Facial soft tissue aesthetics are an increasingly common concern of orthodontic patients [37]. In the lower 1/3 of the face, by applying network analysis to coordinate values of 3D landmarks in Class I-norm-straight and Class II-hype-convex patients, we found major hard-soft tissue relationships and differences between the two groups. The networks allowed the visualization of malocclusion information (Figs. 8 ~ 11), while the global network metrics conveyed biological meaning to the networks (Tables 5, 6). We found that in Class II-hype-convex patients, soft tissue morphology was more variable, mainly due to the greater variation in sagittal direction. The most relevant hard tissue landmarks on which soft tissue predictions in vertical direction should be based tended to be distributed more forward and downward in G2. Moreover, Class II-hype-convex pattern was not proportionate between sagittal and vertical positions of the lower 1/3 of the face as was Class I-norm-straight pattern.
We selected young adult subjects to exclude dynamic changes in the hard-soft tissue relationship during the growth and development period [38]. Previous studies have shown that the hard-soft tissue correlation is different in patients with various skeletal types, for example, Class II hyperdivergent and Class II hypodivergent patterns [6]. Therefore, in this study, sagittal and vertical skeletal types were defined simultaneously to obtain more accurate correlation data. A previous study also showed that the convexity of the face is one of the main factors causing variations in soft tissue contour [39]. In this research, G1 patients were limited to a straight profile in order to set patients with the most standard and harmonious profile as the control group. Meanwhile, G2 subjects were limited to a convex profile so as to exclude atypical ones with straight profile, who had good soft tissue compensation and a relatively aesthetic profile. The morphological characteristics of Class II-hype-convex pattern are mainly manifested in sagittal and vertical dimensions. As for the transverse dimension, which mainly reflects facial width and symmetry in orthodontics, is not directly related to the study. Thus, the landmark coordinate values on X-axis were not analysed by network. However, since our materials (CBCT and facial scan) were 3D, multiple non-midline landmarks were taken into consideration, covering more information than did previous 2D studies.
The traditional multivariate linear regression model could not accurately predict lip positions of new patients [40]. This was partly because it calculated many-to-one relationships, ignoring the relationships among independent variables. Systems biology theory holds that for a complex biological system, the relationships among variables are more important to the system than the variables themselves [41]. If the intricate interrelation network of variables cannot be mined sufficiently, it is impossible to accurately predict soft tissue morphology. The advantages of network analysis are that it can concentrate on relationships between components, visualize and quantify multiple relationships as a whole, find out easily overlooked relationships, and reflect rules of complex systems comprehensively [42].
An appropriate threshold is necessary for the clear visualization and description of a system. In general, the lower the threshold is, the denser the network is. It would be difficult to make a network effective if it were too dense or too sparse. By selecting the appropriate threshold according to the specific values of correlation coefficient matrix, we could obtain a network with moderate density, which well reflected the diverse correlations among various parts of the CMF system or the differences between the two groups. In the present study, the threshold values in networks of the same axis were high. For the network of hard tissue Y-axis and soft tissue Y-axis, T was set as 0.9, whereas for the network of hard tissue Z-axis and soft tissue Z-axis, T was set as 0.8. These threshold values were higher than those of previous orthodontic studies using cephalometric measurements as variables [19, 20, 21, 22]. This was because the correlations between landmarks (e.g., A and A’) were greater than those between cephalometric measurements with large differences in composition (e.g., ANB and ULT). Thus, higher thresholds were needed to generate effective networks of the same axis. Moreover, the thresholds of the networks of the same axis were higher than those in the networks of different axes (T = 0.2). These thresholds were set according to the overall coefficient values in the correlation matrix of each network, indicating that the final and actual positions of soft tissues in certain dimension (e.g., sagittal) were more related to the hard tissue positions on the same axis (e.g., sagittal) than to the hard tissue positions on other axes (e.g., vertical). Therefore, while discussing the actual position of soft tissues, we ignored the influence of the hard tissue positions on other axes.
For the network of hard tissue Y-axis and soft tissue Y-axis, in G1 (Fig. 8B), the effect of hard tissues on lower lip was stronger than that on upper lip. Therefore, the estimation of sagittal upper lip position may be more inaccurate. The most relevant hard tissue landmarks were located between the level of cemento-enamel junction (CEJ) of upper teeth and root apex of lower teeth. This suggested that soft tissue prediction in sagittal direction should be based on these areas, excluding the less relevant landmarks (e.g., root apex of upper teeth). In G2 (Fig. 8C), the relevance of lower tooth and mandibular landmarks decreased, and the connection between lower lip and hard tissues was weakened. Compared with G1, the G2 network was sparser, and the values of the global network metrics decreased (Table 5), indicating that the correlation between hard and soft tissues was weaker. Consequently, the accuracy of predicting the anteroposterior soft tissue position might decrease. In clinical practice, skeletal Class I-norm-straight pattern is often considered as the ‘standard’ phenotype, in which soft tissue surface in the lower 1/3 of the face is more consistent with the underlying hard tissue morphology. For example, variation of the mentolabial fold is uncommon in Class I-norm-straight patients, in whom it mostly shapes along the contour of the skeletal chin, well reflecting the concave curve of the anterior mandible. However, in Class II-hype-convex patients, the shape of the mentolabial fold could be typical and could also be wavy with twists and turns or nonexistent, even if the underlying hard tissue shapes were similar. This variation was partly a result of the difficulty in obtaining a relaxed muscle condition [6]. Even though the 3D facial scans were taken when the patients were instructed to relax all the facial muscles, a strained lip and chin position could occur because of unconscious muscle hyperactivity.
For the network of hard tissue Z-axis and soft tissue Z-axis (Fig. 9), the correlation coefficients were generally lower than those of Y-axis, indicating increased uncertainty of soft tissue positions in vertical dimension. In G1 (Fig. 9B), upper lip had stronger connections with hard tissues than did lower lip, contrary to the result on Y-axis. The hard tissue landmarks with the most links were similar to those of Y-axis. These findings suggested that these landmarks were vital for soft tissue position prediction in both the vertical and sagittal directions in G1. In G2 (Fig. 9C), the hard tissue landmarks with higher ‘degrees’ (redder nodes) tended to be distributed more forward and downward than those in G1, suggesting that the areas that should be used for soft tissue prediction differed from those in G1. In vertical dimension, the general hard-soft tissue correlation strengths of the two groups were similar (Table 6). Thus, the above-mentioned larger morphological variation in soft tissues in Class II-hype patients was mainly caused by sagittal variation rather than vertical variation. Moreover, the positive hard-soft tissue correlations of G2 were in accordance with the conclusion of a previous study that the height of the lips was greater in hyperdivergent patients [8].
Due to the elasticity of soft tissues, the hard tissue position on one axis (e.g., vertical) will affect soft tissue positions on other axes (e.g., sagittal). The overall correlation coefficients of the hard-soft tissue relationships were lower for different axes than for the same axis. Accordingly, the threshold in the networks of different axes was set at 0.2. Although 0.2 ~ 0.4 represented only a weak correlation, the distinction of the hard-soft tissue relationship between G1 and G2 could be clearly shown by comparison.
In G1, the correlation coefficient matrix of hard tissues (Fig. 12A) showed that the correlation between sagittal position of any hard tissue landmark and vertical position of any other hard tissue landmark was positive. This meant that if hard tissues became vertically farther away from Ba point, they would also become sagittally farther away from Ba point. Thus, the G1 hard tissues were proportionate and harmonious in sagittal and vertical directions. For the network of hard tissue Z-axis and soft tissue Y-axis, in G1 (Fig. 10B), the correlation between Z-axis value of any hard tissue landmark and Y-axis value of any soft tissue landmark was positive, mainly owing to the positive correlation between Y and Z-axis value of hard tissues (Fig. 12A). Similarly, the correlation between Y-axis value of any hard tissue landmark and Z-axis value of any soft tissue landmark was positive (Fig. 11B), reflecting a harmonious hard-soft tissue relationship in G1 with regard to sagittal and vertical directions. Compared with G1, the hard tissue correlation matrix of G2 (Fig. 12B) showed that the correlation decreased (lighter green) or even became negative (red). This indicated that if hard tissues became vertically farther away from Ba point, their trend of becoming sagittally farther away from Ba point would be weakened or even reversed, suggesting that the sagittal and vertical sizes of hard tissues were not as consistent as those in G1. In G2, the correlations were mostly negative (Fig. 10C), meaning that the more downward (vertically farther away from Ba point) the hard tissues were, the more backward (sagittally closer to Ba point) the soft tissues were.
Riesmeijer AM et al. [43] reported that Class II samples had greater SN-MP angles than Class I growth patterns, indicating a more downward (increased vertical size) and backward (decreased sagittal size) growth pattern that could result in inconsistency in these two directions, as revealed in the present study. They found no significant difference in mandibular length or mandibular body length between the two groups with basically complete growth and development. Thus, it can be deduced that the inconsistency between vertical and sagittal mandibular positions of G2 was mainly caused by the clockwise growth direction rather than the actual shape of the mandible. In a longitudinal study [44], Yoon SS et al. concluded that the overall craniofacial growth patterns of Class I and Class II girls were similar, with the face becoming more flattened, the ANB angle decreasing, and the mandible demonstrating forward rotation with a decrease in the SN-MP angle. In G2 subjects of the present study, we found that this growing trend might only have reduced the CMF discrepancy, but not diminished it completely. Chung CH et al. [45] compared craniofacial growth of untreated skeletal Class II subjects with different vertical patterns (hypodivergent, normodivergent, and hyperdivergent). Their results showed that for 9-year-old children, the hyperdivergent group had greater facial convexity, larger Y-axis and gonial angles, and greater anterior facial height. From ages 9 to 18, all the groups showed changes in accordance with the findings of Yoon SS et al. [44]. However, the hyperdivergent group displayed significantly less facial flattening and less mandibular forward rotation than did the hypodivergent group. Thus, among skeletal Class II patients, the hyperdivergent ones have the worst initial facial profile and the least improvement from growth. This can result in the obvious disharmony of facial appearance in adulthood, as shown in the present study in many ways compared with Class I-norm patients.
For the network of hard tissue Y-axis and soft tissue Z-axis, in G1 (Fig. 11B), as mentioned above, all the correlations were positive. In G2, all the correlations of the mandible landmarks were negative (Fig. 11C), meaning that the more backward (sagittally closer to Ba point) the mandible was, the more downward (vertically farther away from Ba point) the soft tissues were. This could result in the classic facial appearance of skeletal Class II-hype patients with a long lower 1/3 face. This finding was also consistent with our experience in orthodontic treatment to avoid clockwise mandibular rotation [2]. It is known that muscle dysfunctions and oral habits have great influence on the facial soft tissue contour [4]. Attempts to gain lip closure in patients with protrusive incisors or hyperdivergent skeletal pattern result in greater lip strain accompanied by hyperactive mentalis function and elevation of the chin integument. The retrusive mandible directly pulled the lower lip and chin soft tissue downward. Subsequently, to get closure with the lower lip, the upper lip muscles were also forced downward. Eventually, all the soft tissues of the lower 1/3 of the face were adjusted downward due to the retrusive mandible. In contrast, all the correlations of teeth and maxilla were positive (Fig. 11C).
In summary, we found that there were major differences in the hard-soft tissue relationships between the two types of patients, and in Class II-hype-convex pattern:
The soft tissue morphology was more variable than that of Class I-norm-straight pattern, mainly due to the greater variation in sagittal direction;
The most relevant hard tissue landmarks on which soft tissue predictions in vertical direction should be based tended to be distributed more forward and downward than Class I-norm-straight pattern;
Class II-hype-convex pattern was not harmonious or proportionate between sagittal and vertical positions of the lower 1/3 of the face, as was Class I-norm-straight pattern. From this point of view, it is an unbalanced CMF phenotype.
However, many previous studies [4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14] have analysed patients with different skeletal types as a whole when looking for the morphological mechanism of soft tissues or making predictions. This might be one of the reasons for their limited accuracy. Therefore, similar studies should distinguish among different skeletal and profile patterns to achieve higher accuracy.
Network analysis is essentially a deep data mining method for extracting key information from complex systems. Once the network (“graph”) is computed, the topological structure of the data (input) is abstracted and encoded in simpler structures, on which the machine learning algorithms can be run [42]. Hence, our work provided a basic data environment for machine learning algorithms to further data mining and prediction by building neural network regression models.
The present study was limited in the relatively small sample size, whereas a larger group collected in multiple centers would have been a better representation of the two malocclusion patterns. Moreover, the study proposed that there could be differences in the accuracy of predicting soft tissue contour among different skeletal patterns or different areas and suggested a few hard tissue landmarks on which soft tissue prediction should be based. Further studies that validate these assumptions are needed. In addition, a future study utilizing both pre- and post-treatment data would provide us with more beneficial information about the mechanism of facial soft tissue contour change caused by tooth movement in orthodontic treatment.