Samples and standards
Among the eight Ryugu particles from both Chambers A and C allocated to the Phase 2 Kochi team10, the five Ryugu particles (C0068, A0002, A0029, A0037, and A0098) were used for INAA. Samples of meteorites (Orgueil and Murchison) were used for comparison. Chips of Orgueil weighing 0.21 g were carefully ground in clean agate mortars at the National Institute of Polar Research, Japan. An aliquot of this powdered specimen was allocated to us. For the Murchison meteorite, an aliquot was taken from the same powdered specimen used in the previous study48. Smithsonian Institution (SI) Allende meteorite sample (split 22; position 30) and BHVO-2 and BCR-2 (U.S. Geological Survey) were used for evaluation of the accuracy of our INAA data. JB-1 (Geological Survey of Japan) was used as the standard reference material.
Preparations of sample and standard samples
Two Ryugu particles (C0068 and A0098) were divided into several chips using a tantalum chisel. Each particle was picked up using tweezers and put into a high-purity polyethylene bag. The other three Ryugu particles (A0002, A0029, and A0037) were cut by a counter-balanced diamond wire saw (Meiwa Fosis Corporation DWS 3400). Similar to C0068 and A0098, catted pieces were put into a high-purity polyethylene bag. Samples were further doubly sealed in a high-purity polyethylene sheet. Sample preparations for Ryugu particles were performed in a glove box under a purified N2 environment at SPring-8 to avoid terrestrial contamination from the surrounding environment. Ga, As, Se, Ru, Sb, Os, Ir, and Au were prepared by dropping a proper amount (10 to 50 μg) of concentration-known standard solutions (FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical or SPEX) of these elements on the two sheets of filter papers and used as reference standard samples. For Cl and Br, chemical reagents such as KCl (99.9% purity; FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical) and KBr (99.99% purity; Soekawa Chemical) were used as reference standard samples. For reference standard sample for Hg, JSAC 0601-2 and 0602-2 were used. To evaluate our Hg value, NIES CRM No. 13 Human Hair was also analyzed. Preparations of these geological (JB-1, BHVO-2, and BCR-2) and cosmochemical (Orgueil, Murchison, and Allende) samples, and reference standard samples were performed at Tokyo Metropolitan University.
INAA procedure
INAA was performed at the Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University. Samples were irradiated two times with different irradiation periods chosen according to the half-lives of the nuclides used for elemental quantification. First, samples were irradiated for 30 s in pneumatic irradiation tube no. 3 with thermal and fast neutron fluxes of 4.6 × 1012 and 9.6 × 1011 cm-2s-1, respectively, to determine Mg, Al, Cl, Ca, Ti, V, and Mn abundances. Chemical reagents such as MgO (99.99% purity; Soekawa Chemical), Al (99.9% purity; Soekawa Chemical), and Si metals (99.999% purity; FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical) were also irradiated to correct for interfering nuclear reactions such as (n,p). Sodium chloride (99.99% purity; MANAC) was also irradiated with the samples to correct for neutron flux variations. After neutron irradiation, the outer polyethylene sheet was replaced with a new sheet, and gamma rays emitted from the samples and reference standards were immediately measured using Ge detectors. After 24 hours, the same samples were re-irradiated for 4 hrs in pneumatic irradiation tube no. 2 with thermal and fast neutron fluxes of 5.6 × 1012 and 1.2 × 1012 cm-2s-1, respectively, to determine Na, K, Sc, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Br, Ru, Sb, La, Sm, Eu, Yb, Lu, Ta, Os, Ir, Au, and Hg abundances. Gamma-ray counting was carried out five times with different cooling intervals over a period of 4 months at the Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University and RI Research Center, Tokyo Metropolitan University. The analytical procedure by INAA was the same as those described in the previous study48. For the determination of Hg abundance, Orgueil along with two reference standards (JSAC 0601-2 and 0602-2) and a filter paper dropping of Se standard were irradiated for 60 min in pneumatic irradiation tube no. 2. Gamma-ray counting was carried out several times with different cooling intervals over a period of 3 months at RI Research Center, Tokyo Metropolitan University.
Data reduction of INAA
For quantification, a relative method using JB-1 as the reference materials was applied for the determination of Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb, Lu, Hf, Ta, Th and U. Values for JB-1 used as the reference materials were taken from Jochum et al.49. For other elements (Cl, Ga, As, Se, Br, Ru, Sb, Os, Ir, and Au), filter papers dropping of these elements or chemical reagents were used. When Ryugu particles were analyzed, the gamma-ray peak emitted from 203Hg in both Ryugu particles and Orgueil was detected. However, the reference Hg standard sample was not analyzed. Thus, Orgueil was used as a reference standard sample for the determinations of Hg abundances in Ryugu particles. Mercury abundance in Orgueil was determined using both JSAC 0601-2 and 0602-2. The obtained Hg value for Orgueil was used for the quantification of Hg abundances for Ryugu particles. The gamma-rays energies used for quantification are listed in Tables S1–S3.
In INAA, there are several potentially interfering nuclides and reactions. A check on interferences was performed by irradiation of chemical standards. Al and Mg abundances were determined from the radioactivities of 28Al and 27Mg, which were also produced from 28Si(n,p)28Al and 27Al(n,p)27Mg reactions. These interfering nuclides were monitored by analyzing chemical reagents of Si, Al, and MgO. The 264.7 keV peak emitted by 75Se was used for the quantification of Se abundances. However, 182Ta also emitted gamma-ray at 264.1 keV. In the case of meteorite samples, the 1189.0 keV peak of 182Ta could not be detected, which was used for the quantification of Ta. Thus, the spectral interference from 182Ta was negligible for determining Se using 264.7 keV peak in the analysis of chondrites. As Ta could be detected in A0098 due to the contamination with projectile materials during sample collections, interference correction of 182Ta was necessary. As the spectral region around 264 keV in geological samples such as JB-1, BHVO-2, and BCR-2 mostly came from gamma-ray emitted from 182Ta due to their lower Se abundances, JB-1 was used for correction. The ratio of the intensity of the gamma-ray peak of 1189.0 keV to that of the 264.1 keV peak was estimated using JB-1. This ratio was applied to the 1189.0 keV peak of A0098, and the intensity of the gamma-ray peak of 264.1 keV of 182Ta was subtracted from the those of 264.7 keV peak of Se. The 279.2 keV peak emitted by 203Hg was used for the quantification of Hg abundance. However, the radionuclides such 75Se and 182Ta also emitted gamma-ray at 279.5 keV. To obtain an accurate Hg value, spectral interferences from 75Se and 182Ta should be corrected. The ratios of the intensity of the gamma-ray peak of 264.7 keV to the 279.5 keV and 1189.0 keV to the 279.5 keV were estimated using a Se standard and JB-1, respectively. These ratios were applied to the 264.7 and 1189.0 keV peaks of the sample, and intensities of the gamma-ray peak of 279.5 keV of 75Se and 182Ta were subtracted from those of 279.2 keV peak of 203Hg. As no 182Ta was detected for the four Ryugu particles (C0068, A0002, A0029, and A0037) and Orgueil, spectral interference correction of 182Ta was not performed.