We provided a brief overview of the methodology, split into (i) the derivation of the 54 years of plausible yield variability, (ii) the spatial price equilibrium model, and (iii) the implementation of the various shocks into the model.
Country yield variability
For each country, we derive a set of representative yield anomalies, which are driven by large-scale climate variability (ignoring other factors affecting yield year-to-year). These yield anomalies should be interpreted as plausible deviations from the modern-day yield baseline, and not historical yields.
A dataset of global modelled rainfed and irrigated crop yields25 is used to calculate country yield anomalies for the four study crops (rice, wheat, maize, sorghum). This dataset was derived from a fused gridded crop model, which takes historical climate39 and soil data, gridded maps of crop harvested area40 and a daily process-based crop water model41 to estimate 10x10km global pixel level crop yields for individual crop growing seasons42 from 1961 to 2014. The model uses empirical yield-evapotranspiration relationships to estimate changes to crop yields (relative to the year 2010) under 54-years of historical climate conditions. A full description of the model and dataset is provided by ref25
Pixel level crop yields from the fused gridded crop model are aggregated to country level and the annual timeseries for the period 1961-2014 and detrended using linear regression. Country level crop yield anomalies for each year in the 54-year period are calculated by dividing the detrended yield by the 54-year country level mean detrended yield.
Global spatial price equilibrium model
We model producer and consumer prices, supply, demand and trade flows using a newly developed global spatial price equilibrium model (SPEM). A SPEM is a multi-regional partial equilibrium model that links producers and consumers across regions43. Producers and consumers are linked together via domestic or international trade, for which a certain trade cost has to be paid. This includes all costs after leaving the farm, including storage, hinterland transportation, border and custom compliance, maritime transport, intermodal transfers, port fees, and imports tariffs. These have all been separately derived in previous work28.
Compared to other global food systems models, the benefits of a SPEM is that it explicitly captures bilateral trade flows, which is not standard in many global food systems models. Second, it allows for trade diversion and the establishment of new trading partners. Third, it captures directional trade flows, meaning that countries can both import and export the same product. Fourth, a SPEM allows for embedding different types of shocks, including price shocks, supply shocks, and shocks to bilateral trade costs (e.g., trade bans). Although SPEM are usually set up for longer-term (partial) equilibrium simulations44,45, for instance given decreasing trade tariffs or cost, we adjust the standard SPEM formulation to make it suitable for shock simulations in the short-term (e.g., one-off shock). Moreover, we introduce stocks in the modelling framework, which are essential to understand supply shortages in the short-term but are usually omitted for future-orientated model applications.
The SPEM model requires data on trade, transport and trade costs, prices, supply, demand, and information on the shape of the demand and supply curves (e.g., the demand and supply elasticities). At the baseline, the SPEM model assumes that the decision to supply from certain regions is purely based on cost differentials of the total landed cost of goods (that is the cost to produce crops and ship to the consumer). However, there are non-cost elements which determine where countries source from, and hence, the model need to be calibrated on existing trade data to capture cost and non-cost related factors that determine the supply network of specific countries44,46.
In our SPEM model, we consider 177 countries for which we could collect all data required. An overview of the data sources is included in Supplementary Table 1. These countries have interconnected competitive markets that trade a homogenous crop, with trade flows modelled on a directional basis. When referring to trade flows here, we refer to both international trade flows and domestic supply. Producers in each country have a certain amount of supply to provide to the market (either domestic or foreign), which they sell at the highest possible price (following their supply curve). Consumers have a certain amount of demand for the good and buy goods at the lowest possible price (following their demand curve). Each country can trade with any other country, with a corresponding trade cost to source from domestic or foreign markets. In equilibrium, we can find the trade flows between countries that determine the producer and consumer prices. For each country, the total production and imports must match the total consumption and export in equilibrium.
In the Supplementary Methods, we describe the trade cost formulation used, the calibration process, and the model set-up for incorporating different types of shocks. The reference period for the model is the 2017-2021 average trade network, to smooth out intra-year trade fluctuations. A separate SPEM is set-up for each crop considered, without considering any cross-grain substitution effects.
Shock implementation
We implement different types of shocks into the model, including production/yield variability, the Ukraine war, price shock, and trade bans. More details are provided in the Supplementary Methods.
Base: For each country, we have 54 representative years of yield variability, resulting in years of higher or lower than average supply. We implement the yield variability in the model by changing the initial condition of the total supply and shift the supply curve. A positive supply shock movies the curve to the right hand side and a negative supply shock moves it to the left hand side.
Ukraine war: For this scenario we make three adjustments in the model. First, we lower the supply for Ukraine to 60% of its baseline supply, in line with observed supply reduction in 2022/202347. Second, we increase the trade costs to Russia (to cover a surge in insurance costs to trade with Russia). Third, we implement a version of the blockage of the Black Sea ports by increasing the trade costs to and from any country that is not part of the European Union and the United Kingdom, to capture the difficulty of sourcing Ukraine exports via sea.
Price shock: A price shock is introduced to capture the increase in fertilizer, pesticide and diesel costs due to supply issues as well as the energy crisis over the last few years. We follow a similar methodology as in Verschuur et al28 and estimate for every country the share of the fertilizer, pesticide and diesel costs to the total crop production cost. We then impose a price shock to these three input, increasing fertilizer and pesticide costs by 200% and diesel costs by 100% (see ref28 for details). This yields a production price increment, which we assume is being passed through to the consumer
Trade bans.We utilize a global database (https://www.globaltradealert.org/) on trade-related interventions taken by countries from 2022 onwards. This database covers which countries impose trade restrictions, which countries are affected by them, and for which commodities these restrictions apply. We extract all import and export trade bans implemented (hereafter trade bans) and encoded this in the model by imposing higher trade costs between these countries.
Compound shock.In the compound shock, or polycrisis, scenario, we include all previously mentioned shocks at the same time to evaluate their compound impacts.