A plasma focus device (PFD) is a source of high-energy electrons, ions, x-rays and neutrons for applications such as radioisotope production1,2, synthesis of nanophase materials3,4, lithography5, thin film material processing6, ion implantation1,7, radiography imaging8, and “Ionology Art for Art Ionology9”. Accordingly, safety and efficiency of PFD operation needs information on ion fluences and energies in PFD space10.
Extensive studies have been performed to characterize ion emission in PFDs in order to determine ion fluence, ion energies, ion emission distribution and energy spatial distribution. Such studies have been commonly by others at one point on or around the z-axis above the anode by applying ion detectors like activation detectors for deuterium and nitrogen ions2,11, Faraday cups for hydrogen, helium, neon, argon and nitrogen ions12–22, Thomson spectrometer for hydrogen, deuterium, helium and nitrogen ions23–26, other methods used time of flight (TOF) technique for hydrogen and carbon27,28, CR-39 for hydrogen, deuterium, neon and nitrogen23,29–33, PM-355 for deuterium ions32, LR-115 for hydrogen ions34 and polycarbonate detectors by using extra aluminum filter as attenuators for nitrogen35.
Recently, a breakthrough 4π ion emission theory by Sohrabi led to discovery of ion emission in 4π PFD ion space36,37. For this discovery, Sohrabi 3D panorama position sensitive mega-size cylindrical polycarbonate ion image detectors (MS-PCIDs) were used around the walls of a PFD for hydrogen, deuterium, helium, and nitrogen ion distribution which observed for the first time “ion cathode shadows” on the MS-PCIDs36–40, In this discovery, “Two-sources Ion Emission Model” was also theorized accordingly based on which ions are emitted in 4π PFD ion space from “anode top” as an intense “point ion source” and “anode cathodes assembly” as a “line ion source36,41”. Also, a third possible ion generating source was discovered in 4π PFD space by Sohrabi which is thought to be due to in-space ion generation42, yet to be further verified. In line with such studies, the effects of different PFD technical parameters on 4π ion emission were studied such as effects of anode geometry on forward wide-angle neon ion emissions and gas pressure on angular distribution of hydrogen ions38,41.
Also, relative ion energy distributions in 4π PFD ion space have been directly observed by unaided eyes on MS-PCIDs during electrochemical etching (ECE) processing by a recently-invented panorama single-cell mega-size (MS-ECE) chamber system applying 50 Hz – HV field strength40,43. The qualitative results also showed that higher-energy ions with low-fluence are on top of the anode axis and low-energy high-fluence ions are at radial distances from the anode axis with an angular distribution. However, there is still a crucial need to determine quantitatively ion energy ranges and distributions in 4π PFD ion space to better understand PFD mechanisms and to better use the ions for different applications.
To quantitatively identify ion energy ranges and distributions in 4π PFD ion space, an ion energy determination method was recently introduced and used in this study. This method has the ability to determine ion penetration range and energy for ions such as He ions, by applying a pre-etching surface layer removal process before ECE processing to small detectors cut from the area of the MS-PCID, called here "Surface Layer Removal” (SLR) process.
Having said the above, it is the purpose of this study is to:
Determine He ion energy ranges and distributions in a Mather-type 3.5 kJ PFD using Sohrabi panorama cylindrical MS-PCID by applying a new SLR process before an ECE process,
Develop and improve practical aspects of the SLR process for extensive ion energy distribution determination in 4π PFD ion space.
Characterize He ion energy spatial distribution along the z-axis on the cylindrical detector and its top cylinder base as well as angular ion energy distribution in 4π PFD ion space, and
Analyze the ion energy ranges and distributions in 4π PFD ion space in comparison with the methods commonly used at single points in limited PFD space.