Our findings suggest that HIV retinopathy may be associated with HAND in older adults receiving long term HIV treatment in this setting. However, identification of HIV retinopathy does not appear to be a useful strategy for identifying those with HAND, or those with frailty. AUROC was not performed on clinical frailty scale as there was no statistically significant association with HIV retinopathy. The high specificity of HIV retinopathy screening may have implications for clinical practice because retinal imaging may show potential to ‘rule in’ which individuals with HIV are likely to be at risk of cognitive impairment. Those negative for HIV retinopathy, have a higher probability of not meeting HAND criteria (normal cognition). In addition, a negative HIV retinopathy assessment does not reliably exclude HAND. This means that HIV retinopathy screening cannot be used alone to determine who might need assessment for HAND. However, retinal screening could allow staff to prioritize individuals with retinal signs, due to high PPV.
Although the relationship between HIV retinopathy and HAND is unclear, there are commonalities in the pathogeneses of both HIV-related complications which may explain their relationship. HIV retinopathy most likely occurs secondary to microvasculopathy from either immune complex deposition, increased plasma viscosity or vascular endothelium invasion by HIV, opportunistic infections or malignancy[23]. HAND occurs through a number of mechanisms including opportunistic central nervous system (CNS) infections, direct neurotoxic effect of the HIV virus and neurotoxic effect of cART[4]. Contributory factors include HIV disease severity, accelerated vascular disease and frequent co-morbidities[4].
The World Health Organization (WHO) advocates that screening for mental disorders be integrated into chronic disease monitoring to address the shortage of specialist personnel in low-resource settings[24]. Eye disease is currently a major cause of morbidity and disability in both HIV and non-HIV populations and disproportionately affects older people[25]. Cataracts, glaucoma, uncorrected refractive error and trauma are the major reported causes of visual impairment[25]. Identification and screening for ophthalmic disease in low-resource settings is currently challenged by similar issues to those noted for chronic complications of HIV. These include lack of specialist personnel, particularly in rural and remote areas, a focus on acute intervention rather than primary care and prevention, lack of integrated referral systems and access to affordable necessary equipment[26,27].
Using mobile technologies to help address health and human resource shortages in low-resource settings is a recent and expanding area of research and is increasingly feasible given the rapid increase in smartphone use across SSA[28]. Low-cost smartphone applications have been evaluated for use in remote grading of ophthalmic disease in SSA[7]. Non-clinical imagers were able to capture images at a standard that enabled remote grading at the level of a desktop retinal camera[7]. In some regions of SSA there is only one ophthalmologist per 2.5 million people, so remote retinal imaging could ameliorate the impact of understaffing[29].
In this study, we demonstrate a high prevalence of visual impairment in our cohort of HIV-positive patients, with 41.1% having mild-moderate visual impairment and 28.7% severe visual impairment. A previously published study reported that 11.2% of HIV-positive individuals aged 18 years or greater had a visual acuity of 0.2 or more in at least one eye[30]. One previous study in HIV-negative individuals aged 50 or greater report visual impairment of 13.6% in SSA[31]. Our prevalence was much higher. This difference may relate to our cohort being 50 years or older whereas other studies investigated younger cohorts. In addition, other explanations may include a risk of false positives from unidentified refractive causes of acuity loss, a lower threshold for diagnosis of visual impairment or our small sample size[30]. Factors relating to the willingness of patients to present with ophthalmic features may also contribute, perhaps due to lack of symptom knowledge, cost or impaired cognition. Since there is a high prevalence of eye disease in this cohort, it is prudent to screen for it.
We suspect the high prevalence of visual impairment may be seen also in the background local population, due to lack of routine eye tests and low patient presentation, even when high quality, affordable services are available[32]. Rates of visual impairment in the remote and rural areas may in fact be worse than those regularly attending hospital due to cost and availability of transport. In addition, low-cost retinal imaging may enable the effective monitoring of patients with HIV-associated ophthalmic diseases and could address challenges in healthcare provision relating to the limited availability of healthcare professionals in these regions[29].
Strengths and Limitations of the study
To our knowledge, this is the only study on HIV retinopathy in Tanzania, thus providing unique data on visual impairment and ocular disease prevalence. Previous studies looking at disease amongst HIV-infected individuals in SSA, excluded patients with confusion or altered mental state[30]. Since this study was able to assess the link between HIV ophthalmic diseases and HAND, this was an additional strength.
There are several limitations to this study. Images obtained from VOLK iNview retinal camera were of low-to-moderate quality so subtle changes or more complex pathologies may have been missed. Therefore, there is a substantial reliance on external referrals to ensure a correct diagnosis is made.
There are non-HIV causes of the fundal signs used to define suspected HIV retinopathy, such as hypertensive and diabetic retinopathy. A large proportion of our cohort had a blood pressure over 140mmHg, however ‘white-coat effect’ is relatively common in SSA[33]. Seven of the 13 (53.8%) suspected HIV retinopathy patients had hypertension in clinic; we cannot exclude hypertensive retinopathy in these individuals. Despite individuals not self-reporting as diabetic and being under regular clinic follow-up, we found that 9 patients had glycosuria, a clinical sign of undiagnosed or untreated diabetes. 5 of these 9 had retinal signs thought to be consistent with HIV retinopathy but without measuring HbA1c, we cannot exclude diabetic retinopathy in these individuals.
This research only relates to HIV positive adults aged 50-years or older. This may be a strength in that studies of this older cART-treated population are few in SSA, but limits generalizability.