Quantification of Physical Reserve
We used residual variance modelling in this study to quantify PR.21,22 We selected the Timed Up and Go test (TUG) to derive PR because of its relevance to postural balance,30 as well as its ability to capture critical elements of physical function that discriminate higher vs lower functioning individuals among older clinical populations.31 The Timed Up and Go Test (TUG) is a validated functional mobility assessment tool that assesses the ability to rise from seated position on a chair, walk for 3 meters, turn, and return to seated position. A cut-off of > 13.5 seconds taken to complete the test is indicative of risk of falling for community-dwelling older adults.30
In the study, PR was operationally defined as the unexplained residual variance in Timed Up and Go test (TUG; i.e., dependent variable) after accounting for the effects of age, cognitive capacity, and brain structural integrity (i.e., regressors). Within the context of the current analysis, the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive-13 (ADAS-Cog-13)32 was selected to reflect cognitive capacity, and hippocampal volume was selected to reflect structural integrity.
Cognitive capacity was assessed by the ADAS-Cog-13.32 The ADAS-Cog-13 is a global cognitive function scale that assesses mutliple cognitive domains including memory, language, attention, concentration, and praxis. It is a more sensitive than the original ADAS-Cog (to subtle changes in cognitive function in those with MCI.32 The scores range from 0 to 84 points; higher score indicates poorer cognitive function.
Total hippocampal volume was selected to reflect brain structural integrity for the calculation of PR as the hippocampus is involved in cognitive function, memory, spatial navigation,33–35 and postural balance.36 Estimated intracranial volume (ICV) was also included to adjust for variability in head size.
As such, the residuals – or the variance in TUG not explained by age, ADAS-Cog-13, hippocampal volume, and ICV – from the model is reflective of the variance in TUG explained by PR. Notably, all variables were demeaned (i.e., mean-centered) to minimize multicollinearity before inserted into the regression model. Given that TUG is a time-dependent assessment, standardized residual greater than zero was categorized as low physical reserve, whereas the opposite is labelled as high physical reserve.
Postural balance
Postural balance was assessed by eyes open sway while standing on foam (EOF) and eyes open sway while standing on floor (EONF) components of the Physiological Profile Assessment (PPA).37 Instructions were given to the participants to stand with feet at hip width apart for 30 seconds on a 3-inch high-density foam cushion, as well as on floor. A pen is attached to the participants’ waists via custom apparatus that is horizontally aligned in parallel to the floor for marking the extent of bodily sway in the anterior-posterior, and medial-lateral planes. Total postural balance is determined by the largest distance marked by the pen in mm.
MRI Acquisition
Functional and structural brain MRI was performed with an 8-channel phased array head coil in the research dedicated Philips 3.0-Tesla Achieva scanner at the University of British Columbia MRI Research Center. High-resolution structural T1w imaging was collected with one 6-minute three-dimensional 1 mm isotropic T1 MPRAGE (TR = 1800 ms, TE = 3.50 ms, TI = 800 ms, flip angle = 8°, FOV = 256x200x170 mm). Resting-state functional imaging was collected with one 8-minute T2* weighted echoplanar imaging sequence sensitive to blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast (TR = 2000 ms, TE = 30 ms, flip angle = 90°, FOV = 240x240x143 mm, 3x3x3 mm).
Structural MRI Analysis
As a hallmark of SIVCI,40 higher WMH is significantly correlated with poorer postural stability.5,41 Hippocampal, WMH, and ICV were calculated and obtained from previous analysis. Briefly, ICV was estimated by normalizing each brain image to the MNI atlas template. To ascertain hippocampal and WMH volumes, cortical reconstruction and volumetric segmentation were performed using the FreeSurfer image analysis suite42 developed at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging by Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/). The structural MRI analysis stream incorporated skull-stripping, motion correction, Talairach transformation, registration to standard atlas, and brain parcellation. WMH labels were determined through a probabilistic process in which total WMH volume was calculated on each hemisphere and summed to generate a single WMH value for each study participant. All scans underwent manual checking following the automated segmentation. A Jacobian white matter correction was applied to provide better estimation of regional cortical and subcortical volumes.
Functional MRI Analysis
Functional imaging analysis was conducted with a custom pipeline that incorporated toolboxes from FSL (version, SPM12, and Matlab (R2022b). Data preprocessing included rigid body motion correction, spatial smoothing with a 6.0 mm Full-Width-Half-Maximum Gaussian kernel, high-pass temporal filtering to exclude confounding physiological signals from frequencies below 0.008 Hz. Abnormal spikes in signals due to motion were first removed from the time-series data through FSL’s motion outlier tool, followed by Independent Component Analysis based Automatic Removal of Motion Artifacts to remove remaining motion-related artifacts. Nuisance signals from the cerebral spinal fluid and white matter were included as regressors and their effects were removed via general linear model. Preprocessed time-series data will be extracted from established network templates,43 which will be utilized as seeds for a whole-brain voxelwise correlation to derive voxelwise functional connectivity maps for each associated networks. Fisher’s r-to-z transformation was performed to normalize the extracted seed-voxel correlation to construct the final connectivity matrix.
Functional Neural Networks Associated with Physical Reserve Functional Neural Networks
After functional connectivity maps of the networks of interest (i.e., FPN and DMN) were calculated for each study participant, a higher-level group analysis was carried out via FSL’s general linear model (GLM) and FMRI’s Local Analysis of Mixed Effects (FLAME) to establish group level functional connectivity maps of PR associated with the FPN and DMN. Similar to the steps used for PR quantification described earlier, functional brain mapping for PR were extrapolated as TUG-correlated FPN and DMN connectivity maps computed using two separate GLMs (i.e., one for FPN and one for DMN) that removed the effects of age, cognitive capacity (i.e., ADAS-Cog-13), and brain structural integrity (i.e., hippocampal volume). All regressors were demeaned prior to model fitting. Subsequently, whole-brain voxelwise connectivity maps for PR were derived and statistically thresholded at Z > 2.3 with a cluster correction p threshold of 0.05.
Moderation Analysis
Moderation analysis was performed via the PROCESS package in SPSS (version Three separate moderation models were constructed to examine the moderating effects of PR variable/intranetwork FPN connectivity/intranetwork DMN connectivity on the association between WMH and postural balance: (1) postural balance was set as the dependent variable (i.e., variable Y), WMH was set as the independent variable (i.e., variable X), and TUG-derived physical reserve was set as the moderator (i.e., variable W); (2) postural balance was set as the dependent variable (i.e., variable Y), WMH was set as the independent variable (i.e., variable X), and intranetwork FPN connectivity was set as the moderator (i.e., variable W); and (3) postural balance was set as the dependent variable (i.e., variable Y), WMH was set as the independent variable (i.e., variable X), and intranetwork DMN connectivity was set as the moderator (i.e., variable W).
As computation of PR already adjusted for the effects of age, cognitive capacity, and brain structural integrity, no additional covariates were adjusted for in the moderation analysis. All statistical significance was set at α < 0.05.