4.1. Study area.
The study was conducted in St. Paul’s Hospital which is one of the second largest specialized tertiary referral hospitals in the country. It is located in Addis Ababa.
It was established in 1969 by Emperor Haile Selassie I with the help of the German Evangelical Church with the objective of serve poor. Medical college was formed in 2007. The hospital currently provides a wide range of services in the various departments. The Dermatolovenereolgy department is one of the various departments that provide a wide range of services in dermatology outpatients clinics. The Dermatology clinic sees an average of 60-80 outpatient clients daily.
4.2. Study design
A hospital based cross sectional study was used at Saint Paul’s hospital millennium medical college, Addis Ababa.
4.3. Study period.
The study period was conducted from October 15,2021 to June 1, 2022 at Saint Paul’s hospital millennium medical college, Addis Ababa.
4.4. Population.
4.4.1. Source Population
All patients visited dermatology Clinic of Saint Paul’s hospital millennium medical college whose age above 1o years old.
4.4.2. Study Population
All psoriatic patients visited dermatology Clinic of Saint Paul’s hospital millennium medical college whose fulfil inclusion criteria were selected during the study period.
4.5. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
4.5.1. Inclusion criteria
All patients whose age above 10-year-old visited dermatology clinic of Saint Paul’s hospital millennium medical college were included during Study period (October 15, 2021 -June 1, 2022).
4.5.2. Exclusion criteria
All patients whose age below 10-year-old visited dermatology clinic of Saint Paul’s hospital millennium medical college were included during Study period (October 15, 2021 -June 1, 2022).
4.6. Sample size determination
The sample size for this particular study was calculated using a formula for a single population proportion considering the following assumptions: A 95% confidence level, margin of err. (0.05 and assumed maximum variability (p=0.5). These parameters substituted in the following single population proportion formula
n: the desired sample size
P: Assume maximum variability (50%). critical value for normal distribution at 95%
Z) 2: confidence level which equals to 1.96 (z value at =0.05)
D: The margin of error taken as 0.05
With the assumptions of the 95% confidence interval (CI) and 10% non-responsive rate, the total sample size will be 422.
4.7. Sampling procedure
In this study at least for 8 months was estimated that <40 psoriatic patients. I used all the samples until it fulfill the calculated sample size during the time of data collection. (take all over approach).
4.8. Operational definition of variables
Psoriasis: A skin lesion which is presented with characteristic features of well demarcation adherent silvery scaly and erythematous background on the skin or Diagnosed as psoriasis by dermatologist. Psoriatic nail change: Pits range from 0.5 to 2.0 mm in size, oil spots and salmon patches on the nail of psoriatic patients.
Alcohol use: respondent who answered YES to a question “have you used/drunk at least one of the alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, whiskey, Areke, Tela, Tej, etc.) for nonmedical purposes within the last 3 months?” were considered as alcohol users.
Current smoker: respondent who answered YES to a question “have you used/ smoked more than 100 cigarettes (including hand-rolled cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, etc) in their lifetime and has smoked in the last 28 days” were considered as current smokers
Ex-smoker: respondent who answered YES to a question “have you used/ smoked more than 100 cigarettes (including hand-rolled cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, etc) in their lifetime but has not smoked in the last 28 days” were considered as a smoker
Never smoke: respondent who answered No to a question “have you used/ smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and does not currently smoke” were considered as non-smokers
4.9. Study Variables.
4.9.1. Dependent variables
Psoriatic disease
4.9.2. Independent variables
Age, Sex, Marital status, residence, occupation, educational status, alcohol, drugs, stress family history, DM, hypertension and smoking.
4.10. Data collection methods
A structured interview questionnaire was conducted among paients or family on Opd visit. The questionnaire were adopted from eviewing different literature.Some modification were done based on the research objective. Two dermatology residents and one nurse supervisor working in the OPD of dermatology clinic in St. Paul’s hospital millennium medical college were recruited for data collection purpose. The data collectors and supervisors were receiving a daylong training on the objectives and benefits of the study, individuals’ rights, and informed consent. Close–ended questions was used to collect data. On the daily basis, a filled questionnaire was checked for completeness and consistency by the supervisor.
4.10.1. Data quality management.
The socio demographic factors, personal disease, skin physical examination, and personal associated factors were assessed using standardized questionnaire from eviewing different literature The questionnaire was prepared in English and translated to Amharic version and later translated back to English using a standard translation procedure to keep its consistency. Appropriate training was given for both data collectors and supervisor. Prior to the actual data collection, the questionnaire was pretested on 5% participants. Based on the pretest necessary modification was done on the questionnaire. In addition, the supervisor was conduct supervision each day. The completed questionnaires were handled properly and checked for completeness, clarity and logical consistency by the principal investigator and supervisor.
4.10.2. Data analysis.
Immediately after the data collection was completed data was coded and entered into Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0 software for analysis. Statistical significance of binary logistic Regression cut point P <0.05 was used, bivariate logistic regression P <0.05 was used as cut off point to select and transfer variables into multivariate logistic regression. COR, AOR was used to determine association between dependent & independent variables. Results were presented using descriptive statistics such as frequency, tables, graphs, and percentages.
4.11. Ethical consideration
Ethical approval was obtained from the department & SPHMMC Research Ethics Committee (REC). The study was conducted in St. Paul’s Hospital aafter obtaining permission from St. Paul’s hospital Ethics Review Committee. Verbal consent was obtained from patients & to keep the confidentiality and for children’s parental consent and asset of the study subject were obtained. no personal identifiers were used in the data collection format.