Service accessibility indicators
Among the different methods proposed in the literature the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) [33] and its enhanced version (E2SFCA) [34] have been widely adopted to assess spatial accessibility [35]. The latter one is based on the gravity model [33] and assumes that the level of attraction of each facility on a population is directly related with its capacity and inversely associated with the distance between them [36]. This methodology firstly introduced a decay weight that proportionally assesses the probability that a patient accesses a given hospital considering the distance between the patient’s residence and the place of care based on a catchment area (i.e., maximum distance patients are willing to travel to access to a service). This methodology entails two steps [34]. In the first one the supply-to-demand ratio (Rj) is computed for each facility j by dividing the relevant capacity variable (nj) with the potential demand (Pj), as reported in Eq. 1.
$${R}_{j}=\frac{{n}_{j}}{{P}_{j}}=\frac{{n}_{j}}{{\sum }_{i}{P}_{i}*{w}_{ij}}$$
Where Pj represents the distance-weighted sum of the population falling within a specified threshold distance (d) of facility j, Pi is the population resident in the municipality i and wij is the weight assigned to distance dij (i.e., distance between the municipality i the structure j) based on a distance decay function. The choose of this function is generally based not only on the dimension of the catchment area, but also on the type and velocity of decay (i.e., to what extent each added travel minute is felt by the patient), such as Gaussian [37], exponential [38], inverse power [39] and kernel density [40]. In particular, in this paper, as well as in our previous studies [12, 14], we adopted the Gaussian function (Eq. 2) where d represents the distance factor (i.e., threshold) and dij specifies the time taken by a car to cover the distance between the centroids of the municipalities i and j. It is important to highlight that, the issue of choosing the catchment area and the distance decay function [9, 41] as well as the transportation modes included in the model [42, 43] is well known. In this study, due to the lack of data availability we chose 120 minutes as the catchment area factor, which is in line with the current literature [8, 44, 45].
In the second step of the methodology the distance-weighted sum of the supply-to-demand ratios is computed for each population unit i on the basis of Eq. 3.
$${A}_{i}={\sum }_{j}{R}_{j}*{w}_{ij}={\sum }_{j}\frac{{n}_{j}}{{\sum }_{i}{P}_{i}*{w}_{ij}}*{w}_{ij}$$
As previously mentioned, generally, \({n}_{j}\) represents a structural variable such as the number of hospital beds or physicians, while only a limited number of studies have focused the attention on the level of accessibility considering process indicators [46, 47] (e.g., number of visits) and none of the them to our knowledge have considered outcome measures to compute this equation. In this paper, our intent is to identify which are the main factors influencing patient’s choice in travelling outside their region of residence to be treated. For this reason, the accessibility index has been computed considering two perspectives: 1) the number of interventions (int) performed by a hospital as a critical factor that may drive patient demand as it is well known that performing a high number of interventions may lead to a high quality of service [48, 49]; 2) the readmission rate within 30 days after discharge (ret30) as a proxy for the quality and efficacy of surgical procedures as reported by the Italian National Outcome Programme (PNE) [32, 50] as well as by the literature [51, 52]. These two variables represent an alternative perspective in comparison to structural ones as they are not strictly related with the capacity of the hospital, but on the quality of care that may represent an important factor to be considered by patients when choosing a hospital. Moreover, it is difficult to capture to what extent structural components are dedicated to a specific service. For instance, looking at the hip replacement surgery, it is variable and unknown what is the portion of beds available in the orthopaedics wards specifically devoted to this procedure.
These quality indicators are collected by the PNE considering a time period of one calendar year and adopted to assess and compare the quality of hospital structures. A summary description of the outcome indicator (ret30) is reported in Table 1 to highlight its definition, numerator and denominator as well as relevant statistical and methodological notes. ret30 and int have been adopted to identify the level of adherence to quality standards as established by the Italian regulation regarding the definition of hospital standards [32, 50, 53]. In particular, for the purpose of our analysis a structure that performed less than 73 interventions in given year (i.e., PNE set a threshold of 80 interventions with a tolerance of 10%) is not considered attractive to patients and its quality level indicator (ql) is set to 0. On the contrary, if this intervention threshold is guaranteed, the quality level of the structure is inversely proportional to ret30 as summarized in Table 1.
Table 1
Methodological and statistical characteristics of the outcome indicator
Indicator | Readmission 30 days after hip prosthesis surgery (ret30) |
Definition | By hospital structure or area of residence: proportion of hospitalizations with readmission within 30 days from the date of hip replacement surgery. |
Numerator | Number of hospitalizations with readmission within 30 days from the date of discharge of hospitalization for hip prosthesis. |
Denominator | Number of hospitalizations with hip prosthesis surgery |
Statistical methodology | The comparative assessment takes into account the lack of territorial homogeneities existing in the populations studied, due to gender, age and a set of comorbidities affecting the patient. These characteristics have been adopted to adjust the return ratio that allows to study the differences between structures performances removing possible confounding effect of the uneven distribution of patient characteristics. |
Quality level | If the number of interventions (int) performed in the reference year is higher than 72 (int > 72): • ret30 ≤ 3, ql = 1 • 3 < ret30 ≤ 4.5, ql = 0.8 • 4.5 < ret30 ≤ 6, ql = 0.6 • 6 < ret30 ≤ 7.5, ql = 0.4 • 7.5 < ret30 ≤ 9, ql = 0.2 • ret30 > 9, ql = 0 If the number of interventions performed in the reference year is lower than or equal to 72 (int ≤ 72) the quality level is automatically set to 0. * Thresholds and classifications are set by the Italian regulation and available at the PNE website [32, 50, 53]. |
Note | The volume of hospitalizations for surgical operations is calculated on an annual basis, referring to the year of discharge from the hospitalization |
The number of interventions (int) and the quality level (ql) have been subsequently adopted to qualify each hospital structure on the basis of Eq. 3 (see Equations 4 and 5).
Figure 1 shows the distribution of hospital structures over the Italian territory for the year 2021 highlighting the number of interventions performed (i.e., size of the centroid proportional to \({\stackrel{-}{int}}_{j}\)) and the quality level (i.e., colour of the centroid related with \({\stackrel{-}{ql}}_{j}\)). Note that, as the distance between municipalities are computed considering travel times by private car, islands cannot be included in the analysis as residents cannot access to interregional facilities. For this reason, hospitals located in Sardinia and Sicily as well as in the other islands are not shown in Fig. 1.
Legend: Size of cluster proportional to the number of interventions ( \({\stackrel{-}{int}}_{j}\) ), color of cluster related with the quality level ( \({\stackrel{-}{ql}}_{j}\) ). Hospitals are aggregated at municipality level. Date refers to the year 2021.
Starting from Equations 4–5, it is possible to compute the accessibility indices based on each of the two measures, as shown in Eq. 6–7.
$${I}_{i}={\sum }_{j}{R}_{j}*{int}_{j}*{w}_{i,j}={\sum }_{j}\stackrel{-}{{int}_{j}}*{w}_{i,j}$$
$${Q}_{i}={\sum }_{j}{R}_{j}*{ql}_{j}*{w}_{i,j}={\sum }_{j}\stackrel{-}{{ql}_{j}}*{w}_{i,j}$$
These two indicators (\({I}_{i}\) and \({Q}_{i}\)) provide an overall picture of the accessibility level for each municipality. However, they do not distinguish between hospitals placed inside or outside the patient’s region of residence. Thus, the following step of the methodology is to determine the contribution of the intraregional and interregional structures to the whole accessibility. This decomposition is particularly important for assessing differences across regions in countries like Italy where a decentralized organizational structure is in place and where regions are responsible for organizing and delivering health care through their belonging local health authorities responsible for delivering public health, community health services as well as primary and secondary care. This can help us to capture to what extent these components may impact on patient mobility. In particular, Eq. 8 reports how the intraregional component is measured taking into account the number of interventions (int).
$${I}_{i}^{INTRA}={\sum }_{j\in \{Reg\left(i\right)=Reg\left(j\right)\}}{R}_{j}*{int}_{j}*{w}_{i,j}$$
Substantially, the intraregional component of this indicator is computed considering only hospitals that belong to the same region of residence of the patient.
Similarly, it is possible to apply the same equation to compute the interregional component of each index by considering hospitals j that are located outside the patient’s region of residence (i.e., where \(j\in \{Reg\left(i\right)\ne Reg\left(j\right)\}\)).
Finally, on the basis of the gravitational model a composite indicator can be computed by subtracting the intraregional with the interregional component of the same index so to capture to what extent the level of attraction differs between these two components (see Eq. 7).
Final step of the methodology is to aggregate these indicators at province level calculating the weighted average of the single municipality with the reference resident population. For a given province p this is done by applying the Eq. 8.
$${I}_{p}^{G}=\frac{{\sum }_{i\in \{Prov\left(i\right)=p\}}{I}_{i}^{G} * {P}_{i}}{{\sum }_{i\in \{Prov\left(i\right)=p\}}{P}_{i}}$$
Data source
Data was obtained from the PNE website [30], an observatory that yearly monitors the effectiveness, appropriateness and safety of health interventions, aimed at improving the quality of care of the National Health Service. Based on hospital discharge records collected for both public and private hospitals, the PNE analyses 170 process and outcome indicators referred to 12 nosological scopes, publishing them at the end of the following year (i.e., data of 2022 have been published in November 2023). In this paper, the attention is focused on the hip replacement surgery procedure. Data on number of interventions (int) and readmissions within 30 days from the date of surgery (ret30) refers to the three-year period 2020–2022 that allows also to provide a picture of during and post COVID-19 pandemics. Moreover, PNE provides for each Italian province the number of patients who underwent surgery inside or outside their region of residence. This data is adopted to capture the interregional passive mobility at province level.
To compute the distance between municipalities we adopted origin-destination matrix published by the Italian Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) that provides travel times in minutes between Italian municipalities by private car [54]. As previously explained islands are be included in the analysis as residents cannot access to interregional facilities by private car.
Additional variables related to socio-economic and territorial factors (Table 2) have been also collected and included in the analysis to assess their strength on patient mobility as well as to remove possible biases due to their distribution on the territory. They have been collected from the ISTAT [55], EUROSTAT [56] and the Italian Ministry of Health [57] websites, based on the relevant literature [16, 25].
Table 2
Characteristics of the socio-economic and territorial factors included in the extended econometric model
Indicator | Description | Source | Granularity | Access date |
Position | Classification of the territorial within the first-level NUTS of the European Union: north, centre and south. North east and west were merged in the north class, while Islands were excluded from the model | EUROSTAT | Municipality | December 2023 |
Income | Average gross income of natural persons | ISTAT | Municipality | December 2023 |
Education level | Percentage of residence with at least a high school diploma | ISTAT | Municipality | December 2023 |
Waiting times | Number of days (average) for access to hip prosthesis surgery | Ministry of health | Region | December 2023 |
Health expenditure | Current health expenditure per capita (general) | ISTAT | Region | December 2023 |
Specialists | Number of specialists per population (10.000 inhabitants) (all specialties) | ISTAT | Region | December 2023 |
Satisfaction | Level of patient satisfaction due to the last hospital admission | ISTAT | Region | December 2023 |