Being second only to noise as the leading cause of environmental complaints from citizens, odor pollution has gained more and more institutional attention in recent years (Bydder and Demetriou, 2019; D-NOSES consortium, 2019). The recent editorials and special issues dedicated to the environmental odor also demonstrate the current importance of the topic and the interest in the subject (Piringer and Schauberger, 2020; Schauberger et al., 2021).
A number of varied anthropogenic sources may lead to odorous emission. These are mainly associated with agricultural, industrial and waste management sectors. Examples vary from wastewater collection and treatment (Zarra et al., 2019), to municipal solid waste management (Sarkar et al., 2003) but also food industries (Brancher and De Melo Lisboa, 2014), and livestock production, alongside many others (Danuso et al., 2015). Despite odors often are not a direct cause of toxicity, as they reach the population in concentration below the toxicity threshold (Piccardo et al., 2022; Blanes-Vidal et al., 2014), several studies correlated exposure to malodorous substances with negative physiological responses (Baldacci et al., 2015; Blanes-Vidal, 2015; Hooiveld et al., 2015). Neurological, respiratory, and gastrointestinal symptoms are related with annoyance (Aatamila et al., 2011; Luginaah et al., 2002; Sucker et al., 2009) and include, among others, irritation of nose and throat, headache, nausea, cough, shortness of breath, stress, drowsiness, and alterations in mood (Schiffman and Williams, 2005). Moreover, malodorous gases have also negative socio-economic effects that must not be forgotten, such as the depreciation of properties near the emitting source (Danthurebandara et al., 2012).
In view of the above, regulatory authorities have responded issuing governmental guidelines and regulations to manage environmental odor. However, assessment of Odor Impact (OI) on the population is not an easy task. In fact, not only chemicals of the odorant mixture interact with each other - through synergism and antagonism, masking and neutralization - which makes it difficult to predict what will be perceived even knowing the emission’s composition (Szulczyński et al., 2018; Yan et al., 2015), but there is also a highly variable inter-individual response to the same stimulus (Hayes et al., 2014; Van Harreveld, 2001). Moreover, the complexity is increased by the fact that OI is generated from a combination of five interacting factors: frequency, intensity, duration, offensiveness, and location (Bax et al., 2020). This led to a great variety in the regulatory framework worldwide. As examples, in the US the problem is not assessed at a federal level, and most of the States base their regulation in the nuisance laws. Within the States that have a specific legislation – 10 out of 50 – field olfactometry is the most employed technique to assess odor pollution levels (Bokowa et al., 2021). In Australia and New Zealand, OI assessment is based on the comparison between the State odor guideline values and the odor concentrations from dispersion model outputs, to verify if offensive effects are likely to occur (New Zealand Resource Management Act, 1991; NSW Protection of the Environment Operation Act, 1997). In Europe OI is regulated harmoniously through the Directive 2010/75/EU (European Parliament, 2010), that gives a general framework for odor regulation. Each country has its own legislation on the matter, that stays within the EU guidelines. The framework given by EU establishes odor limits at receptors based on concentration at ground level for many productive activities, which in certain cases can operate only if they have acquired an authorization (European Parliament, 2010). Very different is the Chinese situation, where the legislation (China Environmental Protection Agency, 1993) focuses on emission limits of pollutants, rather than on minimizing odor concentrations at receptors, like it happens in United States, Europe and Australia. Further details are published in review works (Bokowa et al., 2021; Brancher et al., 2017) which summarize the OI management criteria of countries around the world. Therefore, a very fragmented situation is outlined when it comes to the approaches used by jurisdictions to evaluate odor nuisance, both in regard of the regulatory approach and in the applied evaluation tools, which range from measurements of specific odorous chemicals to the use of electronic noses and/or human panelists to the application of atmospheric dispersion models (Laor et al., 2014). The latest are the most common method for conducting OI assessments, particularly under a regulatory context (Capelli et al., 2013; Nicell, 2009). Dispersion modelling combines the characteristics of the emission sources with meteorological and topographical data of its surroundings. Then, through mathematical formulas that describe the mechanisms of convection and diffusion of gases and particles, they can estimate the concentration of odorants in ambient air downwind of the emission source (Adami et al., 2022). Therefore, with dispersion models it is possible -in a relatively short time - to estimate the concentrations of the odorous substances for a very high number of receptors (Ranzato et al., 2012). One of the most interesting aspects of dispersion models is that they can be not only descriptive, but also predictive. In fact, they can be used not only to analyze the current state of existing sources and to evaluate their impact on the territory, but also to forecast the emissions of new projects or to estimate the effect of abatement systems, thus, becoming a tool of strategic choice for companies (Cretu et al., 2010). Dispersion modelling is a fundamental step for the estimation of the OI near emission sources, because its output – the odor concentration statistics – can be used to define compliance with the regulatory standards (Mott and Guo, 2022; Uvezzi Giulia et al., 2022). The regulatory standards are the so-called Odor Impact Criteria (OIC). The OIC are the jurisdictional limits of emission and are usually determined combining three elements: the odor concentration threshold, its percentile of acceptability and the average time used to calculate the concentrations. Therefore, OIC are based on odor concentrations and the accepted probability of exceeding the threshold concentration in a certain time (Bokowa et al., 2021). Different jurisdictions have established different OIC parameters, which become more or less strict according to the needed level of protection, which is based on the presence of sensitive receptors, the number of populations living nearby the source and the land use, whether urban or rural (Brancher et al., 2017).
OI assessment can have purposes of either screening or authorization/control of new or existing facilities. Despite the different aim, dispersion modelling can be used in both cases. Screening procedures – also called ‘first-level odor impact assessment’ – aim to save time and conserve economical resources, identifying sources which need to be further analyzed via refined modeling, and excluding the ones whose impacts are low enough that they will not pose a threat to ambient air quality standards (Maine DEP, 2019a). Screening modeling encompasses conservative analytical modeling techniques for estimating extreme upper bound concentrations (called “worst-case”), which will be compared to OIC. These "worst-case" estimates are based on simplified assumptions/representations of source-receptor geometries. Screening modeling tends to be easy-to-run, quick and conservative, so often results in an overprediction of air contaminant concentrations (US-EPA, 2016). Among the dispersion models listed by US-EPA for screening purposes, there is Screen3 (US-EPA, 1995), which will be used in this study. It is based on a Gaussian Dispersion Model (GDM) and serves as a rapid tool to estimate ground level concentration of contaminants under all atmospheric stability conditions (Cora and Hung, 2003).
In parallel with the screening dispersion models, other simplified tools for the measurement of odor annoyance have been developed. These methods, known as Empirical Equations (EEs), are in use in various jurisdictions and can support first-level evaluations (Brancher et al., 2020). They are reported as a valuable screening asset for countries without specific odor legislation, for a first-instance estimate of the area affected by odor nuisance (Schauberger et al., 2021). Among them, can be listed the Austrian (Schauberger et al., 2012a) and the German (Schauberger et al., 2012b; VDI 3894 Blatt 2, 2012) EEs, both based on exponential functions and derived from dispersion model calculations. Furthermore, there is the Williams and Thompson EE (Williams and Thomson, 1986), which address the distance within which complaints are likely in the worst-case scenario. Along them, others equations parametrized by empirical factors have been developed, like the Belgium one (Nicolas et al., 2008). EEs are also described in published works that summarize them (Guo et al., 2004) or compare them with dispersion models (Wu et al., 2019).
If screening procedures indicate that more in depth analysis are required, ‘second-level odor impact assessments’ are performed. In this case, more refined data (i.e. refined receptor grid, hourly meteorological data, source placement, etc.) and models, such as the Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (LPDM) (Johnson, 2022), are used (Maine DEP, 2019b). As for the screening models, the advanced model outputs are compared to the OIC, to verify the compliance of the emitting source with the legislation. In this second case the comparison with OIC is for authorization/control purposes.
In this context, the purpose of the present work is to study the correlations between the outputs of a screening dispersion model and a second-level impact assessment dispersion model, for single-point sources. Outputs concerning peak odor concentration and its occurring distance derived from a GDM and a LPDM on analogous emitting sources are compared. Then, correlation functions are sought through a regression operation. These correlation functions are also compared with other already established and published screening tools. Final aim is to use these functions to refine GDM outputs to have more accurate screening procedures, allowing to avoid, for a larger number of cases, analysis with more advanced and complicate models. The case study is in northern Italy, where dispersion modelling of a fictious single-point-source located in the city of Ravenna is performed with both GDM and LPDM. The height of the stack emitting odorous pollutant is varied through 10 simulation runs according to the following scheme: 10 m, 30 m, 50 m, 80 m, 100 m, 110 m, 140 m, 160 m, 180 m and 200 m. This scheme allows to also take into consideration the effects of the emission height on the maximum concentration on the ground.