In gastrointestinal cancer patients, PE is one of the most critical complications that necessitates early diagnosis and treatment. However, the current diagnostic strategy for PE exhibited the unsatisfactory performance in ruling out PE, leading to unnecessary CT scans in cancer patients. This study showed that the ML model enhances the performance of ruling out PE and reduces the unnecessary CTPA scans.
Several studies have reported that ML model can enhance diagnostic strategies for pulmonary embolism. One study demonstrated that the neural network model utilizing raw structured electronic medical record(EMR) data can predict the risk of PE14. They developed a predictive model specifically for moderate to high C-PTP patients. Willian et al. showed that ML model can better exclude deep vein thrombosis compared to existing risk assessment scores15. Humberto et al. reported that ML model outperformed traditional risk scores such as Wells score combined with D-dimer, revised Geneva score, the pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria score (PERC)26. This study is distinct from previous studies because we investigated patients with gastrointestinal cancer.
Among patients diagnosed with cancer in South Korea in 2018, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer were the most common, with gastrointestinal cancer accounting for 36% of all cancer cases27. Based on this study, the ML model has the potential to reduce unnecessary CTPA scans in thousands of gastrointestinal cancer patients per year in South Korea. Considering that a CTPA scan costs approximately 400 US dollars in South Korea, this could result in significant cost savings in healthcare expenses. Additionally, it can also decrease the medical burden by reducing complications associated with contrast media, such as nephropathy and anaphylaxis.
In this study, pancreatic cancer was the most common type of cancer in patients with PE. Previous studies reported that pancreatic cancer carries the highest risk of VTE among all cancer types7, 28. Signs and symptoms of DVT, history of VTE are factors known to be associated with PE, as indicated in previous studies10, 19, 29. While immobilization is a strong risk factor for PE19, there was no significant difference in immobilization according to PE in this study. This could be attributed to the fact that this study focused on cancer patients. Cancer itself is a risk factor for PE19, and it can also influence the performance status of patients.
Many studies have attempted to improve diagnostic rate by altering the cut-off value of D-dimer. One study enhanced the diagnostic rate by adjusting the D-dimer cutoff value based on age30. Another study ruled out more patients suspected of having PE by raising the D-dimer cut-off value to 1000 ng per milliliter in the low probability group according to the Wells score12. Based on these results, modifying the cut-off value of the D-dimer test have the potential to enhance the diagnostic rate for PE, particularly in cancer patients who exhibit elevated D-dimer levels. In this study, we did not employ the previously established D-dimer cutoff value; instead, we allowed the ML model to adjust the cutoff values based on other variables. As a result, the ML model reduced the number of CTPA scans required. D-dimer was also shown to be an important factor in feature importance.
This study has several limitations. First, being a retrospective study, it may potentially entail unexpected bias. Since our analysis focused on patients who had undergone CTPA scans, there could be inherent selective bias in the sample. Second, AUROC of the ML model are relatively lower when compared to other studies14, 30. This discrepancy arises from the fact that the subjects of this study were cancer patients, who typically exhibit higher D-dimer levels than non-cancer patients16. We employed ML to address these D-dimer-related limitations. However, as most artificial intelligence, including ML, operates as a black-box model, the precise cutoff value for D-dimer within the ML model remains unknown. Nevertheless, we underscored the significance of D-dimer using feature importance, an explainable artificial intelligence technique. Third, the study’s sample size is relatively small. PE is a relatively rare disease, with an annual incidence of approximately 0.1%23. Nevertheless, previous studies have successfully developed ML models with robust performance despite the smaller sample sizes31, 32. Fourth, we compared the ML model with the Wells score combined with D-dimer. However, aside from the Wells score, other assessment tools such as the revised Geneva score and PERC are also employed for pulmonary embolism risk assessment33. Further research is warranted to make comparisons between these scoring systems with ML model.
Despite these limitations, this study has several strengths. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to develop the ML model to predict PE in gastrointestinal cancer patients. We applied ML to the simplified model that has already been demonstrated. So it is more easily accessible in the emergent department. And since the weight of each variable in the Wells score and the cut-off value of D-dimer are adjusted in the ML model, the limitations of the existing diagnostic system can be overcome. Therefore, a large prospective study in the future would be warranted to verify these results.
In conclusion, this ML model for predicting PE might improve diagnostic strategies for PE and reduce the number of unnecessary CTPA during the diagnostic process of PE in gastrointestinal cancer patients.