Fruit fly rearing
Drosophila melanogaster were cultured under standard laboratory conditions at 25℃. Samples were prepared as described in the Methods Details. All fly strains are listed in the key resources table.
Mating duration assay
The mating duration assay in this study has been reported(Kim et al. 2012, 2013; Lee et al. 2023). To enhance the efficiency of the mating duration assay, we utilized the Df(1)Exel6234 (DF here after) genetic modified fly line in this study, which harbors a deletion of a specific genomic region that includes the sex peptide receptor (SPR)(Parks et al. 2004; Yapici et al. 2008). Previous studies have demonstrated that virgin females of this line exhibit increased receptivity to males(Yapici et al. 2008). We conducted a comparative analysis between the virgin females of this line and the CS virgin females and found that both groups induced SMD. Consequently, we have elected to employ virgin females from this modified line in all subsequent studies. For group males, 40 males from the same strain were placed into a vial with food for 5 days. For single reared males, males of the same strain were collected individually and placed into vials with food for 5 days. At the fifth day after eclosion, males of the appropriate strain and DF virgin females were mildly anaesthetized by CO2. After placing a single female in to the mating chamber, we inserted a transparent film then placed a single male to the other side of the film in each chamber. After allowing for 1 h of recovery in the mating chamber in 25℃ incubator, we removed the transparent film and recorded the mating activities. Only those males that succeeded to mate within 1 h were included for analyses. Initiation and completion of copulation were recorded with an accuracy of 10 sec, and total mating duration was calculated for each couple. All assays were performed from noon to 4pm. We conducted blinded studies for every test.
Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing analyses
snRNAseq dataset analyzed in this paper is published(Li et al. 2022b) and available at the Nextflow pipelines (VSN, https://github.com/vib-singlecell-nf), the availability of raw and processed datasets for users to explore, and the development of a crowd-annotation platform with voting, comments, and references through SCope (https://flycellatlas.org/scope), linked to an online analysis platform in ASAP (https://asap.epfl.ch/fca).Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data from the Drosophila melanogaster were obtained from the Fly Cell Atlas website (https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abk2432).
Statistical Tests
Statistical analysis of mating duration assay was described previously(Kim et al. 2012, 2013; Lee et al. 2023). More than 50 males (group and single) were used for mating duration assay. Our experience suggests that the relative mating duration differences between group and single condition and singly reared are always consistent; however, both absolute values and the magnitude of the difference in each strain can vary. So, we always include internal controls for each treatment as suggested by previous studies(Bretman et al. 2011b). Therefore, statistical comparisons were made between groups that were grouply reared and singly reared within each experiment. As mating duration of males showed normal distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, p > 0.05), we used two-sided Student’s t tests. The mean ± standard error (s.e.m) (**** = p < 0.0001, *** = p < 0.001, ** = p < 0.01, * = p < 0.05). All analysis was done in GraphPad (Prism). Individual tests and significance are detailed in figure legends.
Besides traditional t-test for statistical analysis, we added estimation statistics for all MD assays and two group comparing graphs. In short, ‘estimation statistics’ is a simple framework that—while avoiding the pitfalls of significance testing—uses familiar statistical concepts: means, mean differences, and error bars. More importantly, it focuses on the effect size of one’s experiment/intervention, as opposed to significance testing(Claridge-Chang and Assam 2016). In comparison to typical NHST plots, estimation graphics have the following five significant advantages such as (1) avoid false dichotomy, (2) display all observed values, (3) visualize estimate precision, (4) show mean difference distribution. And most importantly (5) by focusing attention on an effect size, the difference diagram encourages quantitative reasoning about the system under study(Ho et al. 2019). Thus, we conducted a reanalysis of all of our two group data sets using both standard t-tests and estimate statistics. In 2019, the Society for Neuroscience journal eNeuro instituted a policy recommending the use of estimation graphics as the preferred method for data presentation(Bernard 2021).
Genotypes of flies used for experiments in this study.
Figure panel
Figures 1A and 1B
Figures 1C and 1D
Figures 1E and 1F
Figures 1G and 1H
Figures 1I and 1J
Figures 1K and 1L
Figures 1Q
Figures 1R
Figures 1S
Figures S1A
Figures S1B
Figures S1D
Figures S1F and S1G
Figures S1J
Figures 2A and 2B
Figures 2C and 2D
Figures 2E and 2F
Figures 2G and 2H
Figures 2I and 2J
Figures 2K and 2L
Figures 2Q and 2R
The following lines were obtained from Bloomington Stock Center (#stock number):
5-HT1B-GAL4(#86276), Ap-GAL4 (#25685), Ddc-GAL4(#7009),Dilp2-GAL4 (#37576),Gad1-GAL4(#51630),GAL4104y(#81014),GAL4c547 (#44272),GAL4MB247 (#50742), GAL4ok107 (#854),GAL80MB247 (#64306), Tdc2-GAL4(#9313), TH-GAL4 (#51982),
Trh-GAL4 (#38388), UAS-NachBac (#9469).
The following lines were obtained from kyoto drosophila stock center (#stock number): GAL4NP5270 (Kyoto # 113657).
GAL414-19 was kind gift from Dr. Ulrike Heberlein (HHMI Janelia Ressearch Campus)
Trh-GAL80 was kind gift from Dr. Amita Sehgal (University of Pennsylvania)