In this exploratory study we tested the potential usefulness of TMS-EEG, reflected as TEP measures, as a neurophysiological assessment, for indication of VPS in iNPH patients. We found that TEP M1 P60 and P180 latencies were earlier in responders to VPS compared to controls and presented significant correlations of TEP Delphi measures in comparison to the rank CGIC and magnitude of change in TUG times following VPS. We introduce the TEP Delphi-NPH index that was successful in discriminating iNPH responders to VPS from non-responders (ROC-AUC of 0.91, p = 0.006), beyond imaging parameters and TUG tests.
It is often difficult to differentiate iNPH from other neurodegenerative or secondary disorders, such as degenerative parkinsonian disorders or small vessel cerebrovascular disease36 as there is great variability with the presentation and progression of the syndrome. The clinician faces a great diagnostic challenge, trying to avoid unwarranted surgery, with its associated complications. Although NPH prevalence is reported to be 0.2–2.9% for persons 65 years and older37, it is reasonable to believe it is actually much higher, with estimated 80% of NPH patients remain unrecognized38 and are therefore not treated appropriately, when it is still possible to reverse the condition.
Unfortunately, current standard practice relies on imaging and CSF drainage tests4, which are based on an invasive and painful procedure, with possible complications and depends on a specialized team and facilities in addition to hospitalization. Moreover, according to recent studies, while the positive predictive value (PPV) of a CSF-TT is quite high (92% (range from 73–100%), its negative predictive value (NPV) is very low (37% (18–50%))37. Imaging scales likewise not effective in discriminating responders to VPS40. DESH for example had a 77% PPV and 25% NPV41. These reports imply that the reliance on imaging and CTT alone in detection of the full range of patients who would benefit from VPS, is suboptimal, as it suffers from low sensitivity4,39.
The use of TEP is thought to reflect the activation of cortical excitatory (glutamatergic) and inhibitory (GABAergic) neurotransmitter systems differently and at different time scales. These excitatory/inhibitory activations create separate components or peaks that construct TEP15, 42,43. TEP clinical utility was also demonstrated across different neurological conditions for the past three decades19, among it, M1 P60 amplitude was causally related to tremors in PD patients44. Also, TEPs were shown to correlate to MRI white matter integrity and connectivity measures24, 25, 46.
In our study, a composite of four M1 and DLPFC TEP parameters was very successful in prediction of a meaningful clinical improvement of symptoms (an improvement of at least 1 level in MRS). The motor network (M1) TEP showed shifts of TEP components to earlier latencies. Opposite to that, in response to frontal network (DLPFC) stimulation, the P180 peak latency seems to be delayed. TMS-EEG literature established that TEP peak latencies are generally delayed with old age47–50. In our study NPH responders demonstrated an earlier M1 P60 and P180 latencies in comparison to age matched controls, showing a different effect than typical healthy ageing. The TEP components, measured at different electrodes are also an indication of the propagation of the signal following the magnetic stimulation51. Thus, these changes to peak latencies reflect changes in the spread of the signal. It was previously suggested that early TEP peaks are related to localized network responses while the later peaks might reflect distant networks in relation to stimulation site52. While early latencies of TEP reflect direct connections within functional networks, later components of TEPs reveal more distant nodes and more complex interactions, suggesting bottom-up signal propagation from lower-degree nodes to brain hubs52. It is interesting to consider, when looking at these results, that these opposite shifts in latency, in M1 compared to DLPFC, may indicate a possible common source of deficiency. Further to that, the manifestation of changes in TEP peak latencies illustrated here might be related to the changes in the corticospinal tract, as previously demonstrated to have increased fractional anisotropy values in diffusion MRI53,54, which was also shown to be associated to the degree of improvement following VPS55.
Additionally, we should consider the associations found, between the M1 earlier peak latencies (M1 P60, N100) and delayed DLPFC P180 to a longer disease duration, the associations of the earlier M1 peak latencies (M1 P60, N100) to wider temporal horns, and the delayed DLPFC P180 to wider Sylvian fissure. An imaging study on a large sample (n = 168) of iNPH patients, revealed that widening of temporal horns was independently associated with all examined iNPH symptoms (impaired gait, impaired cognition, and incontinence), while a narrow callosal angle (CA) was associate to specific motor and cognitive functions56. However, the CA was the only imaging measure effectively discriminating shunt responders from non-responders in another study with 109 iNPH patients that underwent shunt installation57. In our study this was further established, where the only baseline measure other than Delphi-NPH index, that significantly discriminated NPH responders from non-responders, was the CA. Other imaging measures such as the temporal horns and Evan’s index were not successful in discriminating NPH patients who benefited from VPS.
The CTT was also unsuccessful in discrimination of responders and was very much alike the performance of baseline TUG. This poses a question on the role of CTT to predict shunt response and the obligation to perform it in all cases. Although, it was associated with improvement in walking speed measured with TUG 3 months from VPS implant. This is reasonable given that the CTT calculation itself includes subtraction of the baseline TUG time, which is also included in the calculation of the ∆ 3 m TUG test (taken 3 months following VPS).
Our study has limitations, including the small iNPH sample, the fact that patients had a CTT and not extended lumbar drainage or infusion tests to compare to the TEP. Additionally, the follow up time was short (3 months). Furthermore, the outcome measures were only those relating to gait, and we did not assess outcomes regarding urinary or cognitive problems. In our study 3 clinical outcome measures were used, none of which can fully reflect the impact of the NPH gait disorder. Preferably sensor-based home monitoring of gait, balance and activity should replace the subjective measures that we used, the semi- quantitative CGIC and MRS as well as a single clinic-based TUG test.
The result of this study summons well-designed prospective studies in larger samples of candidate iNPH patients using well-established and objective tools for the multidimensional symptoms of NPH, that cover longer follow-up periods, to establish the predictive value for long-term improvement with VPS. Moreover, it might be worth examining the change of TEP following VPS, to establish a more concrete relationship of the clinical improvement to the differences in TEP features and suggest a causal relationship. Further down the line iNPH patients demonstrating these typical TEP changes, that are not indicated for VPS with current tools, could be possibly referred to VPS, if they failed antiparkinsonian therapy and rehabilitative interventions, to challenge current practice guidelines.
The TEP acquisition, using TMS-EEG, is a short procedure, which is non-invasive, with well-established safety that is likewise not associated with significant discomfort, and it can be repeated during follow up. The TMS-EEG can easily be placed and practiced in many clinical settings; the Delphi analysis algorithm of the TEP such as the one utilized in this study, is produced automatically within reasonable time from the test.
Altogether these results present Delphi as an intriguing new modality that may aid in the management of NPH patients and improvement of screening for VPS implantation.