Our result showed greater crane densities are supported in farmland fields in all months compared to that in grassland. We suggest that cranes obtain more biomass of farmland food than in grassland. Their densities were not influenced by the variability in biomass of available farmland foods there. Densities of foraging cranes however were responsive to invertebrate availability in grasslands. Availability food in both habitats vary across years, months, which relate to a seasonal crop depletion and farming, and annual to crop productivity, and invertebrate availability, influenced in part by winter temperatures.
Temporal and spatial variation of food in farmland
Annual differences in availability of different food types in farmland related to growing conditions. The annual difference in grain may be due to damage by spring freezing in 2012–2013 and 2013–2014. The grain harvest in 2014–2015, by contrast, was ideal, so the food biomass in this period is higher than it was in the previous two years. We suggest that distribution of cranes was affected by inter-annual variation in abundance or availability of different food types.
Monthly difference in availability of different food types in farmland relate to depletion of foods by foraging cranes, timing of farming practices. The monthly difference for potatoes is probably due to the fact that potatoes are planted in March, so that the food biomass in this period is significantly higher than in other months. The monthly difference in grains was similar to that in potato, and newly planted oat in late March, so the decrease in food biomass in January and February was more obvious than it was in November and March. There is no difference in four food group between the two sites, which also indicates that the Black-necked Cranes follow the same crops in both sites. The abundance of invertebrates in farmland less than grassland may be related to the ploughing of the soil and spraying of pesticides on farmland, as well as changes in plant species composition, particularly the conversion of traditional crops to cash crops in some parts of farmland in Dashanbao (Dong et al. 2023), or other aspects of the microhabitat, all of which have an impact on farmland invertebrate populations. The lower number of invertebrates in wetlands than in grassland in the Dashanbao Reserve may be related to the siltation of the wetlands, depriving insect larvae of survival conditions, which also threatens the animal food sources of the Black-necked Cranes (Hu et al. 2002).Although the availability of crop food (grain and potato) in January and February was lower than in other months, the density of cranes did not decrease in January, but began to decrease in February and increased significantly in March. Dong et al. (2016) speculated that the availability of food (invertebrate populations) sharply declined in December and January due to the low temperature, which makes Black-necked Cranes choose more crop food during this period. Cranes were foraging in farm fields in spring, at high densities, and apparently overlapping with seeding of potatoes and grains. Newly seeded potatoes in March were the reason for the sudden increase in that food in March. We found the biggest contributor to food biomass was potato, and the population of cranes at Dashanbao is swelled by spring passage of these birds. Cranes feeding on newly seeded fields made crop damage and caused human-crane conflict.
Nam et al. (2012) and Schlacher et al. (2014) divided farmland into four levels to measure the impact of food biomass on the distribution of waterbirds. They reported that the paddy stalks in paddy fields would affect the distribution of waterbirds. Our study did not divide the farmland into several levels for comparison, but only verified the food factors on the density of the Black-necked Cranes in Dashanbao Reserve. The influence of other, non-food factors on the distribution and the density of Black-necked Cranes in this habitat requires further research.
Factors influencing invertebrate availability
Our results on invertebrate abundance in arable land less than grassland are similar to those of Hu et al. (2002). In grassland, low temperatures result in changes to invertebrate behaviour and soil properties, making invertebrates less accessible to foraging cranes in winter (Esselink and Zwarts 1989; Zwarts and Wanink 1993; Durell 2000). In our study area, invertebrate availability to cranes is likely to be lowest in December and January, when temperatures are lowest. Due to the relatively high temperature in November and the rising temperature in February, these months will show higher biomass of invertebrates than other months. Kong et al. (2011) pointed out that the activity depth of insect larvae in March was significantly less than in other months, which made the food more available. Our results showed that the biomass of insects was not at its highest, which may be related to the sampling time. Although March is also a period of temperature increase, our sampling usually took place in the late stage of migration (at the end of March); whether this phenomenon is related to the emergence of mature larvae into adults needs further research. On a smaller scale, the choice of feeding habitat is complex, not dependent on food density or habitat physical properties, and may be affected by (predation risk, flocking behaviour, competition, familiarity etc.). In contrast, Grant (1974) found bird distribution differed between rough and compacted soil. Uncompacted and soft sediment not limit the distribution of invertebrate. However, we found that the invertebrate in soft sediment in grassland is abundance than compacted sediment. Kong et al. (2011) also pointed out that a large number of Black-necked Cranes would choose to feed on grassland because there are abundant insect larvae in grassland. However, Black-necked Cranes foraging on underground invertebrates in grassland habitat are easily affected by the temperature during the overwintering period (Dong et al. 2016). We suggest that the cranes likely prefer invertebrates over grains, potentially because invertebrate organisms provide a greater source of protein and calcium than available in farmland food (such as grains, potatoes).
Food biomass and flock density of Black-necked Cranes
Our results verified the correlation between food biomass and crane proportional abundance to a certain extent in grassland. However, the biomass of food is not always followed by birds. There was no significant correlation between the flock density of Black-necked Cranes and the food biomass in farmlands during the middle of winter. This result differed from previous studies (Alonso et al. 1994). However, the results in agricultural land are similar to the findings of some other studies that there is no obvious correlation between the relative abundance of frugivorous birds and the abundance of their food (Malizia 2001; Marra 1998; Anderson 2004). These authors suggest that this may be due to lack of communication between birds of the same species, or the lack of complete information about the spatial distribution of food, or the change in distribution of different food types. Moreover, if food resources are sufficiently abundant then other factors (e.g. proximity to safe roosting places, proximity to conspecifics, avoidance of disturbance or risk of predation) could play a greater role in determining distribution of birds than food does.
We agree with cranes do not get complete information about the spatial distribution of food or the change in different food types. The reasons are as follows: firstly, the planting pattern of agricultural crops is generally concentrated in large areas, and the amount of food resources are relatively spatially inequality, which these choices are based on incomplete and imperfect information. Secondly, cranes foraging decisions are likely to be based on energy and nutritional content, time and energy spent finding food items, and then processing them (Pyle et al. 1977). Finally, at Dashanbao, the black-necked cranes arrive in November and leave until March of the following year, and the number of black-necked cranes also shows seasonal changes.
Management implications
Our result showed the spatial and temporal variation of crane habitat use is flexible enough for the variation in food biomass. The distribution of cranes is affected by variation in the availability of invertebrate prey in grassland, but that this is not the case in farmland. This may be related to the decrease of temperature in the middle of winter, which affects the availability of invertebrate food in grassland. Moreover, the types of food were very different in their energetic value, nutrients and ease with which they can be accessed and processed between farmland and grassland. We recommend that the protection administration should supplement additional foods (for example harvested, unplowee) for cranes during the cold-weather periods (from December to January), and restore grassland foraging habitat. This would benefit the farmers by reducing economic losses resulting from the cranes feeding on newly planted crop seeds during their late spring migration (in March). To further ease the conflict between cranes and local farmers, it is advisable to cultivate crops (potato) in a certain area that may be left unharvested for the cranes to eat.