Material preparation
All bulk iron-based alloys are prepared by arc-melting under an Ar atmosphere with the starting materials of high-purity elements (> 99.95 wt.%). Re-melting is performed four times to promote chemical homogeneity, and water-cooled copper mold casting is used to form the alloy ingot with dimensions of 10×10×60 mm.
Structural characterization
The phase and crystal structural at room temperature are identified by XRD using an X-ray diffractometer (SmartLab 9 kw, Rigaku Corporation) performed with Co Kα radiation and neutron powder diffraction (NPD) at general purpose powder diffractometer (GPPD), China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). The hyperfine dual-phase microstructures of the alloys are obtained under a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Zeiss GeminiSEM500), in the form of backscattered electrons (BSE) images and off-axis transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) images. Atomic-resolution images of the alloys are characterized by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM, FEI Tecnai G2 F30) and high-angle angular dark field-scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM, ThermoFisher Themis Z), both equipped with an Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS). The lattice mismatch (δ) is calculated by the following formula
$$\delta =\frac{{d\left(112\right)}_{NTE}-{d\left(1\stackrel{-}{1}0\right)}_{PTE}}{({d\left(112\right)}_{NTE}+{d\left(1\stackrel{-}{1}0\right)}_{PTE})/2}$$
Thermal expansion behavior
The linear thermal expansion coefficient curves are collected using a thermal dilatometer (NETZSCH, DIL 402 Expedis Select) using ~Ф5 × 10 mm cylindrical samples. The temperature-dependent NPD is carried out at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO), and the temperature dependence of the lattice parameters is obtained by refining the diffraction data using the Rietveld method.
Mechanical properties
The engineering stress-strain curves under compressive loading are measured using an electronic universal testing machine (WDW-200D) with Ф4 × 10 mm cylindrical samples, and the strain rate is controlled at 1 × 10-3s-1.
Magnetic properties
The magnetic properties are measured using a physical property measurement system (PPMS, Quantum Design) equipped with a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM).
Mössbauer spectroscopy
The Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements are performed at 6.2 K with a low-temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometer (WissEl, WSS-10), in which the α-Fe is used for reference and 57Co (Rh) is used as the radiation source.
In-situ neutron diffraction under compression loading
The in-situ neutron diffraction measurements under compression loading are carried out at VULCAN, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), using Ф8 × 16 mm cylindrical samples. The lattice strain of the specific crystal plane is calculated by interplanar spacing, which is obtained from real-time diffraction data after a single peak fitting68. The calculation formula is as follows
$${\epsilon }_{hkl}=\frac{{d}_{hkl}-{d}_{0, hkl}}{{d}_{0, hkl}}$$
where εhkl is the hkl-orientation lattice strain, dhkl and d0, hkl are the hkl-orientation interplanar spacings measured during and before deformation, respectively.
Thermal residual stress and phase-specific load partition calculations
The thermal residual stress (σr) between NTE and PTE phases is calculated by formula69
$${\sigma }_{r}={E}_{PTE}\frac{{E}_{NTE}{V}_{NTE}}{{E}_{PTE}{V}_{PTE}+{E}_{NTE} {V}_{NTE}}({\alpha }_{NTE}-{\alpha }_{PTE})({T}_{o}-{T}_{p})$$
where E, V, and α represent the Young’s modules, volume fraction, and CTE, respectively. To and Tp denote the operating and processing temperatures of alloys, respectively. In this work, To represent the room temperature, and Tp represents the TC.
The phase stress of PTE phase (σPTE) is calculated by formula64:
$${\sigma }_{PTE}=\frac{{E}_{PTE}}{(1+{\nu }_{PTE})(1-2{\nu }_{PTE})}\times \left\{\left(1-{\nu }_{PTE}\right)\times {\epsilon }_{PTE, 11}+{\nu }_{PTE}\times \left({\epsilon }_{PTE, 22}+{\epsilon }_{PTE, 33}\right)\right\}+{\sigma }_{r}$$
where EPTE, νPTE, and εPTE denote the elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, and lattice strain, respectively. The subscripts "11", "22", and "33" refer to specific directions of lattice strain, with "11" representing the axial direction, while "22" and "33" denote the transverse directions. Additionally, it is assumed that ε22 is equal to ε33. Due to possible modulus anomalies in the NTE phase, the phase stress of the NTE phase (σNTE) is simply calculated by formula64:
$${\sigma }_{NTE}=\frac{{\sigma }_{true}-{V}_{PTE}{\sigma }_{PTE}}{{V}_{NTE}}$$
Micromechanical experiments
The samples with a thickness of 2 mm are first ground and finely polished. The cylindrical micropillars are milled from the surface of the samples using a 30 keV Ga+ focused ion beam (FIB, Tescan Lyra FIB workstation). Rough pillars with a diameter of 10 µm and height of 3 µm are first fast-milled under ion beam conditions of 4.5 nA. After that, the pillars are finely polished step by step by reducing the current to 1 nA, 240 pA, and 50 pA until they reach an aspect ratio (height/diameter) of ~ 2 with diameters of ~ 3 µm and heights of ~ 6 µm. Micropillar compression tests are carried out with an in-situ indenter system (Alemnis AG) inside an SEM (Philips XL30) at room temperature. A 5 µm diameter diamond flat punch (Synton MDP, Switzerland) is applied to load and unload on the pillars with a displacement rate of 6 nm s− 1, corresponding to a strain rate of 1 ×10− 3 s− 1. The microstructures of the micropillars before and after compression are characterized using SEM in the same workstation with FIB.