Field experiment
The experiment was carried out multiple times (from March to November 2019) in open fields located within a landscape containing mosaics of arable lands and patches of forest (these fields were specifically situated within a radius of 3km around this geographic point: -19.874617, -44.419997). The experimental design consisted of three treatments, for which a selected field border would be next to either (i) forest area (dense natural forest), (ii) perennial crop (i.e. either coffee, guava, citrus, pear or cassava), or (iii) annual crop (i.e., either soybean, maize or wheat). These experimental treatments (i.e. border location) were chosen to depict a gradient of land use intensification, with the greatest agricultural intensification represented by fields containing annual crops (i.e. greatest disturbance) and least intensification in forest patches. At the time of data collection, all annual crops were either at the end of the vegetative stage or in the middle of the reproductive stage (i.e. no crop flowers were present during data collection). This experiment was repeated in three different seasons (i.e. summer, winter and spring) with three replicates per treatment in each season, thereby yielding a total of 27 replicates. None of the borders was repeated across seasons (i.e. in each season a new border was selected according to the treatments). During the summer, winter and spring the minimum-maximum field temperature registered were 24–36°C, 19–30°C, 22–35°C, respectively. In general, each selected border was characterized by a strip of spontaneous vegetation located at the periphery of one side of either an agricultural field (annual or perennial) or forest patch. In the particular case of forests which have very lengthy sides (i.e. edges), any clear discontinuity in border vegetation was used to help visually delineating the beginning/end of the experimental border, and thereby stablishing its length. All selected borders faced their respective treatments on one side (i.e. annual crop, perennial, or forest patch), and an uncultivated area (fallow land) on the other side (Appendix S1: Fig. S1). None of the borders were mowed or treated with pesticides during this study. Likewise, the annual or perennial crops were not sprayed with pesticides, at least ten days prior to data collection. The selected experimental borders had an approximate width of 5.40 ± 0.85m, and a length of approximately 31.20 ± 3.30m (Appendix S1: Table S1). Despite the relative variation in border width and length, we carried out a standardized number of samples (see below) expecting to capture/encompass adequately any inherent proportional difference in plant and arthropod numbers within borders.
Specifically, we measured through samplings the richness of plant species and abundance of arthropods within borders. For plant species richness, all plants within each field border were identified in situ, or collected and taken to the laboratory for further identification. The plant identification in the laboratory was carried out by using reference exsiccata and books under the guidance of a plant specialist. Nonetheless, because of the high number of plant material collected and the appearance of very rare specimens, some of them were identified just as morphospecies. Because not all plant species were identified to the species level, in this current study the terms plant species and plant specimen are interchangeable. As for arthropods, we sampled both herbivores and natural enemies by using the following methods: (i) pitfall traps: these traps consisted of a plastic cup (500 ml) filled with 200 mL of ethanol solution (70%). Three pitfall traps were individually and equidistantly buried for 48 h to the surface level within each field border in a lengthwise direction. After field exposure the traps were taken to the laboratory for identifying and counting the arthropods under stereomicroscope. Pitfall traps were chosen to sample specially epigeal predators and herbivores, which are known to commonly scan the soil surface. (ii) yellow sticky traps: three sticky traps (10 × 30cm) were set up individually and equidistantly on bamboo stakes at 0.8 m suspended from the soil surface for 48 h period within each field border following a lengthwise direction. This sampling method was used to estimate mainly the abundance of flying and apterous arthropods occurring in each field border. The arthropods collected on the sticky traps were also taken to the laboratory for count and further identification under stereomicroscope. Because of the high number of sampled arthropods to process (pitfall + stick traps), it was not possible to identify them all to species level, especially considering the parasitoids. We thus use the terms “taxa” for herbivores and predators, and ‘‘morphospecies’’ for parasitoids in this current study. This level of identification is sufficient for our objectives, since we are more interested in community patterns than the response of individual species. Moreover, we assessed the occurrence of flowers in all borders in each season. To do so, we selected three 30 x 30 cm areas distributed equidistantly lengthwise within each border and recorded the number of flowers on plants therein, regardless of plant species.
The potential for biological control engendered by borders was also investigated by using sentinel collard plants (cultivar Manteiga) infested with aphids. Therefore, weeks prior to the field experiments we cultivated collards under greenhouse conditions in plastic pots of 3L (2 plants per pot) containing regular potting soil. Potted-collards were kept inside organza cages and watered manually about 2–3 times a week until experiment. Additionally, collards were artificially infested with aphids Brevicoryne brassicae inside the cages by placing a detached small collard leaf containing aphids (from a stock colony) atop the clean plants. Infested collards with 4–6 completely expanded leaves were used as sentinel plants in the field, where each selected border had one sentinel plant on both sides (1m away from both sides of each border vegetation). The potted collards were buried to the soil surface level to simulate a realistic situation. All aphids on sentinel plants were counted and adjusted to have approximately equal initial numbers on the day of the experiment setup. Thereafter, the infested plants were allowed to stay in the field for 48 hours. Following the 48-hour field exposure the number of aphids were counted again to estimate any potential increase/reduction in aphids. Furthermore, after the 48-exposure and the aphid counts the sentinel plants were individually enclosed by organza bags, and brought to the greenhouse to later assess any potential parasitism that might have taken place in the field (i.e. to count the number of mummified aphids).
Lastly, we carried out a bibliographic search for published articles that informed which of the plant species identified at the borders would commonly host aphids, and what species those aphids belonged to. We consider this additional information to be important as some spontaneous plants in the borders might host aphids, which often can serve as alternative prey/host for natural enemies. Nonetheless, we did not sample for aphids in situ (i.e. to count visually) on the spontaneous plants at the moment of this study.
Statistical analysis
All analyses were carried out in R statistical software (Development Core Team 2021). To test for differences of the proportion of plant species overlapping among border treatments (i.e. three-border overlap, two-border overlap, zero overlap) we carried out a Pearson’s Chi-squared test through a contingency table analysis. In this analysis, we assumed that the fewer the overlaps of plant species occurring among border treatments the greater the differences in the composition of plant communities occurring in those borders.
The effects of border location, season and their interaction upon the richness of plant species inhabiting the borders were assessed by carrying out a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) analysis. Likewise, the effects of border location, season and their interaction were tested on the abundance of herbivores (all specimens combined), natural enemies (all specimens combined), aphids, thrips or whiteflies by carrying out analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) using the GLM function, in which the richness of plant species was set as the covariate. All analyses aforementioned used a poisson distribution in the models considering the counts of plant species or arthropods to follow such distribution. Thereafter, any significant effect of the border location*season interaction led to posthoc pairwise analyses using the emmeans package (Lenth 2023) to compare within date (season) treatment means in regard to the effect of border location. Lastly, we investigated the effect of border location on the abundance of flowers by carrying out a Kruskal Wallis analysis followed by Bonferroni-adjusted pairwise mean-comparisons.
To investigate whether field location and/or season could affect arthropod community structuring (i.e. composition) in the borders we carried out Non-metric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMDS) analysis using the package vegan (Oksanen et al. 2022). The analysis was carried out individually for the communities of herbivores, predators and parasitoids. NMDS is a common way to summarize information from multidimensional data into a 2D representation or ordination. In such ordination, the closer two points are, the more similar the corresponding samples are with respect to the variables that were used to plot the NMDS graph. Furthermore, the NMDS analysis generates a ‘stress’ value, which somewhat works as the ‘goodness of fit’ of the data ordination. Specifically, any stress value smaller than 0.2 indicates a good representation of the data. Moreover, anytime the NMDS analysis engendered a stress value smaller than 0.2 we followed up with a ANOSIM test to investigate whether there was a statistical difference between the arthropod communities (i.e. composition) in regard to border location and season. The ANOSIM test examines the relative similarity of samples ‘within’ versus ‘between’ groups, which is based on the Bray-Curtis percent dissimilarity index. This analysis generates a R-statistic value, which varies from 1 (meaning all similar samples come from the same group) to -1 (meaning all similar samples come from different groups). Thus, a significant value of the R-statistic indicates that the community composition differs among borders.
To investigate the potential for biological control, we assumed that any reduction in aphid numbers assessed on sentinel plants at the end of the 48-h field exposure was due to predation, whereas any increase was most likely due to reproduction. The aphid population growth rate was used as a proxy for measuring the impact of biological control (predation + parasitism). To do so, the per capita growth rate of aphids was calculated for each border treatment from each date (season) according to the following formula (Chau et al. 2005).
$$r=\frac{\text{l}\text{n}({N}_{X+1}/ {N}_{X})}{\text{t}}$$
where NX is the aphid population size at time x, NX+1 the aphid population size at time x + 1, t is the difference in days between time x + 1 and x, and ln is napierian logarithm. The Nx was represented by the initial aphid counts on sentinel plants, whereas the NX+1 was represented by the final aphid counts (at the end of 48 hours) minus the number of mummified aphids (counted later after the 48-h exposure) on the same sentinel plants. To assess the impact of biological control on aphid population growth, we subjected the per capita growth rate data to an ANCOVA analysis using the GLM function, where the plant species richness was inserted as the co-variable.