints to an important role of androgens in both sexes’ gonadal differentiation in greater amberjack. In the rainbow trout, it was shown that the enzyme 11β-hydroxylase was essential for male sex differentiation (Liu et al. 2000), stressing the role of 11-KT in the process. Moreover, using Cytochrome P450 17 A (cyp17α1) knockout zebrafish, it was shown that androgens are essential for male brain sex differentiation (Shu et al. 2020). In greater amberjack, 11-KT has been used as a sex-identifying hormone, as its plasma values are a lot higher in males (Aoki et al. 2019). The role of 11-KT in female sex differentiation remains unclear; however, recent studies in different species have revealed a role for this hormone in oocyte size increase and lipid accumulation (Akhavan et al. 2019; Lokman et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2020).
Sex identification in fish is a rather complicated process, as fish do not possess sex-specific external characteristics; identifying fish sex, however, is very useful for aquaculture purposes and different methods for sex recognition have been suggested, with the 11-KT/E2 ratio being the most common (Baroiller et al. 1999). In the greater amberjack, observation of external urogenital pore characteristics (Smith et al. 2014) and 11-KT concentration (Aoki et al. 2019) have been suggested as non-invasive methods for sex identification. However, the first method is more applicable in fish larger than 50 cm fork length (FL), whereas the latter was conducted in fish older than 412 dph and larger than 39 cm FL. In the present study, it was shown that the 11-KT/E2 ratio was significantly different between the sexes already at 150 dph, suggesting that only by collecting blood and measuring 11-KT and E2 levels through LC-MS/MS sex can be identified in this species. Although differences between the sexes in the absolute values of 11-KT levels could also be used for sex identification in the greater amberjack as already suggested (Aoki 2019), using the 11-KT/E2 ratio is a safer option, as it is commonly used in fish and leads to more independent estimations than absolute values. The advantage of using LC-MS/MS is that simultaneous measurement of a number of hormones is achieved in small amounts of plasma. In small fish, large blood volumes are difficult to collect and, at the same time, their plasma sex steroid levels are quite low, rendering the measurement of more than two hormones very difficult with the use of ELISA. The use of LC-MS/MS for sex steroid hormone measurements in fish plasma has been implemented recently in toxicological and endocrinological studies (Budzinski et al. 2006; Nouri et al. 2020).
In conclusion, it was shown in the present study that hatchery produced greater amberjack shows no sexual size dimorphism and the sex ratio in the cultured population was always 1:1, underlining that the early life rearing method did not have any influence on the process of sex differentiation. Sex identification could be conducted in juvenile fish from 150 dph, with the use of the 11-KT/E2 ratio. Moreover, using LCMS/MS, with just 200 µL of plasma, a large number of steroid hormones of the cholesterol metabolism pathway could be detected, enabling the study of the biochemical pathway involved in the teleost sex differentiation process. More studies are needed in order to decipher the exact role of each separate hormone in sex differentiation, both of greater amberjack and of other species.