Research on pest locusts has a clear interest not only from a fundamental scientific point of view but also for its potential applied side. Winning the fight against locust outbreaks, or at least finding an efficient eco-friendly way of dealing with them, means not only economic savings but also protecting humans, livestock, agriculture and the environment of the many affected areas of the globe. Any knowledge on the molecular changes that accompany the outbreak state of the locusts has the potential of shedding more light at the molecular basis of the locust phase change, swarming and outbreak. Such knowledge also has the potential of being useful for the development of environmentally friendly treatments either against locusts in general or in a species-specific way. Several are the works that tackled the genetics and molecular biology of the locust outbreaks phenomenon. Some of these were real breakthroughs and had significant impact (e.g., (Anstey et al., 2009; Kang et al., 2004), for a review see (Wang and Kang, 2014)). Yet until very recently no work approached the issue from a comparative inter-specific perspective. While we were writing this manuscript we became aware of a couple of works that explored this phenotypic plasticity issue using two different inter-species comparative approaches. (Kouhei Toga, 2022) compared the distant locust and aphid transcriptomes and produced a list of few hundred genes that show similar differences when the animals are crowded as compared to when they live in isolation. For their part, (Foquet et al., 2021) compared a locust to very closely related grasshopper species and had largely species-specific results with no single shared gene reacting the same way between the studied species. However, the results of the first work might have been affected by the phylogenetic disparity of the studied species—large phylogenetic distances should reduce homologies and shared traits and reactions. On the other hand, the second work compared locusts (pests that outbreak) with grasshopper (non-pests that do not outbreak) species, which might have reduced, or left aside, the molecular aspects of the locust phase change per se. The current work is thus the first to compare two actual locust species that are paradigms for studies on locusts, phylogenetically relatively closely related to each other, and that are the two main pest locusts—as by the extension of the areas they affect, the magnitude of the devastation each of their outbreaks cause, and the high recurrence of their outbreaks.
Being the phenomenon of locust outbreaks so tightly linked to perception and behaviour, an obvious system of study is thus the Central Nervous System—that also happens to be the target of many pesticides (e.g., pyrethroids and neonicotinoids). In addition, being the locust phase change phenomenon due to gene expression changes in response to changes in the living conditions, the present work therefore aims at identifying the genes that change expression level between locust phases in a general manner (in both locusts) and the genes that change expression between locust phases in a species-specific manner (those that change expression in one species but not in the other). Having done that, we provide lists of genes for future functional genomics studies, and we infer on whether the phenomenon of locust phase change is homogenous between species in its molecular aspects, or it is rather largely heterogeneous and species-specific. Answering such question also means figuring out to which extent research on a single species could be representative of the rest of locust species, and thus recommending either focussing the efforts on a representative species or, instead, studying each locust species apart—which is always recommended, just as recommended is considering the findings on other species. We also aim here at the important task of highlighting genes that consistently see their levels of expression significantly changed in the CNS when locusts outbreak. We did that by comparing the changes in gene expression levels between solitarious and gregarious individuals of the two species that happen to be both the main, the most studied, and the best characterized pest locust species (i.e., L. migratoria and S. gregaria). The work is thus based on comparative RNAseq.
The reads of the RNA sequencings of both species used here were obtained using the same sequencing technology (Illumina) and are of similarly good quality (as by number of Ns and Q30 score) as to confidently use and compare them. The fact that they show similar %GC, and that that percentage is more similar within than between species, suggests that the sequencing reads were mainly from the locust material and do not contain significant contaminants. In addition, the fact that we found clustring and significant differences between data of both locust phases confirms the fact that the solitarious and gregarious locusts from which the data came were indeed at different physiological states (i.e., solitarious and gregarious as stated). Furthermore, annotation results confirm that the data were from locusts and that the sequenced tissues were indeed CNS. Moreover, although we had a little over twice the number of sequencing reads in L. migratoria than in S. gregaria, the number of sequencing reads for each state (solitarious and gregarious) is similar within each species and is largely over the minimum recommended for a good transcriptomics work (see (Wang et al., 2011)). Indeed, the raw sequencing reads used here for the solitarious and gregarious CNS transcriptomes of S. gregaria and L. migratoria were produced and used by expert laboratories as representatives of the CNS transcriptomes of the solitarious and gregarious states of these same species, and the results were published in two prestigious journals (Bakkali and Martín-Blázquez, 2018; Guo et al., 2018). In addition, we choose to process the L. migratoria data in the same way as we did for the S. gregaria data—which were produced by our laboratory—rather than using two reference genomes or the processed data in (Guo et al., 2018). We did that for homogeneity of the results and to avoid any differences in the results that might be due to differences in the processing of the raw data. Such approach, comparing de novo assembled transcriptomes, also allowed focussing only on the CNS expressed part of the genome and an easier identification of common expressed sequences that have no blast annotation (the anonymous one).
Still, the fact that the assembled reference transcriptome of L. migratoria CNS contained about twice the number of sequences than that of S. gregaria CNS is clearly due to the deeper sequencing in the former species and to the fact that the same assembly procedure was used to obtain both transcriptomes. However, the fact that both transcriptomes show similar overall characteristics (N50, largest contig length and %GC) (Table 2) and that over 6000 genes with known BLAST annotation and over 4000 genes with unknown annotation (anonymous) are common to both transcriptomes mean that these transcriptomes are representative of their respective species and tissue, and that they provide good and large enough overlap as to be useful for a comparative work of the kind of the present. Indeed, even the GO analysis shows that both transcriptomes contain genes pertaining to similar sets of biological processes over 87% of which appear in both species and only less than 1% of these processes appear significantly differentially represented in both transcriptomes. In addition, the biological processes represented in each of the two transcriptomes were as one would expect from the studied tissues (i.e., with both constitutive and neural-related processes).
When it comes to gene expression, a sriking result was the larger proportion, over ten times, of genes that show significant differential expression in S. gregaria than in L. migatoria. One possibility could be that the lower sequencing depth in S. gregaria might have caused more false positives in that species. However, such possibility is to be descarded, at least as having important effect, given that: (i) the sequencing depth in S. gregaria is ways over the recommended minimum threshold for a good transcriptomics work (see (Wang et al., 2011)), (ii) the quality of the RNAseq results plateaus after a minimum sequencing depth that we largely surpass, (iii) the assembled transciptome in (Bakkali and Martín-Blázquez, 2018) showed good indicators and annotation as expected for a locust CNS, (iv) the large overlap between the CNS trascriptomes of S. gregaria and L. migratoria is not likely to be obtained if one or both transcriptomes were based on isuficient sequencing or contained false positives, (v) our laboratory succesfully PCR amplified several sequences from S. gregaria’s CNS transcriptome, including anonymous sequences, meaning that they are real, (vi) the gene expression differences detected in silico between the solitarious and gregarious S. gregaria CNS was qPCR confirmed in vitro for several genes—in fact, we were cautious and instead of testing genes that show high differences in expression levels, the qPCR confirmation was done for genes that do not show high differences (see (Bakkali and Martín-Blázquez, 2018)), and (vii) several other differentially expressed genes between solitarious and gregarious S. gregaria CNS were confirmed by comparaison with reports on individual genes from the literature (see (Bakkali and Martín-Blázquez, 2018)). Morever, and even if there were an effect of the diference in sequencing depth, such difference would not cause as high difference in the number of diferentially expressed genes as the one we see between both species (i.e., at least part of that difference must be real). Another indicator is the fact that even the anonymous parts of both S. gregaria and L. migratoria CNS transcriptomes used here show high overlap (meaning that even the still unkown sequences that we assembled in both transcriptomes must be real—they can’t appear in two different transcriptomes just by chance). Considering all these, the large difference in the number of differentially expressed genes between phases of S. gregaria and L. migratoria is at least largely real and seems to point towards a more active nature of the phase polyphenism in S. gregaria compared to L. migratoria. It is also a first indication of a species-specific nature of the phenomenon. Indeed, indications of such posibility could be infered from what we know about the specifics of the phase change in different locust species and from the results of some of the previous research on the molecular basis of the differences between the solitarious and gregarious states of the locusts. In an earlier work (Martin-Blazquez et al., 2017) we found that the models that allow infering the phase state of S. gregaria locusts are not useful for L. migratoria and that such incompatibility is due to differences in the way the morphologic and behavioural parameters change between phases in each of these two species (see Fig. 5 in (Martin-Blazquez et al., 2017)). The fact that some characteristics of the phase change are different between locust species (see (Ayali, 2019; Martin-Blazquez et al., 2017; Pener and Simpson, 2009; Pfluger and Braunig, 2021)) is also in line with a highly species-specific nature of the phase change in locusts. In fact, and in addition to laboratory induced differences, that Pener and Simpson 43 suggested as possible explaination to some stricking differences between the results of some laboratories, another possible reason for some of the controversies that struck the locusts research community might be a non-applicability (or non-transferability) of some of the molecular results between species, due to the species-specific nature of the phenomenon that we highlight and highlight again here. That could be a reasonable explanation for the cases cited in 42,43; including the very publicised case of serotonin as inducer of the gregarious state in S. gregaria (Anstey et al., 2009) and that, four years later, was found to be asociated with the solitarious phase in L. migratoria (Guo et al., 2013).
The fact that we found the general distribution of gene expression levels to be more similar between phases of the same species than between the same phase in different species, together with the notorious differences in the levels of gene expression and in the differencial gene expression levels between phases, further highlight the highly species-specific nature of the locust phase polyphenism that is associated with the outbreak of locust populations. Strikingly, our results are in line with the numerics in the (Kouhei Toga, 2022) work that did not infer any species-specificity, while our results are not in line with the numerics in (Foquet et al., 2021)—especially if we consider the differences in the phylogenetic distances covered in both works— although we both suport a species-specificity nature of locust outbreaks.
However, the apparent high specificity of the locusts’ phase change contrasts with the cross-gregarizing effect of S. gregaria on L. migratoria and viceversa, reported in (Niassy, 1996). Still, high specificity does not mean incompatibility and the cross-gregarizing effect might find room within the genes that change expression level the same way in both species—among which an odorant binding protein is to cite as potential cross-species chemical (see pheromone) detecting molecule that might be involved in sensing the environment and triggering the gregarious state in more than one locust species.
Due to such species-specificity, only 235 genes are significantly different between the solitarious and gregarious phases in both L. migratoria and S. gregaria and, of these, only about half (109 genes) show a change in the same direction in both species, while the rest—being significantly changed between phases of both species—show incongruent direction of change between species.
Another result that could be explained by the highly species-specific nature of the phenomenon is the lack of a clear gene network whose genes change expression in both species. Indeed, apart from the S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme (SamDC) and S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, isoform c (Sam-S), that are related to methylation, the Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 49; Lethal 2 35Be (l(2)35Be) and the Lethal (2) 34fc isoform b (l(2)34Fc) genes, that are related to cell division and polarity, and the Small subunit ribosomal protein s21e (40S ribosomal protein S21, RpS21), related to gene expression, the rest of the genes that change expression level in the same way in L. migratoria and in S. gregaria do not associate to other such genes in form of a gene network. Genes related to methylation highlight the importance of the epigenetic regulation of the changes in gene expression levels during locust phase change in general. Genes involved in gene expression highlight the changes in gene expression as common aspect to the development of the gregarious phase in locusts. For their part, genes involved in cell polarity might be explained by the cell shape remodelling (especially of the neurons and their axons) that the required plastic response to life in crowded and stressful conditions involves.
Yet, the 109 genes that change expression level in the same way when the two main pest locusts outbreak and turn gregarious is a very important result. They should give some insight into the general molecular basis of this phenomenon and might provide enough molecules of potential use for the fight against locust outbreaks in general. Among these genes, the presence of less specialized (see constitutive and/or pleiotropic) genes is notorious and might initially seem surprising (i.e., one would naively expect mostly specific genes; such as genes involved in neurotrasmission, response to stimulus, stress…). However, among the common features to all locust phase changes are their association with higher activity of the locusts, increased contagion between individuals of the same population, increased overall transcription, remodeling of the transcriptome, changes at the cuticular level (size, shape and color)…. All these are processes that involve mostly constitutive and pleotropic genes such as those involved in metabolism, immunity, transcription and its regulation, cuticule formation…. Several of such genes we find similarily differentially expressed between the solitarious and gregarious phases of the two main pest locusts. It is however worth highlighting the presence of stress-related (including starvation), G-protein coupled receptor signaling and dendrite morphogenesis processes among the genes that increase expression level in the gregarious phase of both L. migratoria and S. gregaria. The first process clearely relates to the stressing life in crowded conditions, the second to perception of the stimuli resulting from such conditions, and the third to neural remodeling in response to such conditions—both three processes being related to common conditions for the development of the gregarious phase of such plastic, see polyphenic, phenotype in response to life in extremely dense populations. Genes such as the Choline transporter-like 1 (Ctl1), the Odorant binding protein 11, the G protein alpha subunit and the precursor of the l(2)34Fc - Defense protein l(2)34Fc precursor are to highlight.
A triply interesting result of our work are the sequences that had no significat BLAST result against any of the databases used here (see Material and Methods). (i) In 2018, we reported the presence of thousands of non-anotated sequences in S. gregaria (Bakkali and Martín-Blázquez, 2018), the fact that the results of the current work show the shared presence of thousands of non-annotated sequences in the transcriptomes of the two main pest locust species is a clear confirmation of our previous results; i.e., the presence of thousands of transcripts that are still for characterizing (Bakkali and Martín-Blázquez, 2018). (ii) In addition, relevant to the present work, the over 40 anonymous transcripts that show significant differences in expression levels between the solitarious and gregarious states in both locusts offer further material for better understanding the generals of the molecular basis of the locuct outbreaks. Some of these transcripts might also serve as potential locust-specific tagets for the fight against pest locusts. (iii) The fact that these are non-annotated sequences also opens the door for functional characterization and gene discovery works. Thus, the over a hundred genes that we report as changing their expression level in a common and constistent way when the two main pest locusts shift from the solitarious to the outbreak-associated gregarious phase offer suficient material for future functional testings for gene characterization and discovery and in quest of key and/or usefull genes for understanding and fighting against the phenotipic plasticity phenomenon that the locust phase polyphenism is.
Of course very interesting are also the genes that show differential expression between phases in a species-specific way (i.e., genes that are differentially expressed in a species but not in the other or that show incongruent direction of differential expression). In fact, they include genes pertaining to the neuropiptide signalling, G-protein coupled receptor signalling and lifespan related processes—processes that are differentially represented between the transcriptomes of both species—and might provide targets for species-specific fight strategies.
So, being the genes that change expression level the same way in both species very likely important to the development and maintenance of the phase change in locusts, reasons for the species-specific manner how many genes change expression level between these locusts’ phases are not scarce and include not only species-specific differences in the phase change characteristics and conditions (such as those described in (Ayali, 2019; Martin-Blazquez et al., 2017; Pener and Simpson, 2009; Pfluger and Braunig, 2021)) but also differences in many aspects of these locusts’ biology, including differences in development, morphology, behaviour, physiology, reproduction, life conditions, habitat …).
We therefore identify here a set of genes that, by changing expression level between locust phases in the same way in two locust species, must be important for the development or maintenance of the locust outbreak state. They very likely contain useful genes for a better understanding of the phenomenon and probably of use for the fight against locust outbreaks in general—the still new uncharacterized (non-annotated) sequences being of potential uses as locust-specific. Still, being this a comparative transcriptomics work, we limit ourself to a general interpretation of the results and to highligting the genes that are consistently associated with the gregarious phase of the locusts. The real functional implications and importance of each of such genes as potential target for any possible fight strategy depends on its functional implications; an aspect that we are starting to evaluate by funtional genomics techniques in our laboratory. It is also highlighting the genes that change expression is a species-specific manner as potentially containing genes for the possible fight against locust outbreaks in a species-specific way. Being those genes indicators of a mostly species-specific nature of the molecular basis of the phase change in locusts, it is worth re-stressing that our findings suggest that researching each locust species, rather than focusing on just one or few species, is recommended due to the highly species-specific nature of the locust outbreak phenomenon.