The present study described the establishment of a stable adult bovine ileal organoid-derived monolayer and confirmed feasibility of the system as a valuable in vitro model to study S. Dublin infection and host response to the bacteria. Exploiting a major advantage of 3D organoids which retain cellular heterogeneity derived from intestinal stem cells similar to the native intestinal tissue, the organoid-derived monolayer system is superior to the conventional cell-based monolayer models. Comparing with 3D organoid models, the organoid-derived monolayer system is better suited for in vitro studies of host-pathogen interactions due to its 2D structure, which allows direct access to the apical surface of the epithelial cells, overcoming difficulties faced when using 3D organoids as an infection model [9, 11]. Successful use of DMEM/F12-based culture medium in both organoids and monolayer cultures improved cost-efficiency of the technique, hence accessibility to the technology, comparing with when using commercially available organoid culture medium as described previously [11]. Furthermore, the infection model described here successfully recapitulated multiple observations reported in in vivo and in vitro studies which investigated host-pathogen interactions and host response to Salmonella infection in the intestine. These observations include intracellular invasion, survival and replication of bacteria, effacement and perturbation of microvilli on the apical surface of the epithelial cells, disruption of an intact monolayer accompanied by extrusion of infected epithelial cells, rearrangement of inter-cellular tight junctions and decline in the TEER value, and increased inflammatory response [15, 23–25, 30–33]. Robustness of the technique, as confirmed by employing multimodal imaging and analytical techniques, not only offers a valuable tool for investigation of bovine intestinal epithelial cell biology but also contributes to broadening the currently limited knowledge of bovine organoids and associated technologies.
The present study successfully established and maintained a stable monolayer most consistently and for longer culture duration when the cells were seeded at a higher density (5x105 cells/well). This observation was different from the previous studies which reported higher success rate with much lower seeding density (2.5x104 cells/well vs 1 ~ 2.5x105 cells/well) using calf and porcine ileal organoids [17, 34]. Another difference is that culture medium supplemented with 1% FBS has been reported effective with calf ileal monolayers, while 20% FBS, consistent with the present study, was used for porcine ileal monolayers. It is difficult to ascertain factors contributing to these discrepant observations since culture medium compositions were not identical among these studies. However, it is possible that age of donors at the time of tissue sampling might have influenced on cell survival and organization to form confluent monolayers. Furthermore, stability of the adult monolayers which was reached earlier and maintained longer with slightly higher TEER value in the present culture condition comparing with those reported with calves suggests that adult cells mature faster and be more stable than calf cells. These features could provide additional advantage to some studies where a wider window for subsequent experiments is ideal.
The percentage of S. Dulin that invaded epithelial cells during the first hour of infection was approximately 2% of the inoculum. This result was slightly greater than the previous observations (0.7–1.5%) using human ileal organoid-derived monolayer and cell line-based culture models infected with various strains of S. Typhimurium or S. Typhi [8, 15, 35]. Intriguingly, despite this apparent greater efficiency of S. Dublin to invade the adult bovine ileal epithelial cells, significant disruption of the epithelial barrier integrity was only detected at 24 hours post infection, which was much slower than what has been reported in human colonic cell lines [33]. Less striking and gradual impact of S. Dublin infection in the present model could be associated with potentially superior local immune response generated by the bovine ileal organoid-derived monolayers. For instance, an increased inflammatory cytokine release and mucus secretion to protect epithelial cells from bacterial invasion have been suggested by previous studies which documented lower levels of infection in multi-cellular models relative to single cell culture models [8, 35]. It has also been proposed that expression of genes or cell surface receptors which influence bacterial invasion or host immune response could have been altered in these models [8, 35]. These potential explanations are also applicable to the organoid-derived monolayer systems due to their physiological resemblance to in vivo tissue attributable to their multi-cellular nature as demonstrated by the present and several other studies [11, 17, 36].
Bacterial factors, such as host-species and segmental tropism, could also have contributed to the variations among different studies as noted in studies utilizing different segments of human- and chicken-derived intestinal organoids or various strains of Salmonella pathovars [15, 35, 37]. Although S. Dublin is a cattle-adapted serotype and could cause tissue lesions in ileum, cecum and colon of infected animals, it could also establish life-long infection in cattle leading to an asymptomatic carrier status especially in healthy mature individuals [3]. It would be interesting to compare and contrast if S. Dublin infection to calf-derived ileal monolayers would result in similar observations to the present adult-derived monolayer model. Nonetheless, greater than 900 folds increase in the number of bacteria recovered after 24 hours of incubation relative to that recovered at 2 hours post infection is far greater than the previous observation in chicken intestinal organoids [37]. This result suggests that the present ileal monolayer system recreates an in vivo environment which allows bacterial survival and efficient replication, suggesting the usefulness of the system as an effective in vitro infection model to study host-pathogen interactions and host response to S. Dublin infection.
Redistribution of adherens junction protein and rearrangement of cytoskeleton actin filament as well as a significant decline in the TEER following exposure to S. Dublin were all in line with various in vivo and in vitro studies [23, 24, 26, 27, 33, 38]. Both contraction of actin filaments and redistribution of junctional proteins have been described to occur when a dying cell is pushed out of the monolayer and the monolayer tries to maintain its integrity as a part of normal physiological turnover of intestinal epithelial cells [23]. These observations also characterize a process of Salmonella-induced barrier dysfunction, which facilitates bacterial translocation across the gut epithelium and subsequent bacterial dissemination [27]. Taken together, these results further confirm that the adult bovine ileal organoid-derived monolayer system presented here is a viable in vitro infection model which can be adopted in various studies to better understand pathophysiology and host-pathogen interactions that occurs during challenges with S. Dublin and other enteric pathogens in bovine.
S. Dublin infection of the adult bovine ileal monolayers resulted in significant upregulation of chemokine IL-8 and proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α expressions and secretion of IL-8 to both apical and basolateral directions compared with the uninfected controls. IL-8 is a major chemoattractant for neutrophils and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Salmonella infection by inducing an early mucosal inflammatory response at the site of infection. Increased expression and secretion of IL-8 has been reported upon invasion of epithelial cells by bacteria including Salmonella using various in vivo and in vitro models such as human colonic epithelial cells and bovine ligated ileal loop models [39–41]. The response noted in the present study was in agreement with these observations and was also in line with histopathological observations of suppurative enteritis in calves spontaneously infected with S. Dublin [42]. These evidence support that the cellular response presented here are likely representing normal physiologic responses of in vivo intestine upon challenges with S. Dublin.
Contrasting to IL-8, upregulation of TNF-α expression was not paralleled by increased TNF-α secretion. This observation partially agrees with the previous studies, which did not observe significant alterations in expression and secretion of TNF-α upon infection with Salmonella [39, 40]. TNF-α is a potent proinflammatory mediator and it also plays a crucial role in host defense against Salmonella infection [41]. It is known to be expressed by some epithelial cells and upregulation of TNF-α has been reported in human intestinal epithelial cells and murine ligated ileal loop models infected with Salmonella [28, 43]. Explanations for these discrepancies between studies, even when using the models derived from the same species, require further investigation. However, these findings underscore the importance of developing in vitro models which exhibit similar response to the species of interest at cellular levels besides clinical and gross pathological similarities to better understand pathogenesis of Salmonella-induced enterocolitis.