Purpose of the study: The present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between safety culture and the quality of patient handover between the ambulance and emergency. department from the viewpoints of hospital emergency nurses and emergency medical personnel in northwest Iran.
Study design: The present Correlational study was conducted on all emergency department nurses and emergency medical personnel working in the northwest region of Iran.
Participants: They were selected using a census method. The inclusion criteria of the study included all nurses and emergency medical personnel with any type of employment status, bachelor's degree and above, who had at least 6 months of employment history and were willing to participate in the study. The inclusion criterion included withdrawal at each stage of the research, incomplete filling out of questionnaire questions (failure to answer more than 5% of the questions), and taking leave during the sampling period.
Data collection: The data collection tool was a three-part questionnaire:
A (Socio-demographic profile: it includes 12 questions and information about age, gender, marital status, job title and status, level of education, field of study, history of participating in patient handover workshop, employment status, and general employment history and work in the emergency department.
B) Quality of patient handover between ambulance and emergency department questionnaire: This tool was first designed by Golling et al. (2022) (19). It contains 23 questions scored on a five-point Likert, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The range of scores is between 23 and 115. This tool has 5 domains:
1- The status of teamwork in the patient handover between the ambulance and the emergency department: (Questions 1-6)
2- The status of information transfer in patient handover (Questions 7-11).
3- Knowledge of the patient's condition during handover (Questions 12-14).
4- The status of respectful interactions in patient handover (Questions 15-18).
5-The status of the working environment during patient handover (Questions 19-23)
In this tool, if a subject’s score is to 115, the quality of patient handover between ambulance and the emergency department will be better. The validity and reliability of the tool were confirmed in the study conducted by the designer of the tool (19). In the present study, the reliability of the tool using Cronbach's alpha method was obtained at 0.86.
C) Hospital survey on patient safety culture (HSOPS):
This tool was designed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in 2004. Then, it was reviewed by Leif Inge K Sørskår et al. (2018) to evaluate the state of patient safety culture in emergency medical personnel and emergency department nurses (20). It includes 46 five-point Likert questions ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The range of scores is between 46 and 230. This tool has 13 subcomponents:
1-Management expectations and management in line with patient safety (Questions 1-4)
2- Organizational learning (Questions 5-7).
3- Teamwork within organizational units (Questions 8-11).
4- non-punitive response to the errors (Questions 12-14).
5- Overall perception of patient safety (Questions 15-18).
6- Issues related to staff (Questions 19-22).
7- Management support for patient safety (Questions 23-25).
8- Teamwork between organizational units (Questions 26-28).
9- Exchange and transmission of information (Questions 29-33).
10- Open communication channels (Questions 34-36).
11- Communication and giving feedback about errors (Questions 37-39)
12- Frequency of reporting events (Questions 40-42)
13-Specific questions from emergency medical personnel (Questions 43-46)
The validity and reliability of the tool were confirmed in the study by the designer of the tool (20). In this study, the reliability of the tool using Cronbach's alpha method was obtained at 0.81. The questions about the quality of patient handover between the ambulance and the emergency department and patient safety culture questionnaires were translated into Persian and re-translated into English by an expert. Their face and content validities were confirmed by ten university faculty members using the Waltez and Basel technique (quality of patient handover (CVR=0.92, CVI=0.98), patient safety culture (CVR=0.85, CVI=0.97). The rule of quartiles was used to determine the quality of patient handover between the ambulance and the emergency department and patient safety culture. The mean scores of questions related to the quality of patient handover between the ambulance and the emergency department and patient safety culture and their sub-components were compared with the criterion score. The following formula was used to calculate the criterion score:
The maximum score minus the minimum score divided by two plus the minimum score (21).
Data analysis: The data were entered into SPSS-26 software. Qualitative variables were displayed as frequencies, and mean and standard deviation were calculated for quantitative variables. One-sample t-tests, independent t-tests, and one-way analysis of variance were used to investigate the relationship between the socio-demographic characteristics of nurses and the quality of patient handover between and patient safety culture. Also, the Pearson-Spearman correlation coefficient test and linear regression logistic model were used to investigate the relationship between the quality of patient handover and patient safety culture.