A viable and robust isolation of the BBB microvasculature is critical for several downstream analyses. However, microvessel isolation protocols often vary in technique and without proper care, can lead to RNA degradation or require a high amount of sensitive biomaterial. Our method yields high quality RNA and is reproducible across different investigators, allowing isolation of all animal blood vessel cell types to study cellular interactions, morphology and signaling changes at the genetic level. This method is highly effective in isolating vascular and vessel-associated cells, such as pericytes, whereas other cellular debris and fat are absent. To the best of our knowledge, RNAscope has never been successfully performed on isolated brain microvessels. Most literature in the field utilizes protein extraction for downstream analysis 7. Therefore, this protocol offers a novel technique not yet published in the field.
The success of our microvessel isolation is confirmed using a light microscope, and we identify minimal cellular debris, ECs, and pericytes, demonstrating the effectiveness of this isolation procedure. Following microvessel isolation, we probed for the presence of high-quality RNA within the microvessels using the CD31 marker, a universal marker for confirming the presence of blood-brain barrier (BBB) endothelium. We also employ positive and negative control probes to ensure the specificity of their RNA probes to microvascular RNA. Next, we delve into observations in the context of AD. Secondly, we confirmed the loss of pericytes in the 5xFAD mouse model, a phenomenon associated with chronic exposure to amyloid plaques. We used PDGRβ staining to demonstrate a marked decrease in PDGRβ expression in 5xFAD mice, suggesting a significant loss of pericytes. In AD, there is a significant association with pericyte loss or decreased coverage in the microvasculature, contributing to the pathological changes observed in the brain 8. Pericytes play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and functionality of the BBB. Their strategic location along capillaries allows them to regulate blood flow, provide vascular stability, and participate in the maintenance of the neurovascular unit. However, in Alzheimer's, a decline in pericyte density or coverage is evident, compromising the BBB's structural and functional integrity 9. This loss of pericytes is linked to increased permeability of the BBB, allowing the infiltration of harmful substances into the brain parenchyma. Additionally, pericyte dysfunction is associated with altered cerebral blood flow, impaired clearance of toxic substances, and the promotion of neuroinflammation, all of which are implicated in the progression of AD. In this protocol, we successfully demonstrate that an AD mouse model does indeed show a decrease in PDGRβ + nuclei.
While our protocol provides a reproducible and viable RNA technique for many research hypotheses, there is room for protocol adjustment according to the specific research question. A potential confounder is the age of the mice analyzed. The mice used in our experiments were 12 months of age, so chronic exposure to amyloid plaques is predicted to alter the morphology and function of the BBB microvessels. Nevertheless, the blood-brain barrier undergoes alterations during natural aging, distinct from those associated with AD 10, but the structural changes in the brain vessels (such as a decrease in vessel size) did not demonstrate an influence on the isolation procedure.
Endothelial cells are a vital component that form the lining of blood vessels, maintaining vascular integrity and function. Among the diverse functions they serve, subsets of endothelial cells have been identified to express the tyrosine kinase binding protein (TYROBP), also known as DAP12 or KARAP. TYROBP is a transmembrane signaling adapter protein most associated with immune response modulation and cellular communication by acting as a downstream adaptor for immune receptors such as TREM-1, TREM-2, SIRP1b, CD33, and C3 – many of which are implicated in AD 11. Interestingly, when expressed in endothelial cells, TYROBP may participate in the regulation of inflammatory processes, leukocyte recruitment, and immune cell interactions within the vascular microenvironment. Notably, the brain vasculature undergoes dynamic remodeling and alterations in response to injury. Moreover, an accumulating body of evidence suggests that brain endothelial cells can become activated due to the recruitment of inflammatory cells 12,13. We show that the proinflammatory endothelial-activated microvasculature (PEAM) may be associated with TYROBP+ endothelium adaptors on the BBB. The activated state of the endothelium is critical to understanding the interplay of signaling adaptors such as TYROBP and circulating ligands, the neurovascular unit, and inflammatory cells in the blood responsible for inducing downstream inflammatory pathways. Indeed, TYROBP has been implicated in the pathogenesis of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases 14.
This study also explores the impact of AD on the mRNA levels of TYROBP in endothelial cells. TYROBP is associated with neuroinflammation, a hallmark of AD, in microglial cells; however, their involvement with ECs has not been well elucidated. We utilized RNA probes and visualization techniques to quantify TYROBP levels and found a significant increase in TYROBP expression in 5xFAD microvessels compared to the control, indicating that endothelial cells become activated in the disease context. Of note, some studies have demonstrated that TYROBP+ ECs do display higher levels of active metabolic pathways and regulation of chemokine pathways 15. Herein, we successfully show that the endothelium of the BBB also expresses this gene, which may play a role in the recruitment of immune cells to amyloid plaques surrounding vasculature, affecting growth and chemokine signaling of the BBB, and increase the levels of neuroinflammation. Some studies have shown the role of TYROBP+ ECs in exacerbating malignant cell progression with a uniquely identifiable metabolic and immunological cellular profile 16. Additionally, it is thought that microglia and ECs might actively interact through the Icam1-Il2rg and C1qa-Cd93, and microglia might also communicate with each other via Icam1-Itagm, elucidating the importance of this TYROBP pathway in disease-associated endothelial vasculature and the surrounding cellular microenvironment 17. One of the key roles of TYROBP in AD is its association with microglial activation and the clearance of amyloid-beta plaques, which are a hallmark of AD pathology. Activated microglia, under the influence of TYROBP, can phagocytose and remove these toxic amyloid-beta aggregates. However, in chronic neuroinflammatory conditions, such as those seen in AD, prolonged microglial activation can have detrimental effects, leading to further neurodegeneration.
Here, we present our findings of a microvessel isolation technique for downstream RNAscope analysis. By ensuring their independence from brain parenchyma, isolated brain microvessels can be probed to visualize RNA. This technique involves the digestion of fresh frozen brain hemispheres but can be adapted to the whole brain as well as other species. We also describe the technique for filtration, chemical fixation, followed by the modified application of the RNAscope protocol to visualize and probe for RNA within the microvessels of the brain. It is important to assess the integrity of the microvessels throughout the process. Additionally, this method allows one to assess the overall morphology and signaling pathways that are occurring at the level of the BBB. It is important to assess the integrity and function of the microvessels, particularly since they play a crucial role in controlling cerebral blood flow and maintaining the brain’s homeostatic environment. These findings contribute to our understanding of the role of microvessels in AD and their potential involvement in neuroinflammatory processes at the blood-brain barrier. Utilizing this protocol in scientific research can advance our understanding of the BBB and open new strategies for the effective diagnosis and treatment of neurovascular disorders.
Limitations: The success of our protocol depends on high-quality starting tissue samples, specifically fresh or snap frozen tissue before fixation. Microvessel isolation is not possible with fixed tissue, making it essential to prioritize preservation and storage conditions that maintain optimal RNA integrity. Careful tissue collection, handling, and storage are crucial to ensure accurate gene expression analysis and successful microvessel isolation. Implementing proper preservation techniques, such as controlled temperature storage, prevents RNA degradation and guarantees the effectiveness of our protocol.