In this work, we have compared and evaluated the DE from observers with different expertise through direct observations using two different methods of density estimation in a population of known size. Our results are in line with previous work in other mountain habitats that hamper the ability of observers to detect ungulates but in particular for untrained observers (Corlatti et al., 2015). Detection error also depended on the sex of ibexes being females harder to detect than their larger male counterparts. The remarkable disparities between the current known number of Iberian ibexes in the enclosure and the estimates produced by the two observer categories underline the importance of observer skills. Previous studies have already evaluated the effect of observer training ( i.e., Evans et al. 2007; Forcey et al. 2006; Elphick 2008), but few have compared and assessed the differences in the results according to the observer experience when increasing sampling efforts. Many study conservation organizations worldwide rely heavily upon volunteers (e.g., British Deer Society), for their monitoring purposes (Newman et al., 2003). It is unusual, however, in programmes based on volunteers or on people with little experience in mammal monitoring, validating their effectiveness in conducting the monitoring (but see Farr et al. 2023). It is important, therefore, to identify tasks and methods that are both useful for mammal monitoring and suitable for volunteers as well as to quantify the potential bias of beginners compared to experts as well as other factors affecting their competence. In our case, and even though observer expertise influenced the ability to detect ibexes, landscape characteristics appear to drive the detection of this mountain ungulate. Even though training improves population monitoring (Jeffress et al., 2011), our systematic population size underestimation was only slightly corrected through sessions of training but not enough to get accurate population size estimates. In fact, after nine sampling sessions, both observer categories underestimated the real population size by more than 50%. In addition, ibex sex also affected detectability being females harder to detect than males independently of the observer expertise. According to Focardi et al. (2007), these sexual differences in the detection of gregarious dimorphic ungulates may arise from morphological (females are smaller than males), behavioral (females are more cautious than males, particularly when breeding) and spatial segregation differences between males and females. In our case study, we did not observe spatial segregation in the enclosure and thus the most plausible explanation for the higher detectability of males is their larger body sizes. But even if our counts had been focused only on males, more than half of the individuals remained undetected. This is surely due to the habitat structure in this diverse environment and the ibexes' position within that structure has influenced visibility. Recent research focused on evaluating how habitat structure and animal position influence the observer's capability to detect animals (Stein et al., 2022), concludes that landscapes with dense and diverse vegetation strongly influence the potential viewshed and consequently the visual cues accessible to individuals and in turn DE.
Obtaining absolute counts of the wildlife population is an arduous task and is sometimes not possible. However, estimates of the population size using methodological approaches accounting for the detection probability can bring more accurate results (Collier et al., 2008; Pollock et al., 2002). Nevertheless, in our study, the use of DS did not significantly improve the DE of both observer categories (Table 2). Increasing sampling effort is another way to increase the precision and accuracy of population estimates (Torres et al., 2014). Typically, the increase in sampling efforts allows the achievement of precise estimates in DS procedures (e.g., < 20% CV, Pérez et al. 2017). However, there exists a systematic error that cannot be reduced by increasing survey effort (Chen, 1998), as appears to occur in our study, surely due to the high vegetation cover and the rough topography (Fig. 4). Another alternative is the use of an independent double-observer approach to reduce observational bias and variation in direct observations (Forcey et al., 2006).
Management implications
Iberian ibex population assessments based on direct counts would be persistently affected by a systematic underestimation in the Iberian Peninsula. Such underestimation has practical consequences affecting annual hunting quotas for ibex populations (Carvalho et al. 2020), population management actions to get accurate Ibex numbers to avoid the impact of ibex overabundance (Perea et al. 2015), and population monitoring for wildlife health surveillance (Barroso et al. 2023, 2024). Along the same lines, basic research exploring links between population density and the natural history of ibex populations (e.g., Serrano et al. 2011, Carvalho et al. 2015), would also be affected by this inaccuracy.
To our understanding, this population underestimation is difficult to solve. According to our own experience, infrared thermography technology set in binoculars would improve the detection of individuals in dense vegetation (Cilulko et al. 2013).
Thermal imaging binoculars are fast being used to observe and detect wild animals in their habitats since animals appear as warm spots against a dark, cool background in the thermogram, which is sufficient to confirm their presence. An example of the improvement due to thermal imaging incorporation into wildlife monitoring can be seen in Ditchkoff et al (2005), who demonstrated that thermal imaging was more efficient than other reported methods for capturing white-tailed deer fawns. However, even though thermography is creating new opportunities for wildlife research has certain limitations, particularly in the Mediterranean environment. In fact, the high summer solar radiation heating the ground and rocks blinds the observer due to the excessive brightness (personal observations and also reported in Cilulko et al. 2013). Another approach is the use of dung counts and DS to assess ungulate density in dense vegetation areas (Marques et al. 2001) which in turn are related to herbivore pressure on the vegetation (Limpens et al. 2020). There is no easy discrimination among pellets from different ungulate species nor direct contact with individuals to assess their age and sex categories limiting its use for target population control including game management or diseased individual’s alternative would be the use of camera traps to fuel random encounter models (REM). This approach has been widely applied due to its practical advantages such as no need for species-specific study design. Cameras would be set in areas with low visibility or dense vegetation obtaining precise estimates for a wide range of ungulate species as shown by Palencia et al. 2022.
Wildlifers in charge of the sustainable management of Iberian ibex populations must take into account the systematic underestimation of real population numbers in their management plans. Since there is no sole solution to this underestimation, managers should conduct population-specific designs to improve not only Iberian ibex management but also other ungulate species living in areas with low visibility.