We collected 17 endophytic fungal isolates from P. bracteatum, P. glaucum, P. fugax, and P. argemone grown in the Kurdistan Province, west of Iran, of which 13 isolates were from roots, three from capsules and one from stems. To study secondary metabolite profiles of endophytic fungi for producing morphinan alkaloids, 6 strains (BR4, BR6, GR1, GR4, PR1 and PS1) with more differences in morphological features were selected.
- Screening of fungal extracts for morphinan alkaloids
The extracts of all selected strains under the same condition were screened by HPLC to detect fungal morphinan compounds. The results showed that the peak positions and shapes of the selected fungi closely matched those of the chemical references for morphine, demonstrating that all the distinct fungi produced morphine.
Among the examined isolates, the highest yield of morphine (21.33 mg/g) and codeine (2.03 mg/g) was detected in BR6 whereas BR4 and PS1 contained lower yield of morphine (2.76 mg/g) and (0.18 mg/g), respectively. The GR1 extract contained morphine only (Table 3). Based on these results, BR6 was identified as the best strain to produce morphinan.
By GC/MS confirmation of BR6 as a morphinan producing endophytic fungus, authentic papaverine and morphine yielded at 22.222 and 22.090 Retention Time (min) respectively. Also, this analysis indicated that BR6 produced 30 volatile compounds which were identified and described by their molecular structures, functions, and the time of leaching identified by peaks (Table 4). Among several detected alkaloids papaverine has the highest percentage.
In addition to alkaloids, some compounds were detected in BR6 extract, most produced by Papaver species and other plants as secondary metabolites. For example, heptadecane, epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene, delta-Cadinene naphthalene, ethofumesate, 2-ethylacridine, 4H-pyrane-3-carboxamide, ethidimuron, and hexadecanoic acid are some plants metabolites with antibacterial, anticancer, pesticide, herbicide, and antioxidant efficacy which were produced by BR6 (Table 4). These results can confirm the remarkable similarity between the endophytic fungi and P. bracteatum in terms of producing secondary metabolites 33–37.
- Characterization of selected morphinan producing fungus
The best morphinan producing fungal isolate (BR6) selected to study in more details was deposited in the culture collection of the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, IRAN, Tehran, Iran (IRAN 4653C) and the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, CBS, Utrecht, The Netherlands (CBS 149789). The identity of the selected isolate IRAN 4653C studied based on multi-gene phylogenetic analyses and morological features.
Megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, with the ITS and TUB sequences gave closest hits to Pithoascus intermedius CBS 217.32 (ITS: 99.6%, 494/498, GenBank NR_132953; TUB: 94.2%, 455/483, 2 gaps, GenBank LM652662) and Pithoascus nidicola CBS 197.61 (95%, 511/538, 12 gaps, GenBank MH858021; TUB: 95.7%, 429/448, 1 gap, GenBank LM652663), and using TEF1-α sequence the closest hits were Pithoascus intermedius CBS 217.32 (96.6%, 926/959, 2 gaps, GenBank LM652579) and Pithoascus stoveri CBS 197.61 (97.5%, 935/959, 2 gaps, GenBank LM652581).
Sequences of our isolate IRAN 4653C were aligned with available authentic sequences of Microascaceae members (ITS: 37, TEF1-α: 28, TUB2: 29 sequences) and Trichoderma asperellum NBRC 101777 as outgroup retrieved from GenBank. Alignments for the ITS, TEF1-α, and TUB2 sequences including gaps contained 709, 976 and 601 characters, respectively. Single gene phylogenies confirmed the same phylogenetic position for our isolate and placed it within the genus Pithoascus (Figs S1–S3). The combined alignment of three loci including gaps contained 2288 characters, of which 164 were variable and parsimony uninformative, and 1375 were unvariable. Following a heuristic search of the remaining 749 parsimony informative characters, four trees with the same overall topology and the lowest parsimonious steps (CI = 0.47, HI = 0.53, RI = 0.64) were found.
The best nucleotide substitution model for all three loci (ITS, TEF1-α, TUB2) is the general time-reversible model of evolution (Rodríguez et al., 1990) according to MrModelTest. This model assumes a discrete gamma distribution (GTR+I+G) with six rate categories (lsetnst = 6, rates = invgamma), dirichlet (1,1,1,1) base frequencies, and includes estimation of invariable sites. 194 trees were removed as burn-in from the 782 trees that were produced by the Bayesian analysis of the concatenated alignments of three loci. The remaining 588 trees were used to calculate the consensus tree and posterior probability values (PP). By the end of the run, the average standard deviation of split frequencies was 0.009567. The Bayesian tree with similar topology as the trees resulting from MP analysis is shown in Figure 2-4. Using bootstrap support values at the nodes and BI/MP posterior probabilities, the MP tree was mapped onto a Baysian tree. In both MP and BI analyses our isolate IRAN 4653C clustered in Pithoascus genus separated from all known species in a well-supported clade close to P. intermedius, P. exsertus and P. nidicola. Based on nucleotide sequences of examined three loci our isolate is differed from all three closely related species P. intermedius (ITS: 2 substitutions, 2 deletions/insertions; TEF1-α: 33 substitutions; TUB2: 33 substitutions, 1 deletion/insertion), P. exsertus (ITS: 35 substitutions; 21 deletions/insertions; TEF1-α: 38 substitutions, 1 deletion/insertion; TUB2: 43 substitutions; 4 deletions/insertions) and P. nidicola (ITS: 27 substitutions, 5 deletions/insertions; TEF1-α: 38 substitutions; TUB2: 25 substitutions, 1 deletion/insertion) and distinguished as a new species for science and named here as Pithoascus kurdistanensis sp. nov.
Taxonomy and nomenclature
Pithoascus kurdistanensis Mohammadi S., Bahramnejad B. & Abdollahz. sp. nov. Fig. 2
MycoBank MB849386
Etymology. Name refers to Kurdistan Province, Iran, where this species was first found.
Description. Ascomata unpapillate, globose, pale to dark brown or black, semi-immersed or superficial, scattered or aggregated in dense crusts, covered with aerial hyphae, non-ostiolate, (67–) 80–120 (–243) µm, with a pseudoparenchymatous, layered, dark, thick-walled peridium. Setae aseptate or septate, straight or flexsuous, unbranched, pale to dark brown, (8–) 18–25 (–40) × 2–4 µm. Asci hyaline, globose, evanescent, 8-spored, (5–) 5.5–7.7 (–10) µm (av. ± S.D. = 6.9 ± 1.5). Ascospores conglobate inside the ascus, forming globose to sub-globose, small to large compact masses when asci disintegrate, hyaline at first, buff to olivaceous buff when mature, yellowish brown in mass, thin-walled, aseptate, navicular or lunate, often plano-convex, germ pores indistinct, (4.8–) 5.3–5.7 (–6.1) × (1.6–) 1.9–2.2 (–2.5) µm (av. ± S.D. = 5.5 ± 0.3 × 2 ± 0.2 µm). Conidiophores absent. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, cylindrical to ampulliform, rarely reduced to short swollen supporting cells, annellidic, smooth, rarely roughened and thin-walled, born singly, often laterally and rarely apically on aerial hyphae, (6–) 21–16 (–19) × (1.3–) 1.5–1.7 (–2.9) µm (av. ± S.D. = 13.2 ± 3.8 × 1.7 ± 0.4 µm). Conidia globose to pyriform, with a truncate base, smooth and thin-walled, aseptate, arranged in long basipetal dry chains, (3.3–) 3.5–5 (–5.7) × (2.8–) 3.5–4 (–4.5) µm (av. ± S.D. = 4.2 ± 0.7 × 3.6 ± 0.4 µm).
Culture characteristics. Colonies with appressed and immersed hyphae and aerial mycelium in the middle, whitish to pale grey. Colonies with daily rate less than 1 mm reaching 12, 10 and 10 mm diam on MEA, OA and PDA after 14 d at room temperature 20–25 °C.
Typus. IRAN, Kurdistan Province, Divandarreh, Saral region (35°33'57"N 46°48'47"E), Papaver bracteatum, 06 May 2018, H. Maroufi (holotype IRAN 18259F; ex-type strain IRAN 4653C = CBS 149789).
Notes. In multi-gene phylogeny, Pithoascus kurdistanensis placed close to P. intermedius, P. exsertus and P. nidicola in a clade distinct from all introduced species (Fig. 1). It is also distinguished from all other species in single-gene phylogenies based on ITS, TEF-1α, and TUB2 sequences (Figs. S1-S3). Asexual morph in P. exsertus and P. lunatus and sexual morph in P. ater have not been reported. While most Pithoascus species (P. intermedius, P. nidicola, P. stoveri, P. ater) with known asexual morph produce solitary conidia on conidiogenous cells, Pithoascus kurdistanensis and P. persica produce conidia in long dry chains. Moreover, P. kurdistanensis is differentiated from closely related species P. intermedius, P. nidicola and P. exsertus by having smaller conidia, shorter ascospores and larger ascomata and ascospores, respectively (Table 5). This species is also separated from all described species by having setae, shape and size of asci (Table 5). Thus far, no setae have been reported in Pithoascus species. Main morphological characters useful for discriminating Pithoascus species are provided in table 5.