Molecular diversity analysis study using DNA-based markers is an efficient strategy to estimate genetic diversity and population structure. In the current study, SSR marker techniques served to investigate genetic diversity among khapli or emmer germplasm comprising Indian landraces, local collection, indigenous as well as exotic cultivars. A total of 56 Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) markers were employed to characterize 96 selected diverse dicoccum wheat accessions. Out of these, 28 markers located on different 13 chromosomes, showed polymorphism and detected a total of 93 alleles. Of 28, 13 SSRs were located on group A, and 15 were located on group B. Out of 4 SSRs, for each chromosome the number of polymorphic SSRs varied from 1 (1A, 1B, 4A, and 7B) to 3 (2A, 3A, 4B, 5B, 6B, and 7A). Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) was observed highest for Xcfd20 marker (0.9912) followed by Xcfd13 (0.9853), Xgwm636 (0.9658), Xcfd5 (0.9149) and the lowest PIC value (0.1365) for Xgwm2 marker (Table 1). The molecular profile of emmer germplasm using simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker namely, Xwmc737 is shown in Fig. 1. Among all SSR markers, Xwmc737, Xwmc617, Xwmc783, Xcfd39, Xbarc182, Xcfa2040, Xcfa2134, Xcfa2219, Xcfa2147 showed more length variation among different accessions and hence were considered the best markers for the study of genetic diversity and characterization of dicoccum accessions. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 6 with an average of 1.68 alleles per locus which was found to be lower compared to the majority of previous studies conducted on emmer wheat genetic resources. In one study, researchers detected 2–8 alleles per locus (with an average of 4) in a collection of 39 Italian emmer accessions, using 6 EST-SSR markers [28]. In another analysis of 194 emmer accessions with 15 SSR markers, an average of 7.7 alleles per locus was found [29]. Similarly, in a diversity analysis of 34 Ethiopian emmer landraces using 29 microsatellite markers, an average of 6.95 alleles per locus was reported [18]. Additionally, a study reported a total of 148 bands ranging from 3 to 18, with an average of 10.21 bands per primer (95.42% polymorphism rate) [30].
In addition, a total of 6 private alleles were identified with frequency of one unique band in 96 accessions. Some of them are Xcfa2040 (7A) with band size 320bp in accession EC519491, Xcfd39 (4B) with band size 180bp in IC35097, Xgwm2 (3A) with two different band sizes 130bp, 220bp in IC128425, Xwmc617 (4B) with band size 225bp in IC443709, Xwmc505 (3A) with band size 120bp in IC128425, and Xwmc737 (6B) with band size 160 bp in IC138418.
Table 1
List of 28 polymorphic SSR markers along with their chromosomal position and PIC.
S. No | SSR marker | Chromosomal position | PIC | S. No | SSR marker | Chromosomal Position | PIC |
1 | Xcfa2219 | 1A | 0.33496 | | 15 | Xwmc617 | 4B | 0.69889 |
2 | Xcfa2147 | 1B | 0.22352 | | 16 | Xwmc238 | 4B | 0.2143 |
3 | Xcfd86 | 2A | 0.31749 | | 17 | Xcfa2190 | 5A | 0.41786 |
4 | Xgwm636 | 2A | 0.96582 | | 18 | Xcfa2250 | 5A | 0.15441 |
5 | Xgwm497 | 2A | 0.50597 | | 19 | Xcfd5 | 5B | 0.91493 |
6 | Xbarc167 | 2B | 0.62283 | | 20 | Xcfd20 | 5B | 0.99121 |
7 | xcfd73 | 2B | 0.33811 | | 21 | Xwmc783 | 5B | 0.66005 |
8 | Xcfa2076 | 3A | 0.2577 | | 22 | Xcfd13 | 6B | 0.98535 |
9 | Xgwm2 | 3A | 0.1365 | | 23 | Xbarc178 | 6B | 0.26975 |
10 | Xwmc505 | 3A | 0.50987 | | 24 | Xwmc737 | 6B | 0.74273 |
11 | Xbarc180 | 3B | 0.23893 | | 25 | Xbarc174 | 7A | 0.28722 |
12 | Xcfa2134 | 3B | 0.66385 | | 26 | Xcfa2040 | 7A | 0.342 |
13 | Xbarc170 | 4A | 0.71094 | | 27 | Xwmc596 | 7A | 0.72374 |
14 | Xcfd39 | 4B | 0.25792 | | 28 | Xbarc182 | 7B | 0.33301 |
Population structure and genetic relationships
Based on STRUCTURE analysis, 96 accessions were divided in two sub-populations namely P1, and P2, consisting of 33 and 63 accessions respectively (Table 2). Sub-population 1 consisted of 21 Indigenous Collections and 12 Exotic Collections while Sub-population 2 consisted of 43 Indigenous Collections and 20 Exotic Collections germplasm. A total of nine accessions were found to show admixture. Within a group, accessions with affiliation probabilities (inferred ancestry) > 80% were assigned to a distinct group, and those with < 80% were treated as admixture, i.e., these accessions seem to have mixed ancestry from parents belonging to different gene-pools or geographical origin (Fig. 2). A significant genetic divergence was observed among the two subpopulations from each other. A total of 93 polymorphic alleles were scored in 96 dicoccum accessions. In sub-population P1, a total of 71 polymorphic alleles were recorded, whereas in sub-population P2, 88 alleles were present. Several private alleles (i.e. alleles/markers present only in one accession) were found in the analysed material which may distinguish populations as well as accessions. In sub-population 1, 5 Private/unique alleles and in sub-population 2, 22 Private/unique alleles were observed which can be used for germplasm identification.
The presence of private alleles specific for the accessions deriving from the same region is important to assign a fixed allele discriminating the origin site, for preservation of genetic pool of the region and, as a source of new variation. Hence, these results confirm that this germplasm, of which cultivation was tremendously reduced, should be conserved to avoid the loss of important alleles. In order to gain insights into the genetic structure of emmer wheat and to identify potentially valuable accessions, a molecular characterization study was conducted on Italian emmer wheat accessions [29]. Distinctive molecular traits and considerable diversity were observed both within and among varieties of 39 Italian ecotypes and cultivars of emmer wheat, as characterized through the use of agro-morphological and molecular tools [28]. The genetic diversity of tetraploid native wheats and emmer wheat cultivated in Ethiopia was investigated using microsatellites markers [18, 31]. Similarly, 47 microsatellite (SSR) markers were utilized to evaluate the genetic variability of 48 emmer wheat accessions from India, which included 28 accessions collected locally and 20 accessions obtained from CIMMYT, Mexico [17]. In an investigation into the relationship between the eco-geographic and genomic diversity of emmer wheat and its performance under Mediterranean climate conditions, it was observed that the eco-geographic grouping of emmer wheat accessions aligned with their genomic grouping [32]. In general, reported studies covered mostly smaller set of emmer germplasm. However, we analysed relatively larger set of 96 genotypes in comparison to previous studies to estimate molecular diversity and to discover novel allele variations within the set and the unique alleles identified here may be used for molecular differentiation of germplasm.
Table 2
List of germplasm accession divided under two sub-populations.
Population | Accessions |
Sub-Population 1 | IC28596, IC32513, IC35097, IC47545, IC138450, EC577960, IC78699, IC32502, EC519491, EC540809, EC540812, IC78706, EC609395, EC577402, EC540813, EC299211, EC299157, EC299111, IC118765, EC578111, IC551400, EC577932, IC35174, IC35170, IC47026, IC47034, IC47037, IC35171, IC35119, IC47021, IC551396, IC566241, IC535086 |
Sub-Population 2 | IC212168, IC535071, IC212164, IC212165, EC06900, EC12565, IC402012, IC402020, IC593664, EC11072, IC551399, IC551398, IC113725, EC590345, IC402045, IC535130, IC584049, IC591073, IC534018, IC47548, IC138371, IC128425, IC535079, IC138900, IC118729, IC534587, IC534016, IC533783, IC138331, EC577400, EC06845, EC06839, EC11389, EC08572, EC06908, EC08479, EC6839, IC535116, IC443709, IC539302, IC416358, IC138474, IC535142, IC128392, IC530555, IC535301, IC531559, IC47048, IC47800, IC118774, EC6838, IC47022B, IC277713, IC547564, IC252504, IC252503, IC551397, IC138472, IC112083, IC138418, EC11073, EC11232, IC448026 |
Population Genetic Differentiation Assessment through Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA)
AMOVA was conducted to assess population differentiation among 96 dicoccum wheat accessions. Allelic information from two subpopulations identified by STRUCTURE analysis was utilized for the AMOVA and calculation of genetic diversity indices. The results of the AMOVA indicated that 1% of the total variation was found among or between subpopulations, while the remaining 99% of the variation was due to individuals or accessions within subpopulations. Genetic variation within the two populations, including sample size, number of different alleles (Na), number of effective alleles (Ne), Shannon’s index (I), expected heterozygosity (He), and unbiased expected heterozygosity (uHe), are presented in Table 3. Number of effective alleles (Ne) was 1.321 and 1.352 in subpopulation 1 and 2 respectively. Similarly, Shannon’s index was more i.e 0.353 in subpopulation 2 than in subpopulation 1 i.e. 0.302. The percentage of polymorphic loci per population was higher in subpopulation II (94.62%) than subpopulation I (70.97%). Populations had average values of 0.327, 0.208 and 0.211 for I, h, and uh, respectively. Thus, it is evident by the result that the Subpopulation II is genetically more diverse than subpopulation I. It comprised mostly indigenous collections such as IC277713, Local Sadak from Karnataka; IC138418, Kenphed from Delhi; IC448026, Goduma vadlu (from Andhra Pradesh), and several local collections from Karnataka.
The AMOVA analysis carried out in this study offered valuable insights into the population differentiation among 96 dicoccum wheat accessions. The findings indicated a low level of genetic differentiation among subpopulations and a high level of differentiation within subpopulations. Furthermore, these results validate the previously reported high genetic variability in emmer wheat [20, 28, 31].
Table 3
Genetic diversity parameters including the number of different alleles (Na), number of effective allele (Ne), information index (I), expected heterozygosity (He), and unbiased heterozygosity (UHe) in two sub-population of 96 dicoccum accessions
Pop | No. of Bands | Bands Freq. >= 5% | No. of Private Bands | Sample size | Number of alleles | Number of effective alleles Ne | Information index, I | Mean Expected heterozygosity, He | Mean Unbiased Heterozygosity uHe | %P |
Pop1 | 71 | 63 | 5 | 21.731 | 1.473 | 1.321 | 0.302 | 0.195 ± 0.019 | 0.200 ± 0.020 | 70.97% |
Pop2 | 88 | 77 | 22 | 72.989 | 1.892 | 1.352 | 0.353 | 0.222 ± 0.017 | 0.223 ± 0.017 | 94.62% |
Mean | | | | 47.36 | 1.682 | 1.336 | 0.327 | 0.208 ± 0.018 | 0.211 ± 0.019 | 82.795% |
Cluster analysis of 96 dicoccum wheat accessions based on SSR markers
The SSRs profiling data was used to study the genetic diversity among 96 dicoccum accessions by hierarchical clustering approach employing Jaccard’s dissimilarity index and neighbour joining distance using GenAlex 6.5 software (Fig. 3). Dicoccum accessions were classified into two main groups/clusters. Cluster I comprised 33 accessions, consisting of 21 indigenous and 12 exotic collections whereas cluster II comprised 63 accessions, consisting of 43 indigenous and 20 exotic accessions. Accessions, IC138472 (NP163) and IC112083 (Khapli, local collection) were very closely related as evident by clustering. Similarly, IC402020 and IC402012 augmented from Haryana state were similar and overlapped together. Also, EC11386 and EC08572 introduced from USA grouped together with close proximity. This may be due to high genetic similarity between them sharing same pedigree. Although indigenous and exotic collection grouped in a mixed fashion, without clear-cut separation, it seems that there is not much differentiation at genomic level in emmer genotypes from different geographical region. Salunkhe et al. (2013) [17] also reported that Indian emmer wheats are not very diverse. Consequently, there is a need to increase the diversity within the Indian emmer wheat eco-geographic group, by introducing diversity from other eco-geographic groups, or even from other wheat species. The low genetic diversity in emmer accessions may be due to decreased cultivation area during the past years and limited cultivation in small pockets that emphasized a need to broaden the genetic base of emmer wheat genetic resources in India towards increasing its genetic diversity, breeding and conservation.
This study concluded that the SSR markers are cost effective techniques for the evaluation of the genetic diversity in wild relatives of wheat. We could identify and select polymorphic SSR markers, that can be used in future research work. The unique alleles identified may serve as diagnostic tools for particular region of the genome of respective genotypes. Based on the allelic information and cluster analysis, it was revealed that cultivated emmer wheat specifically from Indian origin had relatively low genetic diversity and narrow genetic base. Therefore, we should target for introducing diversity by crossing Indian genepool with other exotic material from different eco-geographic group or with other wheat species.