The goal of our study was to model the expected time-organized reconfiguration of EEG-dependent functional connectivity, quantified in terms of the mean value and its variability, during the processes of transition between selected brain states. It was presumed that significant connectivity changes will appear during eyes closing and opening and during the transition between rest and a task-state [3, 10]. Referring to these assumptions, we wanted to identify potential specificity and differences between selected types of transitions in terms of their duration and possible stages of change. The results showed that significant modifications in functional connectivity concerned transitions between eyes opening and closing and eyes-closed rest and a task state in the alpha frequency.
Although posterior alpha waves reactivity during eye opening and closing has been documented many decades earlier [50, 51], our study reconstructed the sparsely explored temporally organized course of connectivity changes occurring during these transitions. As for eyes opening, the transition consisted of a fast decrease in coupling strength. PLI downturn occurred globally and at the level of selected network labeled as on-task and off-tasks. Besides overall synchronization strength, also its variability level decreased. This phenomenon means the process of connections alignment, which, taking into account the network topology changes, was possible due to the weakening of the highly centralized posterior hubs that dominated the eyes closed state. These changes took less than 1 second, suggesting that global connectivity functional pruning associated with eye-opening is a fast brain process. An important observation was that connectivity modification during eyes closing was not a mirror image of the ECEO reconfiguration. In the EOEC transition, connectivity strength and its variance increased. However, of special importance here is that this modulation was evidently slower than in the case of the ECEO networks shift, as indicated by the statistically significant differences in STR_M and STR_SD regarding the two intervals following the transition (i.e., time point = 0 s). The topology of the time-varying network also expressed different reorganization speed, as indicated by the formation of the posteriorly-centralized topology 3 seconds after eyes closing. Considering these findings, it seems likely that the global network's modulations ongoing during ECEO and EOEC exhibit different reorganization times. Connectivity changes recorded during eyes opening and closing considered the global network, as well as DMN and CEN suggesting the involvement of many neuronal structures not limited to the occipital cortex. Our outcomes are in line with other findings showing that, at the functional connectivity level, the differences between EO and EC states account for many other regions and specific networks [10, 11]. Han and co-workers [52] reported that differences regarding EO and EC states considered salience network, dorsal attention network, and selected motor and perceptual networks. Particularly, a connectivity strength increase during the EC state was reported. However, there are also some opposite findings suggesting an increase of coupling in DMN during EO condition; although in this case, authors referred mainly to posterior structures overlapping with the occipital cortex [16]. The decrease in alpha band power observed in EEG recordings during eye opening has been usually interpreted as disinhibition of the occipital cortex, enabling the processing of visual stimuli [53]. The results of network research suggest that the difference between EO and EC brain configurations reflect rather global dimensions associated with an exteroceptive state of attention and vigilance (EO) or interoception and mental imagery (EC) [10, 54]. Also, Nakano et al. [55], in a series of original experiments with blinking, evidenced that even momentary eyes closing is associated with redirecting brain states into internally-oriented mental processing. In this context, our findings documenting a rapid global connectivity shift just after eye-opening might suggest a transition towards a state of readiness and alertness with potentially high evolutional significance.
Subsequent analyses concerned neural network rearrangement between the rest and the task state. The transition from eyes-closed-rest to a task state contains eye-opening, a process of connectivity modulation described earlier; therefore, we focused on eyes-open-rest into task transition. As presented in the Supplementary Materials, a network conversion from eyes-closed-to-task was associated with significant connectivity changes. The only negative finding concerned EO-task transition. This result can be explained by referring to several issues, including the methodological solutions used in our study. Firstly, the task (1-Back), although chosen deliberately, could be too easy, causing a lack of significant network reconfiguration. However, it seems unlikely due to the fact that even when performing a relatively simple task, the mere fact of the need to engage attentional mechanisms outwards should be sufficient to activate the task-on network [56]. Positive findings indicating significant differences between on-task and off-task networks come from studies in which many tasks of various complexity levels were used to elicit task-dependent brain activity [8]. This seems to be an ideal solution in such research because a given state-dependent network arrangement is not related to one task specificity. Unfortunately, such an approach could not be used in our study because it would require showing instructions each time and going through trial tasks, which would ultimately humper recording the transition from rest to task activity. Secondly, the majority of previous studies on differences between off-task and on-task neural networks were conducted using fMRI, a method measuring a different type of signal than EEG. Additionally, FC values based on fMRI and EEG are grounded on distinctive computational methods, which raises a question about the translatability of research outcomes regarding network transfigurations [57]. There is an ongoing debate about the compatibility of time-organized connectivity patterns coming from fMRI and EEG, and the conclusions are not still unequivocal, considering that some studies indicate significant positive relationships [58], while others point out substantial differences [59, 60]. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the lack of significant FC modification during EO-task transition is related to the EEG specificity and that studies using other neuroimaging modalities would obtain different results in this respect. Although the influence of mentioned methodological solutions on presented outcomes cannot be completely ruled out, what may be considered a limitation of the study, a more thorough literature review suggests other explanations. In previous studies comparing neural networks estimated in rest and task states, a certain tendency is noticeable, adding new insight into our results. In some of these researches, a 'rest' condition was recorded with eyes open [8, 61–63], in others with eyes closed [6, 64, 65], and, in another, there was no information on this matter [2]. A typical trend in studies with eyes-open rest was to highlight similarities between rest and task networks, while substantial differences concerned mainly the studies with eyes closed resting-state, or when the rest condition was non-specified. Considering the above, it seems likely that if EO-rest and task-related networks have congruent features, no significant transition between them would occur, at least at the level of basic measures such as connectivity strength and variability.
Before drawing conclusions some potential shortcomings of this study should be addressed. To our knowledge, the constructed experimental protocol was correct, but due to the fact that the applied processual analysis was carried out for the first time, it is possible that this protocol could be improved in future studies, e.g. regarding the number of between-state transition repetitions. However, it is possible that significantly increasing repetitions of task exposure could also lead to cognitive habituation, attenuating differences between rest and task-related networks. The lack of effects in frequencies other than alpha does not mean the complete absence of network transitions at frequencies such as delta and theta. Analyses comprising low frequencies may yield new results; however, we presumed that combining connectivity measures from a very wide frequency spectrum may impede setting time intervals comparable for low and high frequency bands. Finally, it seems reasonable to include a much larger study group in future research on the organization of neural network transitions, also to obtain greater statistical power.