The International Society of Sexual Medicine's (ISSM)recently proposed a combined definitions12. they suggested a precise definition of both LPE and APE; depend on the time starting from penetration to ejaculation, lose the ability to delay ejaculation and negative personal outcomes. Although, APE has a supplementary constituent, the presence of a clinically considerable and frustrating decrease in latency time (often to about 3 minutes or lesser)4. This syndrome occurs suddenly or gradually through a patient’s life who has normal ejaculation and practices formerly. APE may occur due to the result of urological diseases, vascular dysfunctions and or psychological disorders 11.
Regarding variable premature ejaculation (VPE), the ejaculation time might be a short period or normal. Premature ejaculations are varying and occurs occasionally. The competency to delay ejaculation might be reduced or missing. Premature-like ejaculatory dysfunctions have been defined when the IELT (within the normal range or may be of longer duration). The ability to postpone ejaculation may be reduced or absent and the belief of early ejaculation or loss of control of ejaculation present. Variable subjective insight of consistent or inconsistent quick ejaculation4,5. These definitions are useful in clinical practice since they remarked by different features and may need different methods to manage.6,7 In the current study, the patients complaining of premature ejaculationswere classified according to the two types of PE and analyzed with different atherosclerosis parameters.
Serefoglu et al.13 evaluated distributions and related factors in men with premature ejaculations attending outpatients' clinics in Turkey. They observed that the complaints of PE were more intense in patients with APE than with LPE. These findings agreed with the present study (APE was predominant compared with LPE). Gao et al.4 investigate 3016 men in China between 2011 and 2012 to evaluate the prevalence and factors correlated with PE and the four types of PE syndromes (lifelong, acquired, natural variable and premature-like ejaculatory dysfunction).They reported that 25.8% of patients complained of PE. It was observed that patients with PE were older and more expected to be hypertensive, had more hyperlipidemia and developed a higher body mass index than patients without PE complaint. these findings were similar to that study, where there was a significant difference between PE patients with (elevated blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia Increased BMI and older age) than patients with only PE.
Multiple studies documented those comorbid diseases, like cardiovascular diseases atherosclerosis, hypertension and DM observed to be more likely common in men with the complaint of PE14. Nonetheless, it was displayed that among the types of PE, these comorbidities were more obvious in acquired PE, even though the exact etiology of PE is not known15 .These findings were in agreement with our results, we reported significant differences in blood pressure and lipid profile between the two groups P < 0.001.
Hypertension and diabetic Insulin. resistance was found to be associated with sympathetic overactivity, as observed in many patients16. Zorba et al 17 evaluated the impact of the autonomic nervous system on [24-hour] heart rate changeability in PE and reported that sympathetic activity was intensified in men with PE, especially the lifelong type.The overactivity in the sympathetic nervous system may produce initial pressure elevation in the male prostatic urethra and subsequent PE.
Xia et al. assessed the potential effect of the sympathetic nervous system function in patients with primary PE by examining the reaction of the sympathetic skin positioned in the male penis and documented that men with primary PE exhibit hyperactive sympathetic nervous system function18.
Bolat et al. 19 reported that blood pressures were markedly increased in men complaining of PE. About 59% of the premature ejaculator’s men showed blood pressure ⩾130/85 mmHg.Correlation analysis exposed that elevated blood pressures showed a negative correlation with IELT.These findings were similar to our results. Where we declared that Bl.P was significantly higher in PE men with atherosclerosis than those without atherosclerosis. (P < 0.01)
Recently, Gao et al.4 established that patients, with acquired PE complaints, displayed elevated body mass index (BMI) scores. These findings are comparable to our results, where BMI, TG, and LDL were statistically significantly greater in PE patients with atherosclerosis than PE patients without atherosclerosis.(P < 0.01)
Bolat et al .19 reported also that serum HDL levels were similar between the groups. However,our results showed significant HDL elevation in PE group without atherosclerosis more than PE men with atherosclerosis. (P < 0.001).