Southeast Asian hot springs are a tractable model system for interrogating photosynthetic biofilm biogeography. To provide novel ecological insight in support of the potential utility of hot springs as an ecological model system, we conducted a comprehensive sampling of 395 photosynthetic biofilms from 40 neutral-alkaline hot springs (39–66°C, pH 6.4–9) along a 2,100km transect of geothermal activity in Southeast Asia (Fig. 1A). Our approach to estimating biofilm community composition employed high-coverage sequencing of 16S rRNA genes from environmental samples (Supplementary Fig. S1) and this resulted in a quality-filtered and rarefied dataset of 24,832,860 reads and 50,538 ASVs. Alpha diversity estimates of this rarefied dataset (211–3441 ASVs per sample) revealed species richness, Pielou’s eveness, Shannon’s diversity index, and Gini-Simpson’s index displayed a weak but significant negative correlation with temperature (Supplementary Fig. S2). This indicated an overall trend towards lower alpha diversity with increased abundance of fewer (specialized) taxa as temperature increased. To better focus our subsequent ecological analyses, the rarified dataset was further stringently filtered to contain taxa with relative abundance > 1% (20,833,623 reads, 572 ASVs, 1.13% of total ASVs). This final working dataset (rarified and filtered) was subjected to statistical analysis of distribution patterns in relation to abiotic variables and biotic interactions, and ecological modelling to resolve the underlying mechanistic evolutionary drivers influencing the observed distributions.
Hot spring photosynthetic biofilms display distinct biogeographic regionalization. Resolving biogeographic patterns for hot spring photosynthetic biofilms requires expanding scale beyond the few well studied local systems so that regional biogeographic species pools can be determined as a step towards establishing global biogeographic patterns. Our dataset covered a large latitudinal gradient that elicited a strongly significant positive distance-decay correlation between community phylogenetic distance and geographical distance of the hot spring communities (Fig. 1B; linear regression: R = 0.66, P < 2.2e-16). We also estimated distance decay patterns for the different ecological groups within the biofilms and this unveiled differential responses by certain groups. The strongest distance-decay relationships were apparent for photosynthetic (R = 0.63, P < 2.2e-16) and heterotrophic (R = 0.64, P < 2.2e-16) groups compared to a relatively weaker pattern for chemoautotrophs (R = 0.45, P < 2.2e-16) (Supplementary Fig. S3). Among the photosynthetic bacterial ASVs the Cyanobacteriia accounted for the strongest distance decay signal (R = 0.61, P < 2.2e-16) whilst the Chloroflexia displayed the weakest pattern (R = 0.34, P < 2.2e-16) (Supplementary Fig. S3).
Visualization of beta diversity using PCoA ordination of unweighted UniFrac distances illustrated that communities clustered into six distinct and statistically supported biogeographic regions that we named North Thailand, Central Thailand, South Thailand, North Malaysia, South Malaysia, and Singapore (PCoA 99% confidence intervals, one-way permANOVA P < 0.001; Fig. 2A). The clustering of regions broadly matched latitudinal distance and was not autocorrelated to the sampling dates. Our study suggests that for hot springs each region may extend approximately 300km, and these largely but not exclusively reflected the different underlying geological faults despite differences in major abiotic variables between hot spring locations within each region (Supplementary Table 1). This suggested that drivers beyond deterministic influence of measured abiotic variables were also responsible for the observed regionalism.
Cyanobacterial diversity defines regional core microbiomes and biogeographic signals. Comparison of diverse hot spring biofilms across wide geographic and environmental gradients has not been undertaken and so we rationalized that doing so would yield novel insight on community assembly, including identification of characteristic taxa and core microbiomes. The Biofilms of Southeast Asian hot springs supported a highly diverse taxonomic composition comprising 28 bacterial phyla and 2 archaeal phyla. We acknowledge, however, that the Earth Microbiome Project primers we used have recognized limitations in detecting archaeal taxa and thus archaeal diversity may have been underestimated. Communities were characterized by four dominant phyla comprising the Bacteroidota, Chloroflexota, Cyanobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria (Supplementary Fig. S4). The most abundant and prevalent class in biofilms overall were the oxygenic photoautotrophic Cyanobacteriia followed by the anoxygenic photoautotrophic/photoheterotrophic Chloroflexia thus underscoring the importance of photosynthesis to community assembly. The Chloroflexia were more abundant than the Cyanobacteriia at a small number of locations with elevated sulfide levels (≥ 0.5 ppm). Other photosynthetic bacteria, including the Chlorobia which are photosynthetic under anoxic conditions were detected at relatively few locations.
Heterotrophic ASVs were recovered from diverse phyla with known thermophilic representatives. Particularly abundant taxa at specific locations affiliated with cellulolytic genera, e.g. Cytophaga and Ignavibacterium, and chemolithoheterophic sulfur-dependent taxa, e.g., Meiothermus and Tepidimonas. Chemoautotrophic taxa notably from the Aquificae occurred patchily and were relatively more abundant only at elevated temperatures (≥ 55oC). Archaeal ASVs were recovered predominantly from the Nanoarchaeota which are small parasitic taxa of prokaryotic hosts. Many of the hot spring locations in our study are heavily utilized nearby for varied human activities including bathing, laundry, and food preparation (Supplementary Table S1). Our sampling included only undisturbed springs however to be cautious we performed an estimate of human-associated bacteria present in the biofilms. This revealed that the occurrence of 20 common human-associated genera (Supplementary Methods) contributed to only 0.145% of the total relative abundance of ASVs.
Phylogenetic lineages that defined the observed biogeographic patterns were visualized using a differential heat tree showing pairwise comparisons of median taxon abundances between the six identified biogeographic regions (Fig. 2B, Supplementary Fig. S5). This illustrated that whilst thermophily appears to be a widespread evolutionary adaptation among diverse phyla, a few lineages appear to be particularly well adapted to photosynthetic biofilm formation in hot springs. Some groups such as the Cyanobacteria and Chloroflexota displayed differences attributed to late-branching taxonomic groups between locations, whilst for others such as the Acidobacteriota deeper lineages explained differential occurrence between locations. The tree also highlighted that some differences between regions were likely related to temperature preference, e.g., for the Aquificota which were relatively more abundant at hotter locations in North Thailand and Singapore compared to cooler locations in North Malaysia.
We then identified specific taxa that were most abundant in the biogeographic regions (Fig. 3A, Supplementary Fig. S6). Eighteen of the 25 most abundant genera were photosynthetic bacteria and trends for various ecological groups highlighted that the Cyanobacteriia displayed the most region-specificity/dominance. This emphasizes the importance of these photosynthetic bacteria as potential keystone taxa in biofilm communities and reinforces the view that they can be used as a key descriptor for specific biofilms. Core microbiome analysis revealed that whilst there was no pan-Asian core microbiome, each biogeographic region displayed a distinct core comprising 49–99% of ASVs (Fig. 3B). The Cyanobacteria, through various lineages, were part of every core microbiome underscoring biofilm dependence upon photoautotrophy for energetic and carbon input to the system. Whilst the Chloroflexota were also core to all regional microbiomes they variously comprised anoxygenic photosynthetic (e.g. Chloroflexus, Chloroploca, Roseiflexus) or non-photosynthetic (e.g. RBG-13-54-9, family Anaerolineae) taxa. Each of the core regional microbiomes supported multiple ASVs associated with nitrogen-fixing taxa and this likely reflected the low combined nitrogen levels in hot spring water (Supplementary Table S1).
Environmental variables only partially explain the observed biogeographic patterns. A core assumption in extreme environments is that strong selection pressure arises due to the influence of harsh environmental conditions. To determine potential deterministic influence of environmental variables on community assembly we performed a
Mantel’s test for biotic data against major geographic and environmental variables relevant to biofilm communities (Fig. 4A, Supplementary Table 1). Against our expectations temperature exerted comparatively low influence on overall community assembly (‘All’) and for individual ecological groups of taxa within the range 39–66 oC (All Mantel’s r = 0.12; Photosynthetic Mantel’s r = 0.11; Chemoheterotrophs Mantel’s r = 0.14; Chemoautotrophs Mantel’s r = 0.08; P < 0.01). Instead, we found that carbonate (Mantel’s r = 0.31; P < 0.01), conductivity (Mantel’s r = 0.5; P < 0.01), latitude (Mantel’s r = 0.65, P < 0.01), longitude (Mantel’s r = 0.58; P < 0.01), and pH (Mantel’s r = 0.35, P < 0.01) were more significant drivers influencing the biogeographic/beta diversity variation of the biofilm communities (Fig. 4A). Conductivity was also identified as a more significant influence on photosynthetic bacteria than for other ecological groups (Mantel’s r = 0.76, P < 0.01,). Weaker correlations were observed for the overall community with alkalinity (Mantel’s r = 0.10, P < 0.01), phosphate (Mantel’s r = 0.20, P < 0.01), and sulfide (Mantel’s r = 0.25; P < 0.01) (Fig. 4A).
We further evaluated and quantified the influence of the most significant and non-covariate variables (carbonate, conductivity, geographic distance [latitude], and pH) on observed biogeographic diversity through variance partitioning. Overall, this explained 29% of the observed patterns in diversity, with the largest influence exerted by latitude (9.4%) followed by pH (6.7%), conductivity (6.6%) and carbonate (4.2%) (Fig. 4B). The conditional and shared effects of these environmental variables were significant (one-way ANOVA P < 0.001). The interacting influence of all 4 factors accounted for only 0.7% of the microbial diversity patterns and was not comparable to the conditional effects of individual factors. This indicated that each of the variables acted largely independently in shaping the observed biogeographic patterns. The proportion of observed diversity patterns unexplained by environmental variables was 71%. We identified that for photosynthetic biofilms which occupy broad niches in varied neutral-alkaline hot springs, pH was also the most influential physicochemical driver and add new insight that conductivity (an indicator for the overall concentration and valence of metal ions) and carbonate are also important to photosynthetic biofilms.
Biofilms displayed evidence of complex biotic interaction networks. Abiotic variables could only account for a small amount of the variation responsible for biogeographic patterns. Recognizing the potential influence of biotic interactions in complex biofilms, we then performed a co-occurrence network analysis to identify putative biotic interactions in the communities (Fig. 5A, Supplementary Fig. S7). This revealed distinct modules of interaction with positive correlations between taxa within and between modules. Each module was characterized by at least one ASV from the photosynthetic Cyanobacteriia, Chloroflexia, and Proteobacteria. Other photosynthetic groups were restricted to fewer modules, i.e., Chloracidobacteriales (4) and Chlorobiales (1). Chemoheterotrophic bacteria were the most abundant component in all module networks, whilst chemoautotrophic ASVs displayed high variability ranging from a single ASV to 18 ASVs. We identified 29 hub ASVs denoting their putative importance in community assembly, and these comprised both photosynthetic and heterotrophic taxa (Supplementary Fig. S7). These data point to a complex suite of biotic interactions between trophic levels within biofilms, and we postulate this is driven by energetic and carbon/nitrogen inputs from the photoautotrophs.
Major interactions were further visualized using a chord diagram to highlight node associations (Fig. 5B). Seven of the 15 highest interacting genera were photosynthetic, and included known nitrogen-fixing bacteria (e.g. Leptolyngya, Pseudanabaena). The most prolific interactions occurred between Anaerolineae ASVs and other phototrophic and heterotrophic taxa suggesting the Anaerolineae occupy a key role in facilitating metabolic cooperation within the biofilms. A single chemoautotrophic taxon Venenvibrio sp. was identified to share significant co-occurrence with various Chloroflexia taxa, and this may reflect their shared growth requirement for sulfur.
Ecological drift was the dominant evolutionary process driving biogeographic regionalization. Having identified the potential influence of abiotic constraints and biotic interactions on community assembly, we then set out to quantify the relative influence of niche and neutral evolutionary drivers on the observed community structure using statistical modelling. By testing the observed data using a net relatedness index against that expected under a purely random community assembly using null models we were able to discern the influence of evolutionary drivers on observed community assembly (Fig. 6, Supplementary Fig. S8). For the inter-regional metacommunity community and region-specific communities the relatively weak influence of variable selection towards more diverse communities, or homogenizing selection towards more similar communities, supported our observation of the relatively weak influence from environmental filtering due to abiotic variables. Instead, we show that stochasticity was the most influential evolutionary driver accounting for 93% of explained beta diversity in the overall metacommunity. This implied that ecological drift which is mainly a stochastic process where diversification and genetic drift with weak influence from selection or dispersal limitation plays a major role in defining the turnover and composition that determines the biogeographic structure of the community. The dominant evolutionary drivers observed among the different ecological groups in our study corroborated our other lines of evidence on their distribution (Supplementary Fig. S8): The pronounced biogeography and response to environmental variables for Cyanobacteriia was reflected in the highest influence for variable selection (7.17%) acting on the photosynthetic group. In contrast, the heterotrophic component where certain taxa displayed a more cosmopolitan distribution displayed highest values for homogenizing selection (5.60%).