For decades, telemetry collars have remained the primary means of collecting long-term, high-resolution movement data from adult female polar bears [44]. However, the need to collect movement data from other age- and sex-classes of polar bears, together with a desire to provide alternatives to collars, particularly for certain shorter-term applications, led to the development of novel telemetry devices, including the fur tags we described and tested. Although fur tags had shorter mean functional durations than ear tags, they had similar horizontal error estimates and provided sufficient data to quantify behavioural states of free-ranging subadult and adult male polar bears.
Although the specific causes of tag detachment are unknown, there are several aspects of polar bear behaviour that may have contributed to the short functional durations observed for fur tags. While onshore, subadult and adult male polar bears generally remain close to the coast where they form aggregations and rest in shallow earthen pits [64, 87, 88]. Bears are frequently observed lying in a prone position, but routinely rest in lateral or supine positions as well. Between bouts of resting, bears occasionally swim in Hudson Bay or travel further inland where coastal tundra transitions to areas dominated by taller vegetation, including willow and black spruce [39, 64, 89]. Thus, fur-mounted tags may be subjected to shear forces from ocean waves and abrasion against both sand and occasionally dense terrestrial vegetation. Male polar bears also engage in social play [90], including grappling and wrestling, which involve bears biting and wrapping their forelegs around the neck and/or shoulder region of their partner. Therefore, fur tags may also be susceptible to detachment during social play because unlike ear tags, they were not permanently secured through an appendage but rather affixed to a more exposed part of the body.
Compared to ear tags and collars, fur tags were designed to remain affixed to polar bears for a relatively short period, as polar bear fur is replaced annually during a gradual moult between May and August [91–93]. Therefore, the maximum duration any fur-mounted tag can remain affixed to a free-ranging polar bear is approximately one year, after which it will be shed. Given the timing of our study (September to December), moulting likely did not contribute to premature detachment; however, it remains a consideration for future deployments, particularly during the spring and summer.
Differences in mean functional duration among the three fur tag designs are likely attributable to the method of attachment. For instance, SeaTrkr and pentagon tags were both attached using copper ferules crimped around multiple tufts of hair; however, SeaTrkr tags were secured to ten separate tufts of hair while pentagon tags were only secured to five. Considering SeaTrkr tags are approximately double the size and nearly three times the weight of pentagon tags, it appears doubling the number of attachment points contributed to the difference in mean retention times. Also, SeaTrkr tags include a smooth outer casing, designed to reduce drag, whereas the Argos transmitters attached to pentagon tags remained exposed, secured to an accessory bolt on the tags using a nut and locking washer. Wiig et al. (2017) noted several observations of polar bears with pieces of discarded fishing net caught on plastic identification ear tags, which are smaller than the Argos transmitters. The authors also speculate that instances of lost ear tag transmitters may be the result of similar entanglements. Thus, the more streamlined design of the SeaTrkr tags may have rendered them less likely than the irregularly shaped, multi-part pentagon tags to become caught in surrounding objects, or inadvertently removed by conspecifics during sparring.
Tribrush tags were attached by entangling hairs in three nylon-bristle pipe brushes that were twisted repeatedly inside perforated tubes spanning the length of the tags’ edges. Although care was taken during application to ensnare as much hair as possible, the relatively short coats of bears in late summer may have contributed to the tags’ short functional duration. Without adequate contact between the bristles and hair, tags may have loosened as the bears moved, leaving them susceptible to detachment. Application of supplementary adhesive appears to have enhanced retention time, as tribrush tags applied using two-part epoxy lasted 69 and 114 days, the longest duration of all the fur tags. The remaining two tribrush tags, which were applied without epoxy, lasted only 2 and 3 days. Although the exothermic reaction of the two-part epoxy caused concerns (i.e., damage to the hair and/or skin), a more targeted, lower volume application likely could ameliorate these issues. Unlike fur tags, which are designed to remain affixed for a short period, ear tags may remain attached indefinitely because they are mounted through a hole in the ear and do not include a drop-off mechanism. While there have been reports of detachments [53], their size, means of attachment, and peripheral location likely make ear tags less prone to incidental detachment than fur tags, which are only secured to hair that may be shed or break on an exposed part of the bears’ torso. Fur tags are less likely to cause injury to the bear if they become entangled in debris or are pulled by another bear during social interactions, whereas ear tags, if entangled or pulled could cause injury.
Animal location data recorded using GPS receivers are usually accurate to < 20 m, whereas horizontal error estimates associated with data collected using Argos transmitters can only be specified to within < 250 m [9, 77]. Accordingly, differences between GPS and Argos systems in terms of how location data are recorded is likely responsible for the higher resolution horizontal error estimates associated with the SeaTrkr GPS/Iridium tags compared to the Argos-linked tags.
Among the Argos-linked transmitters, tribrush tags had the largest proportion of fixes for which horizontal error could not be estimated (i.e., Class A and B). Transmitters were placed in the same position on each of the six bears fitted with the pentagon and tribrush tags. However, in addition to slightly different means of attachment, tribrush tags were equipped with plastic radome covers, which were intended to help protect the transmitters from wind, precipitation, and abrasion. Pentagon tags did not include a protective covering because the base was made of a flexible material that was less amenable to a cover. While radome covers are meant to have a minimal effect on the attenuation of electromagnetic signals, research using stationary GPS arrays has shown they may reduce the accuracy of GPS position estimates, particularly along the vertical axis [94]. The magnitude of signal attenuation also depends on the antenna design, along with the composition and thickness of the cover [94, 95]. Thus, the radome covers may have degraded the transmitters’ ability to reliably communicate with satellites, perhaps contributing to the higher proportion of inestimable horizontal error values associated with tribrush tags, a trend not observed in the nearly identical pentagon tags. Both pentagon tags and ear tags had similar proportions of fixes with Class 0–3 error estimates despite differences in attachment. Wiig et al. (2017) reported similar proportions of fixes with high resolution error estimates for Argos-equipped SPOT-227 and − 305A ear tags (mean: 64.68% and 53.10%, respectively) deployed on subadult and adult polar bears of both sexes. While male polar bears may spend extended periods during the ice-free season lying in shallow earthen pits, often excavated in coastal ridges [88, 96], it appears fur and ear tags remained comparably unobscured, resulting in similar proportions of successful transmissions to Argos satellites. The consistently low horizontal error estimates associated with GPS/Iridium-linked SeaTrkr tags further suggests that fur tags positioned on a bear’s back provide adequate communication with satellites and comparable error resolution to conventional ear tags and GPS collars. The high positional accuracy of the SeaTrkr tags, along with their longer mean retention time, suggest these tags may provide the best option among the three fur-mounted tag designs for tracking polar bear movements over short time periods.
Our results demonstrate subadult and adult male polar bears limit their movements while ashore, corroborating previous observational studies that showed bears spent approximately 70–90% of their time resting during the ice-free period in Hudson Bay [87, 97, 98]. Because polar bears are prone to hyperthermia, searching for and consuming terrestrial sources of food, which provide limited nutritional contributions [99], is likely more energetically costly than resting and fasting until the ice reforms [88, 98, 100–102]. Indeed, the top-ranking two-state HMM, which included a linear effect of ambient temperature on stationary state probabilities, suggested bears travelled less during warmer weather, increasing their time spent traveling as temperatures cooled. Colder temperatures coincide with sea ice formation during the late fall and early winter in Hudson Bay when all polar bears, with the exception of pregnant females, begin a seasonal migration towards newly forming sea ice [27, 103, 104]. Accordingly, the estimated proportion of time subadult and adult male bears spent resting during our study period further supports the notion that it is likely more metabolically efficient for polar bears to rest rather than expending energy for often unpredictable opportunities to consume terrestrial foods that provide limited energetic returns [88, 98, 100–102].
We only considered two behavioural states due to the limited temporal resolution and number of locations recorded using our tags. Given these limitations, along with research suggesting bears spend only ca. 3% of their overall time budget foraging while on land, it is unlikely HMMs could reliably distinguish between three or more distinct states [48, 97, 105]. Others have demonstrated polar bears engage in additional behaviours, particularly during winter and spring while on the sea ice [48, 97, 106, 107]. For instance, Togunov et al. (2022), using a similar HMM approach, showed adult female bears alternated between three distinct movement-related behavioural states (drifting, area restricted search, and olfactory search) while on the sea ice between January and June. Similarly, Pagano et al. (2017) showed video-linked accelerometer data collected at 2-second intervals could be used to distinguish between three behaviours (i.e., resting, walking, and swimming), and were capable of identifying up to five behaviours while bears where on land (i.e., resting, walking, eating, grooming, and head shaking). Future behavioural studies using fur tags may consider increasing fix-rates to identify more intricate behaviours and attendant habitat associations.
While collars remain the best option for collecting long-term, high-resolution movement data [44], fur-mounted tags offer promise for shorter-term applications. For instance, fur tags may be used to study the movements and behaviours of polar bears during particularly important periods, such as the spring hyperphagia and mating seasons, transition on and off the sea ice, and during the ice-free season. Short-term monitoring of subadult and adult males may further clarify sex- and age-class-related differences in movement characteristics, including home range size and habitat selection. Further, fur tags may be well suited for use in mitigation of human-bear conflicts. Bears captured near human settlements could be equipped with the temporary tags to monitor their proximity to people and infrastructure, allowing conservation staff to intercept the bears and prevent recidivist encounters. GPS collars are poorly suited for this singular task because most bears involved in conflicts are subadult and adult males [69, 70, 108, 109]. Fur-mounted tags are also less expensive than GPS collars, thereby allowing for monitoring of more bears for the same cost. Fur tags offer promise as a safe, less expensive, shorter-term means of monitoring the movements of free-ranging polar bears for purposes of both applied scientific research and mitigating human-bear conflicts.
Further refinement and testing of fur tag designs may improve their reliability. Our results demonstrate that increasing the number of attachment points, along with use of suitable supplementary adhesive, ought to increase mean retention times. Further tests may also be used to evaluate their suitability for use on other age classes. Tracking bears other than adult females is important for broadening understanding of critical aspects of the species’ habitat use and behaviour, particularly as the Arctic warms in response to ongoing climate change. Current estimates suggest climate-mediated changes to Arctic environments are likely to cause shifts in polar bear distribution and habitat selection, and result in higher rates of human-bear conflicts [23, 70, 110, 111]. Therefore, along with other remote tracking technologies, including ear tags, fur-mounted tags offer a means of collecting data that will enable managers and other stakeholders to make informed decisions vital for the ongoing management and conservation of polar bears.