Sample Cohort and MSC isolation
Bone marrow samples were taken at the time of elective hip arthroplasty and other routine orthopaedic surgeries from 13 patients (22–88 years old). Samples were collected from patients undergoing elective orthopaedic surgery from the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals. Ethical approval for use of adult human samples was gained as an adjunct to the Newcastle Bone and Joint Biobank – (REC reference 14/NE/1212, IRAS project ID166522). Newcastle University reference 8741/2016. All patients gave informed consent to the use of tissue as part of the ethical approval requirements and experiments were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. Patient information is summarised in First mononuclear cells were concentrated and separated from the rest of the marrow using a density gradient (a 1.077 g/ml Lymphoprep™ density gradient medium (StemCell Technologies) [15]. This removed contaminants from the sample such as red cells, fat and multinucleated cells which were not of interest, MSCs were contained within an opaque band mononuclear layer at the Lymphoprep™ - marrow interphase. By concentrating MSCs within the mononuclear cells led to less demand on the flow cytometer in terms of number of cells to sort improving efficiency and the time taken.
Flow cytometry can be used to isolate individual cells [16]: here we used it to sort single MSCs from the mononuclear cell group. MSCs were identified using positive lineage fluorescent antibodies for CD105, CD90 and CD73 and negative lineage antibodies for CD14, CD20, CD34 and CD45. These markers were based on a Miltenyi Biotect kit and previous published work [17, 18]. Cells meeting the positive lineage markers without the negative markers were sorted into a single wells of a 96 well PCR plate using electrostatic deflection. As each MSC is identified on the basis of its fluorescent profile the stream within which the cell is contained is diverted to fall into a single well of a 96 well plate. The plate carriage then moves to align a new well for the next MSC to be diverted into within the stream. Due to the low frequency of cells this would take between 5 and 20 minutes to fill a plate. Within each well of the plate there was 15µl of single cell lysis buffer (0.5 M Tris-HCl, 0.5% Tween 20, 1% Proteinase K, pH 8.5). Following cell sorting, the plate was briefly spun at 150G for 2 minutes to ensure the cell was at the bottom of the well and within the lysis buffer.
Cell lysis was performed with an incubation period at 55°C for three hours, followed by 10 minutes at 95°C. The consensus sample (1 million cells isolated prior to flow cytometry preparation) was also lysed in preparation for PCR amplification.
Mitochondrial DNA Isolation and Deep Sequencing.
As in previous work [19], mtDNA was enriched using five overlapping long-range PCR amplicons to cover the entire mtDNA genome (Set 1 m.323–343 and m.3574 − 3556), (Set 2 m.3017–3036 and m.6944 − 6924), (Set 3 m.6358–6377 and m.10147 − 10128), (Set 4 m.9607–9627 and m.13859 − 13839) and (Set 5 m.13365–13383 and m.771 − 752). Amplified products were assessed by gel electrophoresis, against DNA + ve and DNA − ve controls, and quantified using a Qubit 2.0 fluorimeter (Life Technologies, Paisley, UK). Each amplicon was individually purified using Agencourt AMPure XP beads (Beckman-Coulter, USA), pooled in equimolar concentrations and re-quantified. Pooled amplicons were tagmented, amplified, cleaned, normalized, and pooled into 48 sample multiplexes using the Illumina Nextera XT DNA sample preparation kit (Illumina, CA, USA). Multiplex pools were sequenced using MiSeq Reagent Kit v3.0 (Illumina, CA, USA) in paired-end, 250 bp reads.
Bioinformatic Analysis
Postrun FASTQ files were analysed using an in-house bioinformatic pipeline. Briefly, sequence reads were quality check using FastQC (v. 011.8), mapped against genome version GRCh38, using BWA (invoking –mem, v. 0.7.17) [20] sorted and indexed using Samtools (v.1.12) [21]. All duplicated reads from the resulting bam files were marked with using Picard (v.2.2.4). mtDNA variants (mtSNVs) were called using bcftools (v1.10.2) and Mutserve (v.2.0.0) accordingly [22, 23]. mtSNVs with base quality (--baseQ) over 30 and minimum heteroplasmy level (--level) 0.02 were called. Low-quality variants, present in low-complexity regions [24] were not included in comparative analysis (e.g. 66–71 bp, 300–316 bp, 513–525 bp, 3106–3107 bp, 12418–21425 bp, 16181–16194 bp). Remaining variants were annotated via ENSEMBL VEP v107 [25]. Homoplasmic variation was defined as > 98% Heteroplasmic variation was defined as > 2% and < 98%. Heteroplasmic counts are based upon number of heteroplasmies per cell. Heteroplasmic Fraction (HF) is the proportion of mtDNA variant relative to reference.