Study Design
This was a cross-sectional in vitro study that used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to investigate defects and fractures in nickel-titanium (NiTi), engine-driven, endodontic instruments that had been single-used in patients` molars. The study was conducted in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials Statement (CONSORT). The ethical approval for this current study was integrated with an umbrella clinical study, previously approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Ceuma University under the registration: CAAE 48302115.9.0000.5034 and registered in an online platform for clinical trials of the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials under the protocol REBEC U1111-1182-2800.
All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations and performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from all participants.
A total of n = 169 endodontic rotary and reciprocating NiTi instruments were analysed, as follows: 1) rotary n = 113 (crown-down technique) from the ProTaper Next® system (PTN) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), including n = 31 X1, n = 31 X2, n = 31 X3, and n = 20 X4; 2) reciprocating n = 56 (single-file technique) from the Reciproc® system (R) (VDW, Munich, Germany), including n = 28 R25, and n = 28 R40.
Use of endodontic NiTi instruments
A single operator used the endodontic instruments/systems at random to clean and shape root canals of patients` molars. Patients were 18 to 66 years old, with indication to treat asymptomatic maxillary or mandibular molars with root curvatures less than 25o 27, sufficient crown tooth structure that allowed a straightforward rubber dam isolation, and without advanced pulp chamber and/or root canals mineralization.
The X1 (17/04), X2(25/06), and X3 (30/07) PTN instruments were sequentially used (crown-down technique) in mesial canals (MB and ML) of mandibular molars and buccal canals of maxillary molars (MB1, MB2, and DB), having X3 as the master apical file. For the distal (D) canal of mandibular molars and palatal (P) canal of maxillary molars the same sequence was used (X1, X2, X3), added the X4 (40/06), as the master apical file. Each instrument/sequence had a single use i.e., they were used in one molar.
The R25 instrument (single file technique) was used in mesial canals (MB and ML) of mandibular molars and buccal canals of maxillary molars (MB1, MB2, and DB), and R40 (single file technique) was used in distal (D) canal of mandibular molars and palatal (P) canal of maxillary molars. Identical to the PTN system, each R instrument had a single use i.e., they were used in one molar.
Instruments were used according to the manufacturers` recommendation. Cleaning/shaping technique was standardized in relation to the confection of a glide path before shaping (using K-files #08, #10, and #15), foramen patency (K-file #10), number of movements applied to the NiTi instruments (in-and-out repetitions) and irrigation (15 mL, pH = 11, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite + final flush with 2mL 17% EDTA and 2mL2.5% sodium hypochlorite).
After using, the instruments were collected, decontaminated in an ultrasonic cleaner with 99% absolute alcohol for 90 s, and sterilized in autoclave.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis
All the 169 instruments were visualized using SEM (Tabletop Microscope TM3030; Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) under x50, x100, and x300 magnifications, in 3 location/thirds (apical, medium, and coronal portions), and in 1 surface (front). Instrument “third” was defined as approximately 6 mm-interval. As control, one brand-new instrument of each type was identically visualized using SEM. To know the exact location to be visualized, we positioned an electronic caliper besides the instrument pointing the location to be photomicrographed.
Fractured instruments were measured under a stereoscopic magnifying glass to calculate the length of the tip fragment, using the rest of the fractured instrument length as a parameter. For SEM fractographic examination, the fractured instrument was mounted on a stub with the long axis perpendicular to the beam (20x to 600x). Two trained and calibrated evaluators analysed the photomicrograph of instruments. Both evaluators joined a one-hour training and discussion session before starting. One calibration session was conducted using 50 photomicrographs chosen at random.
For non-fractured instruments, each location/third (apical, medium, coronal) received one of the following classifications: i) intact (no plastic deformation/no defect), or ii) crack and/or deformation/unwinding22.
For fractured instruments, the area of fracture was analysed under magnifications from 20 to 600x and it was classified in: i) cyclic fatigue mode, or ii) shear mode (torsional fatigue) 23. Figure 1 shows the study's methodological scheme.
Data Analysis
For non-fractured instruments, the classifications (intact, crack, deformation/unwinding) were recorded according to the instrument type (X1, X2, X3, X4, R25, R40) and the location/third (apical, medium, coronal). Chi-square tests and likelihood ratios were used to calculate frequency of defects between instrument thirds for the same type of instrument, and to calculate frequency of defects between type of instruments. Fractures (frequency and percentage) were descriptively reported. Analyses were conducted using SPSS 26.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA), with a significance level of 5%.