Figure 2 presents samples №3 and №4 after deposition of interlayers and welding with a steel plate.
Deposition of niobium on titanium
Fig. 3a depicts a panoramic view of the sample №1 after deposition of the niobium layer. Due to the large difference in melting temperatures, the titanium substrate melts significantly. As a result, the deposited beads have a different chemical composition, which is indirectly confirmed by their various degree of etchability. The results of the chemical analysis (Fig. 3b) indicate that the titanium content varies from 54.61% in the first bead to <0.5% in the 5th bead, and this distribution has a step-like character. The locations of the chemical composition measurements are marked by red squares in Fig. 3a.
In the first bead, where the titanium content is about 55%, a cellular-dendritic structure can be observed. On the elemental distribution map, the light areas correspond to crystals with an increased niobium content while the dark areas to a high titanium content, which liquefies along the crystallite boundaries (Fig. 4a). Vortices of different chemical composition, characterized by different etchability, are observed close to the fusion line with titanium (Fig. 4b). The formation of “vortices” is associated with hydrodynamic processes of metal transfer and incomplete mixing of the deposited material within high temperature gradient.
Fig. 5a shows the formation of a light interlayer of variable width near the fusion line. This interlayer is characterized by resistance to etching with etchant №2 (Table 5). After etching with etchant №1 (Fig. 5b), a needle structure of the martensitic type is observed.
For sample №1, the hardness peak of 222 HV1 was observed in the transition area (Fig. 6). This indicator does not exceed 275 HV0.01.
Equiaxed polygonal grains of 100-200 µm in size contain in the microstructure of the second bead, where the titanium content is approximately 17%. The intragrain structure is also represented by cellular or cellular-dendritic crystallites (Fig. 7a). From the third bead, the titanium content is less than 2%. The structure is particularly coarse grained with equiaxed grains exceeding 1 mm in size (Fig. 7b). No intragranular segregation is observed.
Deposition of copper on niobium
Due to the large melting temperature difference, niobium substrate melting is minimal or even absent. After deposition, the copper has a coarse-grained structure (Fig. 8) because of high-purity copper. The size of the particular grains reaches 3 mm.
According to the results of the chemical analysis, an abrupt change in chemical composition is noticed at the fusion line (Fig. 9a). As shown in Fig. 9b, zones of variable composition with a width of less than 1 μm were detected along the fusion line.
In sample №2 (Table 1) with a titanium content in the upper niobium bead of about 5-6%, intergranular penetration of copper is observed (Fig. 10). The maximum depth of penetration is 0.6 mm. The fourth bead in this sample was milled before copper deposition.
In sample №1, the titanium content in the upper niobium bead did not exceed 0.5% due to the deposition of five niobium beads. No intergranular penetration of copper along the fusion line was noted. It should be highlighted that liquid copper could flow down from the side of the deposited layer as a result of overheating due to the high thermal conductivity of the copper (Fig. 11a). Thus, for a short period of time when the copper was in the liquid state, intergranular penetration of copper (Fig. 11b) occurred in the second niobium bead across the entire width of the sample. An average titanium content in the zone of intergranular penetration was 17.8% (Table 6).
In the penetration region, several areas of different chemical composition can be identified (Fig. 12a, Table 6). It is noted that the titanium content in the penetration region exceeds the titanium content in the surrounding niobium grains.
Table 6
Chemical composition of different regions formed by copper penetration into the niobium interlayer
Location №
Element, % wt.
It was not possible to reliably determine the microhardness in the penetration area due to its small width, the diagonals of the indents were larger than the dimensions of this area. However, an increase in hardness in the penetration area (Fig 12b) is evident based on the obtained results.
The hardness distribution in the copper layer is stable. The hardness of the copper layer is in the order of 50 HV1 (Fig. 13). There is a sharp change in hardness at the copper-niobium interface.
Deposition of low carbon steel on copper
Fig. 14a shows a panoramic view of sample №1 after low carbon steel deposition on copper.
Most of the copper melts mixes with the steel. The degree of copper melting varies in different sections of the sample and in some cases the steel penetrates to the niobium interlayer. The copper content in the deposited steel varies over a wide range. In the first bead, the copper content is approximately 42% wt., while in the fifth bead, the copper content decreases to 0.29% wt. The distribution of copper content in the deposited steel layer is shown in Fig. 14b. The structure of the first bead, which contains 41.5% Cu, is a mechanical mixture of copper and iron based solid solutions (Fig. 15a,b). Also due to the decrease in solubility of copper in iron during cooling, the formation of secondary and tertiary copper is observed in the first bead (Fig.15c). The second bead is represented by quenched structures with multiple inclusions of copper-based solid solutions of oval shape 1-3 µm in size (Fig. 15d). The copper content in the second bead is around 13%. The formation of a copper-based solid solution interlayer is notied at the fusion line of the first and second beads (Fig. 15b). Starting from the third bead, the amount of structurally free copper decreases. In the fifth bead, no structurally free copper is detected and the structure corresponds to the quenched one (Fig. 17). The hardness distribution is shown in Fig.16.
Tensile test results
Fig. 18 presents the results of the tensile tests.
The tensile strength of specimens №3.1, №3.2 and №3.4 is 219, 211 and 228 MPa, respectively. The stress-strain curve of the specimen №3.4 has an uncommon end section, which normally corresponds to the area of concentrated deformation. Analysis of the specimen (Fig. 19b) showed that the fracture occurred in an unusual manner: approximately half of the specimen cross-section fractured along the copper interlayer, while the other fractured past along the niobium interlayer. The fracture of specimens №3.1, №3.2 and №3.3 occurred along the copper-niobium fusion zone (Figure 19c). The worst results were obtained from specimen 3.3, apparently due to the presence of a welding defect in the copper-niobium fusion zone.
The melting of the steel and niobium interlayers can be seen in Fig.19a, 20, resulting in the formation of different structures in the copper matrix throughout the volume of the weld. The formation of the mechanical mixture of copper and steel is localized in a narrow area close to the steel interlayer.
Specimens №4.1, №5.1-№5.3 with a deposited copper interlayer have a lower tensile strength. The maximum value of the ultimate tensile strength is 170 MPa. However, the fracture of specimens №4.1, №5.1, №5.2 occurred along the niobium interlayer. A high ductility of the obtained specimens is also noted. Investigation of the fractured specimens showed that the reduction in area is 85-90%. The specimen 5.3 fractured along the fusion line of niobium and copper (Fig. 21c). Its tensile strength is 148 MPa. Fig. 21 presents panoramic views of specimens 4.1, 5.2 and 5.3 after fracture. It should also be noted that in specimens №5.1 and №5.3 there was intergranular penetration of copper, but none of these specimens fractured in the area of penetration.