We quantified the magnitude and seasonality of the CH4 fluxes from shoots of four common boreal peatland plants, and the responses of the fluxes to temperature, PAR and porewater CH4 concentration using a high-frequency, automated, climate-controlled measurement system. The species represented different plant functional types, including a sedge (Carex rostrata), a forb (Menyanthes trifoliata), and two shrubs (Salix lapponum and Betula nana). Further, we used the clipping treatment to reveal the role of leaves in restricting the emission from C. rostrata, and labelling and microbial analyses to evaluate the source of the plant-emitted CH4. This is to our knowledge the first study to disentangle the importance of phenology and abiotic factors in regulating CH4 fluxes through peatland plants and to examine the presence of CH4 cycling microbes in a range of peatland plants. We found that phenology is an overriding factor in controlling plant-mediated CH4 fluxes, but that the magnitude and seasonal course of phenology effects is species-specific. Out of the studied abiotic factors, temperature and porewater CH4 concentration were also found to regulate plant-mediated CH4 fluxes, but the magnitude and direction of the effect of these variables differed between species. Hence, besides phenology, our results highlight the substantial role of species-specific differences in regulating the plant-mediated CH4 fluxes. Based on the results of our clipping experiment with C. rostrata, CH4 release was not regulated by leaves. The plant transported CH4 in the tested species, Salix lapponum, appeared to be mainly soil-derived. However, the discovery of methanogens and methanotrophs in the plant shoots suggests that the CH4 emission through some plants may also be modulated by CH4 production and oxidation by microorganisms inside the plant.
Plant phenology controls plant-mediated CH4 flux
Our measurements were conducted in a climate-controlled environment, and therefore the strong seasonality observed in plant CH4 flux was ascribed to phenology rather than seasonally different weather conditions. The plant CH4 flux of C. rostrata, a widely studied species and the most efficient CH4 emitter, was significantly higher in high summer than that in early summer (Fig. 2), matching our earlier field measurement results (Ge et al., 2023). With this species, the variations in the transport between seasonal growth stages may be linked to the known seasonal changes in plant morphology. In early summer, newly-merged shoots do not have roots (Hultgren, 1989), and the aerenchyma size is rather small (Fagerstedt, 1992), which could explain the small plant CH4 flux in early summer. In contrast, the plant CH4 flux of M. trifoliata and S. lapponum did not change between early and high summer, which suggests that the aboveground leaf-out during this phase would not affect their CH4 transport. With B. nana, plant CH4 flux was higher in early summer than that in high summer.
The smaller amount of shoot biomass of C. rostrata in early summer than that in high summer might also cause the higher plant CH4 flux, yet the possibility is small due to following reasons. Firstly, no correlation between leaf area and CH4 flux through C. rostrata was observed in this study (Fig. S7) or the field measurement (Ge et al., 2023). Secondly, clipping the shoots did not significantly change the plant CH4 flux of C. rostrata (Fig. 5). Thirdly, stomatal control in aerenchymatous plants is poorly developed due to living in high-moisture environments (Lange et al., 1971). This echoes with the poor correlation between PAR and the plant CH4 flux of C. rostrata and other investigated species and also the fact that CH4 can be released from stems or leaf sheaths, as found in many species like rice plants (Nouchi et al., 1990) and forbs (Shannon et al., 1996). All these lead us to believe that seasonal changes in belowground parts of C. rostrata, instead of leaves, control CH4 transport of C. rostrata, which is against our hypothesis. Unlike C. rostrata, the plant CH4 flux of B. nana was higher in early summer than that in high summer. However, due to the lack of morphological data, it is unknown what happens for them in this part of the growing season leading the changes in the flux of B. nana.
The plant CH4 flux of C. rostrata was higher in early autumn when it was senescencing than that in high summer. This indicates the increasing proportion of brown leaves does not affect the transport of C. rostrata, which is again support the speculation that the belowground parts of plant regulate the transport. The root permeability, a key parameter controlling plant CH4 transport capacity (Beckett et al., 2001; Henneberg et al., 2012), could decrease in early autumn (Nouchi et al., 1994; Wassmann & Aulakh, 2000) and, thus, reduce the plant CH4 flux of C. rostrata. Yet, the significantly higher porewater CH4 concentration in early autumn than that in high summer might compensate for the effect of root permeability on the transport and lead to the maximum plant CH4 flux.
In early autumn, M. trifoliata was senescencing and shrubs B. nana and S. lapponum had already dropped all their leaves. For M. trifoliata and B. nana also the plant CH4 flux decreased from high summer to early autumn. As for S. lapponum who constantly showed an uptake of CH4, and the remarkable increase of plant CH4 flux in early autumn means the decrease of absorption rate. The changes in the flux of these species in early autumn might indicate that physiological activity, or lack of leaves (for shrubs only), might be the key behind the phenology-driven CH4 flux in these species. The importance of physiology and leaves in regulating CH4 transport of herbs and woody species has also been reported (Garnet et al., 2005; Pangala et al., 2014; Pangala et al., 2015). Yet, plant CH4 flux of these species did not respond to PAR, and the effects of foliage removal to the flux are still unknown. Also, the seasonal changes in the belowground parts of these species are unknown, making us unable to identify the main control behind phenology in regulating CH4 flux.
Porewater CH4 concentration affects plant CH4 flux of most investigated species
We found that porewater CH4 concentration increased the plant CH4 flux of C. rostrata and M. trifoliata, decreased the flux of S. lapponum, but had no effect on B. nana (Table 2), even though the concentration varied in all mesocosms (Figs. S1-S2). As an indicator of CH4 supply to the roots, porewater CH4 concentration has been reported to control CH4 flux from both herbs (Schimel, 1995; Aulakh et al., 2000), and woody species (Pangala et al., 2014). Yet, in our earlier filed study we did not observe any relationships between the CH4 flux and CH4 concentration for any of the studied species (Ge et al., 2023). However, in this field study, porewater CH4 concentration varied less (from 3.33 to 537 µmol l− 1, Ge et al., 2023) than the concentrations in the current laboratory study (from 0.0018 to 511 µmol l− 1). Notably, CH4 flux from C. rostrata did not show any signs of saturation even though the concentration (Fig. S1) was high in early summer and autumn (mean 105 and 284 µmol l− 1, respectively). In contrast, CH4 flux through rice reached a saturation point when the concentration reached merely 14 µmol l− 1 (Aulakh et al., 2000). This indicates that the ability of plants to increase their transport with higher porewater CH4 concentration is species-specific. Species reaching the saturation point faster could then potentially limit the total CH4 flux into the atmosphere.
The close relationship between porewater CH4 concentration and the plant CH4 flux of M. trifoliata (Table 2) suggest that CH4 concentration controls the CH4 flux of M. trifoliata. This result implies that the high plant CH4 flux of M. trifoliata observed in the field (Ge et al. 2023) was probably caused by the constantly and significantly high porewater CH4 concentration where it grew. In contrast, the CH4 flux of M. trifoliata was small in the climate-controlled measurement in the present study where CH4 concentration in M. trifoliata mesocosms were small, up to 27 times lower than that in the field. Thus, instead of a high transport efficiency, the high flux of M. trifoliata observed in the field could be mainly due to the high CH4 concentration.
Temperature decreases apparent plant CH4 transport efficiency, but only of C. rostrata
The apparent CH4 transport efficiency of C. rostrata significantly decreased after increasing temperature. This reflects that a higher temperature stimulated both porewater CH4 production (increasing the CH4 concentration) and plant CH4 flux, but the increase of CH4 concentration was relatively higher than the increase of the flux, leading to a lower apparent CH4 transport efficiency. Thus, potentially, the ability of C. rostrata to transport CH4 could be a limiting factor for ecosystem CH4 emissions when rising temperatures and higher substrate availability stimulates methanogenesis. As the apparent CH4 transport efficiency of the other studied species did not respond to warmer temperature, it appears that the temperature effect on plant transport is species-specific. The negative impacts of peat temperature on the transport of C. rostrata were also observed in our field measurement conducted in the high summer when peat temperature was at a similar range as in this climate cabinet study (11°C to 17°C) (Ge et al., 2023).
It is evident that an experiment in controlled climate cabinet cannot, and by definition should not, directly mimic natural conditions and hence the interpretation of the temperature dependency should be considered with care. The decreasing transport of C. rostrata after the increase of temperature could also be due to decreased activity or increased stress of the plants inside the cabinet. However, we did not observe a significant decrease of net ecosystem exchange, an indicator of plant growth conditions, after the increase of temperature (Fig. S8), which suggests that the plants would not have experienced at least a severe stress. We also acknowledge that the field sampling, transport and setting up of the experiment can have caused disturbance to the plants. However, the comparable plant CH4 flux measured in the field (-5 to 25 mg CH4 m− 2 leaf area h− 1) and in the climate-controlled cabinet (-0.4 to 21 mg m− 2 h− 1) suggest that the plants displayed rather realistic transport rates in the laboratory conditions. Further, the temperature and light conditions were chosen to represent typical field conditions to which the plants have adapted to.
CH4 exchange processes of plants include within-plant CH4 production and oxidation
Role of plant-associated microbes in peatland CH4 cycle is still poorly understood, apart from the association between methanotrophs and Sphagnum mosses (e.g. Larmola et al., 2010; Putkinen et al., 2014). Especially, to our knowledge, markers of microbial CH4 production within plant tissues has never been reported in this context. Based on our results, methanogenic archaea can be a part of the microbiome of both forbs (M. trifoliata) and shrubs (S. lapponum, in both stem and leaf parts), which suggests that microbial CH4 production could occur in the shoots of these plants.
The detected methanogens included both hydrogenotrophic (Methanocellales, Methanomicrobiales, Methanobacteriales) and acetoclastic (Methanotrichales) orders (Knief, 2019). Interestingly, most of them (Methanocellales, Methanomicrobiales and Methanotrichales) are proposed to possess features allowing adaptation to oxidative environments (Lyu & Lu, 2018) – such as above-ground plant parts. Our findings corroborate previous plant microbiome studies: Methanomicrobiales and Methanotrichales were found in spruce needles (Putkinen et al., 2021) and Methanomicrobiales, Methanocellales and Methanobacteriales as part of poplar stem wood (Yip et al., 2019; Feng et al., 2022). Yet, all these taxa are commonly found also in the anaerobic peat, including Lompolojänkkä where the plant-soil mesocosms were collected (unpublished, Putkinen et al).
Similar to methanogens, methanotrophs were discovered in forb (M. trifoliata) and in both studied shrubs (S. lapponum and B. nana). This result implies potential for CH4 oxidation within these plants that have long been merely regarded only as CH4 transporters (Shannon et al., 1996; Ding et al., 2005; Ge et al., 2023). The detection of methanotrophs inside shrub S. lapponum fits well with the plant as a whole acting as a constant CH4 sink (negative plant CH4 flux) throughout the growing seasons (Fig. 2). Although B. nana mostly emitted CH4 in this study, our earlier field measurements of B. nana showed consumption of CH4 in early summer (Ge et al., 2023), and Riutta et al. (2020) also reported the attenuating effects of B. nana on CH4 flux.
The methanotrophs we detected entailed several taxonomic groups, representing both obligate and facultative methanotrophs (latter found mainly in the alphaproteobacteria (Knief, 2015)). Diversity was demonstrated also in the presence of variable forms of methane mono-oxygenases: in addition to common particulate (pMMO, coded by pmoA) and soluble (sMMO, coded by mmoX) forms, all plants, except Carex, contained genes for the pxmABC cluster, thought to code a novel type of particulate MMO, the pXMO (Tavormina et al., 2011). Although the function of the pXMO is still poorly understood, it has been suggested to support methanotrophs under hypoxia (Kits et al., 2015). On the species-level, Methylocystis bryophila, able to use multiple C sources and entailing pMMO variants for both low- (pMMO1) and high-affinity (pMMO2) CH4 oxidation (Han et al., 2018), highlights the versatility of the detected methanotrophs. In addition, sequences of the USCa, including of the first cultivated organism from this group, Methylocapsa gorgona (Tveit et al., 2019), further demonstrated that plant-associated methanotrophs may affect peatland CH4 balance not only by consuming soil-derived CH4 but also as a sink for the atmospheric CH4. Especially Methylocystis methanotrophs have been detected in other plant types as well (Putkinen et al., 2021), and like with methanogens, most methanotrophs living in Lompolojänkkä plants have close relatives in the surrounding peat (unpublished, Putkinen et al.) and in other boreal peatlands.
While our results indicate that within-plant microbial mechanisms could play a role in modulating plant-derived CH4 flux, quantification of these microbes and the related processes is challenging. This stems from the methodological difficulties in extracting the endo- and epiphytic microbes from among the vast amounts of plant-derived genetic material. Novel tools, like probe-targeting, do aid in this task, but still leave room for uncertainties (e.g., regarding sensitivity of the analysis in different plant material types). This, together with the generally low number of recovered sequences, limits the quantitative comparison of microbial communities in differing samples. Moreover, for the evaluation of their actual activity, analyses need to go beyond the DNA level and require additional analysis, e.g., visualisation of microbes within the plant structures or at least analysing samples where surface microbes would have been rinsed away).