Patient population
Our institutional review board approved this study and waived the need for written informed consent because the study design was retrospective. From April 2020 to September 2022, 185 patients (113 men [61.1%] and 72 women [38.9%]; mean age [SD]: 55.3 [16.9] years) underwent cardiac contrast-enhanced MRI to investigate cardiomyopathy or cardiac dysfunction, and 185 patients also underwent 4D flow MRI. Before the 4D flow MRI results were analyzed, the patients were divided into two groups (non-PH and PH groups) on the basis of their echocardiographic results. Seven patients without echo data and one patient with tetralogy of Fallot postoperation were excluded from the study cohort. Therefore, this study included 177 consecutive patients in the final cohort. The patient cohort included 162 patients without PH (96 [59.3%] men and 66 [40.7%] women; mean age [SD]: 55.0 [17.1] years) and 15 patients with PH (14 [93.3%] men and 1 [6.7%] woman; mean age [SD]: 58.0 [13.5] years) (Table 1).
There was no significant difference in age or body mass index between the two groups in this study (p = 0.6583 and p = 0.8886). In contrast, there was a greater proportion of men in the PH group than in the non-PH group (p < 0.0001). All of these patients were identified in a retrospective review of medical records conducted at a single medical institution.
Echocardiographic estimation of pulmonary artery pressure
Within 1 week of cardiac MRI, experienced cardiologists with more than 5 years of experience in cardiac echo in our hospital performed echocardiographic examinations using a Toshiba Artida ultrasound machine (Toshiba Medical Systems Corp., Tochigi, Japan) with 2.5-MHz transducers. The results were digitally recorded.
In the absence of pulmonary flow obstruction, tricuspid regurgitation (TR) peak velocity is correlated with systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) as assessed by RHC. The TR gradient was measured by continuous wave Doppler velocity across the tricuspid valve in line with regurgitation flow. The modified Bernoulli equation (4 × [velocity of TR]2) was used to convert this velocity into a pressure gradient [17]. This gradient shows the difference in pressure between the right ventricle and right atrium and can be used as an estimate of right ventricular systolic pressure [18] when right atrial pressure (normal: 5–10 mmHg) is added to the derived gradient. This estimated sPAP was used to evaluate the likelihood of a patient having PH. We used sPAP to divide our patients into the non-PH group with sPAP < 39 mmHg and the PH group with sPAP > 40 mmHg [19]. We classified patients into these two groups on the basis of echocardiographic sPAP recordings performed by cardiologists in our hospital.
All patients were scanned using a 3.0-T scanner (MAGNETOM Vida; Siemens, Healthcare, Germany) with a 32-channel cardiac phased-array coil. The scanning parameters were as follows: repetition time/echo time/flip angle = 43 ms/3.04 ms/15 degrees, voxel resolution = 1.8 × 1.8 × 2.0 mm, bandwidth = 1532 Hz/Px, velocity encoding = 150 cm/s, time resolution = 19–24 phases/cardiac cycle, and scan time = approximately 10 min (with compressed sensing).
All images were recorded under free-breathing conditions during the usual cardiac MRI sequence 30 s after gadolinium 0.10 mmol/kg was administered.
MRI analysis
Pulmonary artery blood flow parameters were calculated for arbitrary regions within data sets comprising multislice sagittal planes from phase contrast three-axis cine images, magnitude images, and steady-state free procession cine images obtained from measurements using iTFlow (Cardio Flow Design Inc., Tokyo, Japan). One radiologist with 12 years of experience in reading cardiac MRI analyzed the MRI scans. The radiologist was blinded to the patients’ clinical conditions and investigated. Using the procession 3D cine image, the pulmonary artery trunk just above the pulmonary valve to the first bifurcation of both pulmonary was manually drawn in each phase. Another radiologist (28 years of experience in reading cardiac MRI then rechecked the borders of the pulmonary artery to ensure their accuracy. The mean pulmonary artery volume (cm3) was automatically calculated, and flow parameters were also automatically measured. We then investigated this mean pulmonary artery volume and flow parameters.
Flow parameters
Energy loss (EL) is a numerical indicator of the energy efficiency within a region of interest, and a high EL results in an increased cardiac load. EL has attracted attention as an indicator for predicting cardiac load in valvular disease, cardiomyopathy, and congenital heart disease [20].
Using the 4D flow MRI data, the EL per voxel was calculated as follows:
where I and j are the coordinates of the 3D Euclidean space, and µ is blood viscosity. The spatial differential of the blood flow velocity was calculated by the central difference.
In this study, EL average was defined as the average value of all phases of EL in one cardiac cycle. EL maximum was defined as EL in the phase with the highest value among all phases in one cardiac cycle. EL minimum was defined as EL in the phase with the lowest value among all phases in one cardiac cycle.
The average, maximum, and minimum vorticity (Vor) and helicity (Hel) described below are also the average, maximum, and minimum values among all phases in one cardiac cycle.
Vor is an index that quantifies the strength of the swirl of the velocity vector. High Vor values may increase the stress on local blood vessel walls, promoting aneurysmal growth, and may also alter local vascular protective mechanisms, leading to a reduction in WSS [21,22].
Using the 4D flow voxel data, the Vor was calculated in this study as follows:
where x, y and z are the coordinate of 3D Eulerian and u, v and w are the blood flow velocity component in x, y and z direction.
Hel is an indicator of helical flow, which is corkscrew-like motion in the principal flow direction. Hel in the thoracic aorta may be exacerbated by common pathologies, such as aortic dilatation, aortic valve stenosis, and bicuspid aortic valve [14,23].
Using the 4D flow voxel data, the Hel was calculated in this study as follows:
where ω is the vorticity vector (𝑟𝑜𝑡(𝑼)), and 𝑼 is the blood flow velocity vector.
Right screw and left screw, average, maximum, and minimum values were calculated for Hel.
Statistical analysis
Prism for Windows (version 8.3.0; GraphPad, San Diego, CA) was used for all statistical analyses. We used the D’Agostino-Pearson test to assess the normality of the data, and non-normally distributed variables are shown as the median and range. Quantitative results are expressed as the mean ± the SD or the median and range.
The patients’ characteristics and 4D flow parameters were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney U test or the chi-square test, as appropriate. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients were used to examine correlations between the mean pulmonary artery volume and blood flow parameters.
No statistical sample size calculations were conducted. However, because the number of patients in the PH group was relatively small, post hoc power analysis was performed by G*Power (version; Erdfelder, Faul & Buchner, 1996).
In all tests, a two-sided p value was used, and differences with a p value of < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.