A. Participants and experimental procedure
The data used in this study was acquired and has been made available on OpenNeuro (https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds003037). This data was obtained from a clinical trial conducted at the Clinical Research Division of the National Institute of Psychiatry in Mexico City, Mexico.
Thirty-six CUD patients (6f/30m) were recruited for the 2-week acute phase of rTMS treatment. Specifically, each patient received 2 daily sessions of 5-Hz rTMS (5,000 pulses) on the left DLPFC for two weeks. All these patients first underwent a double-blind phase were twenty-four of them were actively treated by rTMS. The other twelve patients received two weeks of open-label rTMS after this blind phase. After this acute phase, 19, and 14 participants underwent twice-a-week maintenance phase of rTMS application for 3 months, and 6 months, respectively. Here, we aim to consider patients from these stages who received real rTMS during short and long periods, and investigate the effects of the rTMS application in these time intervals. The cocaine users were included in the study based on the criteria: 1) age 18–50 years, and 2) high cocaine consumption for at least 1 year. Clinical and MRI data were obtained for each patient at baseline (bs), after 2 weeks (2w), after 3 months (3m), and after 6 months (6m). An overview of the demographic data is shown in Table 1. Detailed information about recruitment, study design, and a complete demographics can be found in a previous publication by Garza-Villarreal et al 11.
It should be noted that the original study on this dataset 11 was designed with 44 CUD patients that first underwent a 2-week double-blind randomized controlled trial, with 24 patients in the active group and 20 in the sham group. After the 2-week phase, 12 patients from the sham group underwent real rTMS sessions for 2 weeks. Since our main goal was to study the impacts of the rTMS treatment in the CUD patients, we did not focus on the double-blind trial, and included all patients who received real rTMS for 2 weeks (24 + 12: 36 patients at baseline and 2w). Following this phase, 19 and 14 patients out of the 36 patients participated in the 3m and 6m time points, respectively, and were included in our study, as well.
B. Clinical assessment
The primary clinical score for outcome measurement was craving, including Cocaine Craving Visual Scale and Cocaine Craving Questionnaire Now as described below.
Cocaine Craving Visual Scale (VAS)
This score is used to evaluate the patients’ craving at the moment of assessment. To do so, a 10 cm line with “no craving” and “the most intense craving” at each end of it, is shown to the patients, and they were asked to mark their craving level at the moment of assessment.
Cocaine Craving Questionnaire Now (CCQ-N): The CCQ is a 45-item questionnaire that explores cocaine craving among patients. The CCQ-Now asks participants about their craving at the moment of assessment. The items are related to the following contents: desire to use cocaine, intention and planning to use cocaine, anticipation of positive outcome, the anticipation of relief from withdrawal or dysphoria, and lack of control overuse 4.
The detailed statistics of clinical measurements are provided in Table 1.
C. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
During the 10 weekdays of acute phase, 5-Hz rTMS was delivered every day, using a MagPro R30 + Option magnetic stimulator and a figure-eight B65-A/P coil (MagVenture, Alpharettta, GA). Stimulation was delivered with 50 trains of 50 pulses at 100% motor threshold to the left DLPFC. To identify the cortical target for stimulation, vitamin E capsule fiducials were used during the MRI acquisition.
D. Imaging information
MRI scans were acquired using a Philips Ingenia 3T MR system (Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands, and Boston, MA, USA), with a 32-channel Head coil.
T1w images were acquired using a three-dimensional FFE SENSE sequence, TR/TE = 7/3.5ms, filed of view = 240mm2, matrix = 240×240mm, number of slices = 180, and voxel size = 1×1×1mm. Resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI) sequences were acquired using a gradient recalled (GE) echo planner imaging (EPI) sequence with 36 axial slices with the following parameters: TR = 2000ms, TE = 30.001ms, flip angle = 75°, matrix = 80×80×37, FOV = 240mm2, and voxel size of 3×3×3.3mm. The whole scanning last for 10min and a total of 300 volumes were acquired. During this time, the participants were asked to keep their eyes open, and relax, not thinking about anything in particular 4.
E. Preprocessing of anatomical images
T1w image of each subject was preprocessed using the SPM-based CONN Toolbox (RRID:SCR_009550, version 20b, doi:10.56441/hilbertpress.2048.3738). First, each subject’s T1 images were segmented for Grey/White/CSF parts and then were normalized to the standard MNI space. Then, the standard Harvard-Oxford Cortical atlas (https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/Atlases) was registered to each scan to obtain the related connectivity measures for each subject, and use in further processing.
F. Preprocessing of resting state data
Resting state fMRI data were preprocessed using the default preprocessing pipeline in CONN. Specifically, spatial preprocessing of functional volumes consisted of: realignment, slice timing correction, potential outlier scan detection, normalization to MNI space, and smoothing with an 8 mm full width half maximum Gaussian filter. The default denoising pipeline consisted of regressing out the potentially confounding components of white matter and cerebrospinal fluid, head motion, and identified outlier scans. Finally, the data were band-pass filtered to preserve the frequencies in the 0.01 to 0.08 Hz. The same preprocessing steps were done for the MRI data from two conditions (bs and 2w/3m/6m).
G. Processing
We implemented two main analyses to extract the predictors for the response prediction model. The methodological overview of the processing is displayed in Fig. 1. Thirty-six CUD patients were randomly selected for rTMS therapy. Baseline craving severity as well as the rsfMRI data were obtained for each subject at baseline, and three time points during the treatment – 2 weeks (2w), 3 months (3m), and 6 months (6m) after the start of the treatment. All rsfMRI and anatomical images passed through preprocessing steps, and then two main analyses were performed on them: seed-based connectivity (SBC) of LDLPFC and ACC, as well as whole brain multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA). LDLPFC and ACC were chosen for SBC as they are among the well-reported loci of dysfunction in executive control network in CUD. In the next step, second-level group analysis was performed in the CONN toolbox to obtain connectomics-based predictors at each time point. The significant cluster of voxels which had the largest correlation between the connectivity changes and craving changes were identified. We employed leave-one-subject-out cross-validation in our study to increase the generalizability of the results. The two neuromarkers along with the baseline craving scores were entered into a linear ordinary least square model to predict the changes in the craving scores. The performance of the predictive models was assessed using adjusted R-squared and mean absolute error.
1) Baseline craving severity:
The baseline severity of clinical condition of neuropsychiatric patients is a conventional predictor of individual responsivity to different treatments in psychiatric disorders 25,32,31,36. Therefore, we first examined the correlational relationship between baseline VAS and CCQ-N and the changes in these scores at three time points during the treatment.
2) Seed-based analysis:
Using Seed-to-voxel Bivariate Correlation (SBC) analysis in CONN 37, the correlation maps of left DLPFC as well as ACC with the rest of the brain voxels were obtained. Specifically, the first-level correlation maps of the seed are produced by computing the Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the BOLD time course of the seed and the time courses of all other brain voxels. The resultant correlation coefficients – r-maps – were then converted to z-scores using Fisher transformation, and submitted to the second-level General Linear Model analysis. Here, we defined the average stimulation target cone mask 11 as the seed mask for LDLPFC. This mask is obtained from averaging over individual stimulation targets, with the maximum value in the average target location. This mask has a large number of overlapping voxels with the left DLPFC (Brodmann areas 9 and 46), the major locus of dysfunction in CUD 7. The mask of ACC – extracted from the Harvard-Oxford Cortical atlas (https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/Atlases) – was selected as the other seed in our SBC analysis.
Fisher transformed r-maps of the seed regions were used in a second-level analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to regress the changes in DLPFC/ACC connectivity (pre minus post) based on the individual change in the clinical score (pre minus post condition) as a covariate of interest, controlling for the score at baseline (testing whether the correlation between connectivity-change and score-change differ from zero after controlling for the influence of baseline score value). The predictive model is compared to the null model using a standard likelihood ratio test. Results are estimated using height threshold uncorrected p < 0.01 and cluster-level threshold uncorrected p < 0.01.
To have a robust predictive model with the ability to be generalized to new cases, we performed a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation (LOSOCV) to extract the connectivity values of the seed with the largest significant cluster of voxels in the brain. In each iteration, the data from N-1 subjects were used to estimate the first largest cluster of voxels that has significant association with changes in the craving scores. Then, the average connectivity within this cluster was computed for the left-out subject, and this procedure was repeated for each participant. Doing so, the potential biases from selected voxels in the significant cluster is minimized 25.
3) Multi-voxel pattern analysis:
In this part, an agnostic data-driven approach known as multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) 38 in CONN 39 was used to extract the second set of predictors. The pairwise connectivity pattern between each voxel of the brain mask and all other voxels of the brain were computed, and then, the dimensionality of this multi-voxel pattern was reduced using principal component analysis (PCA). This was done to maximize the explained variability of the extracted patterns with a lower number of spatial components. Here, we selected only the first of four main components, and performed multivariate analysis to investigate the relationship between this component’s connectivity changes and the changes in the clinical scores, controlling for the baseline scores. The first largest cluster whose connectivity patterns were significantly correlated with craving changes was identified (height threshold uncorrected p < 0.01; cluster-level threshold uncorrected p < 0.01). The same LOSOCV procedure as in SBC analysis was used to extract subject-specific cluster mask and MVPA connectivity values, iteratively for each subject.
4) Statistical analyses:
To assess whether baseline craving score predicted change in the craving score, we used independent linear least square models using baseline score values as predictors. To test whether functional connectivity changes from SBC and MVPA analysis predicted the changes in craving scores (pre minus post), we ran linear regression models using these connectomics measures together with baseline score as predictors.
For all predictive models, we used statistical ordinary least squares (OLS) model in python. To numerically assess the quality of the predictive models, we used R2 values. These values represent the explained percent variance in clinical score changes. Here, we calculated Adjusted R2 (Adj. R2) which minimizes the biases due to model selection, and helps to better compare the model with different numbers of the degrees of freedom and predictors 40. The mean absolute error (MAE) represents the difference between the observed and predicted values, i.e., craving changes. In deciding between different models, the model with higher R2 and lower MAE is more favorable. Model performance was also assessed with maximum value of residuals. The maximum residual represents the maximum deviation from the observed score among the predicted values by the model.
LOSOCV of SBC and MVPA correlation analysis were performed in MATLAB using “spm_crossvalidation” code provided in the CONN toolbox. All other statistics were performed in python using statsmodels module version 0.14.0.
Ethics approval
All the procedures were approved by the institutional Ethics Research Committee (CEI/C/070/2016) and registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02986438) 4.