Selection of the Ru-HG catalyst and the protein scaffold for assembling the E. coli surface-displayed artificial metathase
While streptavidin (Sav) has proven highly versatile as a host protein for various ArMs, we selected human carbonic anhydrase II (hCAII) to assemble the concurrent whole-cell cascade for this study. Indeed, we have shown that the quaternary structure of homotetrameric Sav was compromised when displayed on E. coli’s outer membrane29. Additionally, the artificial metathase based on Sav requires acidic conditions (typically pH < 6)7, 35, incompatible with UndB’s activity, Figure S3a42. In contrast, we have shown that the artificial metathase based on hCAII maintains its activity up to pH 7.0 27. Accordingly, we evaluated the catalytic performance of a Ru-HG cofactor equipped with an arylsulfonamide anchor (Ru1, displayed in Fig. 1b) at pH 7.4. As a model substrate for ring-closing olefin metathesis (RCM) relying on purified hCAII samples, we selected 1,7-octadiene as substrate at pH 7.4. Ru1·hCAII wild-type (WT) yielded higher turnover nubmers(TON) at all tested cofactor concentrations than the corresponding free cofactor Ru1, Fig. 2a. Using [Ru1] = 30 µM, 1,7-octadiene was converted to cyclohexene with 25 and 42 TON for Ru1 and Ru1·hCAII WT, respectively. Accordingly, Ru1·hCAII was selected for assembling the microbial cell factory combined with UndB42.
For the compartmentalization of hCAII on E. coli cell surface display, two E. coli surface display constructs were evaluated: Lpp-OmpA-hCAII WT28 and PelB-INPN-hCAII WT. Overall, the PelB-INPN-hCAII (hereafter hCAIICSD) led to the highest hCAII concentrations, as revealed by whole-cell sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE, Figure S1a) and carboxyfluorescein-staining of the cells, Figure S2. The hCAIICSD construct was thus selected for the assembly of Ru1·hCAII on the cell surface of E. coli. Similar constructs were also selected by Yang and Jia for the use of surface-displayed hCAII for CO2 capture purposes43, 44.
Optimization of the activity of the whole-cell based artificial metathase
In order to identify the optimal pH for engineering the microbial cell factory, we evaluated the pH-dependent activity of the UndB WT and cell-surface displayed Ru1·hCAIICSD WT in distinct strains, Figure S3. As can be appreciated, the trends of both enzymes follow opposite trends. A good compromise was identified at physiological pH. Accordingly, the pH = 7.4 was selected for the remainder of the studies. We further investigated the effect of the concentration of Ru1 in the assembly of Ru1·hCAIICSD WT. At [Ru1] = 10 µM, a concentration of [Cy6] = 10.0 mg·L− 1 was reached within 20 hours, Figure S4a. The empty vector control produced only [Cy6] = 0.7 mg·L− 1. Reducing [Ru1] = 2 µM, resulted in a significant reduction in Cy6 yield (i.e. 0.25 mg·L− 1). Increasing the concentration to [Ru1] = 20 µM yielded a comparable yield of Cy6 as with [Ru1] = 10 µM (after subtracting the background activity obtained with the empty vector control). The temperature and incubation time for the whole-cell catalyzed RCM were also optimized: the highest Cy6 yield was achieved after 20 hours at 20°C ([Cy6] = 13.7 mg·L− 1, Figure S4b). To further improve the TON, we optimized the whole-cell RCM activity of Ru1·hCAIICSD by directed evolution.
Directed evolution of the artificial metathase for enhanced RCM activity
In the past decade, directed evolution strategies have been applied to the genetic optimization of artificial metalloenzymes3, 45–50. Inspection of the docked structure of Ru1·hCAII WT revealed six residues located in the proximity of the Ru1 cofactor, Figs. 2b and S7a. Based on previous directed evolution efforts on artificial metathases7, 35, 51, we focused on introducing hydrophobic residues at the following positions: R58, N62, H64, N67, E69, and D72. These polar or charged amino acid residues were mutated by site-directed mutagenesis to Ala, Gly, Phe, Ile, Leu, Pro, and Val, Table S2. A library comprising forty-two variants was expressed and screened using an optimized protocol, Figure S5. Among them, seven variants (R58A, E69A, E69F, E69I, E69L, E69V, and D72F) displayed ≥ 1.4-fold improved activity compared to Ru1·hCAIICSD WT, Figure S7b. The variant hCAII E69A presented the highest activity (1.8-fold) and was selected as the parent for further recombination. In the first round of recombination, twelve mutations (R58A/F/G/I/L/V and D72A/F/G/I/L/V) were recombined with hCAII E69A, Table S2. The resulting variants R58A/E69A and E69A/D72L exhibited up to a 2.2-fold improvement in the production of Cy6 (vs. Ru1·hCAIICSD WT). In the second round of recombination, six mutations at position 72 (D72A/F/G/I/L/V) were recombined with R58A/E69A. The resulting variant hCAII R58A/E69A/D72L (hereafter hCAIICSD R3) was identified with a 2.8-fold improved activity vs. hCAIICSD WT, Fig. 3b and S7b.
To further enhance the activity of Ru1·hCAIICSD R3, site-saturation mutagenesis libraries (SSM) at positions Q92, L198, and T199 were generated. These positions were selected as they lie within 4 Å of the sulfonamide anchor of the Ru1 cofactor, Figure S7c. Upon screening the hCAIICSD R3 92_SSM, 198_SSM, and 199_SSM libraries, three improved mutations were identified (hCAIICSD R3 Q92P, hCAIICSD R3 T199H, and hCAIICSD R3 T199P), resulting in up to a 3.3-fold improvement in Cy6 production compared to Ru1·hCAIICSD WT, Figure S6 and S7d. Recombination of the beneficial mutations resulted in a penta-variant hCAIICSD R58A/E69A/D72L/Q92P/T199P (hereafter hCAIICSD R5) which further improved the yield of Cy6 (i.e. 50.3 mg·L− 1 vs. 13.7 mg·L− 1 for Ru1·hCAIICSD R5 and Ru1·hCAIICSD WT, respectively, Fig. 3b and S7d).
By truncating the PelB-INPN sequence, the variant hCAII R5 was expressed in the cytoplasm and purified by affinity chromatography, Figure S8b52. The binding affinity of Ru1 for hCAII WT and hCAII R5 was determined. The evolved hCAII R5 had a 5.8-fold higher binding affinity towards Ru1 compared to hCAII WT, Fig. 3c and Figure S16 (SI). The purified hCAII R5 variant was used to assemble the evolved artificial metathase Ru1·hCAII R5, and its in vitro activity towards three medium chain terminal dienes to afford Cy5, Cy6, and Cy7 was determined. In the presence of Ru1·hCAII R5, all three dienes led to improved yields for the production of Cy5, Cy6, and Cy7, albeit to different extents. The improvement in RCM performance for Ru1·hCAII R5 vs. Ru1 is most pronounced for Cy5: 7.1- fold for Cy5 vs. 3.7 fold for Cy6, Fig. 3c and Table S6.
Directed evolution of the UndB decarboxylase for enhanced production of terminal alkenes
To date, three classes of enzymes have been reported for the decarboxylation of fatty acids to the corresponding terminal alkenes: OleT, UndA, and UndB53, 54. Among these enzymes, UndB has been identified as the most efficient enzyme for in vivo decarboxylation41, 55, 56. UndB is a membrane-associated (Figure S1b), oxygen-dependent, non-heme diiron enzyme that converts medium-chain fatty acids (C10–16) into the corresponding 1-alkenes through oxidative decarboxylation54, 57. Given the potential of medium-chain 1-alkenes as biofuels, UndB holds promise for various biotechnological applications. Despite this versatility, the catalytic potential of UndB remains underexplored. We applied directed evolution to improve the activity of UndB for the bis-decarboxylation of fatty diacids, Figure S9. Guided by the predicted structure from AlphaFold (AF-A4YOK1-F1)58, we subjected fifteen residues located within 5 Å of the active site to alanine scanning, Figure S10a. This effort aimed at identifying positions where potential improvements to UndB’s activity may be achieved. Two variants, UndB I89A and UndB M257A, exhibited higher activity for the bis-decarboxylation of C10 diacid to 1,7-octadiene, compared to the UndB WT, Figure S10. Subsequent screening of an SSM library at position 89 yielded a variant, UndB I89V, which exhibited two-fold improved activity vs. UndB WT, Figure S11a. Next, we generated SSM libraries at positions UndB 92_SSM, 126_SSM, 254_SSM, and 257_SSM using UndB I89V as the parent. Screening these four SSM libraries resulted in six beneficial variants, Figure S11b. Specifically, the variant UndB I89V/126F exhibited a 3.1-fold higher activity than UndB WT, Fig. 3a and Table S7. Further recombination of the beneficial substitutions of M92R, M257A, or M257V into UndB I89V/L126F did not lead to improved variants, Figure S11c.
To achieve higher yields of 1,7-octadiene, the conditions for bis-decarboxylation involving the UndB I89V/L126F variant were optimized. We previously demonstrated that supplementing resting UndB cells with glucose enhanced the activity of bis-decarboxylation,41 presumably due to improved regeneration of electron sources such as NADH or NADPH. By substituting glucose (1% (w/w)) with glycerol (0.5% (v/v)), the yield of 1,7-octadiene by UndB I89V/L126F variant significantly increased from 57.8 to 90.2 mg·L− 1, highlighting the potential of glycerol as a more efficient electron-donor, Fig. 4a and Table S7.
We further optimized the bis-decarboxylation of UndB by varying the 1 mM ≤ [C10 diacid] ≤ 5 mM and the UndB cell density (12.5 ≤ OD600 ≤ 100). The optimal production of 1,7-octadiene (i.e. 133 mg·L− 1) was achieved with a 1.5 mM ≤ [C10 diacid] ≤ 2 mM. Beyond this range, the yield of 1.7-octadiene decreased. For instance, at [C10 diacid] = 5 mM, the yield of 1.7-octadiene dropped to 63.4 mg·L− 1. These results suggest that high fatty diacid concentrations should be avoided to maximize the yield of 1.7-octadiene. Moreover, the maximum yield of 1,7-octadiene was achieved with OD600 = 25. Below or above this threshold, the yield of 1.7-octadiene declined: at OD600 = 100 resulted in a 93% decrease in the yield of 1.7-octadiene compared to an OD600 = 25. We hypothesize that high cell densities may hamper the efficient extraction of 1.7-octadiene. Upon lowering the temperature and extending the reaction time (e.g., 20°C, 24 hours) the yield of 1,7-octadiene increased to 191.5 mg·L− 1, corresponding to > 86% yield, Fig. 4c. Decarboxylation of lauric acid (mono fatty acid, C12) by the UndB I89V/L126F variant afforded 263.3 mg·L− 1 undec-1-ene (> 85% yield, Fig. 4c).
UndB catalyzes the decarboxylation of a variety of medium-chain-length fatty diacids54. We evaluated the activity of UndB I89V/L126F variant towards C9–C14 diacids. Under optimized conditions, the UndB I89V/L126F variant exhibited the highest yield for the bis-decarboxylation of C12–C13 diacids, with > 245 mg·L-1 titers corresponding to >85% yield. With either shorter or longer diacids, the yields decreased. These results substantiate a previous in vivo study with fatty acids54.
Assembly and engineering of a microbial cell factory for the biosynthesis of cycloalkenes Cy5 Cy6 and Cy7 from the corresponding diacids
Performing enzymatic cascade-reactions in whole-cell offers a cost-effective strategy for various applications. Integrating ArMs in whole-cell concurrent cascade reactions has great potential for new-to-nature biosynthesis34, 59. Co-expressing UndB and hCAIICSD in a single E. coli cell, enables a bis-decarboxylation and ring-closing metathesis concurrent cascade, Fig. 1b. The optimization of UndB and hCAIICSD co-expression required integrating their genes into one or two plasmid vectors, which were subsequently transformed into E. coli, Table S8. The productivity of the co-expressed UndB and hCAIICSD was determined using C10 diacid as the model substrate. All the co-expression strains resulted in a significantly reduced yield of 1,7-octadiene, Figure S13. Among them, the co-expression strain harboring pRSF-UndB I89V/L126F and pACYC-hCAIICSD R5 (hereafter CoEx3*) gave the highest yield, with a titer of 34.2 mg·L− 1 (i.e. 15.5% yield).
To enhance the yield of 1,7-octadiene and Cy6 within CoEx3*, we set out to optimize both the absolute and relative expression levels of UndB I89V/L126F and hCAIICSD R5 simultaneously. Leveraging on the RedLibs algorithm and uASPIre/SAPIENs-based RBS predictions60, 61, a set of degenerate RBSs were designed to fine-tune the expression levels of the two enzymes, Table S9. The RBS libraries of UndB I89V/L126F and hCAIICSD R5 were generated, co-transformed, and screened in a 24-well plate, Figure S14 and S15. The ten strains with the highest yields in Cy6 were rescreened in triplicate, Table S10. Ultimately, the most productive strain RBS P8_15 (hereafter CoEx3*-S183) yielded 96.6 and 15.5 mg·L1 of 1,7-octadiene and Cy6, respectively. Notably, the yield of Cy6 by CoEx3*-S183 was 6.0-fold higher than the CoEx3*, corresponding to a remarkable 77.6-fold increase compared to the initial CoEx3 strain (co-expressed with UndB WT and hCAIICSD WT, without the RBS optimization step, Fig. 5b).
Next, the engineered CoEx3*-S183 strain was evaluated for the production of Cy5 and Cy7, starting from C9 diacid and undecanedioic acid (C11 diacid) as substrates. The yields of 1,6-heptadiene and 1,8-nonadiene resulting from bis-decarboxylation were comparable to that of 1,7-octadiene, Table S11. The yield of Cy5 and Cy7 was significantly lower: 3.1 mg·L− 1 and 1.1 mg·L− 1, for Cy5 and Cy7 respectively, Fig. 5c. This can be traced back to the inherently lower propensity of 1,6-heptadiene and 1,8-nonadiene toward ring-closing metathesis62, Fig. 3c.