Genetic Materials and Cross Model
The experiments were conducted at the Department of Crop Science Research Farm, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, situated at latitude 0.6052N, longitude 07024E, and an altitude of 447.26m above sea level. The materials utilized in this study included a widely recognized tomato variety, Cobra (CB) and two tomato mutants, MA and MB, generated within the tomato breeding program of the Department of Crop Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Seeds of the three tomato lines were sown in nursery boxes filled with compost manure to facilitate seedling growth. Hybridization involved all possible combinations among the different lines. Successfully crossed plants were harvested and treated individually. Subsequently, the seeds were sown to generate the F1 hybrids resulting from the various crosses. The six F1 hybrids and their respective parental lines were nurtured in nursery boxes to promote seedling growth. Transplanting was done four weeks after planting. The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications. Each entry was cultivated in single rows, with five plants in each row, utilizing inter-row spacing of 60cm and intra-row spacing of 45cm.
Data were collected on days to fruiting, days to fruit ripening, number of trusses per plant, number of fruits per truss, mean fruit weight per plant (g), harvest duration (days), and shelf life (days).
Statistical Analysis
An analysis of variance was conducted to assess the significance of genotypic differences. Having established significant differences among the genotypes, the total variance was dissected into genetic factors using two partitioning methods. Griffing's Model (1956) Method 1, in a modified form, was applied. This involved the partitioning of General Combining Ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) effects. The essence was to assess the unique contribution of each parent when utilized as a male or a female in hybrid combinations. Unlike the conventional method that considers the average performance of male and female parents, this modification, as proposed by Mahgoub (2011), allowed for a more nuanced understanding of the parental contributions in specific hybrid combinations.
Proposed Model Formula
Griffing's method 1 model I, incorporating parents (P), F1 hybrids, and their reciprocals, was employed with various effects estimated as per Griffing (1956):
ĝ i = \(\left(\frac{1}{2p}\right)\)(xi. + x.i) - \(\left(\frac{1}{p2}\right)\)x..,
ŝ ij = \(\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\) (xij + xji) – \(\left(\frac{1}{2p}\right)\) (xi. + x.i + xj. + x.j) \(+ \left(\frac{1}{p2}\right)\) x..,
ȓ ij = \(\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\) (xij + xji).
Maternal effect, following Cockerham (1963) and using Griffing's notations, is calculated as:
ḿ = \(\left(\frac{xi. +x.j}{2p}\right)\)
where xi.: is the sum of the ith female over all males; x.i: is the sum of the ith male over all females; xj.: is the sum of the jth female over all males; x.j: is the sum of the jth male over all females; xij: is the mean for the F1 resulting from crossing the ith female and the jth male parents, xji: is the mean for the F1 resulting from crossing the jth female and the ith male parents; ĝi: is the general combining ability effect of the ith parent, ŝij: is the specific combining ability effect for the cross between the ith female and the jth male parents (ŝij = ŝji), ȓij: is the reciprocal effect involving the ith and jth parents, ḿi: is the maternal effect of the ith parent and x..: is the grand total.
For proposed model where GCA effect (ĝi) is partitioned to estimate GCA effect for the parent when it is used as a female in its hybrid combination (ĝfi), and GCA effect for the same parent when it is used as a male in its hybrid combination (ĝmi) as follows:
ĝ fi = \(\left(\frac{1}{p}\right)\) (xi.) - \(\left(\frac{1}{p2}\right)\) x..,
ĝ mi = \(\left(\frac{1}{p}\right)\) (x.i) - \(\left(\frac{1}{p2}\right)\) x..,
where ĝfi: is the deviation of the mean performance of the ith parent when it is used as a female, averaged over a set of P males, from the grand mean and ĝmi: is the deviation of the mean performance of the ith parent when it is used as a male, averaged over a set of P females, from the grand mean where:
ĝ i = \(\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\) (ĝfi + ĝmi) and, ḿ = \(\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)\) (ĝfi − ĝmi).
This proves that the average of the difference between ĝfi and ĝmi is exactly equal to maternal effect (ḿ). In other words, estimation of (ĝfi - ĝmi) would provide precise estimation for the maternal effect. General combining ability effect provides estimation for the additive effect. Therefore, maternal effect is mainly additive and expresses how much additive effect is involved.
Specific combining ability effect is partitioned to estimate SCA effect for the cross ŝij and for its reciprocal ŝji as follows:
ŝ ij = xij - \(\left(\frac{1}{2p}\right)\) (xi. + x.i + xj. + x.j) + \(\left(\frac{1}{p2}\right)\) x..,
ŝ ji = x.ji - \(\left(\frac{1}{2p}\right)\) (xi. + x.i + xj. + x.j) + \(\left(\frac{1}{p2}\right)\) x..,
Where the average of the partitioned components (ŝij and ŝji) is equal to calculated ŝij according to Griffing’s method, ŝij: is the SCA effect of the ith female and the jth male parent, and ŝji is the SCA effect of the reciprocal and the jth female and the ith male parent