Comparison of Cephalogram parameters
Our observations show that there are variations in cephalometric parameters in different gender and age groups within the same malocclusion class, and between the different classes. To evaluate the effect of gender and age on the cephalometric parameters results, we compared each group with the other groups with multiple comparison tests. Tables 2A-D show the multiple test correction performed, and the adjusted P-values were obtained by Tukey and significant values were at P < 0.01 and P < 0.05.
Comparison of Cephalogram parameters within the same classification
The results of our analyses showed that class III males were significantly higher than females within the same class in the parameters including PFH/AFH ratio, SNB angle, and SN-Pg angle (P<0.01). On the other hand, the results demonstrated that class III males were significantly lower than females within the same class in the parameters of SNL-ML angle, and NL-NSL angle (P<0.01) (Table 2A).
Our analysis has shown that Class II results showed that the parameters including NL-ML angle, SNL-ML angle, among patients who were older than 21, were significantly higher than younger patients (P<0.01). A contradicted relation was demonstrated class II parameters- PFH/AFH ratio, and facial axis, in these parameters patients that were older than 21, were significantly lower than younger patients (P<0.05). And finally, patients aged 14-20 were significantly lower than pediatric patients aged 0-13, in the parameters- gonialangle, +1/NA angle, +1/NA (mm) (P<0.05), Class II age differences summarized in Table 2B.
Class III results also demonstrated significant variations in different age groups, the results showed that the parameters +1/NL angle, +1/SNL angle, and +1/NA (mm), among patients that were older than 21, were significantly higher than younger patients (P<0.05). Whereas a contradicted relation was demonstrated in the parameters Wits appraisal, and interincisal angle, that showed that patients that were older than 21, were significantly lower than younger patients (P<0.05). The results also showed that patients aged 14-20 were significantly higher than pediatric patients aged 0-13 in the parameters - +1/NL angle, +1/SNL angle, and +1/NA (mm) (P<0.01). And finally, patients aged 14-20 were significantly lower than pediatric patients aged 0-13 in the Wits appraisal values (P<0.05) (Table 2B).
Furthermore, the results showed that specific gender and age groups can differ in the cephalometric parameters. For example, Class II females aged 21 or more, were significantly higher than younger females at the parameters - NL-ML angle, ML-NSL angle, and -1/NB angle (P<0.05). Whereas a reverse relation was demonstrated on facial axis, females aged 21 or more were significantly lower than younger females aged 14-20 (P<0.01). The results also showed that +1/NA angle in male patients aged 14-20, were significantly lower compared to male pediatrics aged 0-13 (P<0.05). Finally, the anatomic parameter -1/ML showed that class II females aged 14-20, were significantly higher compared to females aged 0-13 (P<0.01) and presented in Table 2C. Class III results showed that among males’ patients older than 21, the Wits appraisal was significantly lower compared to pediatric males aged 0-13.When comparing class III PFH/AFH ratio, male patients aged 14-20, were significantly higher than females, in the same age group (Table 2C).
Calculated_ANB (i.e., ANB- ANB individual)
Theresultsdemonstrated the clear differences of Calculated_ANB values between class II and III in all sub-groups of gender and age. When comparing class II with class III results, class II values are significantly higher than class III values (Figure 2 and Table 2D).
Cephalogram parameters variation within different classification (class II vs class III)
Our results demonstrated a large variety of significant differences when comparing different classifications and subgroups of gender and age, among the most significant parameters are gonial gonion angle, SNB angle, ANB angle, Calculated_ANB, SN-Pg angle, and Wits appraisal (Supplementary Table 1)
Heatmaps of Spearman Correlation
Global heatmaps correlation matrix of assessed cephalometric parameters under different classifications and sub-groups.
The overall heatmap correlation matrices of class II and III cephalometric parameters, both class II and class III results demonstrated many correlations between parameters. We can see a strong significant correlation between parameters in the same dimension. In both classes, the results demonstrated many correlations between Calculated_ANB and other parameters, among these correlations in class II including SNB angle (ρ=-0.333, P<0.01), ANB angle (ρ=0.568, P<0.01), -SN-Pg angle (ρ=-0.331, P<0.01), Wits appraisal (ρ=0.689, P<0.01), +1/SNL angle (ρ=-0.229, P<0.01), +1/NA angle (ρ=-0.275, P<0.01), +1/NA (mm) (ρ=-0.242, P<0.01), -1/ML (ρ=0.433, P<0.01), -1/NB angle (ρ=0.316, P<0.01), and -1/NB (mm) (ρ=0.221, P<0.01). Furthermore, the results demonstrated correlations between Calculated_ANB and many parameters in class III patients- Facial axis (ρ=-0.461, P<0.01), SNB angle (ρ=-0.661, P<0.01), ANB angle (ρ=0.823, P<0.01), SN-Ba angle (ρ=0.238, P<0.01), SN-Pg angle (ρ=-0.638, P<0.01), Go-Me (mm) (ρ=-0.210, P<0.01), Wits appraisal (ρ=0.552, P<0.01), ML-NSL angle (ρ=0.204, P<0.01), +1/NL angle (ρ=-0.323, P<0.01), +1/SNL angle (ρ=-0.353, P<0.01), +1/NA angle (ρ=-0.305, P<0.01), -1/ML (ρ=0.380, P<0.01), and -1/NB angle (ρ=0.224, P<0.01) (Figure 3A).
Gender and Age variation
The heatmaps for each sub-group revealed many specific significant correlations. The correlations show substantial differences between the sub-groups, specially between the Calculated_ANB and the other parameters. Our analysis of Class IIsub-groups correlations showed that the Calculated_ANB correlated highly with measured ANB angle in females aged 0-13 (ρ=0.700, P<0.01), females aged 14-20 (ρ=0.682, P<0.01), Males older than 21 (ρ=0.601, P<0.01). On the other hand, there was a weak correlation between the Calculated_ANB and measured ANB on the other class II subgroups. In addition, a strong correlation was observed between the Calculated_ANB and the Wits appraisal, in all class II subgroups (Figure 3B).
The analysis of Class IIIsub-groups results showed a powerful significant, positive correlation between the Calculated_ANB and measured ANB in all gender and age subgroups, the minimum correlation coefficient among this correlation in all groups was ρ=0.707 (P<0.01). In addition, the results showed significant negative strong correlation between the Calculated_ANB and measured _SNB angle with a minimum correlation coefficient of ρ=-0.601 (P<0.01), while this correlation wasn’t available at class II. Furthermore, in all class III subgroups, there was a moderate to strong correlation between the facial axis with the Calculated_ANB, and here also this relation was more notable than in class II subgroups (Figure 3C).
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
To estimate better our data structure, and to gain thorough knowledge about the most informative and variant parameters in our data, we ran a PCA analysis. In this analysis, we included all cephalometric parameters. After normalizing our data, the results demonstrated that the first component explains more than half of the total variance (47.87%). Taking the second component will add 19.58% for the data variance, which means that taking the first two components only will explain about 67.46% of the variation in our data, and if we take until the fourth component, we will explain 90.67% of the variance in our data (Table 3A). To better understand which components are included in the first two components, the loading matrix, showed high positive values for ML-NSL angle. On the other hand, a negative value for SN-Pg angle, SNB angle, facial axis, and PFH/AFH ratio. In the second component, the parameters with a positive high value the parameters gonial angle, ML-NSL, and NL-ML angle, and parameters with high negative values are -1/ML, Wits appraisal, Calculated_ANB, and ANB angle. The specific details of all parameters are represented in Table 3B.
Subsequently, we calculated the contribution of each parameter to the first four components using the cosine squared function. The results showed that the parameters: SN-Pg angle, ML-NSL angle, PFH/AFH ratio, NL-ML angle, and SNB angle, are the most contributing to the first four components (Figure 4A). Finally, as presented in Figure 4B, we can observe a similar result with a different visualization to the contribution of each parameter to the PCA analysis.
Machine Learning Models
One of the aims of this study was to utilize and perform machine learning (ML) models, that will provide and suggest the most accurate classification from all the cephalometric parameters. In the previous section, we focused on PCA analysis, to capture the max variance explained by each variable. In this section we worked on revealing a machine learning models that can be used, that can be replaced with Calculated_ANB and measured ANB angle. When we performed ML model based on all parameters (general model), in the LDA, and RF models we received 0.95 accuracy (Accuracy = 0.95, Kappa = 0.90) in classification class II and III. From the model that contained all the parameters, we summarized the importance of each parameter to the model, as it’s visualized at Figure 5.
At the first stage we conducted ML model using the most important variable that followed the Calculated_ANB and measured ANB angle. The first model included the Wits appraisal only, in the LDA and SVM models we received an accuracy of 0.90 (Accuracy = 0.90, Kappa = 0.80) (Figures 6A-B). The second model included the Wits appraisal, and the SNB angle, the accuracy increased to 0.93 in the KNN model. Finally, the addition of the third and fourth didn’t significantly change the machine learning model results (Table 4).
Herein the results of the extended machine learning models that include the first two variables (Wits appraisal and SNB angle), the results were to our satisfaction in predicting the result. The highest mean accuracy value was obtained by KNN, with score 0.93 (Accuracy = 0.93, Kappa = 0.86). CART, SVM, and RF revealed high score of approximately 0.91 (Accuracy = 0.91, Kappa CART = 0.83, Kappa SVM = 0.83, Kappa RF = 0.82). Finally, the LDA model also has a high accuracy score of 0.89 (Accuracy = 0.89, Kappa = 0.79) (Figure 7A). At the next level, we calculated the importance of each parameter in the most powerful model (i.e., KNN model), according to Fisher et al. [43]. The results revealed that the most important variable in the model is Wits appraisal, followed by SNB angle (Figure 7B).
As a follow up, we compared the actual classification in 70% of our patients (the validation data of the model) compared to the predicted classification, and we received the following result: 184 class II patients were classified as class II both by the model and by the Calculated_ANB, 202 class III patients were classified as class III both by the model and by the Calculated_ANB, which means approximately 0.93 accuracy (Table 7C). In order to understand the confounder effect, such as gender and age, we repeated the previous model with same cephalometric parameters and included gender and age as additional variables. The KNN model here also was with highest accuracy (Accuracy = 0.93, Kappa = 0.86). Finally, regarding the importance of each variable results, Wits appraisal is still the most important variable, followed by SNB angle, age, and lastly gender.