: Chronic back pain is defined as pain that continues for 12 weeks or longer is the second most pain reported after headache. It is a very common symptom affecting nearly everyone at certain time in their lives. Chronic back pain is a significant problem for healthcare workers as it contributes to missed participation time, disability and serious emotional issues.
The purpose was to measure the prevalence of chronic back pain and prevalence related with speciality, gender, time spent in work and the effect on daily activities and performance among health care workers in Bashir teaching hospital.
A cross sectional study using self-administered closed ended online questionnaire by google form, stratified random sampling was conducted among Bashir hospital health workers. The questionnaire collected data regarding having chronic back pain, Specialty, duration of working, working hours and affection of daily activities.
Out of 171 participants, the overall prevalence of chronic back pain amounted to 72 (42.1%), prevalence in males was 38.3% while in females was 63.7%. Prevalence in doctors was 59.1%, nurses 28.7%, lab doctors 5.8%, midwifes 4.1% and pharmacist 2.3%. participants less than 24years was 24%, between 24 and 35 years was 56.1%, more than 35years 19.9%.
The prevalence of chronic back pain is more than 40% of the participants, doctors mostly affected while the nurses come second. female higher involved than male. CBP had rule on reduction of daily activities and psychological health aspects although most of participants had mild to moderate back pain.