The human fossil remains of Circeo (I and II discovery) show a series of apomorphic and plesiomorphic characteristics known in Asian H. erectus (s.s and s.l.), in the proto-Neanderthal and classical European Neanderthal and in modern human. The frontal bones of C4 and C5 both present a similar morphology, with a marked frontal torus and a notable thickness, that are totally divergent from C1 skull. The supraorbital torus of C4 and C5 resembles that of Asian and European H. erectus (ZKD 12 and 5 and Lazaret 24) as well as that of the European proto-Neanderthal (Biache-Saint-Vaast2-BSV2 and Petralona). The supraorbital torus is wide and continuous and the profile in norma verticalis does not present a gabellar depression. The supratoral sulcus is defined and continuous in C5 but discontinuous in C4, where it is interrupted by a convexity in correspondence with the glabella as in the Indonesian specimen Ngadong536. In this case, this covexity could be due to or probably accentuated by the morphology of the frontal sinus. Contrary to C4, in C5 calvarium, BSV268, Lazaret24 and C1 skull the supraratoral sulcus is pronounced. The frontal sinuses of C4 are asymmetric, well developed and with multiple chambers. The minimum frontal diameter (M9) of C4 and C5 calvarium is higher than that of BSV2 (Supplementary, Table S2) and Neanderthal values (Table 5) however, very similar to the value of C1 skull, slightly lower than Amud1 and in line with Ngadong 11 and WLH 50 (Australian) [Supplementary, Table S2]. In the ratio between the M43 and M9 values (Supplementary, Table S2), Circeo 4 and 5 shows a postorbital narrowing and a widening towards the parietal walls, lower than that of classical Neanderthals. The frontal sagittal profile differs from that of classic Neanderthals such as C1, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, La Ferrassie1 etc. which, unlike C4 and C5, present an anterior position of the glabella with respect to the nasion. In norma lateralis the upper profile of the C5 calvarium is high and rounded as in the Indonesian fossils (Sangiran, Sambungmacan, Ngadong) showing a convex frontal contour (absent in C4) which increases in the protrusion of the bregmatic eminence. The distance from the glabella to bregma (frontal chord and arc gl-br), taken in the mid-sagittal plane, is greater in C4 (~114.8mm and ~120mm) than in C5 (107mm and 112mm) but both fall within the Javanese range (105-120mm). In the post-obelic region of C5 there is a slight inflection followed by an occipital protuberance which does not correspond to the classic bun. The occipital profile described by Schwartz34 for the specimens Sangiran 2 (S2) and Sambungmacan1 (SM1): "rounded between the anteriorly inclined occipital and nuchal planes which gives the short occipital supero-inferiorly a blunt V-shaped profile »” shows similarities with C5 especially in comparison with SM1. In C5, Ngawi 1 and Sangiran3 (S3), the morphology of the torus occipital is similar to the Ngandong specimens, but less prominent34. As mentioned above, the C5 calvarium, the focus of this analysis, displays apomorphic and plesiomorphic characteristics known in H. erectus s.s proto-Neanderthals, classical European Neanderthals, and Sapiens.
The frontal bone of C5 shows, contrary to C1 skull and presumably also to C4, a frontal "keel" (Extended Data, Fig.1, Supplementary, Fig. S5) with a morphology described by Schwartz et al.34 as unique in Trinil 2 (autapomorphy) and present in Sangiran specimens. The frontal Keel of C5, like Trinil 2, is defined by a pair of anteroposteriorly long and mediolaterally wide depressions in the frontal squama60, 34 (Extended Data, Fig.1, Supplementary, Fig. S5). C5, like the Indonesian specimens, also has a bregmatic eminence that does not extend bilaterally into the coronal keels or posteriorly into a sagittal keel, although it does have a pair of small depressions located posterior to the bregma60,34. Contrary to the Ngandong specimens69 the bregmatic eminence of C5 is not separated from the frontal keel. In all proto-Neanderthal samples from Atapuerca SH, a mid-sagittal keel on the squama frontalis is described66, although the authors believe that it does not exactly reflect the morphology and autapomorphic characteristics of the Asian Homo erectus holotype Trinil 2 a data that, according to the authors, would confirm the absence of this trait in Neanderthals66. Contextually the supraorbital torus of C5 would seem more similar to that of Lazaret 2470 and BSV269, 68. The latter was defined as type III in the Cunningham classification system68 and considered similar to that of Sima de los Huesos 5, Bilzingsleben and the Neanderthals68. The sagittal profile of the C5 calvarium shows a similar contour to S2, SM1 and Ngandong. The curve of the parieto-temporal bone in the coronal plane is more vertical than the rounded profile of classic Neanderthals such as C1, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Ferrassie 1 and is very similar to the “tent” morphology (due to the presence of the bregmatic eminence, Extended Data, Fig. 1C) of the Indonesian sample SM 4 and very similar to that of the West Asian (Israel) specimen Manot1 (55 Ka, 71). In C5, as in Manot1 and modern humans, the maximum cranial width is positioned high, and the lateral walls are vertical and almost parallel71. The biasterionic breadth of C5 is larger than that of Manot 1, which is extremely small, but is similar to that of Shanidar 1, Sale (Erectus, Morocco), Xuchang (XUC2) and within of the Java range (Supplementary, Table S2). The convexity (bunning) of the occipital bone of C5 and C8 is not as marked as in C1 (although in C8 it is more defined than in C5), Manot 1, the Chapelle-aux-Saints and as in the Middle Pleistocene fossils upper of Africa (Jebel Irhoud in Morocco) and Europe (Neanderthal). According to Hershkovitz et al.71 the presence of a bunning is not necessarily related to interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern human as it is not present in Middle Eastern Neanderthals (e.g., Amud 1). The authors therefore consider it reasonable to suppose that this morphological trait originated in modern Near Eastern humans, or even earlier, in some African populations such as Aduma (~79–105 ka), who later migrated to the Levant. Furthermore, we observed in C5 the presence of a slight parietal flattening that extends into the lambdoid region. In Manot 1 as in BSV1, some characteristics considered typical of the classical Neanderthal but sometimes also present in other fossils are described. These characteristics refer to a lambdoid flattening of the parietal bones associated with the occipital conformation (double arched-shape profile parietal and occipital concavities). This medial change in the posterior parietal curve has been identified as a prelambdic depression indicating the presence of an occipital bun. An appearance that would correspond to a classic Neanderthal trait described for C1, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, Spy 2 and La Ferrassie 1. C5, as mentioned above, presents a slight parietal flattening that extends into the lambdoid region but does not present an occipital conformation referable to the classic Neanderthal defined by the presence of an occipital chignon. We therefore believe that it is not the double-arch parietal and occipital profile described for Manot 1 and BSV1 but of a characteristic of the Ngadong specimens, described by Zhang (Doctoral dissertation72) corresponding to a depression in the posterior parietal region that ends at the lambda. Also, regarding the temporal bone, the presence/absence of a mosaic of very specific characters (autapomorphic and symplesiomorphic) relating to H. erectus s.s., H erectus s.l. (late Indonesian) and Neanderthal have been detected. H. erectus is usually described as having a “well-developed or marked” mastoid and supramastoid crests, which are separated from each other by a supramastoid groove or in some cases fused (Doctoral dissertation72). These crests, separated by a slight supramastoid sulcus, would appear to be present in C5 in a sort of generalized hypertrophy of the temporal (without the angular torus). The tympanomastoid fissure, which separates the tympanic plate from the mastoid process, is absent on the right but may be present on the left. On this side, a slight line of separation between the plate tympanic and the mastoid process is in fact visible, interrupted by a small post-mortem damage. This trait is considered an autapomorphy of Asian H. erectus61. The mandibular fossa of C5 (Extended Data, Fig.2), bilaterally preserved (Supplementary, Fig.S6), presents in a very similar morphology to the Ngandong specimens63,73, with a coronally oriented tympanic plate (plesiomorphy63) and an STF fissure that runs in the roof of the fossa itself with the posterior wall of the TMJ formed exclusively by the tympanic plate. In C1 the tympanic plate is oriented coronally, but the STF fissure is posterior to the apex of the fossa. The tympanic plate is thought to be oriented coronally in H. erectus and sagittally in modern humans. The opinion regarding the Neanderthal condition is controversial: For Weidenreich74 and Stringer61,75, the tympanic bone is positioned sagittally in Neanderthals while for other authors76, 77 it is positioned coronally. C5, it does not present the stylomastoid process, i.e. it is not fused to the skull base and does not present the postglenoid process as in the Ngandong specimen. In Asian H. erectus the postglenoid process is much reduced (apomorphy63), the styloid process is absent (apomorphy63). A well-developed postglenoid process is a feature of the proto-Neanderthal SH sample, is present in BSV268 and in classical Neanderthals (including C1 skull). The European Middle Pleistocene fossils, Castel di Guido and Ceprano, also show a well-developed postglenoid process63. The styloid process is fused to the petrous bone in all SH specimens and in Neanderthals as C1 (except some specimens from Krapina and Shanidar 163). In Middle Pleistocene Asian fossils, both conditions are present (Narmada, Dali, and Xujiyao show the styloid process although Hexian and Yunxian 2 lack it63). In C5 the digastric sulcus and the stylomastoid foramen do not are aligned. In BSV2 and in classical Neanderthals the digastric sulcus, the base of the styloid process and the styloid foramen do not are aligned, because the styloid process is located more medially compared to the digastric sulcus68.
In C5 the vaginal process of the petrous bone is absent but has a thickened and wrinkled crest [Extended Data, Fig.2 (process supratubalis?)] extended, only on the left, up to the meatus as in Sts1978 (Fig.18A78), in Sangiran (2, 4 and 17), Ngandong and Sambungmacan 464. As in Sangiran (4 and 17) and Ngandong (6, 7, 10, 11 and 12) the carotid foramen of C5 is posterior to the STF fissure.
In similar form to the Ngandong and SM3 specimens, as described by Zhang (Doctoral dissertation72) the mandibular fossa of C5 is deep. A short lateral part of the posterior margin of the mandibular fossa is open, due to the absence of the postglenoid process. The tympanic plate, mediolaterally short and coronally oriented, is higher than the articular eminence; its anterior surface is convex. The auditory meatus is oval and oriented almost vertically; it is separated from the mastoid process.
In C5 the mastoid process is small as a conservation of the primitive condition of H. erectus74, 75, 36, the anterior mastoid tubercle is absent, and the digastric sulcus is closed anteriorly (plesiomorphies). The presence of an anterior mastoid tubercle is a trait considered to be autapomorphic in Neanderthals79, 80, 81, 69, 61, 82, 83 although Frayer84 believes to have found several Neanderthal specimens without the anterior mastoid tubercle (Gibraltar 1, La Quina 27, Saccopastore 1 and 11 adult specimens of Krapina), it is also absent in the proto-Neanderthal BSV2 sample68. The anteriorly closed digatric sulcus is a very particular morphology consistently found in Neanderthals although it may be present in several specimens from the Lower Zhoukoudian Cave66. This tract is described as consisting of an elevation of the floor of the digastric sulcus in its anterior part, a sort of saddle-like elevation that almost obliterates the sulcus63,66. A similar character was also described by Guipert et al.68, in the proto-Neandertal BSV2 sample.
C5 calvarium, unlike C1 and similarly to the Ngandong specimen, has a squama temporalis with a flat upper edge. The apomorphic state of the squama temporalis with a convex upper border is present in Middle Pleistocene samples from Africa (Bodo, Salé), Europe (SH sample, Petralona and Steinheim) and Asia (Dali), Neanderthal and modern human63,66. Furthermore, in C5 it is possible that traces of an atypical intracranial sinus drainage pattern (arborizing sigmoid sinus) found, and described by Schwartz34, in S2 and S4, consisting of a distinct groove that diverges from the sinus sigmoid. In C5, a distinct but small sulcus is visible near the left sigmoid sinus (Supplementary, Fig. S7) which could represent the residue of the same system or a variant but in any case, a drainage model of the sinus Erectus considered by the author to be potentially apomorphic in as referable the Trinil 2 hypodigma (and therefore to the Erectus)34.
In C5 the inion is located well above the endinion, in contrast to Manot 1, where the inion is located below the endinion. In C8 the endinion region is strongly concretioned, nevertheless it is possible to determine that the inion is located immediately above the endinion. The separation between inion and endinion is an important trait from a taxonomic point of view as the spatial relationship of the endinion located well below the inion is considered a classic anatomical characteristic of Homo erectus85. Nonetheless, this condition has occasionally also been found in Neanderthals and in this case considered a primitive character. The external squama occipitalis of C5 has a small, shallow, rounded suprainiac fossa located between the supreme and superior nuchal lines in a central localization. This localization determines a depression of the external occipital protuberance which interrupts the slight and straight torus occipital resulting in a double arch morphology reminiscent of that of some Indonesian specimens (Ngandong 7 and 12). Schwartz and Tattersall86,72 describe the occipital torus of all Ngandong specimens as having a variable prominence, lateral extension to the asterion, and two curved nuchal lines that join at the midline to produce a strong external occipital protuberance. Therefore, on each side, the lower edge of the torus appears bow shaped. According to the authors86, this explains why the occipital torus of the Ngandong specimens has been described as double-arched. In C5, Ngawi1 and S3, the morphology of the occipital torus is similar to the Ngandong specimens, but less prominent86, 72. On the contrary, in C8 the occipital plane is convex and low and flattens into the suprainiac fossa. There is no occipital bun present. The heavily eroded "torus nuchal" is an ectocranial thickening located above the upper nuchal line. The supraniac fossa, located at the upper edge of this thickening, contributes to defining the "bilateral arch" morphology. This morphology, curved bilaterally and poorly defined laterally, is typical of Neanderthals65. The torus has no margins, but tapers above and below. The transverse torus is thickened medially and not defined laterally. The external occipital protuberance is absent. What has been described defines the "classical" morphology of the Neanderthal posterior neurocranium71. Another relevant and characterizing aspect C4 and C5 emerges from the presence of a significantly marked cranial bone thickness compared to that of classic Neanderthal skull such as C1 and to that of the European diachronic specimens (Supplementary, Table S7), which it turns out to be very close to thickness of Proto-neanderthals (thickness at lambda), H. erectus, early archaic Humans and H. sapiens Middle Eastern (Tables 2,6 and Supplementary, Tables S4-S7). C4 and C5 are therefore characterized by a significant cranial thickness, slightly greater in C4, made up of an expanded diploic bone and thin laminae (inner and outer tables). In both samples the thickness of the supraorbital torus decreases in the lateral direction while the thickness values of the frontal bone exceed those of the parietal bone (Supplemmentary, Tables S6, S7). The high values of the parietal eminence of C5 (Table 6, Supplemetary, Table S6) are lower than the Australian sample (WLH 50), are close to those of the Asian and Indonesian sample (Sangiran, ZKD, Ngandong, Hexian and Xujiayao 9) and in general they diverge from the Middle-Superior Pleistocene values (Table 6). The thicknesses of C8 are higher than the Neanderthal average (except for Spy 1) and close to Proto-Neanderthals, Indonesian Asian samples, and Arcaic H. sapiens (Table 2, Supplementary, Table S4).
The fossil specimen C6, represented by a mandibular symphysis, has peculiar morphological features, such as the absence of mental trigone, a slight hint of chin eminence (mentum) with incurvatio mandibulae in lateral view, and the morphology and localization of the foramen mandibular in a horizontal position parallel to the masticatory plane. The mandibles of Circeo II (C2) and Circeo III (C3) also lack features suggestive of the presence of a true bony chin (Extended Data, Fig.3). In C2, the outlines of the symphysis are difficult to discern, there is no incurvatio mandibulae, and no evidence of a mental trigone. The lateral marginal tubercles, which are barely perceptible, are at levels C-P3, as in the primitive state (e.g., Dmanisi), and the mental pits and central keel are only indicated. C3 and C6 have the same features as C2, except for a slight suggestion of incurvatio mandibulae, which in C6 may be due to the presence of bone atrophy caused by intra-vitam tooth loss. C6 has a smaller bicanine width than C3 and is very similar to C2. As reported by Vialet et al. 87, the absence of a bony chin is predicted for the middle Pleistocene, and the mental trigone appeared early in the evolution of the genus Homo. According to the authors reports, the mandibles of OH 7 and OH 3 from the lower Pleistocene have both the mentum osseum and the mental trigone. The latter is present in KNM-ER 730, Sangiran 9, and Sangiran 22, while a small mental protrusion is described in the mandibles of Dmanisi and in specimen ATE9-1 from the Sima del Elefante site (Sierra de Atapuerca). Finally, in the Middle Pleistocene, it is described in Tighenif 1 and 2 and in the Zhoukoudian mandible. It is interesting to note that the symphysis of the Circeo mandibles has a configuration very similar to that described for the Montmaurin-LN mandibles, i.e., "primitive, devoid of any characteristic that defines the bony chin derived from H. sapiens like most of the mandibles from the Middle European Pleistocene, with the exception of two of the specimens from the Atapuerca-SH site87”. In mandible C6, the fossa digastrica is directed downward and posteriorly, as in C2 and C3. A pattern documented in Neanderthals that appears to diverge from the downward-facing primitive model and the generally posterior-facing modern model87. The C6 mandible has only one horizontal oval mandibular foramen (Neanderthal-like) on the right side (the left side is incomplete) below the M1(P4) localization (Supplementary, Table S8). It measures 3.3 x 2.4 mm and is located approximately 15.3 mm from the alveolar ridge (bone loss due to tooth loss) and approximately 15.5 mm from the basal ridge. The C2 mandible, like the Montmaurin-LN mandible, has two foramina on the right (not very pronounced) and left sides of the body (Supplemetary, Table S8). The main foramina are located below the M1 position. The smaller foramina are located below the main foramina on both sides. The two foramina appear to be connected and are separated only by a bone bridge, which has a longitudinal groove on the left side. The C3 mandible has two foramina on both sides, with the second foramen on the left side not clearly visible. The large foramina are located below the localization of M1-P4. The smaller foramina, such as in C2, are located below the main foramina on both sides and appear to be connected and separated only by a bony bridge (Supplementary, Table S8). The presence of multiple foramina is not uncommon in the early and middle Pleistocene and is most commonly found in Pleistocene Asian mandibles87. Regarding the position of the foramina, a primitive state seems to correspond to a more advanced position (P3-P4), while in contrast, the foramen below M1-P4 and M1 is common in Neanderthal and most Central European Pleistocene hominins87.
In C6, the severely atrophied alveolar areas show residual alveolar ridge morphology consistent with tooth loss before death (Supplementary, Table S8a). After tooth loss, a series of alveolar bone changes (new bone formation and volumetric resorption) occur, resulting in a change in the dimensions and contours of the alveolar ridge88. Data from one study (meta-analysis) conducted on a modern sample showed an average reduction in buccolingual alveolar ridge thickness of 3.87 mm and vertical mid-buccal resorption of 1.67 mm after unassisted alveolar bone healing89. The multifactorial etiopathogenesis of tooth loss does not allow us to determine a specific cause, but for C6, gradual tooth loss due to pyogenic factors (exogenous or endogenous) is excluded, at least as far as the central incisors are concerned. In fact, the alveolar ridge of the central incisors does not show horizontal atrophy and the bone level is normal. Bacterially induced alveolar bone resorption usually proceeds by a flattening of the alveolar crest (horizontal bone loss) and an enlargement of the bone socket in which the tooth is located (vertical bone loss90). We therefore believe it is probable that the loss of the incisors of the C6 individual can be more easily traced back to a traumatic event which could be confirmed by the presence of a short fracture line in correspondence with the external alveolar bone. Circeo 9 (C9), a palatine process of the maxilla, due to its poor state of preservation, heavily eroded and incomplete, did not allow for an in-depth comparative morphometric analysis. The presence of osteolytic alterations associated with tooth loss (with various degrees of atrophy), and the presence of a thickness asymmetry that emerged between the two portions of the palatine bone, require a targeted tomographic analysis which is currently outside the scope of this study. From an exclusively morphological point of view, we cannot completely exclude a hypothetical relationship with C6, as well as with C2 or C3, a hypothesis that will require future investigations and insights. The only comparative data that emerged concerns the pyriform opening with the presence of the probable residue of a lateral crest (Supplementary, Fig. S9C) documented in SH skull 566 but above all in C1 skull. An aspect that could prove interesting from a phyletic point of view.
The dental sample consisting of a total of seven teeth, of which only two pertain to a single individual (upper M2 and M3, C10a-b), confirms the presence of a mosaic of characters found in late Erectus, Neanderthals and Sapiens, as documented for the entire Circeo human sample. From a non-metric morphological point of view, in fact, dental traits emerge that are strongly indicative of a Neanderthal morph, such as the presence on the lower molars of an anterior fovea associated with the middle trigonid crest (C12), and the presence of an archaic character from the middle and upper Pleistocene, i.e. a buccal vertical groove on P4 (C14) [Extended Data, Fig.4], a rare character present in H. luzonensis and 15,000-year-old H. sapiens (Dushan1)35,4.
The metric results (Supplementary, Table S9) confirm the phenetic relationships that emerged from the morphological analyses: The entire dental sample shows values well within the Neanderthal variability, including C2 and C3, except for C15 (M1) and C14 (P4) which are at outside the variability of all hominins except H. luzonensis (M1 and P4 HlCCH6 and P4/P3 HlCCH8). It is interesting to note that the crown of C15, although incomplete, is small in size and compressed mesiodistally while the residue of the root portion shows small and divergent roots (Supplementary, Fig. S12), a morphology shared with the dental specimen from Southeast Asia (Luzon and Dushan) 35,4. The general characterization of this dental sample associated with a simplification of the occlusal basin, as found in H. sapiens, confirms the presence of a mosaic morphology as found for the entire human sample from Circeo.
Regarding the postcranial skeleton, some interesting data emerge from the analysis of the coxal bones. C16 a and b are two left and right iliac portions with female morphology. Due to the presence of some variations relating to thickness, size and morphology, we believe that they do not belong to the same individual. In medial view C16a and b show the presence of a single iliac buttress and of the supra-acetabular sulcus, while the interspinous notch is absent (Supplementary, Figs.S15, S16). The supra-acetabular sulcus is a fossa (fossa supra-acetabularis) between the iliac buttress and the acetabular rim in a similar way to SK50, SK3155, to the first representatives of the genus Homo (KNM ER 3228, KNM WT 15000) to African fossil samples from the lower and middle Pleistocene (OH 28 and Broken Hill E 719) and finally to the European Neandertals91,67. Most Pleistocene hominins are thought to have a supra-acetabular sulcus/fossa, including Arago XLIV, OH 28, Skhul IV, and most Neandertal hip bones, including Krapina, Amud 1, La Chapelle-aux Saints, La Ferrassie I, Hortus XLV, Neandertal 1 and Sima Pelvis 191. Rarely, some Australopithecus (e.g., Sts 14, TM-1605, SK 50) and some modern humans show a supra-acetabular fossa91, 67. The comparison between C16a and C16b highlights differences in the morphology of the iliac buttress and in the thickness values. C16a presents a single ventral acetabulocrystal buttress (a primitive character) while C16b presents a single acetabulospinal buttress as in Sts14 (Supplementary, Figs.S15, S16). Indeed, A. Africanus Sts14 displays a single ventral iliac buttress (acetabulospinal buttress) near the anterior margin67 as C16b. Regarding the genus Homo, two buttresses are found in specimens attributed to Homo ergaster (KNM ER 3228, OH 28), Homo heidelbergensis (Arago 44, sample Sima de los Huesos) and Homo neanderthalensis (Neandertal 1, Kebara 2, Amud 1, La Ferrassie 1, La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1, and Krapina67). Among modern human fossils, Qafzeh 9 shows a single ventral acetabulospinal buttress near the anterior edge, while Skhul 4 shows the acetabulocrystal buttress. Homo sapiens has when present, a single acetabulocrystal buttress67. The only comparable metric values concern the height and thickness of the acetabulocrystal buttress. C16a has a height of the iliac buttress (79.0mm) lower than Krapina 207 (90.9mm) while the thickness is greater (19.5mm in C16a and 12.4mm in Krapina 207). C16 a and b differ in thickness and the presence of an analogy between C16b, and Omo 1 emerges91. The iliac thickness measured at the greater sciatic notch is: 23.3mm in C16b, 22.7mm in Omo 1 and 20.7mm in C16a; the ilium, at the base of the auricular surface, has a thickness of 27.3mm in C16b, 26.4mm in Omo1 and 25.7mm in C16a. Finally, there is a thickening of the bone above the acetabulum which corresponds to the very base of the Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS) in both C16b and Omo1.
The iliosciatic buttress, consisting of the surface that extends from the arcuate line to the deepest portion of the greater ischial notch, shows in C16a and b a robust pillar-like morphology as in Krapina 20791. Among fossils, iliosciatic morphology is variable: narrow and pillar-shaped (SK 3155, SK 50, Arago 44, AT-Pelvis 1, AT-800), broad and flat (AL 288-1), and intermediate (Sts 14, KNMER 3228, OH 28, AT3807-3809, AT3300 and AT1004)91. The characters detected on C16a and b, which in summary consist of a probable oblique auricular surface (C16b), a laterally flared iliac blade (C16b) and robust acetabulocrystal, acetabulosacral and iliosciatic buttresses, could also be among the traits characterizing H. erectus92. Finally, we believe that C16b compared to C16a presents a complex morphology characterized not only by the presence of a notable thickness but above all by a reduced height from the center of the acetabular cavity to the iliac crest of only 106 mm (~) which brings it closer to H. floresiensis Indonesian (105 mm93).
The C7 right femur, lacking the distal and proximal epiphysis, has curved diaphysis, linea aspera with a medio-distal deviation in a medial direction, probable pilaster (Supplementary, Figs. S13, S14) thought to be absent in Neanderthals94, an evident sub-trochanteric plathymer and a medium cortical thickness. These characteristics fall within the ranges of morphological variation of H. erectus, Neanderthals, and modern humans. The periosteal contour is subcircular. In the comparative analysis (Table 4) the values of the proximal, distal and mid-diaphyseal dimensions of C7 do not highlight the presence of significant variability. In the analysis of single values95 the mid-diaphyseal dimensions (M6, M7 and distal) of C7 do not fall within any range of variation of the samples compared, with the exception of Ferrassie1 [Early Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene, Neandertals, MPMH (Middle Paleolithic Modern humans) and EUP/MUP (Early/Mid Upper Paleolithic Modern humans)]95. While a divergence clearly emerges in the relationship between the mid-diaphyseal diameters (AP-ML) which highlights the absence, in C7, of the classic circular morphology documented in almost the entire fossil sample. C7 is characterized by antero-posterior diameter values (M6) lower than the transverse diameter (M7) and therefore inverted compared to the values of all the comparison samples which present a more circular morphology (Table 4).
In C7 there is therefore a variation compared to the late Pleistocene samples but documented in some early and middle Pleistocene samples (KNM-ER 737 and 803; Ehringsdorf 5, Kresna11, OH28, Zhoukoudian 1,4-6, Ferrassie 1,2, Quina5, Tabun1,3)95. The shape of the femoral section shows some reduction in proportions from anteroposterior to mediolateral compared to the Early Pleistocene specimen. C7 presents an anteroposterior convexity, a characteristic observed on the femoral shafts of Neanderthals. Based on the overall morphometric results we hypothesize a phyletic relationship with Neanderthals and modern humans by placing C7 within the range of variation of European Neanderthals.
The Circeo sample shows autapomorphic features independent of Homo erectus and synapomorphic features shared with proto-Neanderthals, Neanderthals, late Erectus of Southeast Asia, and Sapiens which suggest a phyletic link between these taxa. The morphological qualitative data find a positive response in the quantitative metric results (both in linear measurements and in thicknesses) which place the entire Circeo sample in a mixed but geographically well-defined context between Europe and Asia as was predictable but with a new and unexpected extension towards Southeast Asia.