Despite increased attention on urban spontaneous plants in urban ecosystem studies, and the importance of seed dispersal in biodiversity patterns generally, our knowledge on the distribution pattern and drivers of spontaneous plants with different seed dispersal modes is still lacking. Our study investigated the diversity patterns of spontaneous plants with different seed dispersal modes in the sixteen prefectural-level cities of Yunnan province, China, and the importance of drivers related to natural factors, dispersal limitation and habitat quality. Our study highlights that the richness of species with different dispersal modes is generally correlated with a similar combination of external drivers, but that there are various sensitivities among different dispersal modes to these factors.
Given the varying properties of species with different dispersal modes, including their dispersal distance and seed mass, seed quantity and seed morphology (Cote et al., 2017), it may be expected that some are more susceptible to fragmentation than others (Gorton and Shaw, 2023; Niu et al., 2023; Piano et al., 2023). For example, self-dispersed species (autochory) have a more limited dispersal distance than wind-dispersed species (anemochory), and hence one may expect that autochorous species are more sensitive to fragmentation. Despite the highly fragmented landscape in urban systems, we found that species exhibiting autochory dispersal dominated the flora in most of the studied cities (13/16), while anemochory accounted for a relatively lower proportion in all cities. As expected, we found the lowest proportion of hydrochory in the urban floras, presumably due to urbanization resulting in wetland habitat loss in urban areas (Soomers et al., 2013).
Habitat quality determines to which extent plants can obtain resources from the focal patches. Our results showed that larger patches contained higher richness for all groups of plants, following many other studies (Arrhenius, 1921; MacArthur and Wilson, 1967; Matthies et al., 2015). However, trends differed significantly among the various groups, suggesting that the influence of patch area varies with different seed dispersal modes, and showing the strongest positive effects for species exhibiting hydrochory, followed by zoochory, autochory and, lastly, anemochory. Additionally, zoochorous species and anemochory species responded more positively to LSI (landscape shape index) than hydrochorous ones. The relative importance of (i.e. variance explained by) habitat quality was the lowest contribution for the richness of species exhibiting hydrochory, compared with species with other dispersal modes. Hence, while hydrochorous species appear most responsive to patch area, the explanatory power of this relationship was low. This disparity indicates the importance of conducting a comprehensive analysis, considering not only the driving factors and their relative contributions.
Given that the studied cities expand in concentric rings and are encompassed by natural mountains, our measure of distance to city boundary (BD) conveyed not only the intensity of urbanization but also the difficulty of accessing the natural species pool (Gao et al., 2023). As hydrochorous species heavily relies on wet habitats(Gorton and Shaw, 2023; Howe and Smallwood, 1982; Van der Pijl, 1982), species exhibiting hydrochory showed decreased richness with increasing BD compared to other dispersal modes. The diminishing presence of water bodies as we move towards city centers and the stronger dispersal barriers between water bodies in increasingly highly urbanized areas may contribute to the lower richness of hydrochory in urbanized regions. That is, the larger cities (bigger city size in our case) potentially construe increased barriers to species dispersal into the city center due to increasingly higher urbanization levels and more intense human disturbance (Ceplová et al., 2017). Indeed, spontaneous plants with different dispersal modes showed significantly decreased richness with increasing city size. Moreover, autochorous species demonstrated a more negative response to city size in comparison to zoochory and anemochory, suggesting an elevated sensitivity to urbanization. As urbanization intensifies, there is a concurrent rise in fragmentation levels, indirectly affecting species with short dispersal range, such as autochorous species (Cruz et al., 2013; Wilson et al., 2020), thereby potentially amplifying their sensitivity to city size. Additionally, Higher urbanization rate (UR) may have led to more frequent and unstable disturbances, potentially giving rise to “extinction debt” or “invasion debt” issues and affect biodiversity (Essl et al., 2011; Tilman et al., 1994). Therefore, current biodiversity pattern also is jointly affected by the present statues of urbanization and historical process of urbanization (Gao et al., 2023). Collectively, our findings highlight the predominant role of dispersal limitation in shaping the richness of autochory compared to species with other dispersal modes. In contrast, its impact was least pronounced in the case of anemochory, which boasts a longer dispersal range, typically produces a larger quantity of seeds and long been regarded as possessing the capacity for sustained resistance to adverse environmental stressors, making them appear less sensitive to the current and historical urbanization process (Lososová et al., 2023; Zhang et al., 2023). In conclusion, our study underscores the significant impact of dispersal limitation on the diversity of spontaneous plants with different seed dispersal modes. We suggest that augmenting the number of wetland habitats in urban areas holds the potential to boost the richness of hydrochorous species. Additionally, the creation of corridors between urban and natural areas to reduce dispersal limitation emerges as a critical strategy for enhancing and conserving urban biodiversity.
Through acting as the first level environmental filter, climate factors influence the regional species pool and ultimately affect the pattern of biodiversity (Francis and Currie, 2003; García-Palacios et al., 2018). The results of our study demonstrate significant positive impacts of precipitation on all groups of spontaneous plants. Similar trends were also found in research on the diversity of urban vegetations in 7 cities in the USA (Wheeler et al., 2017). Higher precipitation was also associated with increased urban plant richness across 10 cities in Kazakhstan (Vakhlamova et al., 2022), 18 cities in China (Ouyang et al., 2023), and 117 urban yards from 6 metropolitan areas in the USA (Padullés Cubino et al., 2019). However, our study showed a significant negative impact of temperature on the richness of autochory and hydrochory. In contrast to mean annual precipitation (MAP), species diversity reduced in cities with high mean annual temperature (MAT), presumably due to accompanying drought conditions (Aronson et al., 2014; Wheeler et al., 2017). In addition, the divergent trends in climate factors revealed that hydrochory showed the strongest positive relationship with MAP and strongest negative relationship with MAT compared to plants with other seed dispersal modes. Evidently, lower precipitation and higher temperature jointly contribute to more arid environments, consequently impacting plants richness, particularly in term of hydrochorous plants which heavily rely on wet habitats. Furthermore, we infer that due to the restricted of dispersal distance, autochory faces challenges in achieving long-distance migrations across climatic zones, rendering it more susceptible to the influence of climate compared to anemochory and zoochory. The findings of our study indicate that the ongoing rise in global temperatures could exacerbate the decline of plant diversity in urban areas, and that hydrochory and autochory are more sensitive than others. This underscores the need to implement effective conservation measures to preserve urban biodiversity in the face of climate change.
The study revealed significant interactions between dispersal modes and environmental factors. The divergent trends of factors among the different seed dispersal modes, indicating that different plant groups exhibit varied degrees of sensitivity to environment. However, a more in-depth analysis of spontaneous plants with different seed dispersal modes showed that the drivers of diversity patterns within each group are identicality, except for UR was not retained on the model of anemochory. The natural factors (like climate) and anthropogenic factors together shape the diversity pattern of urban spontaneous plants with different dispersal modes, however anthropogenic factors such as habitat quality and dispersal limitation, played an overwhelming role. In a study of 110 cities globally, urban plants diversity patterns were also found to be dominated by anthropogenic features (Aronson et al., 2014). Additionally, the combinations of factors affecting different group of plants in urban areas aligns with observations in other studies, such as those conducted in Kunming city of China (Gao et al., 2021), and a study on vascular plants in sixty European cities (Kalusová et al., 2019). These results indicated that spontaneous plants in heavily disturbed artificial ecosystems like urban areas tend to develop convergent strategies to cope with environmental stressors, nevertheless, that there are various sensitivities among different dispersal modes to these factors. Therefore, to maximize the conservation of urban biodiversity, in addition to improving habitat quality and reducing dispersal limitations, we should also take into account the characteristics of different species.