Downy mildew is the most common foliar disease of cucumbers in the globe. Whenever there is a severe infection, the plant dies within 6 to 12 days after the onset of symptoms, depending on the host genotype, inoculum concentration, and weather (Lebeda, 1990). Fungicide-based disease control lost some of its effectiveness on particularly vulnerable types or in situations where the disease pressure was too great. Therefore, in order to create varieties resistant to the downy mildew disease, breeders are urged to use resistant breeding. Diverse pathotypes and races of the pathogen, environmental factors, sources of resistance, and distinct resistance mechanisms may have different inheritance patterns, all contribute to the contradictory findings regarding the inheritance of downy mildew resistance in cucumbers (Criswell et. al., 2010), that sheds light on the kind and scope of the relevant gene effects is generation mean analysis (Hayman, 1958).
There is evidence to imply that downy mildew is a hereditary trait based on the progeny of different parental lines exhibiting resistance or vulnerability to it. While the mean PDI of all generations in the Swarna Agethi × IIHR-438 cross fell within the parental range and in the IIHR-431 × IIHR-433 cross, both F1 and BC1 are marginally higher PDI than the susceptible parent. In BC2 population of both cross, the mean illness ratings of the backcrosses were lesser than those of the susceptible parent but closer than those of the resistant parent. In comparison to P1, F1, BC1, and checks, the generations P2, F2, and BC2 showed slower illness progression, lower AUDPC, and lower PDI (%) (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). These generations have a remarkably slow rate of disease development, which is practically significant since it allows them to withstand an epidemic without become infected for an extended period of time and gives other disease control techniques more time to be implemented. They may also help to significantly reduce chemical inputs and can withstand a delayed chemical spray interval. Previous research on downy mildew in cucumbers showed that the illness progressed more slowly (Call, 2012, Bhutia et al., 2015).
The apparent infection rate (AIR) values in both crosses fluctuated and occasionally did not hold steady over several generations. The AIR increased as the plant grew, reach its maximum in the P1, BC1, and F1 populations. Determining the resistance level in genotypes with plant age will be made easier with the use of this information. The susceptibility of the population and favorable environmental conditions that may favor the development of disease can be ascribed to the severity of the disease (Patil 1997).
The test cross with the resistant parent segregating according to the ratio 1:1 further examined the digenic recessive model (inhibitory recessive epistasis), as the F2 populations in both crosses followed the 3:13 ratio (3 resistant: 13 susceptible). Resistance to downy mildew disease was a recessive trait in both crosses, whereas susceptibility to the illness was entirely dominant. The inheritance of the resistant gene was controlled by two sets of genes interacting in a dominant and recessive manner, according to the segregation pattern. This hypothesis was validated by backcrosses with the resistant parent, yielding a ratio of 1 susceptible to 1 resistant. It appears that two gene pairs may interact, maybe in an epistastic manner, where resistance is conferred by two non-allelic resistance genes; also, one dominant gene may be dominant over the other and one recessive gene may be dominant over the other. Additional findings from the chi-square analysis were validated by the Castle Wright estimate of the minimal number of functional genes. Previous research on cucumber plants ((Bhutia 2015, Kozik et al. 2013), Call (2012), Criswell et al. (2010), and Petrov et al. (2000)) revealed a pattern of inheritance akin to that of downy mildew disease.
Understanding the kind and extent of gene effects present in breeding material is required before deciding on the type of breeding procedure to be employed. The inheritance of disease resistance was found to be caused by epistatic interaction (additive x dominance) and additive and dominance effects, which are types of digenic nonallelic interactions. These findings were obtained from the Swarna Agethi × IIHR-438 cross. All other components were positive and contributed to susceptibility rather than resistance, with the exception of the additive x dominance component. Given that the epistatic interaction was more significant than the primary effects, the best breeding strategy in this case seems to be a reciprocal recurrent selection strategy followed by the pedigree technique of selection.
The inheritance of resistance in the IIHR-431 × IIHR-433 cross additive was caused by dominance, additive x additive, and dominance x dominance effects. Only dominance x dominance effects, however, made a significant contribution to resistance. Selection must be postponed since selection in the previous generations would not be successful in enhancing resistance because the quantity of dominance x dominance epistasis was in the direction of resistance and duplication epistasis was predominating in this cross. Therefore, recurrent selection breeding would be a suitable approach. According to Badr and Mohamed (1998), two pairs of dominant and recessive interaction genes (13 susceptible: 3 resistant) in the cucumber resistance line of TX302 regulate resistance to downy mildew. Downy mildew resistance in cucumbers Palmetto and Yomaki types is regulated by either dominant suppression epistasis or inhibitory recessive epistasis (El-Hafaz et al. 1990). Compared to IIHR-438 and IIHR-433, IIHR-438 appears to be more resistant to epistasis inheritance, making it a potential candidate for breeders. At now, endeavors are underway to map this resistance in order to facilitate marker-assisted selection.