2.8.1 Aphid number
The study's findings demonstrated that the Lowveld's summer and winter seasons have an impact on the YSA number. This could be the problem of temperature-dependent polymorphism in reproduction (ovivipary and parthenogenesis). Compared to asexual reproduction, which results in greater fertility, sexual method diminishes fecundity. Some authors also reported similar results, indicating that YSA can reproduce in two ways dependent on climate: mating (which produces live individuals and permits females to mate with males in cold winters when low temperatures induce ovivipary (Halbert et al. 2013) and non-mating (parthenogenetically) in warmer climates (Nuessly 2005; Way et al. 2015).
The greatest abiotic factor influencing insect development and reproduction, sex ratio, and longevity, according to a number of authors, is temperature (Harrison et al. 1985; Aalbersberg et al. 1987; Bleicher and Parra 1990; Davis et al. 2006; Keena 2006; Ozder and Saglam 2013; Souza and Davis 2018). According to Souza and Davis (2018), aphids exhibit a significant degree of phenotypic plasticity in response to the environmental circumstances that are present. Poikilothermic species like insects are sensitive to temperature changes since their body temperatures are dependent on the surrounding air temperature (Rosenzweig et al. 2001; Bale et al. 2002; Menendez 2007). Physiological performance of insects is progressively increased by body temperature up to a maximum value, after which it decreases (Briere et al. 1999).
According to Sharpe and DeMichele's (1977) theory, temperature thresholds, both lower and higher, regulate the growth and procreation of certain insect species. The finding that insect development and reproduction rates decline at temperatures above the optimum and finally approach an upper threshold by Briere et al. (1999) provided support for this theory. Aphids are ectothermic species, and temperature has a major impact on their bionomics.
Temperature variations have an impact on metabolic processes such as respiration rates, oxygen consumption, carbon excretion, and neurological and endocrine systems (Neven 1998, 2000). Insect growth lengthens at lower temperatures and shortens with decreasing size at higher temperatures (Angilletta et al. 2004; Pigliucci 2005; Sibly et al. 2007). The physiology and palatability of the host plant are also impacted by temperature (Acreman and Dixon 1989). Various writers have examined how various temperature regimes affect the life cycle, size, fecundity, polymorphism, mating and migration of aphids (Leather and Dixon 1982; Liu 1994; Collins and Leather 2001; Müller et al. 2001; Souza and Davis 2018). Temperature affects many aspects of life, including walking speed, spatial orientation, mortality, fecundity, feeding behavior, and rate of development (Langer et al. 2004; Harrington et al. 2007; Hassal et al. 2007; Colinet and Hance 2009; Zheng et al. 2015; Auad et al. 2015; Schlemmer 2018).
Hinson (2017) investigated how temperature affected the sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) and found that 16–29 0C is the ideal temperature range for its life cycle. After examining the effects of varying temperatures on S. flava development, survival, reproduction, life expectancy, and fertility tables while feeding on elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), Oliveira et al. (2009) came to the conclusion that the optimal temperature range for S. flava development and reproduction was between 20 0C and 24 0C. Rising temperatures have been proposed by many writers (Dixon 1977, 1987; Kuo et al. 2006; Oliveira et al. 2009; Auad et al. 2009; Auad et al. 2012; Auad et al. 2015) to have a direct impact on aphid survival and abundance.
Research conducted by Flynn et al. (2006) and Auad et al. (2012) highlighted that rising temperatures and CO2 levels typically have an indirect impact on insectivores through changes in host plant physiology and phytochemistry. Furthermore, Souza et al. (2018) and (2019) noted that aphids' development rate slows down as a result of physiological stress brought on by high temperatures.
2.8.2 Chlorophyll content
The results clearly demonstrate that YSA infestation can have a negative effect on the chlorophyll content of sugarcane leaves (>10% of loss), however resistant plants (00-1165, ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L) had less chlorophyll loss (< 10% of loss) for both winter and summer seasons. This might be a contribution of genes that codes for more production of nitrogen required for chlorophyll formation. Similar results were reported by Wilson et al. (2011) who reported increased nitrogen in aphid tolerant infested plants due to increased nitrogen reductase. Susceptible genotypes (96-1107, N14 and ZN 10) might not have the same gene expression as in tolerant varieties resulting in increased percentage chlorophyll loss. Reports of increase in nitrogen content in the leaves attacked by the apple green aphid supports the sink theory, as results from other systems have shown (Syvertsen et al. 2003; Urban et al. 2004; Pincebourde and Ngao 2021). In support of this study, similar ranges of results were reported in sorghum against sugarcane aphids by Paudyal (2019) between tolerant and susceptible tested varieties. As revealed by this study, measurement of chlorophyll content has been used as an indication of tolerance for M. sacchari and S. flava (Deol et al.1997; Diaz-Montano et al. 2007b; Akbar 2009; Paudyal 2009) in sorghum. Results of reduced chlorophyll content in susceptible sugarcane genotypes (96-1107, N14 and ZN 10) might have been caused by degradation of chlorophyll or increased production of secondary metabolites. Similar results were reported by Janave (1997) who postulated that oxidative bleaching pathway is one of the two pathways of natural degradation of chlorophyll a which might have been a similar case in our study. In support of this, Ni et al. (2002) showed that feedingby D. noxia caused significant loss of chlorophyll a and b in the damaged regions in wheat. Regression analysis showed a positive strong correlation (r = 0.85) between chlorophyll loss and aphid number. Similar results were reported by Golawska et al. (2010) between Fabacea infested with aphids and SPAD values.
Results corroborates to findings by Haile et al. (1999) and Goławska et al. (2010) who pointed out that reduced levels of chlorophyll may be linked to increased production of many protective secondary metabolites, including saponins. Furthermore, plants infested with aphids may suffer significant harm as exhibited by ZN 10 from highly bioactive effector chemicals found in their salivary gland secretions resulting in yellowing and purplish leaves. This trend is supported by some authors (Cooper et al. 2010; Cooper et al. 2011; Nicholson et al. 2012; Rao et al. 2013; Stiytykiewicz et al. 2013). Furthermore, Gonzales et al. (2002) found ultrastructural damage to chloroplasts in leaves of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense L.) infested with S. flava, light microscopy indicated increased chloroplast volume, loss of grana structures and aggregation of starch granules. Increased chlorophyllase activity has been seen by certain researchers in plants that have been colonized by aphids (Ni et al. 2002; Ciepiela et al. 2005; Sytykiewicz 2007). According to Sytykiewicz et al. (2013), chloroplast membrane biocatalyst chlorophyllase (also known as chlorophyll chlorophyllidohydrolase; EC is in charge of hydrolyzing free chlorophyll substrates into their corresponding chlorophyllide forms.
Additionally, White (1990) highlighted that S. flava feeding results in leaf discoloration with possible photosynthetic decline, a similar case realized in susceptible sugarcane varieties used in this study. Akbar (2009) revealed that SPAD measurement in different sorghum cultivars ranged from 17-30 % loss of chlorophyll in response to M. sacchari feeding which fits in the category of ZN 10 susceptible sugarcane variety. Also, reports by Akbar (2009) state that chlorophyll loss from S. flava feeding in different sorghum ranged from 27-44 %. However, chlorophyll loss from this study falls short in susceptible sugarcane varieties when compared to the above mentioned range. This might be the effects of YSA host interaction on reproduction of S. flava and intrinsic population dynamics since their studies were in sorghum hence proving the contribution of aphid host interaction. In support of this, a study by Hentz and Nuessly (2004) observed that one to five nymphs per day are developed on sorghum, 8-15 days, they later develop into adults. In other host plants such as sugarcane, development from nymphs to adults takes about 18-22 days; this reveals that reproduction cycle has an impact on YSA prolificacy which influence host chlorophyll loss.
In support of our findings, Lage et al. (2003) pointed out that a variety that maintains relatively high chlorophyll content despite infestation is considered a good indicator of plant tolerance to herbivores as proven by 00-1165. However, ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L exhibited moderate physiological tolerance although they were not significantly different from each other. Chlorophyll ranges in our study confirms possible yield prediction that feeding by YSA can reduce sugarcane yield by 6% within the first two to three months of growth due to chlorosis losses of up to 19% when more than six leaves are chlorotic (Reagan 1994, Hentz et al. 2004, Nuessly 2005; Nuessly et al. 2010 and Wilson 2019). According to our findings, resistant sugarcane genotypes (00-1165, ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L) may have high levels of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2) buildup and robust antioxidant gene overexpression which may have aided in the development of host plant tolerance. Similar confirmation of such results was reported in resistant sorghum genotypes in response to sugarcane aphid damage (Shankar and Yinghua 2021).
2.8.2 Gas exchange responses
Results of the study showed that gas exchange responses of commercial sugarcane varieties contributes significantly to physiological tolerance against YSA. In aphid infested plots, 00-1165 was more tolerant when compared to other varieties as it recorded high photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomata conductance. Moderate level of physiological tolerance was exhibited in ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L sugarcane varieties. The reduction of conductance in ZN 10, N14 AND 96-1107 showed there are not tolerant, this further suggests that stomatal interference contributes to decreased photosynthetic rates in susceptible varieties (Meyer and Whitlow 1992).
In this study, infestation of YSA reduced photosynthetic rate. This might be reduction in chlorophyll content which is a pre-requisite for photosynthesis to occur. Phloem cells can be injected with saliva when there is an aphid infestation. Saliva is known to contain a range of effector proteins, hydrolytic enzymes, and toxic compounds that trigger plant perception of aphid invasion and may exacerbate the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), a precursor to oxidative stress (Shankar and Yinghua 2021). Oxidative stress, defined as high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production within a cell, results in oxidative damage to membranes (lipid peroxidation), pigments, proteins, and nucleic acids, ultimately leading to cell death (Mittler 2002; Gechev 2006). Resistant sugarcane genotype (00-1165) might have been evolved in an antioxidant mechanism to counteract the harmful effects of ROS and shield the plant from oxidative damage by eliminating excess ROS from the cell as highlighted in a study by Shankar and Yinghua (2021). The antioxidant system consists of free transient metals (e.g., Fe2+), antioxidants (e.g., ascorbate, glutathione, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH)), and ROS detoxifying proteins (e.g., superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione peroxidases (GPX, glutathione S-transferase (GST), peroxiredoxin (PRX), and ascorbate peroxidases (APX, GPX, and glutathione S-transferase (GST), ascorbate peroxidases (APX, GPX, and GST), ascorbate, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) (Mittler et al. 2004; Apel and Hirt; 2004; Pekker et al. 2002; Foyer and Noctor 2005; Gelhaye et al. 2005; Noctor and Foyer 1998; Pei et al. 2000; Dat et al. 2000; Grant and Loake 2000; Shankar and Huang 2021). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are recognized for their role as signaling molecules in the control of cellular growth, stomatal closure (Apel and Hirt 2004; Foyer and Noctor 2005; Pei et al. 2000; Dat et al. 2000; Grant and Loake 2000; Shankar and Huang 2021), programmed cell death (Gechev et al. 2006), and response to biotic and abiotic stresses (Gechev et al. 2006; Suzuki et al. 2012). Moreover, increased ROS accumulation can also trigger host plant defense response mediated by systemic acquired immune responses SARS (Wu et al. 1997; Cao et al. 1998; Zhang et al. 1999; Asada et al. 2006). In support of this study, certain theories suggest that plants that experience ROS suppression become more susceptible to aphid attacks, while ROS build up may lead to aphid resistance (Shoala et al. 2018).
Similar results on chlorophyll loss were confirmed by Ni et al. (2002) who showed that feedingby D. noxia caused significant loss of chlorophyll a and b in the damaged regions in susceptible wheat varieties. However, in this study, tolerant (00-1165) and other moderate tolerant (ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L) varieties were able to maintain high chlorophyll content despite infestation. Results concurs to findings by Lage et al. (2003) who revealed that a variety that maintains relatively high chlorophyll content despite infestation is considered a good indicator of plant tolerance to herbivores.
According to Macedo et al. (2003), transient analysis of chlorophyll a fluorescence revealed two potential mechanisms underlying the plant responses: (i) end-product inhibition of photosynthesis brought on by feeding-induced source-sink manipulation (possibly with concurrent disruption of CO2 assimilation on the dark reaction); or (ii) photo-inhibition on the light reactions resulting from an increase in activated oxygen species within the chloroplast due to the generation of triplet-chlorophyll in the pigment-protein complex concomitant with disruption of the thylakoid membrane. By measuring the concentrations of the decreasing glucose sugar, biochemical analysis of the non-structural carbohydrate pools in wounded leaves reveals considerable increases in carbohydrate pools following injury. Their results suggested that an accumulation of photosynthetic end-products, which might then set off a sequence of inhibitory reactions, was the main factor affecting plant photosynthesis. This might be the case associated with susceptibility in tested sugarcane varieties (96-1107, N14 and ZN 10).
Results indicating lower stomata conductance and transpiration in sensitive sugarcane cultivars (96-1107, N14 and ZN 10) may be due to YSA's stimulation of the abscisic acid signaling pathway, which in turn caused a reduction in stomata aperture size. Similar findings were published by Sun et al. (2015), who observed that aphid infestation on Medicago truncatula stimulated the abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathway to reduce the plant's stomatal apertures, hence reducing leaf transpiration. This may have improved the phloem feeding time in aphid-infested plots by increasing xylem feeding time and decreasing hemolymph osmolarity. Moreover, YSA may have caused the decreased stomata conductance by upregulating ABA carbonic anhydrase in stressed YSA infested susceptible sugarcane varieties. The results corroborate those of Guo et al. (2016), who found that probing by aphids increased the expression of carbonic anhydrase, an ABA-independent enzyme.
The stress from YSA increased the amount of ABA produced which might have increased expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MPK). The expression of mitogen-activated protein kinases-4 (MPK4), which raises plant susceptibility to YSA and activates anion in the guard cells to start stomata closure, may have been stimulated by the ABA signaling pathway. The findings are corroborated by Jakobson et al. (2016), who observed that MPK4 inhibits HIGH LEAF TEMPERATURE1(HT1, a crucial CO2-specific regulator of stomatal movement, in order to activate the anion channel SLAC1 in the guard cells and cause stomatal closure). Guo et al. (2017) also came to the conclusion that MPK4 has two effects: it suppresses the jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathway, which might have caused reduced transpiration and stomata conductance insusceptible sugarcane varieties (96-1107, N14 and ZN 10). According to Guo et al. (2017) decreasing stomatal aperture in an environment with higher CO2 enhanced aphid feeding efficiency and consequently aphid fitness. This might have been a similar case exhibited by sugarcane varieties under study.
Furthermore, the regression analysis indicated a positive correlation (r = 0.57) between photosynthesis and aphid number. This shows that aphid density influences the photosynthesis outcome as they inflict stress and injury to susceptible sugarcane genotypes. Similar results were reported by Haile et al. (1999) that there is an inverse relationship between the number of Russian wheat aphids (Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) and the rate of photosynthesis on wheat. This study reveals that aphids interfere negatively with physiological processes in plants in susceptible sugarcane varieties. Similar discoveries were reported by Nagaraj et al. (2002) who found out that photosynthesis was highly significantly positive correlated with chlorophyll content in green bug damaged sorghum. Furthermore, the same abovementioned author cited that with a small drop in chlorophyll content, a drastic decrease in photosynthesis was noticed (r = 0.36) which falls within the correlation of 0.44 we obtained. In line with this, a significant decline in chlorophyll concentration was reported by Burd and Eliot (1996) in infested leaf tissue of D. noxia-susceptible wheat and barley. The same decrease was also noticed in 96-1107, N14 and ZN 10 sugarcane varieties indicating that they cannot copy with high aphid infestations on tested physiological mechanisms. Genotypes such ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L were able to exhibit high infestation and still retain chlorophyll content and remain with high photosynthesis. Thus a genotype with a greater correlation or more sensitive relationship between drop in chlorophyll content and photosynthesis is undesirable since productivity will be reduced. In addition to this, Macedo et al. (2003a) reported similar results for wheat under continuous light, but under continuous darkness for 72 hours there was no change in photosynthesis induced by Russian wheat aphids. Furthermore, Frazen et al. (2007) showed that tolerant wheat had similar rates of photosynthesis compared to the control and an antibiotic-resistant cultivar delayed photosynthetic senescence. This similar trend was shown on the tolerant variety (00-1165) and moderate tolerant varieties (ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L) that these varieties can be used in environments where YSA is a menace because they expressed physiological tolerance. Contrary to our finding, Gomez et al. (2006) found no change in the rate of photosynthesis in cotton after a 9-day infestation with cotton aphids (Aphis gossypii G.).
Reduction in gas exchange responses has been observed in infested hosts in sucking insect pests such as Nilaparvata lugens in rice (Watanabe and Kitagawa, 2000) and Bemisia argentifolli in cotton (Lin et al., 1999). However, in contrary, Macedo et al.(2009) reported that Diuraphis noxia does not affect transpiration rate in wheat plants. Furthermore, Hawkins et al. (2006) found that aphid-infested plants had more net CO2 exchange rates than their respective controls. Moreover, Heng- Moss et al. (2003) speculated feeding mainly on phloem tissue by the aphids result in pH change either on the luminal side of the thylakoid membrane, preventing the formation of zeaxanthin and the regeneration of violaxanthin on the stromal side where the process occurs. Additionally, Burd and Elliott (1996) showed that aphid feeding has the possibility of reducing protein synthesis causing photoinhibition to be irreversible and blocking electron transport on the photosystem II reaction center. This might result in over-reduction in the system reducing chlorophyll formation and photosynthesis in infested tested species. Also, Haile et al. (1999) and Heng-Moss et al. (2003) found a significant decline in the photosynthetic rate in aphid-infested leaves. Their study speculated that this might have resulted from increased biochemical resistance in response to insect herbivory hence a possible contribution to this study. The decline in chlorophyll concentration as exhibited by yellowish and purplish discoloration in our study might also be due to the increased production of defensive compounds. This calls for further studies to accurately conclude. Among the studied sugarcane species, the number of aphids was lowest on 00-1165 plants, indicating that they are less attractive to YSA.
Results of this study confirms those found by various authors (Haile et al. 1999, Haile and Higley 2003; Macedo et al., 2003a,b; Frazen et al. 2007; Gutsche et al. 2009a; Pierson et al. 2010a; Pierson et al. 2011; Prochaska 2015) who reported reductions and compensatory mechanisms specifically in crops with demonstrated tolerance to a specific aphid species. These studies indicate that compensatory mechanisms found in tolerant sugarcane varieties may be connected to the ability to maintain or increase Ribulose Bi-phosphate (RuBP) and rubisco activity. In support of this hypothesis, Haile et al. (1999) predicted that physiological responses such as gas exchange can contribute to Russian wheat injury resulting in wheat seedlings recording lower light saturation points in infested seedlings.
Most often, the loss of photosynthetic tissue after feeding by defoliating insects induces an increase in the photosynthetic rate per unit area in the remaining leaf tissues, allowing the plant to partially compensate for the herbivory (Welter 1989). In other cases, herbivory induces a decrease in assimilation rate in the remaining leaf tissues (Zangerl et al. 2002). Large reductions in photosynthesis have also been measured on leaves infested by mesophyll eaters such as spider mites (Welter 1989; Haile and Higley 2003) and stink bugs (Velikova et al. 2010). For example, aphid and spider mite effectors have been shown to suppress plant defense signals and responses, thereby enhancing herbivore performance (Atamian et al. 2013; Naessens et al. 2015; Schimmel et al. 2017).
The effects of insect feeding on leaf stomata conductivity and transpiration rate also vary widely among the sugarcane genotypes as indicated by our study. Similar results were confirmed by Shannag (2007) metabolically active substances secreted with aphid saliva into the phloem that increased transpiration and stomatal conductance rates. These in turn interfere with the regulation process of water vapour from the host plant. Yellowing and reddening of leaves inflicted by YSA in our study reduced leaf area for physiological processes. In support of this, Aldea et al. (2005) confirm that insect damage increased soybean water loss around damaged tissue. Additionally, the same authors further reported that both net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of the remaining leaf tissue were unaffected by the leaf deciduous beetle (Popillia japonica) and caterpillar (Helicoverpa zea) (Aldea et al. 2005). In contrast, Tang et al. (2006) found that both water stress caused by increased water loss near the injured tissue in Arabidopsis thaliana and reduced stomatal conductivity in tissues distant from the injury by the Lepidoptera Trichoplusia ni inhibited photosynthesis. Pincebourde and Ngao (2021) concluded that assimilation and transpiration rates are affected simultaneously; water loss increases while photosynthesis decreases. In the first case, leaf efficiency (water use efficiency) is at best kept constant as the plant compensates for tissue loss due to herbivory. However, although full compensation is rare as reported by Peterson (2000), mitigation is possible and may contribute to plant tolerance to herbivores (Pincebourde et al. 2006). The observed variability in leaf gas exchange responses to insect damage remains difficult to explain as mentioned by Pincebourde and Ngao (2021).
Variations in the photosynthetic rate show different physiological mechanisms for resistance (Pierson et al. 2011; Paudyal 2019). Furthermore, YSA injury significantly reduced the photosynthetic rate of 96-1107, N14 and ZN 10. Significantly higher photosynthetic rates were observed in resistant entries, 00-1165, ZN 9, ZN 8 and ZN 3L on YSA infested plots. This is supported by the hypothesis by Pierson et al. (2011) in sorghum that plants increase their photosynthetic rate to compensate for the feeding injury, a similar case with YSA in our study.
Findings of this research demonstrates that YSA sugarcane resistant plants appear to be able to compensate for injury caused by YSA feeding through increased chlorophyll content, maintaining or increasing; photosynthetic integrity, transpiration and stomata conductance when compared to susceptible genotypes. These findings support previous research with other aphid species (Retuerto et al. 2004; Heng-Moss et al. 2006; Frazen et al. 2007; Gutsche et al. 2009; Akbar et al. 2009; Paudyal 2019; Paudyal et al. 2020). However other variables like; leaf age, nutritional composition and micro-environment parameters may also influence photosynthesis as reported by Nagaraj et al. (2002). Knowledge of the physiological alterations occurring in sugarcane leaves infested by YSA may provide information on resistance and defense responses. This will be leveraged to develop new YSA resistant sugarcane cultivars.