Primary objective:
- To identify a combination of biomarkers that distinguishes patients with transmural AMI from patients with no AMI with a positive likelihood ratio of >10 and negative likelihood ratio of <0.1 at least at one measurement time point before any treatment of AMI (comparison A).
Secondary objectives:
- To identify a combination of biomarkers that distinguishes patients with AMI (any stage - non-transmural or transmural necrosis) from patients with no AMI with positive likelihood ratio of >10 and negative likelihood ratio <0.1 at least at one measurement time point before any treatment of AMI (comparison B).
- To identify combination of biomarkers that distinguishes patients with non-transmural AMI from patients with transmural AMI with positive likelihood ratio of >5 and negative likelihood ratio <0.2 at at least one measurement time point before any treatment of AMI (comparison C).
Tertiary objectives:
- To assess performance of identified biomarker combinations in different subtypes of AMI (arterial occlusive, NOMI, mesenteric venous thrombosis)
- To describe patterns of individual biomarkers before and after treatment of AMI, separating between ongoing ischaemia and reperfusion.
Study design and eligibility criteria
This is a prospective multicentre study.
All adult patients with clinical suspicion of acute mesenteric ischaemia will be considered eligible for the study.
Inclusion criteria
Age 18 years or older
Initial decision in favour of further diagnostics of mesenteric ischaemia
Exclusion criteria
Age <18 years
Consent declined or withdrawn by patient or next of kin
Chronic mesenteric ischaemia without an acute event
Immediate decision for withdrawal of further diagnostic workup and active treatment
Referral from another hospital more than 8 hours after diagnosis of AMI
Strangulated bowel obstruction (SBO) as a primary verified diagnosis
AMI incidentally diagnosed at surgery without previously having been considered
Suspicion of AMI will be defined as:
- Clinical suspicion of AMI. Factors indicating AMI are (not limited to): abdominal pain (usually diffuse and strong) usually supported with appropriate phenotype for AMI (older age, atrial fibrillation) and absence of an obvious alternative diagnosis after primary clinical assessment.
- Clinical suspicion of mesenteric venous thrombosis. Unspecific and less intense abdominal pain, risk factors for venous thrombosis (mainly thrombophilia and obesity).
- Clinical suspicion of NOMI (distended abdomen, ileus or unexplained worsening of shock) in critically ill patients with hypoperfusion and/or hypotension, often receiving vasopressors.
Confirmed AMI will be defined as:
- Total or subtotal occlusion of any large mesenteric vessel visualized on CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or plain angiography with acute symptoms (e.g. abdominal pain, diarrhoea, shock, mucosal sloughing).
- Imaging finding without any symptoms of intestinal ischaemia and without any laboratory abnormalities is not sufficient to confirm AMI (probably indicating chronic mesenteric ischaemia). For definitive confirmation in such case either endoscopic finding of mucosal ischaemia, surgical finding of transmural ischaemia leading to resection or palliation, or autopsy finding of any stage of bowel ischaemia is needed to confirm the diagnosis.
- Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia confirmed by either endoscopy, surgery or autopsy. A suspicion of NOMI in CT, MRI or angiography without being confirmed by any of these methods remains a suspicion of AMI.
Each case without definitive confirmation of AMI or without definitive confirmation of the subtype of AMI will be carefully reviewed by steering committee members and discussed with respective site to confirm the final categorization.
Patients with strangulating bowel obstruction (SBO) as an immediate verified diagnosis at the time of the first clinical assessment will be excluded from this study. If a SBO was identified as a cause of AMI only after including the patient in the study (as suspected AMI), this patient should continue in the study.
Patients with acute-on-chronic mesenteric ischaemia will be included.
Subtypes of AMI assessed in subgroup analyses will be:
- Occlusive arterial AMI
- Thrombosis
- Embolism
- Unclear
- Mesenteric venous thrombosis
In case the mechanism of AMI remains unclear or there is another specific mechanism (e.g. dissection, aneurysm, abdominal compartment syndrome), this case will be discussed in steering committee and allocated to the most suitable category and mentioned respectively in the final report.
Study period and sites
We will invite sites participating in the AMESI study [3] and in the GUTPHOS study (NCT05909722) and open the study for other interested sites, while limiting participation to sites located within a distance range from Tartu, Estonia that allows safe shipment of frozen samples. There is no limitation for the category of the hospital, but we aim to recruit acute care hospitals commonly encountering at least one patient with AMI per month. Each site is expected to include at least 8 patients (in total for suspected and confirmed AMI) within the first 4 months of the study, until the interim analysis, and at least 20 patients in total. The study will start in October 2024 the earliest, with planned recruitment for 8-10 months, whereas the total length of the study period will be defined after the interim analysis at four months after the study start.
Sample size
The estimated sample size is in total of 250 patients, 160 patients with confirmed AMI (including 40 patients with NOMI) and 90 patients with suspected but not confirmed AMI.
In the AMESI study, European and West-Asian sites recruited 14 patients with confirmed AMI in average (range 3-34) and 7 (range 0-25) with suspected but eventually not confirmed AMI per site during 10 months. Accordingly, 20 sites are expected to encounter 220 patients with confirmed AMI and 120 patients with suspected AMI during 8 months. Estimating 5% of patients allocated to palliative treatment without any further diagnostics, 10% of referrals and 15% of patients being excluded for other reasons (e.g. missing informed consent, logistical reasons), 20 sites recruiting patients during 8-10 months are necessary to reach the targeted number of patients. As the number of patients with suspected AMI and confirmed NOMI is difficult to predict, the final decision regarding recruitment period will be made after the interim analysis after 4 months of the study.
Study procedures
Decisions regarding diagnostics and treatment in study patients will not be influenced by the study, the only study procedure is additional blood sampling.
List of biomarkers
The following biomarkers potentially identifying AMI will be centrally measured in Tartu, Estonia: intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP), alpha-glutathione S-transferase (Alpha- GST), interleukin 6 (IL-6; LOINC# 26881-3), procalcitonin (PCT; LOINC# 75241-0), ischaemia-modified albumin (IMA; LOINC# 75239-4), D-lactate (LOINC# 14045-9), signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein 1 (SCUBE-1), lipopolysaccaharide-binding protein (LBP; LOINC# 88054-2), D-dimers (LOINC# 48065-7). Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) is a universal standard database for identifying medical laboratory observations [12].
The list will be kept open for late changes if any novel biomarker emerges before the first laboratory analyses are performed, provided that this marker is possible to measure without an additional sampling tube.
Additionally to centrally measured biomarkers the sites will be asked to measure the following at local hospital laboratories:
- Blood lactate (arterial, where available), pH, bicarbonate and base excess at each of the planned time points as appropriate for each particular patient.
- Creatinine (LOINC # 14682-9), high sensitive Troponin T (LOINC # 89576-3) or Troponin I (LOINC # 89577-1), white blood cell count (WBC, LOINC # 6690-2) and C-reactive protein (CRP, LOINC# 1988-5) at time points 1, 2 and 6.
Blood sampling time points
Two sampling tubes (one serum and one plasma, arterial or venous) will be collected at each measurement point, allowing central measurement of aforementioned biomarkers.
Depending on whether AMI is confirmed or not, and on treatment methods applied, different measurement time points will apply for each patient (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Table 1. Sampling time points for biomarkers measurements (M).
M no.
Time point for blood sampling
Confirmed AMI with intervention
Suspicion of AMI
Confirmed AMI without intervention
Admission (suspicion, if in-hospital)
6-8h after the first sample if no intervention performed by then
x (if no intervention before 6-8h)
At intervention
x (incl. i/a vasodilation)
4-6 hours after intervention
12 hours after intervention
24 hours after the first sample if no intervention
x (if suspicion still actual)
At the time of re-intervention
x (if any within 72h)
48 hours after the first sample
x (if suspicion still actual)
x (if no intervention)
Figure 1. Different scenarios as examples. Measurement numbers are based on the list above.
Legend: Patient 1 has a treatment intervention within 6-8 hours after hospital admission due to AMI. Blood sampling points will be on admission (M1), at the intervention (M3), 4-6 hours after the intervention (M4), 12 hours after the intervention (M5) and at reintervention (M7; if reintervention occurs within 72 hours). Patient 2 has a treatment intervention later than 6-8 hours after admission due to AMI. Blood sampling points will be on admission (M1), 6-8 hours after M1 (M2), at the intervention (M3), 4-6 hours after the intervention (M4) and 12 hours after the intervention (M5). There was no re-intervention within 72h. Patient 3 has suspicion of AMI while hospitalized and has no treatment intervention. Blood sampling points will be on suspicion of AMI (M1), 6-8 hours after M1 (M2), 24 hours after suspicion or diagnosis of AMI (M6) and 48 hours after suspicion or diagnosis of AMI (M8).
Handling of blood samples and details of laboratory analytics
One lithium-heparin plasma tube (LH-tube) and one serum clothing-activator/gel tube (CA- tube) will be collected at each measurement point. Tubes will be centrifuged (10 minutes at 2000g) no more than 2 hours after blood collection and separated plasma/serum will be aliquoted to storage tubes. The samples will be stored at study sites at -80°C and sent to the central laboratory in Tartu in two batches: one batch of samples at 4 months after the study start and the second batch after the end of the study.
Specific methods for biomarkers measurements are presented in Table 2.
Table 2. Measurement methods of biomarkers
Enterocyte damage marker
Produced in small intestine (and colon?)
Plasma: LH-tube;
Amount: 0.1-0.2 mL;
Method: ELISA - Human FABP2/I-FABP Quantikine (DFBP20) Provider: R&D Systems (USA)
Moderate accuracy in humans (4); not IVD-R compatible
Intestinal barrier dysfunction markers
Produced by intestinal microflora
Plasma: LH-tube;
Amount: 0.2 mL
Method: colorimetric - D-Lactate Assay Kit (MAK336)
Provider: Sigma Aldrich (Germany)
Low accuracy in humans (4). Animal studies: fast peak (6h), increase with reperfusion; not IVD-R compatible
LPS-binding protein
Increased production if more endotoxins with portal blood to liver
Plasma: LH-tube
Amount: 0.1-0.2 mL
Method: Human LBP DuoSet ELISA (DY870-05)
Provider: R&D Systems (USA)
No data in humans in AMI; not IVD-R compatible
Tissue ischaemia marker
Ischaemia-marker, not tissue-specific
Serum: CA-tube
Amount: 0.1-0.2ml
Method: human IMA ELISA (CSB-E09594h)
Provider: Cusabio (China)
Moderate accuracy in humans (4). Animal studies: Fast peak (6h); not IVD-R compatible
Inflammatory markers
Inflammatory marker (not tissue-specific)
Plasma: LH-tube
Amount: 0.2 mL
Method: Cobas ECLIA;
Provider: Roche Diagnostics, Germany)
Reference value: <7 ng/L
Moderate accuracy in humans (4). Animals: fast peak (6h), increase with reperfusion; IVD-R compatible
Inflammatory marker (not tissue-specific)
Plasma: LH-tube
Amount: 0.2 mL
Method: Cobas ECLIA;
Provider: Roche Diagnostics, Germany)
Reference value: < 0,5 µg/L
Moderate accuracy in humans (4); IVD-R compatible
Thrombosis/coagulation markers
Activation of coagulation (any, not specific to AMI)
Plasma: LH-tube
Amount: 0.2 mL
Method: Cobas ECLIA;
Provider: Roche Diagnostics, Germany)
Reference value: <0.5 mg/L
Moderate accuracy for transmural AMI in humans; IVD-R compatible
Activation of coagulation
Early marker of thrombosis (any)
Serum: CA-tube
Amount: 0.1-0.2 mL
Method: Human SCUBE1 ELISA kit (CSB-E15005h)
Provider: Cusabio (China)
Not studied in humans. Animals: Peak 6h? Small increase with reperfusion; not IVD-R compatible
A marker of liver injury
Serum: CA-tube
Amount: 0.1-0.2 mL
Method: Human α-GST ELISA Kit (CSB-E08906h)
Provider: Cusabio (China)
Low accuracy in humans (4), no studies on transmural; not IVD-R compatible
Legend: alpha-GST – alpha- glutathione S-transferase; CA-tube – clotting activator containing tube with gel; ECLIA - electrochemiluminescence immunoassay; ELISA - enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; IL-6 – interleukin-6; I-FABP – intestinal fatty acid-binding protein; IMA – ischaemia modified albumin; IVD-R – In-Vitro Diagnostic Regulation 2017/746; LH-tube – lithium-heparin containing plasma tube; LPS –lipopolysaccharide; SCUBE-1 - signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein 1
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis will be performed with R Statistical Software 4.3.2 (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria, 2023). Data will be described in number (%), median (IQR) or mean (SD) as appropriate. Analyses for confirmed transmural AMI vs suspected but not confirmed AMI (comparison A – primary outcome), confirmed AMI of any stage vs suspected but not confirmed AMI (comparison B – secondary outcome) and transmural vs non-transmural AMI (comparison C – secondary outcome) will be performed in different measurement time points. Each biomarker will be described at each measurement point for all comparisons (A, B and C), using Student’s t-test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test as appropriate. For all biomarkers showing a p-value < 0.05 in at least one measurement point in univariate analysis, the area under the receiver operating curve (ROC) calculation will be performed. We will do this separately for comparisons A, B and C and identify optimal cut-off values for each biomarker based on maximum value of the Youden index [13]. All measurement time points before any treatment of AMI (1,2,3,6,8) will be pooled and AUROC analysis will be performed to identify the best cut-offs also for pooled data for each biomarker. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and likelihood ratios (LR) with 95% CI-s will be reported. Positive likelihood ratio (LR+) > 10 and negative likelihood ratio (LR-) < 0.1 will be considered high diagnostic accuracy and LR+ > 5 and LR- < 0.2 as moderate diagnostic accuracy. All biomarkers with at least moderate accuracy will be entered as binary covariates (using the best cut-offs previously found in the AUROC analyses resulting in highest AUC) into the multivariable stepwise regression analysis (both directions) to identify the best combination of biomarkers discriminating between transmural AMI and no AMI based on Akaike information criterion (AIC). Analogical approach will be used for comparisons B and C. The best models will be applied to subgroup analyses in different sub-types of AMI. If the best models selected as described previously, do not perform well at different measurement time points or in different subtypes of AMI, additional analyses will be undertaken testing alternative combinations. We will present the best models for each comparison and for each subtype separately and will use them to construct a practical score that can be used to distinguish between no AMI, non-transmural AMI and transmural AMI (Table 3). If the different cut-offs from different models contradict (for example cut-off for non-transmural AMI vs transmural AMI is lower than the cutoff for no AMI vs AMI) additional analyses will be performed and more appropriate cut-offs will be found considering acceptable sensitivity and specificity from previous AUROC analyses. This approach will be compared to decision tree approach and if the decision tree accuracy is higher than the score’s accuracy, a decision tree will be preferred. The accuracy of the decision tree and the score will be calculated as proportion of correct predictions.
Dynamics of each biomarker will be visualized graphically in patients with confirmed AMI differentiating between patients in whom initial treatment was successful from patients in whom bowel ischaemia was ongoing after initial treatment, with the aim to explore possible differences in biomarker trajectories in case of reperfusion and ongoing bowel ischaemia.
Table 3. Hypothetical visualization of a practical score for diagnosis of AMI.
Non-transmural AMI
Transmural AMI
Biomarker 1
<x = 0 points
x-y = 1 point
>y = 2 points
Biomarker 2
<x = 0 points
>x = 2 points
Biomarker 3
<x = 0 points
x-y = 1 point
>y = 2 points
Biomarker 4
<x = 0 points
>x = 1 point
Biomarker 5
<x = 0 points
>x = 2 points
Legend: this visualization is hypothetical. PPV – positive predictive value
Hypothetical examples: 0-1 points = no AMI (PPV; 2-4 points = non-transmural AMI (PPV); >5 points = transmural AMI (PPV).