This study demonstrates a practical method for CPA freezing point assessment. Furthermore, invasive and non-invasive thermal tracking shows the temperature profile of the VCA throughout the supercooling protocol, which led to reduction of the rewarming time and thereby limiting unnecessary WIT. Moreover, in ex vivo experiments we show the benefits of pressure-controlled, stepwise switching between solutions and lower CPA concentrations.
Optimization of CPA freezing points prior to ex vivo studies, allows for assessment of freezing probability, which is especially relevant in an unstable phase such as supercooling. For hearts, zebrafish has been shown to be a useful high-throughput model for organ preservation research.[9] Especially useful here is the ability to assess heart function in the zebrafish. For VCAs such a model does not exist. However, ice nucleators seem to have been the main challenge for VCAs, considering VCAs inherently contain ice nucleators such as hair, fat, bone, and nails which are in contact with the storage solution during the storage phase. Therefore, assessing freezing points with the aimed tissues and volumes is of interest and can provide more precise prediction of the solution’s stability. In this study, this was demonstrated by the higher freezing probability of the Glycerol 2% BSA 15%, which was indeed the only group with one replicate that froze. As such, this step of performing CPA optimization prior to animal studies can reduce the number of live animals needed as no functional analysis is necessary until stable CPA combinations are established. In terms of relevance to the clinic, being aware of which ingredients influence the solution’s stability at subzero temperatures has relevance, as it will inform decision-making on which essential ingredients to include and at which temperatures to store the organs. The lower the temperature, the lower the tissues metabolism and this degradation, however, if the risk of freezing is too high, the risks will not outweigh the benefits. To increase efficiency further, future studies could focus on the development of a functional high-throughput model specifically for VCAs, such as an in vitro cell model or microfluidic device[26], which can be used of CPA optimization prior to performing ex vivo studies.
Our thermal tracking methodologies provided insights into the temperature profiles within VCAs during supercooling. Even though thermocouples are invasive, they provide valuable insight into the temperature profile and (in)homogeneity throughout the supercooling phases. By establishing a heating time of 1.5 minutes to reach 0°C, we provide a concrete, evidence-based recommendation to minimize WIT [5] which can also be established for larger organ models (e.g. human upper extremity) using the same technique. Granted, the fast rewarming time in this study is due to the small size of the tissue, this tissue size is comparable to the size of a human digit. Larger specimens, such as human arms would be expected to require longer rewarming times, in the realm of tens of minutes, which can be tested more precisely using the methods shown in this study. The FLIR imaging technique offers a non-invasive method for assessing temperature changes, thereby balancing between detail and tissue integrity. Use of the technique during temperature changes is not unlike dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT), used for the detection of perforator mapping and providing information on arterial and venous hemodynamics by the use of air flow cooling [27, 28]. On the downside, this technique only allows for assessment of superficial tissue due to limited penetration depth. With this in mind, there could be a role for FLIR during machine perfusion as a non-invasive method for assessing perfusion and thermal dynamics in the superficial regions of the tissue.
Perhaps most notably, the study's ex vivo experiments, involving stepwise CPA loading versus traditional single-step protocols, reveal an advantage in controlled, gradual CPA introduction. During the loading phase, no differences are seen, apart from those that are direct consequences of the stepwise loading during the cooling phase, such as lowering of the flow due to increased viscosity and decreased temperature, and increase of potassium due to high potassium concentrations in HTK at 90 min. During the recovery phase, improved arterial resistance and lower weight change was observed in stepwise CPA loading compared to the single-step group. Possible explanations are a reduction in endothelial damage and osmotic shock, which would explain why the 2% Glycerol 15% BSA group shows the most improved recovery with higher oxygen consumption and lower weight gain than the other groups. These findings challenge the existing single-step protocol and make provision for more refined approaches in VCA preservation, with the aim of protecting the organ against damage.
Limitations of this study include challenges posed by small animal ex vivo models, such as the low flow which can influence replicability. However, with complex experiments such as the ex vivo experiments performed in this study, breaking down some of the variables in simpler models such as freezing assessment in vials and determining heating dynamics, increases the reliability of results, and simultaneously increases the replicability. Furthermore, upon translation, some of the complicating variables in small animal models, such as low flow, are not expected to be an issue in large animal models [7]. Conversely, large models will bring their own challenges with increasing volumes. Further improvements to the supercooling protocol would allow for the transplantation of supercooled grafts, thereby providing additional insights into the postoperative development of the grafts and their differences compared to VCAs that underwent traditional SCS. Major hurdles to overcome are to control the substantial weight changes and the development of an optimal storage solution that fulfills the needs of VCAs. Of special interest would be a deeper understanding of the capillary network and endothelial function in VCAs. It is known that the endothelium and number of capillaries are organ-specific and are present in high numbers in muscle tissue. The endothelium contains tight junctions, in contrast to, for example, liver endothelium, which influences the leakage permitted past this barrier. Future studies that elucidate the endothelial function in VCAs and how this can be modulated to improve preservation outcomes, will be of great interest to the preservation field as well as directly relevant to clinical practice. In reconstructive surgery, recovery of tissue such as digits or even entire extremities, is severely limited by the maximum preservation time of 6 hours. Not only for military personnel in low-resource settings but also in daily clinical practice, 6 hours to reach a specialized hospital, create a personalized reconstructive plan, and perform the surgery is logistically challenging. Even when VCAs are successfully replanted, during follow-up, edema remains a challenge, delaying wound healing or even causing further damage by compressing critical structures such as arteries.
In conclusion, our study broadens the existing knowledge in the field of organ preservation by introducing new considerations such as CPA optimization prior to ex vivo and in vivo studies, thermal tracking, and use of stepwise switches between preservation solutions, taking osmotic variations into account. By highlighting the effectiveness of novel preservation techniques and methodologies, this research sets a new direction for enhancing VCA preservation, providing methodological guidance to effectively improve outcomes, which can be applied when upscaling to large animal models and to transplantation outcomes.