Study site and selection of environments
Sixteen areas (4 treatments x 4 replicates) of at least 2 ha were selected within the productive landscapes of El Roble ranch (13,145 ha) in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina (54°05’37” SL, 67°40’54” WL, 68 m.a.s.l.). The economic activities are based on year-round extensive livestock breeding, with rotational stocking rates among paddocks (seasonal or annual), depending on vegetation composition, accessibility, and management objectives. The studied environments were: (i) primary unmanaged forests (PF), (ii) harvested forests (1950–1970) with partial overstory canopy removal (HF), comparable to SSP thinning proposals; (iii) dry grasslands dominated by Festuca gracillima and Empetrum rubrum (DG), and (iv) wet grasslands (meadows) dominated by Juncus scheuzeroides, Carex curta, C. macloviana, and Caltha sagittata near rivers and streams (WG) (Fig. 1). Studied environments are under livestock (cattle) and Lama guanicoe (guanaco) grazing throughout the year.
Sample collection and analyses
Forest structure was characterized by two angular counts (K = 3–5) at the beginning and end of a 50-m transect, where trees (> 5 cm) was measured for diameter, height, social class, developmental stage, and other necessary characteristics for biometric modelling (Martínez Pastur et al. 2021). These measurements provided tree density (ind.ha− 1, DEN), basal area (m².ha− 1, BA), total over bark volume (m³.ha− 1, TOBV), and growth (m³.ha.yr− 1, GRO). Hemispherical photos (Nikon 35 mm and Sigma 8 mm lens) were also taken to obtain crown cover (%, CC) and total radiation reaching to the ground (%, TR) using Gap Light Analyzer (Frazer et al. 2001). Regeneration was measured by: (i) two 1 m² plots for initial regeneration (< 1.3 m), and (ii) two 5 m² plots for advanced regeneration (> 1.3 m and < 5 cm diameter). These data provided density of initial (thousand.ha− 1, DRI) and advanced regeneration (thousand.ha− 1, DRA). Additionally, understory species cover (50-point intersections) were recorded. Woody debris (> 1 cm), bare soil, and faeces from large herbivores were also measured, as well as understory biomass samples to calculate palatability (0.25 m²). These measurements provided plant species richness (n, RIC), native species (n, RICN), exotic species (n, RICE), cover (%, COV), dicot cover (%, COVD), monocot cover (%, COVM), exotic species cover (%, COVE), native species cover (%, COVN), palatable species cover (%, COVP), ratio of exotic and total cover (%, EXO), ratio of productive degradation-indicator species (%, DEGP), ratio of environmental degradation-indicator species (%, DEGE), regeneration cover (%, COVR), woody debris cover (%, COVW), woody debris volume (m³.ha− 1, VW), bare soil (%, BS), dry weight forage biomass (kg.ha− 1, FB), alive forage biomass (kg.ha− 1, FBA), palatable biomass (kg.ha− 1, FBP), palatable dicot biomass (kg.ha− 1, FBD), palatable monocot biomass (kg.ha− 1, FBM), guanaco density (ovine equivalents OE.ha− 1, GUA), livestock density (OE.ha− 1, LIV), total animal density (OE.ha− 1, ANI), potential animal density based on available forage (OE.ha− 1, PANI), dry matter digestibility (%, DMD), neutral detergent fibre (%, NDF), metabolizable energy content (Mcal, MEC), and crude protein content (%, CPC). Besides, composite soil samples (n = 4) from 30 cm profile were collected, obtaining soil density (g.cm³, SD), moisture (%, SM), acidity (pH), carbon (%, C), nitrogen (%, N), and available phosphorus (ppm, P). We calculate soil content in 30 cm of organic carbon (kg.m², SOC), nitrogen (kg.m², SN), and phosphorus (kg.m², SP). We also sampled a 50 cm deep soil pit associated to each transect (samples every 10 cm) obtained the variables described before, and carbon content of particulate organic matter (%C, POM), dissolved organic matter associated with silt and clay minerals (%C, DOM), rocks and > 2 mm sand (% soil, ROC), tree and shrub roots (% soil, RTRE), herb and grass roots (% soil, RFOR), and total roots (% soil, RTOT). Analyses and calculations were described by van Soest et al. (1991) and modifications (Martínez Pastur et al. 2020, 2021, 2022).
Statistical analyses
Variables were categorized into different components, standardized (values from 0-100), and averaged to obtain different indices: (i) tree component (I-TREE), (ii) environmental component (I-ENV), (iii) forage component (I-FOR), (iv) animal component (I-ANI), and (v) biodiversity component (I-BIO) (see Tables 1 and 2). Some variables included inverse ratios (100 - index) as they negatively influenced the studied components (SD, BS, DEGP, DEGE, GUA, NDF, RICE, COVE, EXO). Means and standard errors of indices were graphically compared among environments (PF, HF, DG, WG), and we analysed: (i) one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for variables and indices, considering environments as main factors, and (ii) multiple ANOVAs for soil characteristics at depths, considering environments and soil depth as main factors. Mean comparisons were performed using Tukey test (p < 0.05).