Figure 1 shows the frequency distributions at 20 days after inoculation for scores of bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in the parents, in the F1, F2, BC11, BC21 generations and in the control. The genitors Yoshimatsu and Hawaii 7996 showed a frequency of 100% of plants resistant to bacterial wilt, with a score of 1, characterized by the absence of symptoms. These results corroborate Costa et al. (2018), who found the same percentage of plants of the Yoshimatsu cultivar resistant to wilt. Mendes et al. (2018) working with Yoshimatsu and Hawaii 7996 observed a low incidence of bacterial wilt, with only 2.77% of plants showing symptoms. It is worth noting that the studies by Costa et al. (2018) and Mendes et al. (2018) were also carried out with inoculation of Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Therefore, the Yoshimatsu and Hawaii 7996 genotypes can be considered as resistance standards for this study.
The control IPA-7 confirmed the high incidence and severity of the CRMRs 116 isolate as it showed a high susceptibility pattern, with 100% of the plants showing symptoms of bacterial wilt. IPA-7 showed 78 plants with a score of 5, i.e. dead plants, and 21 plants with a score of 4, showing completely wilted plants. Similar results were also observed by Costa et al. (2018) in relation to the susceptibility pattern of IPA-7.
Based on the bacterial wilt data on the resistant genitors and the susceptible control, grade 2 was established as a truncation point, i.e. the point that separates resistant plants from susceptible plants according to the highest frequency of plants below and above it. Resistant plants are those with score 1 with no symptoms, or score 2 with symptoms up to 1/3 of the wilted plant; susceptible plants are those with scores 3, 4 and 5.
The F1 generation had 66% of plants with a score of 1 and 31% with a score of 2, i.e. 97% resistant plants. In the F2 generation, there were plants with scores in all ranges, with resistant plants with scores 1 and 2 (34%), but more frequently with scores 3 and 4 (64%). The scores outside the upper limit of the genitors in the segregating population demonstrate the occurrence of transgressive segregation towards susceptibility, indicating that the expression of resistance is probably governed by more than one gene, thus being oligogenic or polygenic in nature, and also suggesting that different loci are involved in the genetic control of the resistance trait in each genitor. A similar result was found by Silva Lobo et al. (2005), who observed transgressive segregation in F2 populations obtained from tomato materials with different levels of resistance to bacterial spot, which is also a disease that significantly affects the crop.
The BC11 generation (F1 x Yoshimatsu) showed a pattern of bacterial wilt tending towards resistance, with 94% resistant plants and only 3% dead plants. For the other backcross BC12 (F1 x Hawaii 7996), there was also a pattern of bacterial wilt tending towards resistance, as a total of 92% resistant plants were found for only 5% dead plants. In backcrossing, each generation the proportion of heterozygous loci is reduced by 50% compared to the previous one, so the re-establishment of resistance observed indicates a strong influence of the homozygous loci. This behavior was also observed by Costa et al. (2018) in plants obtained from backcrossing using the Yoshimatsu genitor.
In general, there is an approximation to a continuous distribution, which can be seen in the F2 generation, in which the plants are distributed in all the grades established for the scale, indicating that possibly the inheritance of resistance to R. pseudosolanacearum in the Yoshimatsu cultivar is different from the inheritance of resistance governed by Hawaii 7996 and reinforcing the idea that the inheritance of resistance is governed by more than one gene, probably oligogenic or polygenic.
Table 1 shows the mean and variance components at 20 days after inoculation obtained from the scores of bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in the genitors, in the F1, F2, BC11, BC21 generations. As for the average, it can be seen that the values of the genitors were the same (1.00). The mean of the F1 generation (1.11) is close to the mean of the resistant genitors, which indicates that the resistance character is greatly influenced by dominant alleles, since in the F1 generation the dominant alleles overlap with the recessive ones. This hypothesis is reinforced by looking at the average of the other generations, in which F2 and the two backcrosses tended towards resistance scores. Dominant alleles linked to resistance to bacterial wilt were also reported by Sharma and Sharma (2015).
As for gene effects, the contribution of non-additive gene effects [d] predominated over the contribution of additive gene effects [a], which shows that the deviation from the mean is mainly due to heterozygous loci. The average degree of dominance (GMD) found was greater than 1, and with a negative value, it is characteristic of an overdominant allelic interaction in the direction of resistance, reinforcing the strong influence of non-additive gene effects on the deviation from the mean.
Table 1
Averages and variances in plants of Yoshimatsu (P1), Hawaii 7996 (P2), generations F1, F2, BC11, and BC21; Average components; χc2 value (p = 0.05) for test of the dominant additive model; components of variance and heritability in the broad and narrow sense in relation to resistance to bacterial wilt caused by R. pseudosolanacearum at 20th days after inoculation. Recife-PE, 2019
Average Components
Variance Components
m = estimated average of the parents; [a] = additive gene effect; [d] = non-additive gene effect; ADD = mean degree of dominance; χc2 = Chi square for the test of the dominant additive model; VE = Enviromental variance; VG = Genetic variance; VA = variance due to additive effects; VD = variance due to non-additive effects; h2a = heritability in the broad sense (%) e h2r = heritability in the narrow sense (%).
These mean component results are consistent since the dominant additive model is efficient for explaining the inheritance of resistance to Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum in the tomato genotypes Yoshimatsu and Hawaii 7996, since its validity is proven by the fact that there are no significant differences using the chi-square test (χc2) at 5% probability. According to Ramalho et al. (2012) the absence of epistasis facilitates the selection process in plant breeding programs.
As for the variances, it can be seen that both the Yoshimatsu and Hawaii 7996 genitors showed zero variances, due to the full resistance reaction, in which no plants showed symptoms. In the segregating generations, variance values were higher than those of the parents, even though the crosses were between similar individuals for the resistance character, which can be explained by the recombination of genes characteristic of the generations and by the distribution of plants in all grades of the evaluation scale. Null variance for the resistant genotype (Yoshimatsu) was also found in the studies conducted by Costa et al. (2018) and Costa et al. (2019) when conducting inheritance studies for tomato resistance to Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum and Ralstonia solanacearum, respectively.
Regarding the variance components, there was a low contribution from the environmental variance (0.1888), which indicates that the variation is mostly due to genetic factors (0.9987). From the genetic variance, it can be inferred that the additive variance (0.8817) makes a greater contribution than the variance due to non-additive effects (0.1169). In this sense, it can be seen that homozygous loci make a greater contribution to the genetic variability observed in the population.
Both the broad-sense heritability (84.10%) and the narrow-sense heritability (74.25%) were considered high. Heritability is a value obtained from the selection of plants at any time during the evaluation period, and it tells us how reliably the phenotypic value is linked to the genotypic value (Vencovsky 1987). Characteristics with high heritability are very favorable for the efficient selection of superior individuals in breeding programs, since they have low environmental influence, thus reducing the chances of good genotypes being masked or bad genotypes being mistakenly chosen, and high heritability provides greater certainty that the resistance characteristic will be maintained throughout the generations. It is worth noting that the high heritability in the restricted sense confirms the greater contribution of additivity to the resistance trait and corroborates Costa et al. (2018) and Costa et al. (2019) who observed a greater increase in additive gene effects when studying the inheritance of resistance to bacterial wilt in the Yoshimatsu and IPA-7 cultivars.
Table 2 shows the summary values of the analysis of variance, genetic and phenotypic parameters of the 60 F2:3 tomato progenies at 20 days after inoculation, obtained from the scores for bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum. Using the F-test at 1% probability, it was possible to identify significant differences between the F2:3 progenies. The significance of this test indicates the existence of variability among the progenies, a very favorable factor for the development of plant breeding programs. Based on this preliminary analysis, it is important to identify how much of the phenotypic variability found among the progenies is genetic or environmental in nature. To this end, the genetic parameters were estimated using analysis of variance with information on the plot, as done by Costa et al. (2018) in segregating tomato progenies. It is worth noting that Costa et al. (2018) also found variability between progenies using this methodology.
Table 2
Summary of the analyses of variance, genetic and phenotypic parameters of 60 F2:3 tomato progenies and their respective parents in relation to scores for bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum at 20 days after inoculation. Recife-PE, 2019
Source of variation
Grades / Parameters
Between progenies
Within progenies
VF total
VF between progenies
VG within progenies
VG between de progenies
VE environmental
h² progeny average (%)
h² within progenies (%)
h² individual block (%)
h² individual experiment (%)
CVe% experimental (CV1)
CVee% experimental between (CV2)
CVge% genetic between (CV3)
CVgd% genetic within (CV4)
e between progenies
e within progenies
**: Significant at 1% probability by the F test. e between families: CVge/CVee. e within families: CVgd/CVee.
Considering the principle that phenotypic variance is the result of the sum of genetic factors, environmental factors and their interaction, the analysis of variance shows that the variability in the F2:3 progenies is mainly due to genetic factors. The total phenotypic variance was 2.3726 and the genetic variance between the progenies was 1.9628, indicating high genetic variability and showing that around 83% of the variance observed is due to genetic factors, a fact that is further reinforced by the smaller contribution of the environmental variance of 0.0310.
The phenotypic variance within progenies was 0.3744 and, as between progenies, a greater genetic contribution to phenotypic expression can be seen when observing the genetic variance within progenies of 0.3271, i.e. around 89% of the phenotypic variance is inherent to genetic factors. There is a greater contribution from the genetic part between progenies than within progenies, a fact that was also observed by Costa et al. (2018). Genetic variance is the most important portion of phenotypic variance for the success of the selection process in breeding programs, so knowledge of genetic parameters in bacterial wilt resistance experiments is fundamental (Borém et al. 2021).
The estimates of the coefficients of heritability at progeny mean level (98.23%) and at plant level within blocks and within experiment (96.52%) exceed those within progenies (87.37%). It is therefore clear that selection based on progenies and at plant level within blocks and within experiments is more efficient than selection based on plants within progenies, although the latter type of selection should not be ruled out, as the heritability values, regardless of the method, were high. According to Vencovsky (1987) and Borém et al. (2021), the estimate of the heritability coefficient tells us how reliably the phenotypic value represents the genotypic value, in other words, how accurate it is. Nevertheless, considering the high heritabilities found, it is clear that there is a high probability of efficiency in selecting plants resistant to Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum, as well as predicting high genetic gains. The total experimental coefficient of variation (CV1) and the experimental coefficient of variation between progenies (CV2) showed values of 9.83% and 5.32, respectively, which are low and, according to Ferreira criteria (2018), indicate good experimental precision (Table 4).
The e between progenies (CV3/CV2) represents the ratio between the genetic coefficient of variation between progenies divided by the experimental coefficient of variation between progenies. O e within progenies (CV4/CV2) represents the ratio between the genetic coefficient of variation within progenies divided by the experimental coefficient of variation between progenies. According to Vencovsky (1987), both parameters indicate the feasibility of practicing selection that allows for good genetic gains. The two indices showed values of 7.95 and 3.25, respectively, and these ratios, which are well above 1.0, reinforce what was discussed earlier, in terms of the genetic contribution being significantly higher than the environmental influence, as well as indicating high genetic variability, especially between progenies, showing that there is sufficient variability to allow for improvement and selection between and within progenies in relation to bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum.
Table 3 shows the Scott-Knott grouping test of 60 F2:3 tomato progenies and their respective parents, Hawaii 7996 and Yoshimatsu, at 20 days after inoculation based on the scores for bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum. It was possible to classify the F2:3 progenies and genitors into two groups, separating them into phenotypic classes of resistance and susceptibility. The first group consisted of the cultivars Yoshimatsu, Hawaii 7996 and 18 progenies that did not differ significantly from each other and were therefore considered resistant to bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum: 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 33, 40, 45, 47, 50, 55, 59 and 60. The second group corresponded to 42 families that differed statistically from the resistant cultivars and were therefore classified as susceptible to Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57 and 58.
Table 3
Scott-Knott grouping of 60 F2:3 tomato progenies and their respective parents, Hawaii 7996 and Yoshimatsu, at 20 days after inoculation based on the scores for bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum. Recife-PE, 2019
Hawaii 7996
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 30
4.06 b
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 31
4.20 b
Progeny F2:3 # 1
4.33 b
Progeny F2:3 # 32
4.13 b
Progeny F2:3 # 2
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 33
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 3
4.26 b
Progeny F2:3 # 34
4.20 b
Progeny F2:3 # 4
4.33 b
Progeny F2:3 # 35
4.06 b
Progeny F2:3 # 5
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 36
3.93 b
Progeny F2:3 # 6
4.20 b
Progeny F2:3 # 37
4.26 b
Progeny F2:3 # 7
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 38
4.13 b
Progeny F2:3 # 8
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 39
3.93 b
Progeny F2:3 # 9
4.53 b
Progeny F2:3 # 40
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 10
4.20 b
Progeny F2:3 # 41
4.53 b
Progeny F2:3 # 11
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 42
3.80 b
Progeny F2:3 # 12
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 43
4.26 b
Progeny F2:3 # 13
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 44
4.00 b
Progeny F2:3 # 14
4.06 b
Progeny F2:3 # 45
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 15
4.40 b
Progeny F2:3 # 46
4.06 b
Progeny F2:3 # 16
4.13 b
Progeny F2:3 # 47
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 17
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 48
4.13 b
Progeny F2:3 # 18
4.13 b
Progeny F2:3 # 49
4.26 b
Progeny F2:3 # 19
4.06 b
Progeny F2:3 # 50
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 20
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 51
4.20 b
Progeny F2:3 # 21
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 52
4.20 b
Progeny F2:3 # 22
4.26 b
Progeny F2:3 # 53
4.13 b
Progeny F2:3 # 23
4.00 b
Progeny F2:3 # 54
4.13 b
Progeny F2:3 # 24
3.80 b
Progeny F2:3 # 55
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 25
4.26 b
Progeny F2:3 # 56
4.06 b
Progeny F2:3 # 26
3.73 b
Progeny F2:3 # 57
3.66 b
Progeny F2:3 # 27
4.26 b
Progeny F2:3 # 58
4.00 b
Progeny F2:3 # 28
4.33 b
Progeny F2:3 # 59
1.00 a
Progeny F2:3 # 29
4.33 b
Progeny F2:3 # 60
1.00 a
Averages followed by the same letter in the column do not differ significantly by the Scott-Knott grouping test at 5% probability.
Based on the phenotypic distribution of resistance and susceptibility of the 60 F2:3 progenies and considering that the loci involved in resistance are different between the cultivars, according to the results discussed, Table 4 shows the hypotheses for the genetic control of resistance. The chi-square test was used by Carvalho Filho et al. (2011), Batista et al. (2013) Costa et al. (2018) and Costa et al. (2019) to identify and test hypotheses about the number of genes linked to the inheritance of resistance. The first hypothesis tested was that of a gene, in which resistance would be promoted in recessive homozygosity arising from the genetic inheritance of the Yoshimatsu cultivar, or dominant homozygosity due to the contribution of the Hawaii 7996 cultivar, in which a 2:2 phenotypic segregation would be expected. The test for this hypothesis showed significant differences using the chi-squared test at 5% probability, indicating that resistance is governed by more than one gene.
Table 4
Chi square tests (χc2) (p = 0.05) for genetic control hypotheses of resistance to R. pseudosolanacearum in Yoshimatsu and Hawaii 7996 tomato cultivars at 20th days after inoculation in 60 F2:3 progenies. Recife-PE, 2019
One gene
AA; aa
Two gene
AABB; aabb; Aabb; AAbb; AABb
AaBB; aaBb; aaBB; AaBb; AaBB
Three gene
17.8 ns
AABBDD; aabbdd; Aabbdd; Aabbdd; AAbbDd; AAbbDD; AABbdd; AABbDd; AABbDd; AABBdd; AABBDd;
AaBBDD; aabbDd; aabbDD; aaBbdd; aaBbDd; aaBbDD; aaBBdd; aaBBDd; aaBBDD; AabbDd; AabbDD; AaBbdd; AaBbDd; AaBbDD; AaBBdd; AaBBDd; AaBBDD
Expected and observed frequency for 1, 2 and 3 genes with partial dominance and/or recessive dominance. *= Significant at 5% probability. ns = Not significant at 5% probability. χc2 at 5% probability: 3.84.
The second hypothesis tested was the existence of two genes, in which, similar to the previous hypothesis, resistance would be caused by the expression of the locus in recessive homozygosity due to the genetic inheritance of the Yoshimatsu cultivar and/or dominant homozygosity due to the contribution of the Hawaii 7996 cultivar, in which the expected phenotypic ratio would be 13:17. In this case, significant differences were also obtained using the chi-square test at 5% probability, indicating that more than two genes were involved.
Next, the three-gene hypothesis was tested, considering that resistance would be governed by the expression of two genes in recessive homozygosity arising from the genetic inheritance of the Yoshimatsu cultivar and/or dominant homozygosity due to the contribution of the Hawaii 7996 cultivar, in which the expected phenotypic segregation would be 9:21. This hypothesis was confirmed, as the chi-squared test showed no significant differences at 5% probability.
Given these results, it can be inferred that resistance to R. pseudosolanacearum in the progenies evaluated has an oligogenic character, resulting from the action of three genes, two of which are the contribution of the Yoshimatsu cultivar and conditioned by recessive alleles, and one characterizing the contribution of the Hawaii 7996 cultivar, conditioned by dominant alleles with a partial dominance effect. These results corroborate those observed by Costa et al. (2018) who, when evaluating the resistance of the Yoshimatsu cultivar to R. pseudosolanacearum, pointed to the action of two genes of greater effect in recessive homozygosis as being responsible for the resistance characteristic. Grimault et al. (1995) in inheritance studies with the Hawaii 7996 cultivar in relation to resistance to bacterial wilt also indicate dominant monogenic genetic control, although they did not observe a partial effect of dominance.
It is worth noting that the confirmation of the hypothesis that the genetic inheritance of resistance to R. pseudosolanacearum is the result of different loci in the Yoshimatsu and Hawaii 7996 cultivars provides important contributions to breeding programs, offering information that can be exploited to develop new sources of resistance that include the loci of both cultivars, opening up possibilities for the development of resistant cultivars with lower chances of resistance being broken by the pathogen.