Determining the morphology and elemental components of suspended dust/particulate matter by means of microscopy techniques is useful to aid analyses in particle size and mineralogical compositions. A total of seventeen elements were found in the current study (Lee E et al., 2018). The most common minerals that were identified were quartz and feldspars, making it difficult to determine the exact sources of these minerals. The reason is that these minerals are found in most rocks in South Africa, with feldspars in fact being the most common group of minerals within the continental crust, quartz being second.
Other prominent minerals that were found include calcite, ilmenite, mica, hematite and gypsum. The most common possible sources that were identified were sedimentary and iron ore. LRT combined with mineralogical analyses pointed to the Bushveld Complex, the Karoo-, Olifantshoek-, Cape- and Transvaal Supergroups, and the Hardveld Land Division (Botswana) being prominent sources in South Africa. As one of the most active mining countries in the world, the large mining industry in South Africa necessitate more research with regards to related PM pollution.
3.1. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS)
SEM-EDS is analytical technique that is ideally suitable for investigations of sample and material surfaces. Elemental composition and particle morphology were determined for each of the nine samples collected for the present study. All dust samples were kept in its original state during SEM-EDS analyses. Analyses therefor include results in its entirety, i.e. composed of both inorganic and possible organic constituents. The presence of Ir in the samples is due to coating of samples, as required for SEM analyses.
Table 1 lists precise sampling locations, i.e. suburbs and coordinates. In Bloemfontein four sites were identified and sampled, namely in house attics in Langenhoven Park (LHP) directly west of the main north-south national N1 highway, Universitas (U) directly east of the N1, Heidedal (H) that lies next to the city’s industrial area, and Maselspoort (M) that lies to the east of the city, but where the municipality’s water purification works is also located. The two sites west and east of the N1 highway were selected to investigate possible differences resulting from mainly westerly winds that blows in this area.
In Kimberley, three sites were identified and sampled, namely Casandra (C), South Ridge (SR) and Monument Heights (MH). Casandra (C) is located immediately north of the Ekapa mine and the provincial road (R64), west of the De Beers mine and northwest of the industrial area. South Ridge (SR) and Monument Heights (MH) are located between the N8 and N12 national highways and immediately north of the Transnet Railway Station and north-west of the Airport.
Vanderbijlpark was selected for being known to be a high pollution area. Two sites were sampled here, both being in the SE3 suburb, about 10 km south of the huge Arcelormittal steel and other engineering works.
The various particle morphology images and the elemental compositions for the four sites in and outside Bloemfontein, i.e. LHP. U, H & M, were taken at magnifications varying from 35 to 750 times, see Figures S1 – S8 in Supporting Information. The two sites west (LHP) and east (U) of the N1 highway were selected to investigate possible differences in view of mainly westerly winds that blow in the central Free State, with more PM resulting from heavy traffic expected downwind, i.e. in U. However, no significant differences between the elemental composition for all three sites, LHP, U and H located inside the city residential areas, were observed. Interestingly no Cl was found directly next to the municpal waterworks at M which is know for its use of ample amounts of Ca(OCl)2 during the decontamination process.
Figures 3 and 4 show SEM-EDS elemental compositions for the LHP and M sites, with associated SEM images included. Only at Maselspoort (M), being located about 10 km outside, east of the city, one difference was observed in the elemental composition, i.e. Zn was also observed here.
The particle morphology images for the SR site in the mining city Kimberley were taken at magnifications ranging from 33 to 190 (SI: Figure S9), for the MH site at magnifications ranging from 35 to 230 (SI: Figure S11), and for the C site at magnifications ranging from 37 to 160 (SI: Figure S13). The graphical representations of the elemental compositions for the SR, MH and C site are shown in Figs. 5–7, while corresponding elemental compositions are shown in Figures S10, S12 and S14 respectively, in the supporting information. The same level of similarity was not observed for the Kimberley sites as in the Bloemfontein, eg. no sodium (Na) was detected in samples from the Kimberley sites, as opposed to both the Bloemfontein and Vanderbijlpark sites. The sites in Kimberley had key differences. The SR site did not contain Cl, but did contain Cu, which in turn was not observed at the other Kimberley sites. The MH site indicated Cl and uniquely also Ag, Cl was also observed in the C site.
Graphical representations of the elemental compositions for the SE3 1 & 2 sites in Vanderbijlpark are shown in Figs. 8 & 9, while corresponding elemental compositions are illustrated in Figures S16 & 17 in the Supporting Information. Particle morphology images for the SE3 1 and SE3 2 sites were taken at magnitudes ranging from 30 to 85 (SI: Figure S15) and magnifications ranging from 55 to 150 (SI: Figure S17) respectively. Of all nine samples the SE3 1 site is the only one that indicated Mn. Modelling of the origins of the various dust samples presented results shown in section 3.6 below.
In summary, the elements found in the elemental analysis for each sample were oxygen, carbon, sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, sulphur, potassium, calcium, titanium and iron. Contrary to the rest, the Kimberley site indicated no Na, Cl was found at LHP, H, MH, C, SE3 1 and SE3 2, Mn was found only at SE3 1 and Cu at SR, MH, SE3 1 and SE3 2, Zn was only found at M and Ag only at MH.
3.2. X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)
XRF studies found the main constituents of all the dust samples to be SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and CaO, see Fig. 10. The Maselspoort sample was the only one that would not fuse, with consequence that the XRF analysis could not be done.
3.3. X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
XRD results (Fig. 11, Table S2 and Figure S19 – S27) show that the samples are mostly composed of the silicate component; quartz, plagioclase and/or k-feldspar. Figure 11 illustrates this minerals distribution, with quartz together with plagioclase and k-feldspar representing 55–89% of the samples. The Bloemfontein samples (LHP, U, H and M) are also more complex when compared to the Vanderbijlpark (SE3 1 and SE3 2) and Kimberley (SR, MH and C) samples. After the silicate mineral component, the next most prominent component is the carbonates. These XRD results correlate well with XRF in that quartz (SiO2 content – 100 wt.%) and plagioclase (NaAlSi3O8 – CaAl2Si2O8, SiO2 content: 67.39–44.40 wt.%) are the most prominent constituent. Another correlation between the XRF and XRD results is the Loss on Ignition (LOI) (range from 12.39–30.81 wt.%) of the XRF results (Table S3). These losses are indicative of the decarbonization of carbonates during the heating process.
3.4. Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA)
The intention of completing the analyses for the current study by means of the EPMA technique was to determine the minerals that may be present at concentrations too low to be detected by XRD. Large amounts of quartz and silicate minerals (such as plagioclase and pyroxene) are present in all samples, which is expected. The samples from Vanderbijl Park have Fe-minerals present in addition to the silicates. These Fe-minerals are in the form pyrite, magnetite/hematite and Fe-metal. The samples from the Kimberley area contain small quantities of chromite, magnetite/hematite, ilmenite and Fe-metal, see Fig. 12. The samples from the Bloemfontein area, contain minerals similar to those found in the Kimberley area, with Maselspoort containing Zn-minerals and barite. The analysis of these minerals can be found in the supporting information (Table S3).
In addition to the chemical composition of these minerals, it is observed that the grains viewed under the EPMA are angular in shape, not well rounded, which is expected from wind-borne material. Water-carrier particles are typically more rounded.
3.5 Combined XRD, EPMA and HYSPLIT
South Africa is a mineral rich country with an extended mining industry that is spread across the country. Combining Long-Range Transport (LRT) clusters with minerals identified in the samples of the present study, as well as mining sources, provided a means to help identify the origins of the dust samples (Pawloski GA, 1985).
Table 2 shows the different minerals found in the samples (excluding the common minerals; quartz, plagioclase and k-feldspar), the most possible source, and the source positions from the HYSPLIT maps. The minerals that are present are generally common, but the sources mentioned are the most prominent and correspond to the source of the HYSPLIT data. The quartz and feldspars found in the samples are abundant earth crust minerals, thus making it difficult to attribute its specific origins (Amulele GM et al., 2022). Much of the South African landscape is covered by the Karoo Supergroup, which consists of layers of sedimentary rocks which are capped by basalts. Minerals such as quartz, plagioclase, clay minerals, pyroxene, k-feldspar, gypsum and mica are present in the Karoo Supergroup (Johnson MR et al., 2006). Amygdales in the basalts may be the source of stilbite (Johnson MR et al., 2006). The Cape- (Thamm AG & Johnson MR, 2006) and Olifantshoek Supergroups (Moen HFG, 2006) also consist of sedimentary rocks (some of which are metamorphosed).
The groups in the Transvaal Supergroup that are of interest in this study are the Banded Iron Formation (BIF) rocks and the limestones, which may be the sources of the Fe minerals, hematite and magnetite, and the carbonates respectively (Eriksson PG et al., 2006).
The Bushveld Complex (BC) is South Africa's source of platinum, which is found in ultramafic rocks and chromitite layers. These rocks consist mainly of pyroxenes, plagioclases, k-feldspars and chromites. The BC may be the source of the chromites, ilmenite, rutile, magnetite and olivine. Ilmenite and rutile (and anatase) are also common in the heavy mineral sands found and mined along the coast of South Africa (Cawthorn RB et al., 2006).
Due to the proximity of the Kimberley samples it is important to note that ilmenite, pyroxene and calcite are also found in kimberlites (Skinner EMW and Truswell JF, 2006). The Hardveld Land Division (Botswana) consists of sedimentary rocks, basalt and granite gneisses (Jones CR and Hepworth JV, 1973). This area is a source of dust in the Kimberley area.
Table 2
Minerals detected in samples, and possible sources according to the HYSPLIT data.
Minor/trace minerals
Possible sources
HYSPLIT data – suggested sources
Langenhoven Park
Karoo supergroup, Bushveld complex, Olifantshoek supergroup, Cape supergroup
Heavy mineral sands
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Mn fields
Heavy mineral sands
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Heavy mineral sands
Bushveld complex/Kimberlite
Heavy mineral sands
Heavy mineral sands/granites
Alteration of Fe minerals
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Witwatersrand gold fields
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Heavy mineral sands
Bushveld complex
Sedimentary/Bushveld complex
Karoo supergroup, Bushveld complex, Transvaal supergroup, Cape supergroup, Hardveld land division (Botswana)
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Bushveld complex
Heavy mineral sands
Monument Heights
Bushveld complex/Fe ore
Bushveld complex
Heavy mineral sands
Pegmatite/skarn deposit
Heavy mineral sands
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Bushveld complex/dolerites
Vanderbijl Park
SE3 1
Heavy mineral sands
Karoo supergroup, Bushveld complex, Olifantshoek supergroup, Transvaal supergroup, Cape supergroup
Heavy mineral sands/granites
Sedimentary/Fe ore
Witwatersrand gold fields
SE3 2
Sedimentary/Fe ore
3.6. Long – ranged transport clusters (HYSPLIT)
For the present studies the Free State province was selected due to the virtual absence of previous investigations related to PM pollution within the province. As area with highest population in the FS, being centrally located, lying within an extended agricultural land area, and situated at the intersection of main highway and railway lines, the capital, Bloemfontein, was firstly selected. For purposes of comparison, the diamond mining city of Kimberley that lies on the FS-eastern border and directly southeast of some of the world’s largest iron and manganese producing mines was also selected. Lastly, the traditionally heavy steel industry town of Vanderbijlpark in the north was also added. This town lies between the high pollution Gauteng province Witwatersrand area to its north and Sasolburg with its many fossil fuel-based chemical industries. With all these variables in mind, the aim was to also determine changes in air mass transport clusters over the passed four decades (1992, 2002, 2012 and 2022), at 10-year intervals. These changes are shown in Table 3 and Figs. 13–15.
Using backward trajectories, changes in the origin of air masses over four decades could be determined for the three main locations, Bloemfontein, Kimberley and Vanderbijlpark. Four clusters of air mass origin were used for each specific year, as shown in Table 3. The clusters in 1992 for Bloemfontein were from Lesotho, NC, NW and AO. With the exception of NC, four decades later these clusters changed almost completely, namely to NC, FS, L and the Western Cape (WC). The clusters in 1992 for Kimberley were from the Atlantic Ocean (AO) and North-West (NW), Eastern Cape (EC) and Northern Cape (NC) provinces. Over four decades these clusters changed to Botswana, the NC, Free State (FS) and Limpopo (L) provinces. The clusters in 1992 for Vanderbijlpark (Gauteng province) were from NW, WC, L and Mapumalanga (MP) provinces. Forty years later these clusters changed to NC, FS, L and Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) provinces. It is thus seen that between 1992 and 2022, the directions of the air currents changed significantly, resulting in differences in source materials. The origins of the air masses show that the dominant movement in 2022 in Bloemfontein (averaging 51% over the four-decade period) and Kimberley (averaging 52% over the four-decade period) are in the north-east and south-west directions, whereas the prominent directions experienced in the Vanderbijlpark (averaging 52.5% over the four decade period) region are east-west.
Table 3 Long-ranged transport (LRT) clusters for each location in the years 1992, 2002, 2012 and 2022. Cluster relevant geographical areas are the neighboring countries of Lesotho and Botswana, the Atlantic Ocean (AO), and the North-West (NW), Eastern Cape (EC), Northern Cape (NC), Free State (FS), Limpopo (L), Western Cape (WC), KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), and Mpumalanga (MP) provinces of South Africa.
Lesotho (29 %)
NW (29 %)
FS (40 %)
NC (25 %)
NW (37 %)
WC (20 %)
NC (27 %)
WC (31 %)
NC (22 %)
FS (36 %)
L (20 %)
L (16 %)
AO (12 %)
L (15 %)
EC (12 %)
FS (28 %)
NW (43 %)
AO (21 %)
NC (31 %)
NC (25 %)
EC (17 %)
FS (32 %)
FS (27 %)
FS (28 %)
NC (21 %)
L (17 %)
Botswana (25 %)
Botswana (34 %)
AO (18 %)
Botswana (31 %)
WC (18 %)
L (13%)
MP (38%)
NW (37 %)
MP (40 %)
L (48 %)
WC (13 %)
NC (12 %)
L (21 %)
FS (23 %)
NW (18 %)
MP (38 %)
FS (34 %)
KZN (22 %)
L (31 %)
KZN (14 %)
WC (5 %)
NC (7 %)