Rearing mites
Panonychus ulmi was collected from apple trees in Oulmes region, Morocco, and reared on green bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Leguminosae) for four generations before the beginning of the experiments. To obtain the seven densities that have been using in functional response experiments, the oviposition of Panonychus ulmi females was taken into account. Prey densities of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, and 128 immatures were obtained by transferring 1, 3, 5, 10, 16, 34, and 54 gravid females, respectively, onto the leaf discs. Females were allowed to lay eggs for 24 hours, then were removed. The eggs were followed daily once until to become immature forms, which will be used as food for predators.
The initial population of T. (T.) setubali was obtained from Riyad-Fruit orchard located at Tiddas, Morocco. The colony was kept in rearing unit and individuals were fed on immature stages of P. ulmi offered on been leaves. The rearing unit consists of black plastic tiles placed on a floating sponge into a plastic dish (40×27×17 cm) full of water. The bordering of the black plastic support was covered with a wet wide band of Kleenex to prevent mite escape. Been leaves infested by P. ulmi were added daily. Every week, bean leaves and water were exchanged with new ones. Rearing units were kept in growth chamber at 26 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 5 % RH, and 16:8 h (L: D) as photoperiod.
To obtain females of the same age, a total of fifty gravid females were transferred from the stock colony to a P. ulmi- infested been leaves placed in Petri dishes. The females were allowed to lay eggs for 12h and then were removed. Newly emerged predators were of the same age.
Functional and Numerical Response Experiments
To assess the response of T. (T.) setubali to immatures of P. ulmi, 24 h starved predator females were assigned individually to one of seven prey densities (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 prey), corresponding to 0.28, 0.56, 1.13, 2.26, 4.52, 9.05 and 18.11 mites/ cm2, respectively. After 24h, the predator females were removed and the number of prey killed was counted. Collected data were fitted by using Logit-model.
The commonly used models do not detect the initial increase in attacks at the lower prey densities, because the predatory mites spend more time searching and handling prey even if confined into a smaller space such as a leaf disc [6]. For overcoming this problem, our experimental design involved ten replicates for mite densities of 0.28, 0.56, 1.13 mites/ cm2, seven replicates for 2.26, and 4.52 mites/cm2, and five for mite densities of 9.05 and 18.11 mites/cm2. All experiments were conducted at 26 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 5 % RH, and 16:8 (L: D) h photoperiod.
To evaluate the numerical response of T. (T.) setubali, the oviposition activity of females was followed for 4 consecutive days. The number of eggs deposited per female was recorded every 24 h in each replicate.
Data analysis
Functional response data set were analysed according to Juliano’s procedure [18] using R Commander, a graphical user interface in conjunction with R program ver. 3.5.3. [19]. The logistic regression adjusting a polynomial equation (1) of the proportion of prey attacked (Ne) as a function of the initial prey density (N0), was used to estimate the linear, quadratic and cubic coefficients and therefore, determined the shape of the functional response curve of T. (T.) setubali to immature stages of P. ulmi. The type of response was determined by the signs of the linear and quadratic coefficients (P1 and P2). If the linear coefficient is negative (P1 < 0), it describes a type II functional response. If P1 > 0 and P2 < 0, it presents a type III functional response. Equation of the logit model includes an error ε, assuming to be distributed according to the binomial distribution [20]. (see Equation 1 in the Supplemental Files)
Where N0 is the initial number of prey, Ne is the number of prey eaten, Ne/ N0 is the probability of being attacked and P0, P1, P2, and P3 are the intercept, linear, quadratic, and cubic coefficients, respectively.
Regardless of the results obtained, the attack rate (α) and handling time (h) can be determined by using the Holing disc equation or Rogers's random predator equations of type II (2) and type III (3) [21], known as RRPE-II and RRPE-III. Rogers’s random predator equations include an attack exponent (q) to describe the per capita prey consumption in low prey densities and overcome the prey depletion at the end of experiments. Even if the number of attacked prey (Ne) appears on both sides of equation (2), the fit of data is performed by using iterative Newton’s method as an alternative to LambertW function one allows an explicit solution of the implicit RRPE-II [22]. For the functional response type III, a simplified version of the original model was presented by Hassell et al. (1977) [23] after a long series of research. The equations (2) and (3) makes it possible to predict how prey will be depleted over time during functional response experiments. (see Equations 2 and 3 in the Supplemental Files)
where Ne is the number of prey consumed per predator during an exposure time T (24 h), N0 is the initial number of prey, α is the attack rate, Th is the handling time of prey by the predator and P as the number of predators involving in experiments.
To describe the numerical response, the relationship between the fecundity of T. (T.) setubali females and the prey density available was fitted by using a hyperbolic model (4), including the maximum daily oviposition (m) and the density necessary for the predatory mite to oviposit half the maximum response (n). (see Equation 4 in the Supplemental Files)